Create parameters sheet in Vision Builder

I'm using Vision Builder AI (Trial), and I found it very interesting.
But, while you can configure complex vision inspection, it seems you can't
set-up one or more parameters sheets to for the user to change some treshold
or some min/max limit.
I saw this example:
but it uses Labview to create the form:
1 - I don't want to pay for the labview license only for some parameters settings
2 - The window is continuosly flickering during the execution,so it is very difficult to resize, move,oeven change someting in it!
So,is there any way to set some parameters sheet to let the user easly change inspection tresholds during the execution?

Hey Simone,
Yes, your explanation does clear things up. I think you can achieve what you are looking for using User Input steps in VBAI 3.0 and you could do this by creating an overlay on a black image. The interface would not be very nice and clean though. The only way to do it without the awkward interface is that I recommend purchasing LabVIEW.
If there are only a few parameters you would like to be able to change, then doing it in VBAI 3.0 would be really simple and very clean. Now to have an entire sheet of parameters would be a little overwhelming. Are you familiar with “User Input”? There are ways to save the data acquired but no way to open the data once it has been saved inside an inspection. I would recommend checking out the User Input step, but remember that without LabVIEW you will not be able to open previously saved settings from a file.
This most recent release of VBAI was huge (we added the state diagram functionality) and we are always looking for ways to improve the software. I really like your suggestion and would love for you to create a product suggestion.
Kind regards,
Jordan Randall
National Instruments Italy

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    Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about. Put a break point here and see what the path is and compare that with what Vision Builder AI is using (described where to find this in the previous post). You could find where this global is used to make debugging easier.
    Hope this helps,
    Generated Code.png ‏43 KB

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     Hi Shada this can happen if you are including additional installers to your installer for example DAQmx. When you are doing this the installer has to include other files like MAX (Measuremente and Automation Explorer). Probably when you installed Vision Builder it updated MAX, so when your installer is trying to Include MAX, its asking for the source where it was installed in your computer in this case Vision Builder.
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     You can find more details about this issue in this KB:
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    Best Regards
    Benjamin C
    Senior Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED // CTD

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    You should be able to save the top level VI for previous to LV 2010, and all VIs from that LLB will also be saved to a LV 2010 version LLB that can be used by VBAI. There is a restriction that any VIs from a toolkit that you have to pay for (i.e. Vision), even if they are in your LLB will not be saved for previous, but driver VIs (i.e. Motion, DAQ, NI-IMAQ) if they are in your LLB will be saved in the resulting LV 2010 LLB.
    I realize this isn't ideal and VBAI will be supporting LV 2011 or a future version later. Another option will be to use the VBAI API in LV 2011 to have VBAI do just the image processing portion of your control system and do Motion, or other functionality in LV environment and control VBAI from LV using the VBAI API (this allows you to load inspections, run them, get images, and results, etc.), which does support LV 2011.
    Hope this helps,

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    The following knowledgbase article contains a patch that will allow Vision Builder AI 1.0 to generate code for LabVIEW 7.0. 3efedde4322fef19862567740067f3cc/ 8ed7d85db6667a3a86256d79006f9331?OpenDoc ument
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    Dear Ryan,
    You are right, this is difficult to debug remotely, but I can make a suggestion or two. Perhaps you've taken care of these, perhaps not...
    One potential downfall with this setup is running into a race condition. If you don't establish data dependency, and make sure that you save and close a particular image before trying to open back up again with VBAI, you could cause the behavior described. Race conditions would be even more of a concern if you were using a certain number of files as an image buffer, and then recycling through them. 
    What in this ring control? What does the ring control do?
    Have you tried generating LabVIEW code from your VBAI inspection, and then encapsulating the VBAI code in a subVI, and just passing your images into that instead of saving them to disk? I would suggest doing this to see if you still experienced the crashes when you are only working in LabVIEW, and without saving and opening images from disk.
    Let me know how things go; I hope the above suggestions provide some help. 
    Best Regards,

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    Dear koma1989!
    Is your problem still open?
    If yes, I suggest you to try with VBAI first, and if the results are not good enough, you can change to LV to create a more traceable application.
    In VBAI, (I'm using 2011 SP1) please choose the "Other.." option from "Run Inspection" section. Examples will open, and you can try out some, so you can get started easily in VBAI.
    I don't think there will be an already working solution for this application, but in my opinion you could put it together from example applications.
    If an example appears in Inspector interface (In title you can find "...-Inspector-..."), you can switch to edit mode via Inspection >> Switch to Configuration Interface
    From the examples I recommend you the followings:
    - Tutorial 4 - Tow cameras inspection
    - Classify Colours Example
    - Inspect Contours Example
    - Segment Color Image Example
    - And examples related to State diagram, since you have to check for differences, and than correct the image, so some processing regarding to the differences.
    I hope browsing examples will help to get some ideas, if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to post them.
    Balazs Nagy

