Create pdf from an array in automator

Consider that I have an array of files, all of them in the same folder, with names like 1_cover.pdf, 2.pdf, 3.pdf, 4_article1.pdf, 5.pdf, 6_article2.pdf.
I already have a script that
receives a set of pdf files
combine them
move to a new folder with the same name of the 1st file
rename the combined file to the name of the 1st file of the set + "new"
Now I need to do 2 things
1) loop: run the script that I already have for how many articles I have in the set (3 times in the exemple above).
I think I need to count how many "_" I have in the folder and iterate, but I have no idea how to do this.
2) Group the articles like
[1_cover.pdf, 2.pdf, 3.pdf]
Article 1
[4_article.pdf, 5.pdf]
Article 2
With the script that I already have, I could enter the 3 sets manually and have the output I need, but I'd like to enter with the entire folder and get everything done. =)
Thank you very much

See the second article for how to look through a list of files in a folder. t-video-length

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    I'm posting this because I could not find another question that dealt with my problem directly, but after A LOT of searching, and a few failed attempts, I did find the solution.
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    Click on Settings
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    Click on OK to save your new settings, and the simply Cancel out of the "Create PDF from Web Page" dialog box. If you read this page, it says you have to actually create at least one PDF file using the "Create PDF from Web Page" dialog in order for your settings to stick, but I never did, and my settings were saved just fine.
    If you're copying basic text (or converting text files), that's all there is to it.
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    Hopefully this helps someone else find their answer much easier than I found mine
    And of course, comments and suggestions are welcome.

    Thanks for asking. Yes, with either the Crop tool or the Set Page Boxes tool, I could trim the page just fine, removing the excess from the right side, but as soon as I tried to add space to the left side, it just blanked out the whole page. It seemed like it should have worked, and maybe on a simple text file it would have. But that particular array of content proved to be most troublesome.
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    - complex PDF files (that is, containing cross-references, tables of contents, and bookmarks) generated by Acrobat 9.x Pro are roughly 2-5x larger than the identical file generated with Acrobat 8.x Pro.
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    - just using Save As to another filename has no effect on file size.
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    - generating the PDF in Acrobat 9 without any links or bookmarks results in approximately the same file size as the Acrobat 8 PDF with full links and bookmarks.
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    Sorry that I can't reveal all parts of picture.
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    I don't know about the PC version but in the Mac version if you don't have drawing objects checked in Print and
    in the view menus, when you print to PDF, the images won't be there.
    I would assume there are the same settings in PC even if you Print to PDF printer or what other method available to PC.

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    3.  Auto mode: You can let the script run through its tasks automatically by typing 'applejack auto'. If you want the machine to automatically restart at the end of its tasks, use 'applejack auto restart'. You can also tell the computer to shut down automatically at the end by using the command line 'applejack auto shutdown'.
    3a. Deep Auto mode: If you want to let AppleJack clean out all cache files, including the Launch Services database and any cached User Pictures, use 'applejack AUTO' instead. Use this if you still have problems booting after running AppleJack already.
    4.  Interactive mode: To run through just one task, or to run the script manually, type 'applejack' and then choose tasks from the menu. Running the script in interactive mode has the benefit of giving you options for working with user level cache and preference files, not just the default system level caches and preferences. To select an option, type the highlighted number or letter associated with the action, and then hit return. Whenever you enter a choice in AppleJack, you will need to hit return for that choice to take effect.
    4.  Corrupted preference files are moved into a directory that will mirror the original preference directory, with (Corrupt) added to the directory name. For example, corrupt preferences files found in ~/Library/Preferences will be moved to ~/Library/Preferences (Corrupt). After running AppleJack, you'll probably want to take a look at them (and most likely throw out those folders). As of version 1.4.2, AppleJack now creates a copy of the directory tree inside the (Corrupt) folder so that if any files were deeply nested inside the original preference folder, they will be placed in an identical directory hierarchy in the new (Corrupt) folder. This way, if for any reason you would want to move a preference file back, you know where it should go.
    6.  AppleJack has a primitive logging mechanism. It writes a journal of most of its activity to /var/log/AppleJack.log. AppleJack will automatically reset the log the next time you run it, if the file should ever reach a size somewhat over 500k.

