Cpu voltage problem

I cant seem to my cpu voltage over 0.630 v it says on the right "this is the offset to adjust the current cpu voltage.Read the realtime cpu voltage in cpu vcore in the h/w moniter. " so i have to do cpu voltage calculations? How much cpu vcore is 0.010 voltage then im confused
Btw i have a x58a gd45 mobo with ami 2.52 bios

The self contained water cooling solutions are no better than a high end air cooler. I have the H70 and used that on my 2600K. The results were never spectacular and I must have changed the paste more than 4 times, tried different fans  etc,. Then I installed a Noctua Air Cooler and found that the temps are slightly lower than with the H70, but the noise was so much less. Those 140mm fans on the air cooler are much quieter than the wind noise created by forcing air through those tightly packed radiator fins. Just some food for thought.
There are some excellent air coolers that cost a lot less than the water cooled solutions and perform as well; the Zalman that Henry mentioned and that HU16E uses, is one of the better options out there.
Here is a nice site that does extensive cooler testing. http://www.frostytech.com/top5heatsinks.cfm
d still like to know on why my GPU drivers dont function sometimes
Is this a new problem ? You didn't mention anything about your GPU before. Perhaps a good time to post your full system spec. >>Posting Guide<<

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    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-December-11, 06:36:18
    You changed processor recently?
    What is telling you about the voltage? And, why did you wonder about the voltage?
    What RAM memory have you got?
    Clear CMOS. Pull power-cable out first.
    Thanks for replying fredrik.
    I didn't change the anything.
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    Welcome to club of owners 990FX-GD80, it is necessary to try new bios E7640AMS.B37 (v11.3B7).

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    Just using CoreCenter my 12v is a steady 12.14, 5v at 5.05, 3.3 at 3.33 but vcore which should be the steadiest runs between 1.37 and 1.42 with jumps or drops of up to .04. Prior to wed it never made it past 1.39 so maybe it will even itself out at 1.4  +- .02. My other MSI board a KT6V with a 2500 Barton runs a steady 1.63 with a cheaper PSU and a slight oc and the combined price of the 3 is around what I paid for the neo4 board. Maybe I'm expecting to much to think that if you pay more for something the quality should be better. (this might be old news but look at the class action suit against ABIT for using a defective capacitor on their boards http://www.abitsettlement.com )Quote from: Apple renegade on 18-February-05, 01:25:52
    @home I have a good Volt meter. It cost me more then my mobo. So don't expect the world out the accuricy
    Apple that is like comparing apples and oranges  there is a big difference in a volt meter which has to handle a large range of voltages and amps and a dedicated chip on a motherboard. The CPU is designed so that at 1.4 volt and a given frequency it gives you a signal strength at the transistor that determines a 1 or 0 bit. "undervolt"only increases the chances of bad data if there is a weak transistor and raising the voltage is only needed if the signal strength drops from the increase in frequency.

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    This is a known v1.4 BIOS Bug.  It was fixed in BIOS v1.5b1 and in all BETA Releases that followed.  If you don't want to flash a BETA Release, you need to wait for the Release of the official/final v1.5 version.

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    I always think it's easier to swap the P/S then to guess it's the MB, and wait for an RMA if the Voltage reg is going bad.
    I don't advocate blindly buying one unless your dead sure, but that's why having a friend with one fits the bill.    Then you know before you spend the money for a P/S or send for RMA.

  • Problem with CPU Voltage

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    MSI P55-GD65
    G.Skill 2x2GB CL7 ECO
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    I have similar issues, it's hard to tell which measurement is the most accurate, there are 2 different measurements in the control center that don't match up with the figures set in the bios.  The only way to be sure would be to get an expensive accurate multimeter but If you're only interested in running a stable overclocked computer without knowing the exact figures then get the computer running stable and lower the voltages until it starts to become unstable with prime95,
    Or you could work the other way round, set the voltages so it boots but doesn't run prime95 for long, then raise the vcore and vtt one at a time until your happy with the length of time prime95 runs without errors.  I'd be happy with 24 hours, I seem to remember errors creeping in at around the 9 hour mark on the setting below what I have it set to now.

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    Has anybody had this problem?

    Yes even when I have Intel C-STATE and Intel EIST disabled.
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    Thanks for all your help.

  • MOVED: Question on CPU VID and CPU voltage.

    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.

    I don't own a Neo2 anymore, although I wish I did. IMO it is THE best s939 AGP board out there. It is good to hear there is some dividers available in the BIOS now too, lol.
    Anyway, if you mess with the different CPU voltage settings, you are sure to find a combo that puts it right where you want it. And I measured the vcore directly off of the board with a mm - I don't usually trust apps for that sort of thing when pushing 1.7+ volts into a 90nm or 65nm CPU.
    It is also my experience that Ntune should only be used in case of emergency, if all else fails. I have had nothing but problems with that stupid program and I wouldn't touch it again with your PC if I had the choice. If you've got clockgen, A64 Info, and Core Center, you can rule the world.

