Cost centre settings

Hi experts,
  Can somebody pls tell me the cost centre settings in ISU?is it necessary to create a dummy profit centre in FICA?

Use KS01/KS02/KS03 to create/modify/view cost centers
Use KE51/KE52/KE53 to create/modify/view Profit centers.
Do remember once you create them in CO, you have to map them in FICA @ IMG\FICA\Basic Settings\Postings & Documents\Document\Define Account assignments for automatic postings\Define CO Assignment keys.
If you are not in ECC, you need to create Dummy profit center in CO and map them into FICA.
Mail has bounced back to me
Hope this helps

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    Its simple..........
    In UD screen you have stock posting options like scrap ,sample ,new material etc.
    Now when you mention cost center in Scrap means -
    >while stock posting your material will be consumed against this cost center--->mvt type 350
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    The locking indicators will works as under
    1. If the locking indicator is on then it will not allow to post revernue. But still this can be posted statistically.
    2. If the indicator is removed then you can post actual values.
    You can change these indicators any time and it will not have any negative impact on old transactions.
    This may help

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    Hi Jai,
    Could you please share how did you achieve this functionality?
    We are trying to implement similar functionality.
    Thank you

  • Po with account assignment cost centre

    dear friends,
    When creating PO with account assignment cost centre, system should default GL account (i.e G/L will be picked automatically instead of entering manually.
    How this can be customized?
    regards, thanks

    The following configs are required.
    1. SPRO -> MM -> Purchase -> Material Master -> Entry aids -> here you maintain all relevant material groups, corresponding valuation class and Purchasing valuation key
    2. Then in OKB9, you will maintain company code, cost element, and cost center
    3. THen in OBYC, Valuation group code, valuation class and GL account.
    With the above settings, the system will automatically detemine the GL account.
    Thanks and warm regards,

  • GL account and Cost Centre Info

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    Thanks and Regards

    All the data that you mention is held in ERP. SRM uses RFC connections to validate if the data that a user enters is correct.
    The cost centres that a user can select can be maintained in the org structure or the search help functionality (that requires a dialog rfc connection) can be activated.
    The default GL account for a product category can be maintained within the SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Account Assignment -> Define G/L Account for Product Category and Account Assignment Category img activity.
    Hope this answers a couple of your queries.

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    thanks & regards
    Chaitanya Rayaprolu

    As far as my understanding, cost centre will not be attached to inventory gain/ loss account. We assign GL account for physical inventory differences in GBB - INV in OBYC which do not require a cost centre. Scrapping process requires a cost centre as it is a process loss but PI differences do not require cost centre assignment. We assign GL accounts (which are set up as cost elements) in OBYC settings for some postings like VNG, VBR etc which requires CO object assignment.

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    I am trying to create a new work centre based on the settings of a previous one? First of all,how I can do this?
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    All help greatly appreciated,will award points to all useful answers.
    Edited by: PAPJ1 on May 20, 2011 11:01 AM

    You can create a new work center by copying an existing work center. in the cr01 screen in the copy from column put the plant name and Ref. work center name and put enter. all the existing data will be copied to the newly created work center. no need to create new assignment to  Production Scheduller and Cost Center.
    Hope it helps.

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    Please let me know.Thanks in advance.

    The way it works is opposite of how you want to use. In the WBS element control tab, you can mark a WBS element as statistical, which means that the WBS element is statistical and choose to post the actual costs to a cost center, which you can enter in the master data. When you post FB50 the WBS will be statistical and cost center will be real.
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      You can do it through the Enhancement -PBAS0001
    Exit -EXIT_SAPFP50M_001
    write the logic here for making the field kostl as input field depending on the location.
    Reward points if useful


    hi every one,
    When i create PO with Acc *** Cat system ask for cost centre and by default it takes the G/L account this is for standard 1000 Co.code.
    in my case i did all the settings but system dose not show the g/l account and CC.
    why is it happening.?

    thanks manohar raju ,
    But why system is not taking the g/l account from my you asd the error msg is "400000 g/l account cannot be used" this is because when i maintain g/l account manually.
    for this G/L account in FS00 i even maintained the cost element on header level of the g/l account i.e 400000.(this assignment is even made in OKB9)
    Edited by: MANI ROOPA SD/MM on Apr 21, 2008 2:01 PM

  • Cost centre with G/L account

    Hi All,
    I need some information on how system is picking G/L account automatically when i enter cost centre.
    Where these settings are made.
    Your help is highly appreciated

    I dont think when you enter a Cost centre, the GL will be picked automatically.  Could you please tell me where you are able to do like this ?
    Instead when you make a fi posting, you can mention the cost centre in the CO assignment field so that the cost element created for the particular GL account will be posted in that Cost centre.  It would be appropriate to say the cost element will automatically updated in the Cost Centre.  Gl is linked to Cost element which is linked to Cost centre.  You can assign a Cost centre by default in the master of Cost element or you can mention a Cost centre in the GL posting or you can define automatic account assignments for Cost elements through (OKb9).

  • Assignment of Activity Types to Cost Centre

      i am  creating a work centre and for costing purposes i need to give the activity type and the cost centre.
      even though i have defined an activity type and in it used an allocation cost element which in term is assigned to a cost centre,in the work centre when i search for the activity type the system shows an error.....No activity types assigned to cost center X, controlling area Y on 07.02.2007 where X and Y are variables ofcourse.
      what could be the possible reason?
      thanks and regards

    Hi shekhar,
    Check using KL02 or KL03 again, especially the validity dates of the activity type and may be the coster center KS02, KS03 as well.  I hope, that controlling area is fine.
    There must be some settings wrong, ...
    Please reward, wenn it is useful.
    Kind regards,

  • Activity Types and Cost Centres

    Our PP is not yet live now.
    While going through the system settings, it is found that many activities (approx. 15 for indirect expenses also) are planned in the Production Cost Centres.
    However, these activities are not included in the master data of the Work Centre. Only one activity type is mentioned there for machining.
    Then, what is the purpose of other activity types planned if they are not mentioned in the Work Centre ?
    Is there any other way these activity costs will appear in the Cost report ?

    You are almost on the right line, activity quantities will be triggered in the  cost center report based on the routing master and through  the confirmation from the production orders.
    For the creation of the  work center - Activity Planning KP26 is required. Cost center/Activity
    where we can plan the activity quantities.
    Prior to that KP06 is required to plan the  primary cost combination of (Cost Element/Cost center/Activity Type) where we can plan the cost.
    Based on the above information we can calculate the plan price - KSPI
    Based on the confirmation from the production orders activity quantities will be updated in the center report. cost will be updated with actual postings in the cost center.
    So that you can calculate the actual activity price.
    Please look into the blog for better understanding:
    Expenses Analysis and Its splitting  - Part 1
    Pavan Kumar Arvapally

  • Maintain a custom cost centre heirachy

    Hi all,
    Just wondering if someone could help me with the following: I am looking to maintain a custom cost centre heirachy, transaction OKENN shows the current ones, however I need a few pointers on how they are set and deleted to assist in maintaining.
    Thanks in advance.

    Controlling Area Settings (OKKP) regulates the Hierarchy. By defualt a Hierarchy is set as Standard and SAP provides options to use Alternative Hierarchies both for CC and PC. You can create and assign it in OKKP and use via OKENN.

Maybe you are looking for