CR 2008 Scheduling Bug

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a bug when trying to schedule a report for a specific time (run once) from the Infoview front end that my end users use to run/schedule reports.  This works fine from the admin side, but from the infoview side, no matter what time you pick, the report starts running right away.

Hi Ryan,
Have you installed any fixes for your Crystal report server?
If not, might be a good idea to upgrade.
Try also to recreate in the CMC a new crystal report job server.
If you create a recurring schedule (like every monday for instance), does it run also once immediately and keeps a recurring job for the following monday?

Similar Messages

  • Crystal Report Server 2008 - Schedule/Process/History Grayed Out on CMC

    Hi - I'm using Crystal Reports Server 2008 (11.5) and am unable to schedule reports - the schedule (as well as the Process and History) tabs are greyed out in the Central Management Console and don't appear at all in Infoview. In addition I can specify the database when I setup a new report or when using the Publishing Wizard to import files I don't get the dialogue about scheduling.
    Am I missing something?

    Can you please try one of the CRS 2008 keys from the folowing file?
    PS: You can change the license keys in the CMC.

  • Crystal Reports Server 2008 - Scheduling Reports Best Practice

    What is the best practice for scheduling a report that will be distributed to approximately 30 recipients? I have uploaded a report that has a single parameter for the physician's name.  I need to distribute this report on a daily basis to each physician using their name as the parameter. Should I right-click on the single report that is uploaded and schedule the report with the corresponding parameter and physician e-mail address, or should I create 30 reports each with the physician's name. Basically, I need a way to see all of the scheduled jobs for a given report? Is this possible in Crystal Reports Server 2008? Thanks.

    The way that I handle all of our scheduled reports is to create the report with parameters to cover all of the necessary variations of the same basic report.  For you, that's be a single report with the doctor's name (or other identifier) as a parameter.  I then create an Object Package (I use BOE, so I'm not positive if CR Server has them, but I'd guess so...) for each variation (doctor in your case), and copy the report into the package.  I then set up the destination and schedule for the package, and set the parameter(s) of the report.  Then, schedule the package to run.
    The advantage of using object packages is that it separates the schedule and distribution from the actual report, so if (or I should say, when :->) the report changes, you don't have to copy the schedule and destination to the new version of the report, saving time and reducing errors.  Just copy the new version into the package, set the parameters, delete the old version, and reschedule the package to run.

  • CRS 2008 Scheduled Report Runs Twice

    I have been using CRS 2008 for about 6 months now and have had scheduled reports running since the beginning. Last month I created new schedules for each report and deleted the old schedule. However, although the old schedule no longer shows in the History tab, it appears to still be running. As of right now, I have only one schedule per report, however, each report gets processed and saved out twice. This did not start happening until I created new schedules and deleted the old ones.
    Is there something else I have to do (or can do) in order to completely remove the old schedules or fix the new ones if that happens to be the issue?

    Each report (of which there are 9 at this point), is set up in the following manner:
    1. Scheduled to run once a day (times staggered by 5 minutes for each starting at 12:15am)
    2. 6 are delivered to a folder on the network, 3 are delivered via email
    3. All have the same naming structure: InstanceTitle_DateTime.FileExt
    4. Each are formated as PDF
    Originally, the six that are delievered to a network folder were also delivered via email as well. This issue only started happening after I deleted those email deliveries. Also, the 3 that are still delivered via email and have never been modified after first being set up are now being run twice as well.
    After looking in the network folder this morning, it appears that only four of the six were run twice last night, while all six were run twice for the two nights before that.
    This is very frustrating since I have already deleted and started from scratch and still have this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Distiller: PDFX4 2008.joboptions bug?

    I newly installed Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (I had no previous version). At starting up Distiller, I get an error message:
    Adobe PostScript software version: 3018.101
    Adobe PDF Settings file read error in PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
    /CheckCompliance out of range
    A quick web search shows that this is not a new problem. Some say that Distiller is not able to create PDF/X4 files and that the error is thus a bug in Distiller itself. Is that true? (I can't find a joboptions file of that name in my system ...)
    Do I need to do anything about it or can I just leave it?

    Yes, it is a bug in Distiller. Since I have no need for that joboption file, I just 86d it.