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    Thank you for your help

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    Color Example red-21-7-12h30.vbai ‏108 KB

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    IMAQ Vision has much more than Vision Builder. Basically, VB was created using Vision and they implemented a good number of the functions in a menu driven format. However, there are many more functions available that were not integrated into VB.
    Vision does have some good color matching and analysis tools.
    Bruce Ammons
    Ammons Engineering

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    [email protected]

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    Ninad Regundwar
    Junior Engineer | ARAV Technologies |

    Instead of migrating to LabVIEW, you might want to consider automating Vision Builder from LabVIEW and running your inspection by using the VBAI API.
    Check out the examples located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2013\API Examples\LabVIEW Examples.
    The VBAI API allows to start a VBAI engine, open and run an inspection and retrieve images and results for each step.
    When using this method, if you're running the LabVIEW program on the same machine VBAI is installed, you do not need to purchase the VBAI runtime, neither the Vision Development Module Runtime (unless you wish to process further the image returned by VBAI.
    If you need to deploy that LabVIEW application on a different machine, then you'll need to purchase a VBAI Runtime license.
    If you choose instead to migrate the inspection to LabVIEW, then you will need to purchase a full license of Vision Development module for your development machine (the code generated uses Vision Development Module VIs).
    If you choose to build the resulting code into a LabVIEW application and deploy it on a different machine, you will need a Vision Development Module Runtime License for the deployment machine (but not a VBAI license).
    Migrating the code to LabVIEW is recommended only in cases where you need to modify the code generated by VBAI. The code generated is indeed a lot more complex than using the VBAI API that I described in the first option.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,

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    it's not the power supply of the camera since it works well at MAX , so its like the camera's name is img0 in MAX , and another thing in IMAQ vision builder, I tried updating my softwares but nothing happened, can anyone help please ??

    I think I may need some clarification on what exact program and function you are using. Are you getting this error with the Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (VBAI)? Or are you using LabVIEW and are receiving this error from the IMAQ
    If it is in VBAI, and you are trying to acquire an image, the Devices should auto-populate in the Main tab of the Acquire Image setup. Simply select the camera and press Grab or Snap. 
    If it is in LabVIEW, right-click on the interface input of the IMAQ to create either a constant or a control. If it does not auto-populate with the correct camera name as it is in MAX, "img0". Or you can change the interface name in MAX by simply right-clicking on the camera and selecting "Rename"
    Can you elaborate on what you are referring to when you say "the MAX explorer won't work in IMAQ"?
    Huntington W
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    ***Don't forget to give Kudos and Accepted as Solution where it is deserved***

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    Dear Ni users.
    Description of aplication.
    We use NI vision builder AI together with siemens WINCC software. We use shared variables acros NI shared variable engine, so read and write some parameters over WiNCC.
    The  aplication witch was working for more then 1 year, and sudenly we have noticed that we cannot se NOT acces shared varables in WINCC.
    After examine what can be wrong we faund that we cannot so no tags from NI shared variable engine, so we think that somehow something crashed?
    Do you have any similar cases in future. We cannot acces into any shared variables accros NI distributed system manager?
    Under localhost the Vision Builder  is mising, like in this white paper from Ni.
    Thank you for help
    Zajeta slika.JPG ‏34 KB

    Hi Bostjan_1234,
    What is the hardware involved in this setup? Do you use smart cameras?
    Have you tried the standard steps: restarting the system, defining a new tag/variable to see if you can see it in Distributed System Manager?
    I am looking forward wih great interests in your reply.
    Best regards,

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    Most likely, this is due to having a version of Labview that is newer than your Vision Builder / Vision Assistant software. There are updates available for both Vision Builder and Vision Assistant. These updates can be found at:
    Vision Assistant 7.0.1 if you previously had Vision Assistant 7.0
    Vision Builder for AI 2.0.2 if you previously had Vision Builder AI 2.0
    After installing one of the above, everything should work as you saw in the online demonstration.
    Hope this helps,

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    We have setup the image output to save all images from the inspection, however it only saves the last image acquired during the inspection.
    Is it possible to have Vision Builder save the images from the other 2 cameras?

    VBAI only has the ability to save the last image. If you would like to save the other images you will need to port the inspection to LabVIEW, and use Vision to save the other images. The other option is to create inspection scripts for each of the cameras.

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