Crazy Calender

Is anyone out there having there iphone calender go nuts when scrolling. If I scroll through the months on the calender it will just start scrolling by itself at a very fast speed. The only way to stop it is to either hit the home button or hit "today" at the top of the screen. I have reset and restored and it keeps happening.

Hola SeeBee,
I just played around with the calendar and I get the expected scrolling behaviour.
Good luck!

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    Message was edited by: Eric Y

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    The problem is absolutely not Reader. The problem is that FireFox has stepped in front of Reader and handles all the PDF stuff - wrongly in your case. FireFox is DESIGNED to take over PDF files. But it is not capable of doing IRS forms!
    To start with go back to IE for these forms. When you save them to disk DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON THEM until this is fixed. Just open the in the normal way - start Adobe Reader and use Open from the File menu.

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    Hi Kumar,
    If you are using EP7.0, there is no calendar UI element in webdynpro development. There is only date navigator UI element. This is demonstrated in the below article.
    Ganesh N

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    Opened Photoshop and up comes an error message "Your Adobe Photoshop user name, organization or serial number is missing or invalid. The application cannot continue and must now exit" "OK", which I pressed and Photoshop closed. Checked the other CS2 programs and none of them would open.
    I would appreciate any pointers on how to get CS2 Creative Suite to install properly since Adobe Tech Support says such installation help is out of date and recommended this forum.
    BTW: I run Videography Lab and am the "seminal author of videography". OCT 1972 American Cinematographer. I have a different take on the meaning of videography than most folks. After 38 years of research and contemplation I believe "Videography means 'I know to write' or conversely 'writing my knowing'" The platform that I've been talking about is the technology tool that enables such communication in "the Age of Videography" [Miller Freeman Publishing - 1996].
    Call me crazy and than help me get this sorted out
    Bob Kiger - [url removed by host]
    PS: Does anyone beside me expect a sudden and dramatic shootout between Final Cut Studio & Adobe Creative Suite soon?

    Hi Michael--
    Upon continued research we found your statement "CS 2 isn't compatible with Windows 7 32-bit no less 64-bit." not quite true. We grant you that, in it's raw state, Windows 7 will not install, activate, register etc. CS2 programs. That's been the Adobe position for quite a while.
    Now that we have Windows 7 in hand and can play we found that if you have Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate edition you can acquire for $89.95 and download/install in an hour or so "Windows Virtual PC" and "Windows XP Mode".[Note: This feature is not available on Home editions].
    We purchased the platform and once it is installed we had a "Windows XP platform" on our Windows 7 machine. From that point forward the installation of CS2 and many other of our old favorite programs was a snap. We've opened and worked with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign etc. with no problems.
    And, by the way, Premiere Pro 2.0 intalled easily on Windows 7. We're testing it now with some sub-1080p projects.
    As to the long nagging problem of Adobe Installer not recognizing the downloaded CS2 CAB files during installation, we worked around by just saying OK when the installer asked for the next disc and immediately clicked on the desired disc in a seperate exlorer window which contained all the download files.
    So that's the workaround for us. Now we wait to see who wins the race to enchant users with 64 bit editing and imaging suites.
    Thanks for all your help.
    Bob Kiger - Videography Lab

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    *[ Imagem do problema]

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    This report is for batch generation of WSR and not changing the WSR. Internally itcalls the transaction 'PT01' only.
    Regards, SWapnil Mishra

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    The cpu resources are only limited once the cpu's are 100% utilized. It is highly unlikely that dom0 will try to use 100% of a cpu, let alone all cpus. Only when there are no idle physical cpus would you run into issues.
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    Hi Steve,
    You're not crazy AFAIK . I did the EFI update yesterday and, after a slight glitch which is described in this thread,
    I was surprized by a 20 second bootup this morning. 20 seconds! It used to take about 25 to 30 seconds prior to the update. Hope this continues. And yes, everything does seem snappier as you report.

  • Display present day calender on display of E75

    On a previous symbian Nokia phone I got my appointments for each day displayed on the desktop of my Nokia, so that I could read my calenda without opening the phone.
    Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so, how?

    Go to Menu => Ctr.Panel => Settings => General => Personalisation => Home Screen Mode => Mode Settings => Home Screen applications. Check that calendar tick-box is checked and uncheck any other unnecessary components.

  • Importing a photo folder just with references creates a photo library 2/3 of its size. crazy!

    after ignoring iphoto for many reasons over the last years i thought i give it a try with the new photo app.
    i imported a 70gb photo folder - turning OFF to copy it into the library first, just refering to them - and now it ate up all my space by creating a 41gb (!!!) photo library just with references alone. so now i have a 70gb folder plus an index file that is 41gb big. i am beyond baffled.
    am i doing something wrong here or are they crazy?
    they cannot possibly think this is a smart way to store photos with the small internal hard drives they give us nowadays can they?

    it gets even worse. "photos" has created empty subfolders of almost every photo in my original photo folder.
    thank you apple. good job.

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