  • New DVR Scheduler Bugs: Priority Settings No Longer Working, Scrolling Series Schedules is Flakey

    After this last HD DVR update, I have two new problems:
    1) I can no longer set the priority of most of my series schedules. I have about 100 series schedule entries, which the DVR update probably wasn't tested for.
    Now when I try to set a series priority, it LOOKS like it worked, but if I get out of DVR options and go back into Manage Recordings, 90% of the time I find that the series priority is either unchanged, or (even worse) has bounced up to some unexpected random priority - Thus, I have to search the series list  to find it - Then I cannot move it back to where it's supposed to be!
    It seems that only moving a series priority a little bit will sometimes work, but moving the series from near the top of the list to near the bottom (or vice-versa) doesn't work at all, even though it may appear like it worked until the list is refreshed (either by paging up and down the list a few times, or by exiting the DVR manager and going back in).
    2) The scrolling is messed up now in the series schedule manager - When setting Priority, as I scrool up or down from the middle of the list using the arrow or Page buttons,  the list will end unexpectedly, making it impossible to actually drag the series to the bottom or top of the list. Then if you deposit the series at the "end" of the list, suddenly the rest of the list will then magically appear (of course, the series schedule you deposited there will no longer be where you deposited it - See problem #1). Obviously the list is running out of buffer space, so the next part of the list isn't being loaded while you're in the process of changing a series priority..
    Scrolling is also messed up just scrolling through the list without changing priority: Scrolling through my series schedules USED to be very FAST and painless using the Page (Channel) up/down button, I could scroll from top to bottom of my 100 series schedules in a matter of like 5 seconds. NOW, it takes forever and is a real pain to scroll from top to bottom, because the scrolling pauses on just about every other page - As though it ran out of buffer space and is having trouble loading the next buffer.
    I have a lot of series schedule entries so all the First-run Programs are at the top of the priority list, then all the re-runs are in the bottom half of the list. That's the only way I have found to prevent Re-Runs from hijacking new programs, since there's no DVR option to prevent re-runs from inteferring with new episodes (BTW, in order for this to work, the First-Run schedule must be created first. Then a duplicate First-Run and Reruns schedule must be created - Creating them in reverse order will throw a "Duplicate" error message).
    The DVR software has always been buggy and feature-depribed, but this is rediculous - To think the programming team didn't even test the scrolling and priority of series schedules is as bad as the ObamaCare website, and that's setting a very low bar! You HAVE to test EVERYTHING when you release new updates, even if the programmers say it won't affect anything else, because from my experience programmers develop tunnel vision (been there, done that myself), and if you have more than one person on the programming team, neither programmer will communicate their changes to anyone else (been there, done that too).

    I have the identical problem after the recent software upgrade which VERIZON did to my DVR.
    In addition, I have "Manual Series" listed under the "Manage Series Recordings" section of my DVR for about 10 of the tv shows that I have tagged to be recorded weekly. Several others have reported this seemingly related problem to this forum.
    I've tried twice to report the latter problem to VERIZON's technical support staff, but met with indifference in the first attempt (a guy recommended that I replace my DVR with a new one - an utterly ridiculous suggestion), and in my second attempt I got a somewhat helpful lady who couldn't correct this glitch and was unaware of others having same problem but promised to send it up the flagpole to higher level tech folks (best action that I realistically could get).
    As I told VERIZON's techies, I likely was not the only customer experiencing these problems - and your and others postings to this forum confirm my initial hunch.  VERIZON leaves a lot to be desired in the testing of their software "upgrades".