  • Question re Create PDF from Word doc

    I am trying to create a pdf from a Word document (Word 2007, Acrobat 8 Professional), and am having lots of trouble with images,fonts and document overhead. With the fonts, i generate the PDF by saying Create Pdf from the plugin in Word. I specify in the Preferences that fonts are not to be embedded. I then open the PDF and access PDF Optimiser -> Audit Space Usage, and it says that fonts take up like 20% of the document, however there are only like 10 lines of text in Arial (9pt), and 6 titles also in Arial (Bold). I dont understand why Font is taking up so much space considering that i have elected not to embed fonts (if i go to the Fonts section in the Optimiser, it shows both embedded and unembedded panes blank).
    With the images, i have 2 jpegs in the footer, that are compressed (JPEG -> Low). The other thing i am struggling with is the headers and footers, if i generate the PDF from the Word doc with Headers/Footers, then images take up over 15% of the document. Not sure if there is a way to add headers and footers within minimum impact of filesize? I have tried checking everything in the 3 categories of Dicard Objects, Discard User data and Clean Up. but the Document Overhead remains at 35%.
    What else can i do to get these filesizes reduced?I have been researching this for days and have not come across anything that has helped.I have tried to PDF print, i have changed the font to like Courier, ensured no thumbnails or bookmarks, ensured JPEGs are not embedded in the doc, tried Save As, Save As under a different filename - basically anthing you can find on the net i have found and tried, but still cant fix this!!!! please, if anyone knows acrobate 8 better than me / or knows what the problem is, please advise????
    Thanks very much.

    The colors and size in a graphic needs to be done in a graphics editor. What type of editor would depend on the use of vector graphics versus bitmap. Sometimes vector graphics are larger than bitmaps if you are using a lot of lines that would display better as just a splotch of color. Such are the variations between vector and bitmap graphics, but important if you are looking for size reduction. For a bitmap, I would do the sizing and color depth with IrfanView, but you should be able to do that with PhotoShop if you have it. Vector graphics can be adjusted in Illustrator. The size of vector graphics is not an issue since they are scalable, but the size of a bitmap is important since your are looking at individual pixels and that depends on size. The point is that if you can adjust the color depth and size for the desired pixel resolution, the bitmap is optimized for the conversion to PDF from WORD.
    As I mentioned, the smallest file size job options should minimize font storage in the PDF. Checking with the PDF Optimizer does not always give you all of the fonts. I am not sure why. It is better to check the font tab in the document properties to see what has been embedded. There is a preflight macro to embed fonts, you might check to see if there is one to delete fonts (I have not checked on that). Sometimes you can play with the reprint of a PDF, but that is not an option that is generally recommended, particularly if you have any tagging or such. Of course, tagging can really bloat a PDF, but is needed for a variety of reasons such as format for saving back to WORD (not a great workflow), accessability, and related issues. In another topic, there is some discussion of the purposes of tagging and bookmarks. However, the tags and bookmarks take space if that is really an issue for you. The latter are avoided if you use the print to the Adobe PDF printer and do not use PDF Maker in the PDF creation process. Again, there is a trade-off here in terms of size and functionality, particularly accessibility compliance.
    Not sure I am helping as I run on, but sort what might be useful for you.

  • Create PDF from webpage font color turns white

    While using Create PDF from a web page the text in the final PDF is colored white so I cannot see it.  Italicized text remains black and is find.  However, the font color of standard text is turned white.  I know the text is there because I can use the text editing tool to copy the text out into notepad.  This problem occurs with Adobe Acrobat X and XI.  However, when I use Adobe Acrobat VIII there is not problem.  Furthermore, with the website I am converting to PDF the problem only happens if I try to convert the entire site, which is about 1,100 pages.  If I stop the job half way, the font color remains fine.
    Any ideas?

    Under the Settings... button in the Create PDF from web page dialog, do you have the checkbox selected for "Force These Settings for All Pages"?

  • Acrobat 9 Pro - Create PDF from Word doesn't start

    I have Word 2007 and Acrobat 9 Pro installed on Windows 7. I can print a Word file to PDF, but using Create PDF on the Acrobat toolbar does almost nothing. A dialog opens and asks what to name the file, but when I click Save nothing happens. The PDF Maker doesn't even start.
    When I go into Acrobat and try to Create PDF from File and select a Word file, I see a message about "starting" but then I get "An unexpected error occurred. PDFMaker was unable to produce the Adobe PDF."
    So I essentially have no PDF and no useful error messages to help me find the source of the problem. I've tried repairing the Acrobat installation, and even uninstalling and re-installing, all to no avail. My IT department has tortured me for a few hours trying all the basic stuff, but nothing has helped. I found this problem description in the Adobe Knowledgebase and I followed the steps there, but still nothing. (Yes, I have my name and initials set in Word's personalization settings. That was a dumb bug, wasn't it?)
    Anyone had any ideas? I can create basic PDF by printing, but that doesn't give me a hyperlinked table of contents and other good stuff that I need.
    Thanks for any help!

