Create border for page in Illustrator

I have an old high resolution photo scan saved as an AI file. I want to create a black border around this photo or file. Any suggestions? Roger....

Draw a rectangle and apply a black stroke?

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    Addendum to previous reply:
    OK.  This is weird--but I should be used to that, and just grateful that it seems to work (for now).
    What I had done is FTPd some image files to my site using Filezilla, but when I had tried to access them, I was unsuccessful.  I am almost sure that I used the same url (and variations of it) as you suggested, namely, , and it either did not work, or gave me the "Page under construction", or, in some cases asked me for my username and password.
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    In order to better assist you with your issue please provide us with a screenshot. If you need help to create a screenshot, please see [[How do I create a screenshot of my problem?]]
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    Martin, it's possible to create shortcuts for any menu item in any OS X application. You do this by going to the System Preferences, in the Keyboard and Mouse pane, under the Keyboard Shortcuts tab. See this posting for more details.
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    Browsers and versions? (Always supply this information when discussing presentation and UI problem.)
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    Here you are in a forum dedicated to Pages for OS X.
    Most of us don't use Pages for iOS.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 18 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My Box account  is :
    My iDisk is :
    For iWork's applications dedicated to iOS, go to :

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