  • Windows 2008 R2 64 bit vbs script is not run in Task Scheduler

    Good day! 
    There is a script that at a certain point opens excel, says there is something, saves and closes. 
    Does not work in 2008 scheduler mode to perform regardless of the user's registration (ie, the script should run when the PC no one registered), if you run your hands or in the Run mode only for the registered user oki-all 
    Here is a sample text of the script:
    Dim conn
    Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=пароль;User ID=логин;Data Source=база;Persist Security Info=True"
    Set Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Recordset.CursorLocation = 3
    Recordset.Open "текст запроса", conn, 2, 3, 1
    If Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
    Recordset.Close: Call Pochta
    Incas = Recordset.GetRows
    End if
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("*.xlsx")
    DateNow = Left(Now(),10)
    DateTimeNow1 = CDate(DateNow + " " + "14:00:00")
    DateTimeNow2 = CDate(DateNow + " " + "21:00:00")
    'DateTimeNow3 = CDate(DateNow + " " + "23:30:00")
    'objExcel.Range("A1:F1").Merge - объединение ячеек
    objExcel.Range("A1:F1") = Empty ' очистка объединенных ячеек
    If Now < DateTimeNow1 Then
    objExcel.Range("A1:F1").Value = "Текст " + DateNow + " с 05:00:00 до 06:45:00"
    ElseIf Now < DateTimeNow2 Then
    objExcel.Range("A1:F1").Value = "Текст " + DateNow + " с 14:00:00 до 16:30:00"
    Else objExcel.Range("A1:F1").Value = "Текст " + DateNow + " с 21:00:00 до 23:30:00"
    End If
    For j = 3 To 100 Step 1
    objExcel.Cells(j, 1).Clear
    objExcel.Cells(j, 2).Clear
    objExcel.Cells(j, 3).Clear
    objExcel.Cells(j, 4).Clear
    objExcel.Cells(j, 5).Clear
    objExcel.Cells(j, 6).Clear
    intRow = 3
    i = 0
    For f = 0 To UBound(Incas, 2)
    AZS = Incas(0, f)
    nTo = Incas(1, f)
    Term = Incas(2, f)
    DataIn = Incas(3, f)
    Addres = Incas(4, f)
    Phone = Incas(5, f)
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,1).Value = AZS
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,2).Value = nTo
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,3).Value = Term
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,4).Value = DataIn
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,5).Value = Addres
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,6).Value = Phone
    intRow = intRow + 1
    'For k = 0 To 6
    ' objExcel.Columns(k + 1).AutoFit
    objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
    objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
    Call OtpravkaPochti
    Recordset = ""
    '------------------------Процедура отправки почты если есть запись в таблице-----------------------------------------
    Sub OtpravkaPochti()
    Const EmailFrom = "почта"
    Const EmailPassword = "пароль"
    Const strSmtpServer = "сервер"
    Const EmailTo = "адресаты"
    ' Кому будет отправляться e-mail
    Const AttFile = "*.xlsx" 'Указываем путь к файлу, который необходимо вложить в сообщение
    Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objEmail.From = EmailFrom
    objEmail.To = EmailTo
    objEmail.Subject = "текст"
    objEmail.Textbody = "текст"
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 1
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = EmailFrom
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = EmailPassword
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = strSmtpServer
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 1049
    objEmail.BodyPart.CharSet = "windows-1251"
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = true
    End Sub
    '------------------------Процедура отправки почты если нет записей в таблице-----------------------------------------
    Sub Pochta()
    End Sub
    sub checkosx86x64args()
    ' если скрипт запущен из %windir%\system32\ под win x64 - перезапуск из %windir%\syswow64\
    dim cmdln, arg
    with createobject("WScript.Shell")
    if replace(lcase(wscript.path), lcase(.expandenvironmentstrings("%windir%\")), "") = "system32" then
    cmdln = replace(lcase(wscript.fullname), "system32", "syswow64")
    if createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").fileexists(cmdln) then
    cmdln = cmdln & " """ & wscript.scriptfullname & """"
    for each arg in wscript.arguments
    cmdln = cmdln & " """ & arg & """"
    .run cmdln
    end if
    end if
    end with
    end sub
    Please help me with a problem.
    Please help me with a

    Thank you very much Jesper for sharing this. My program also calls Excel.application in
    the script and it was never working after we moved the script to Win 2008 R2 server. After creating these 2 folders, it started working.

  • Schedule Task - Windows 2008 R2 - User Session

    I am migratiing the schedule task from windows 2003 to windows 2008 and find some of behaviour change on handling user session by Task Scheduler.
    I have a simple batch to call "net use" command to map a network drive for copying file to remote server. And I have scheduled 3 similar tasks and run as same user (e.g. testuser)
    In windows 2003 enviornment, the mapped network drive resource will not be accessed by another schedule task. In windows 2008 R2, howerver, the network drive mapped in one of schedule task can be reached by another task. Does anyone have
    idea on this behaviour change?
    Here are the testing script
    Test Script 1
    ping -n 100
    Test Script 2
    ping -n 100
    Test Script 3
    ping -n 100
    Output in Windows 2003
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    Output in Windows 2008
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
    OK           Z:       
    \\\Share          Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.
    System error 85 has occurred.
    The local device name is already in use.
    The network connection could not be found.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2250.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
    OK           Z:       
    \\\Share          Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.
    System error 85 has occurred.
    The local device name is already in use.
    The network connection could not be found.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2250.