    Hi Bill,
    Can you tell me a little more about PDF Maker not working in Word? It worked fine for me on my Windows XP machine with Word 2003 and Acrobat 8 (or maybe 9). It sounds like you've had a different experience. I currently have version 9.3.1, but the updater is running right now to update that. Is there another way to install the updates besides with the built-in updater? I don't seem to have control over the order of the updates when I use it.
    I will try turning off features to see what happens. It doesn't look like PDF Maker gets started, though, so I don't know if it's getting far enough to even load the list of what features are on/off.

  • Creating PDF from Office files in Acrobat X for Mac

    Dear All - I just installed the Mac version of Acrobat X (with the newest dot release upgrade).  I was surprised to find (on my installation anyway) that the only way to create a PDF from an Office document is from within Mac Office, using the print command to create an Adobe PDF. 
    There is no way to use Create PDF from the initial screen or the menu bar of Mac Acrobat X to convert an existing .doc, .docx, .xls, .ppt, etc. file  - the dropdown list of supported formats doesn't include any of the Office formats.  Nor does dragging an Office file's icon onto Acrobat's icon work.
    I know from the video tutorials on that the Windows version of the Acrobat X product does support direct conversion of Office files without having to open them first in Office.  Is there something screwy with my particular installation, or is the exclusion of Office conversion in the Acrobat application (as opposed to through Office) a "feature" of the Mac version for some reason?
    Many thanks.

    That's a good question, but I don't have a definitive answer. I know that Adobe has claimed to be working on providing PDFMaker capabilities (at least partially) for the Mac, but we haven't seen anything yet. PDFMaker was dropped as of version 9, but even before then, it was considerably less capable than the Windows version.
    I believe there are techincal limitations on the Mac that prevent them from integrating it with Microsoft Office products. I know that on WIndows, Office needs to be installed for PDFMaker to work, so Acrobat (PDFMaker) relies in part on MS Office functionality. If the same APIs aren't available on the Mac, there's not a lot they can do apart from implementing a conversion process that does not rely on MS Office, which sounds to me like a considerable undertaking.

  • Can't create PDF from Word file

    I may be missing some functionality or that functionality may not exist.
    I'm running Acrobat Pro 9.2 and MS Word 2004 (11.5) on OSX Leopard 10.5.8. I want to create a PDF from a Word file but NOT using the Print dialog. I want to either create it in Acrobat using File > Create PDF > From File or create it from within Word using the Acrobat menu/toolbar. This is so that it will end up as a tagged PDF.
    However, I don't have an Acrobat menu or toolbar in Word. I thought Acrobat was supposed to have installed these into MS Office when I installed Acrobat. And when within Acrobat if I select File > Create PDF > From File and choose a Word file, I get a message "Acrobat could not open 'filename.doc' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged". This happens for all Word files.
    Looking in Acrobat > About Adobe Plug-Ins... under Convert2AdobePDF it says 'Loaded: no'.
    Are these two methods of converting Word files to PDFs something that can only be done in the Windows version of Acrobat? Or is there a plug-in or update I can download to install this missing functionality?
    Thanks for your help,

    Keep your Office2004. But Office 2008 does have a way to create PDF's from within  the word and excel Programs.
    It works better than through the AdobePDF Printer, or through the Apple Print menus save as PDF. (Unless you have X.6.x Snow leopard)
    One thing it gets around is a long standing Problem Acrobat has had with word and excel since Word 6.0.1.a/Excel 5.0.1a. Acrobat doesn't know how to interpert Word Page section Breaks. Chopping up a word/excel document in to multiple PDFs that have to be merged back together. MS came up with their own PDF Converter that gets around that problem.

  • Can't create PDF from most MS Office files, or combine

    After behaving nicely for months, Acrobat suddenly won't create PDFs, either from the Acrobat menu or (for most) from right-clicking in Explorer. If I try File> Create PDF> From File, the dialog says it's looking for 'all supported formats' but doesn't show any of the files in the folder (not even .TXTs). It'll create a PDF from the right-click menu in Explorer, for only a very a few file types (for example, .docx but not .doc), and it won't do a Combine Files, either from Explorer or from the program, for any filetypes (says 'cannot convert file' on all filetypes).
    This worked fine up til today and I have the same setup at work (AA 9 Pro and Office 2010) where it works fine. Tried doing a 'Repair' but no change. Starting to panic here. What went south? Thanks for any clues!