  • [865PE/G Neo2 Series] CPU VCore CPU Voltage funny looking after Flash Update 3.A

    Hi There,
    I have just updated the flash on my computer thru the LiveUpdate running on windows 2000 (without a floppydisk),... the flash ran thru without error and rebooted,... then i ran thru the BIOS settings and came to Frequency/Voltage Control,... BLIP said the computer and then i saw the CPU Voltage (V) saying = ╕65¤ ┐   (not really this sign: ¤ but it is as close as i can get it tiny o with a line on top and buttom of it)
    However the system seems (so far (still with the SATA shutdown problem) ) be working fine,... as long as i keep CPU Vcore Adjust on NO,...
    I tried reflashing the system,.. same result, i tried coldbooting,... same thing,...

    sorry bout the "hijacking" thingi .....i am a newbie...sorry again...i already start a new topic ...thankss 4 your all help bye... come join in if u can  helpthanks
     me...i relly need some help ...
    motherboard - MSI 865PE neo-2 Platinum edition...processor - P4P (Presscott) Pentium 4E 90nm 2.8 - 4GHz 1.25 - 1.40v...bought from U.S.A....
    3d card - MSI GeforceFX5200 128mb....
    RAM - 512 ddr333...
    Optical drive - LG CD writer, Samsung DVD  rom...
    Floppy Drive - samsung normal Floppy drive
    chasis - normal ATX icute Chasis....added 2 120x120x25mm fan an a 80x80x25 mm fan.....
    Power supply - normal power supply....
    monitor - Prolink 17inch
    cpu cooler - Cooler Master Hyper 48(KHC-L91-U2)
    3d card cooler - Cooler Master CoolViva(VHC-L61)
    i relly need some help ...

  • Lowering the CPU voltage?

    What kind os problems can I have if I lower the CPU voltage to, for example, 1.4V???
    Will it cause stability problems?
    Can I damage anything?
    Please help.

    Originally posted by rbarbehenn
    At 1.4V, the worst problem you might have is that it may not work at 200 FSB.  You might have to lower the FSB to get it to work.  
    You can only lower it so far before it will begin to act quirky and that can cause all sorts of problems.  I am not sure if you will actually damage your hardware, but you may pooch your OS and be forced to reinstall everything.  It is generally better to lower your multiplier if you are trying to lower power consumption.  What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
    Ok I see...
    I'm just trying to lower my CPU temps, but actually I do not know if temp is my problem. I got 2 BSOD while running prime95 with everything at stock. But I remember that when it crashed my CPU temp was around 52C. Isn't that too hot? I do not know...
    And one of the times, after the BSOD, I tried to reset the machine and it did not post, giving me beeps and leds saying "memory problem"...
    ( I was having this exact beeps and leds problem EVERYTIME I tried to turn on the machine, but I had a low amps PSU. After I changed to this one in my sig, everything started to work fine, until this...  )
    Any ideas please?

  • CPU voltage unstable

    i found out that my cpu voltage unstable, the range is betwwen 12.80v to 13.40v. i'm using K8N neo3. after changing a new psu which is emermax noisetaker 370w, the problem remain the same. Is the corecenter display the voltage accurate???

    Quote from: syar2003 on 27-August-05, 16:41:46
    Mesure the voltages with a multimeter .
    First the output voltages from the PSU (+5v and +12v measured in a molex plug )
    +3.3v can be measured in the 20/24pin main molex .
    Then measure the voltages on the motherboard after the modfets (voltage regulators) .
    To high voltages is just as bad as to low , in fact to high is more dangerous as it might
    contribute to kill equipment .
    i doesn't have a multimeter so i cann't test the motherboard....

  • MOVED: MSI P35 NEO2 FIS voltage problems!!

    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.

    same problem with the Neo2 FR (like mine). After quite of bit of researching and testing i reckon that software can not correctly read the vRAM on these MSI boards. I found that Speedfan, Everest, and HardwareMonitor all gave an incorrect reading for my RAM's voltage. Also, if i increased the cpu voltage in the BIOS then the voltage monitoring programs would show an increase in CPU voltage and RAM voltage (even though i had not changed the latter).

  • Fluctuating CPU voltage

    I have a MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR (MS-6750) motherboard with an AMD Barton XP 3200+ CPU & 2 x 512Mb PC-3200 RAM.
    Of late, it has started crashing with monotonous regularity.  I have tried everything I can think of to identify the cause - without any success.
    Today, on the off chance that it would make a difference, I decided to experiment with dropping the FSB speed from 200MHz to 166MHz.  Before doing so, I ran CPU-Z to check the speeds.  I happened to notice that the CPU Voltage was fluctuating between 1.60v & 1.664v.  pcAlert4 shows the same thing - the other voltages are shown as 3.33v, 4.95v & 11.88v and seem rock steady.  I have never noticed this fluctuation in CPU Voltage before, but haven't really looked.
    Does anyone have any idea why this might happen?  I am guessing that there is a problem with the VRM on the motherboard.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to whether I can do anything about this?

    A brief update before going to bed:
    The system has now been up & running for a little under 9 hours - which on recent experience is pretty darned impressive!
    However, I have dropped the CPU FSB speed from 200MHz to 167MHz (according to CPU-Z) - the RAM is running at 5:6 i.e. 200MHz.
    When I tried to run "ORTHOS" (v0.41.110.18) with the default "Blend - stress CPU and RAM" test, it halted after less than 30 seconds:
    1:FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
    1:Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
    1:Torture Test ran 0 minutes 25 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
    1:Execution halted.
    1:FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4997816086, expected less than 0.4
    1:Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
    1:Torture Test ran 0 minutes 28 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
    1:Execution halted.
    I ran the "Small FFTs - stress CPU" test, it kept going for just over 20 mins. before crashing - I assume that this stresses the CPU but not the RAM.
    1:FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4959945679, expected less than 0.4
    1:Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
    1:Torture Test ran 20 minutes 15 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
    1:Execution halted.
    I have now been running the "StressCPU" test on ORTHOS for 3½ hours without problem - I will leave that running overnight and see if it keeps going before experimenting with single sticks of RAM tomorrow.
    It does seem as if the problem relates to the memory.  However, I don't think that it is this particular memory since I was previously using 2 x 512Mb Geil sticks and had all the same sort of problems with that.
    I don't understand why reducing the CPU FSB from 200MHz to 166MHz should have made the system more stable since I have left the RAM running at 200MHz in DDR mode.

Maybe you are looking for