    Sorry for confusing, I have udpated the script for this testing
    Script for Schedule Task 1 - to map a network drive and issue a ping command to "sleep"
    Echo %date% %time% list drive on schedule task 1
    NET USE 
    Echo %date% %time% map drive on schedule task 1
    ping -n 100 > NUL
    Echo %date% %time% remove drive on schedule task 1
    Script for Schedule Task 2 - to list out any network drive are mapped.
    Echo %date% %time% list drive on schedule task 2
    NET USE 
    The schedule task 2 are triggered while the schedule task 1 are running, In the windows 2003, the schedule task 2 could not list out any mapped drive. In the windows 2008, however, the schedule task 2
    can list the network drive mapped by schedule task 1. The question is if there are any changes between windows 2003 and 2008, hope it can clarify.
    Ouput on windows 2003
    Schedule task1
    D:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.93 list drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.93 list drive on schedule task 1
    D:\>NET USE
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    D:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.98 map drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.98 map drive on schedule task 1
    D:\>NET USE Z: \\\Share /PERSISTENT:NO
    The command completed successfully.
    D:\>ping -n 100 1>NUL
    D:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:33:32.07 remove drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:33:32.07 remove drive on schedule task 1
    Z: was deleted successfully.
    Schedule Task 2
    d:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:32:22.54 list drive on schedule task 2
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:32:22.54 list drive on schedule task 2
    d:\>NET USE
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    Output on windows 2008
     Schedule task1
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.13 list drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.13 list drive on schedule task 1
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE  
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.16 map drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.16 map drive on schedule task 1
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE Z: \\\Share /PERSISTENT:NO 
    The command completed successfully.
    C:\Windows\system32>ping -n 100 
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:19:32.59 remove drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:19:32.59 remove drive on schedule task 1
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE Z: /DELETE
    Z: was deleted successfully.
    Schedule task2
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:18:07.69 list drive on schedule task 2
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:18:07.69 list drive on schedule task 2
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE  
    New connections will not be remembered.
    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
    OK           Z:        \\\Share        
    Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.

  • Blog post : "Bug in Create/Edit View Criteria Wizard (JDeveloper 11g)"

    Using steps 1 to 13 from the blog post "Bug in Create/Edit View Criteria Wizard (JDeveloper 11g)" by Andrejus Baranovskis, I have been able to reproduce the issue he describes.
    I the blog post comments he writes "... there was no time for me to fill bug in Metalink ...".
    Maybe someone from Oracle can pick it up from this forum post and file it as a bug if it is one (and if possible post the bug number here).
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    The mechanism is to create a reproduceable test case, create a Service Request in, post the test case, and convince the analyst to file it as a bug.
    It may be not efficient at some time, but this the way it is handled.

  • Scheduling in Routing..

    Hi all ,
    i am facing a problem scheduling in Routing  ,
    When i am doing scheduling in routing (CA02 ) as :
    Menu EXTRA  --> Scheduling
    here i am entering start Date : 30.09.2008 scheduling type Forward
    and lot size then the system is carrying the scheduling , the problem is with Earliest Start Time it is haphazardly(16:10:00) taking rather than that of the start time maintained for the first operation Work center, capacity header ,  which is there as 07:00:00 .
    From whr the sytem is picking / calculating this Earliest start time ?
    I haven't maintained interoperation times wait , queue time etc .
    Venky shree
    Edited by: venky  shree on Feb 13, 2008 6:23 AM
    Edited by: venky  shree on Feb 13, 2008 6:33 AM
    Edited by: venky  shree on Feb 13, 2008 6:45 AM

    Res sir ,
    yes , i have assigned shift schedule for the work center :
    S1     SHIFT 1     01.01.2007     31.12.9999     07:00:00     15:00:00     7.00     BRK1
    S2     SHIFT 2     01.01.2007     31.12.9999     15:00:00     23:00:00     8.00
    S3     SHIFT 3     01.01.0001     31.12.9999     23:00:00     07:00:00     8.00
    and BRK1 is defined like :
    BRK1     0     Lunch Break               6.00     1.00
    in OP4A .
    is it affected by the same .???

  • Schedule report re-runs when opening

    I have a scheduled discover report in Discoverer 4.1.48 version, when opening that scheduled report its re-run the query again.
    Please let me know, the reason.

    Hi Uma
    One of the reasons for this happening is that the query could be a fan trap. Discoverer will nearly always tell you that the results are invalid and suggest a rerun when there is a fan trap.
    This was recognised as a bug but was only corrected in the release of Discoverer. Many other scheduling bugs were fixed in this and subsequent releases. Have you considered upgrading?
    Best wishes

  • Crystal Reports and Xcelsius 2008 Conference

    Hello all,
    I'm not sure which forum I should be putting this in so I'm putting it in the General Forum.  We just purchased Crystal Reports and Xcelsius in the middle of last year and I missed last years conference.  Is there a conference anywhere this year that that will really focus on Business Objects platforms?  I downloaded the SAP TechED 2008 schedule for next month but everything seems to really be geared only to SAP activities which we have none of.
    Thanks in advance,

    Keep your eyes on the following link
    This lists current events for Business Objects and should list the next user conference as it gets closer.