    I said to print as a check, not to forget PDF Maker. The print is a temporary work around while you resolve the issue, partiuclarly if you are under time pressure. With versions before AA9, PDF Maker was simply a front end for the printer and when the printer was checked things might fail. So you get some trouble shooting of where the problem is. If you do not want to troubleshoot to see if everything is broken, that is fine.
    The updates and repairs are other steps to take. A reinstall is typically a last resort and should include deletion of the Acrobat folder and running a cleaner on the registry after the uninstall.
    Generally, if the PDF Maker in WORD does not work, then none of the other options to right click and create a PDF or creating a PDF directly in WORD will not work either. The whole point is to trace down to what is the major problem. Often folks have problems because the PDF Maker is not being recognized in WORD and has to be activated, but you have the icon and that suggests things should work.
    Your next step is to check the job settings file. Be sure you have access to the job settings file. You will usually get an error message if this access is denied for some reason and posting the error is helpful.

  • Can't Create PDF "from file" using any MS Office files

    Acrobat 8.1.1 Pro. (OS = XP), as part of the CS3 premium edition.
    I can no longer get Acrobat to recognize any of the MS Office applications extensions (.doc, .ppt, etc...) for use with either Create PDF "From File" or when using the Combine Files feature to Merge or Package. The extensions are no longer even listed as an option in the dialog box, or in the Preference settings under "Convert to PDF".
    FYI- I can still use the PDF Maker functionality from within the MS Office application to create a PDF.
    Any Idea what could have happened, or more importantly how to fix?
    I have re-installed the Acrobat 8 application, and the problem still exists.
    I'm truly puzzled.

    I get this with my PC and I ran detect-repair and reinstalled. Some PDF's I can open and other's I cannot. I can send the email to a cohort and they can open fine.
    "Can't create file: Right-click the folder you want to create the file in and then click Properties on the shortcut menu to check your permissions for the folder"
    Any ideas would be great.

  • How to include non web pages to the "Create PDF from Web Page" feature?

    In Acrobat Pro (v. 10), when I use the "Create PDF from Web Page" feature, it works great for html pages, but it skips non-html links (doc, pdf, ppt, xls, etc). I need Acrobat Pro to convert those files and put them in the order as well. I don't see an option for this in settings. Is there ANY way I can do this? This is for an archiving purpose and I have 10,000 plus files to convert. Please help.

    This is a question i'm trying to answer too. My issue is that I have a PDF file which itself contains links to both DOC and PDF files. The end result is that I need one consolidated PDF containing all the linked files (in order).
    I can run the "create from web page" on this PDF file, and it'll download them, but not convert them. It just adds them as "jumbled" text to the end of the document. I need it to download, convert, and then append them.
    So, as isunshine3 asked above, any way to have Adobe convert the files that it finds linked when running the "create from web page"?

  • I have Acrobat 9.5 and when I try to create pdf from scanner, it displays an error "Adobe acrobat has stopped working". Is there any way I can use this functionality?

    I have Acrobat 9.5 and when I try to create>pdf from scanner, it displays an error "Adobe acrobat has stopped working". Is there any way I can use this functionality?

    Provide you have Acrobat 9 installed in an OS for which Acrobat 9 is compatible then you can use the functionality.
    As well, you need a scanner connected, powered up, and the software installed. Acrobat 9 "prefers" TWAIN drivers.
    Always visit the scanner vendor's site and download - install the latest greatest software.
    n.b., The Acrobat 9.x product family passed into "End of Support" mid-year 2013.
    As well the Acrobat 9.x product family is not compatible with contemporary OSs.
    Be well...

  • Adobe Acrobat XI Standard crashes when we create pdf from scanner

    We are using adobe acrobat XI standard, version 11.0.06
    WIndows 7 Pro 64 bit
    scanner: Xerox documate 4799
    Acrobat crashes when we create pdf from scanner

    Spent quite a while on this one..  My problem was related to twain drivers which reside in c:\windows\twain_32.  I'm running windows 7 64-bit.  First it's usually possible to scan in windows 7 maybe vista and from adobe without even using twain (using WIA).  So try renaming the twain_32 folder to _twain_32 and see what happens...  If that stops the crashing look at the contents of the twain folder.  I had a Dell folder for some printer I wasn't even using.  That was causing the crash. I removed the dell folder and renamed the twain folder back to twain_32.  Now everything works as designed.

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