  • Scheduling Margin key ( Float before production - Float after production)

    Dear Expert ,
    I maintain in material master float before and after production
    When i rescheduling in house production in routing and display the result i found the time for float is calculated in Interoperation time
    And I as i know Scheduled start & Scheduled finish determined the production dates only & FBefProd is time between basic start and Scheduled start and FAftProd is the time between Scheduled finish date & basic finish date
    Why he put it there at the time it's not actually maintained in production date ?

    In the routing, click on scheduling result push button,
    Here you can see how this interoperatioon time is calculated
    how much is Float before and after production.
    schedule margine key - 001
    float before production - 2 day
    Float after production - 1 days
    Routing data- for 1 qty - 24 hrs
    After you schedule in routing and see the details of scheduling result, the following result
    Basic start date - 30.11.2008
    Basic finish date - 03.12.2008.
    Scheduled start date - 02.12.2008
    Scheduled finish date - 02.12.2008.
    base qty - 1 TO
    Processing time - 1 day
    interoperation time - 3(all inclding floats)
    Total inhouse production time - 4 days
    Now repeat it for 2 qty, results are as below
    Basic start date - 30.11.2008
    Basic finish date - 04.12.2008.
    Scheduled start date - 02.12.2008
    Scheduled finish date - 03.12.2008.
    base qty - 2 TO
    Processing time - 2 day
    interoperation time - 3(all inclding floats)
    Total inhouse production time - 5 days
    I hope you got the idea.

  • Backward Scheduling Issue

    I have an issue when SAP performs backward scheduling to get the production order finish dates.
    As an example, if the Basic finish date is Tuesday 01/27/2009 (00:00) then when SAP performs backward scheduling it comes up with the following dates & Times:
    Basic Start Date - 01/22/2009
    Basic Start Time - 00:00
    Scheduled Finish Date - 01/26/2008
    Scheduled Finish Time - 24:00
    Scheduled Start Date - 01/22/2008
    Scheduled Start Time - 13:17
    If the Basic finish date is Monday 01/26/2009 (00:00) then when SAP performs backward scheduling it comes up with the following dates & Times:
    Basic Start Date - 01/21/2009
    Basic Start Time - 00:00
    Scheduled Finish Date - 01/26/2008 instead of 01/19/2008
    Scheduled Finish Time - 00:00   instead of 24:00
    Scheduled Start Date - 01/21/2008
    Scheduled Start Time - 13:17
    Could someone please explain as to why this is happening?

    Sorry about that. All the dates are in 2009. Here is the updated information
    Case 1:
    Basic finish date is Tuesday 01/27/2009 (00:00)
    Basic Start Date - 01/22/2009
    Basic Start Time - 00:00
    Scheduled Finish Date - 01/26/2009
    Scheduled Finish Time - 24:00
    Scheduled Start Date - 01/22/2009
    Scheduled Start Time - 13:17
    Case 2:
    Basic finish date is Monday 01/26/2009 (00:00)
    Basic Start Date - 01/21/2009
    Basic Start Time - 00:00
    Scheduled Finish Date - 01/26/2009     instead of 01/19/2009
    Scheduled Finish Time - 00:00             instead of 24:00
    Scheduled Start Date - 01/21/2009
    Scheduled Start Time - 13:17
    Saturday & Sunday are holidays. I have checked the calendar and it is not the issue. I would appreciate it if you could help me in this as this problem is driving me crazy

  • The impact of tolerance to schedule called

    Here is a basic question. I have set up tolerance for a time-based maintenance plan. The completion time of current order is beyond the tolerance. The next schedule has already been called and a maintenance order created. What will be the change if I run IP30 now?

    I created a plan and taken past date and scheduled. The call obects generated. I am selecting one doing late completion, means crossing the tolearance limit. Than also there is no shift. But If I am selecting the plan which is in future and doing completion than it is shifting according to shift factor. What I mean to say please see  Eg.
    One month plan for an equipment: Shift 100% Tolereance Positive and Negative both 1%
    Plan start Date: 30.06.2008
          Plan Dates    Completion Dates
    1-   30.06.2008    Completion Date 05.07.2008
    2-   30.07.2008    Not Completed
    3-   29.08.2008    Not Completed
    4-   28.09.2008    Completion Date 06.08.2008 (Forcely Done)
    5-   05.09.2008    Schedule save to Call
    Now what I replied in previous thread that once plan called than if you choose any past plan and complete than also its not shifting according to shift factor. Means rescheduling can't be done for th past plan.
    Correct me if I am wrong.
    Kaushal Rai

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