Created a class...

I created this class on paper and I dont have access to a computer that I am able to test it on. But from what I can see it seems that it is correct and should work according to what the function descriptions say and I was just wondering if any of you could spot some errors?
public class Event implements Comparable {
     private boolean arrDep;        //1 = arrival 0=departure
     private int eventTime;
     private int eventLength;
      * Constructor used to create a new arrival event
      * @param time the time the arrival occurs
      * @param length the length of the transaction
     public Event(int time, int length)
          arrDep = true;
          eventTime = time;
          eventLength = length;
      * Constructor used to create a new departure event
      * @param time the time the departure occurs
     public Event(int time)
          arrDep = false;
          eventTime = time;
          eventLength = 0;
      * Returns the time that the event occurs
      * @return the time of the event
     public int getTime()
          return eventTime;
      * For arrival events, returns the length of the transaction
      * For departure events, returns 0
      * @return the length of the transaction
     public int getTransLength()
          return eventLength;
      * Used to determine if the event is an arrival event
      * @return true if the event is an arrival, and false otherwise
     public boolean isArrival()
          return arrDep;
      * Used to determine if the event is a departure event
      * @return true if the event is a departure, and false otherwise
     public boolean isDeparture()
          return !arrDep;
      * Used to determine which event will happen first
      * @return 0 if this.getTime() == rhs.getTime()
      *        -1 if this.getTime() <  rhs.getTime()
      *         1 if this.getTime() >  rhs.getTime()
     public int compareTo(Object rhs) {
          if(this.getTime() == ((Event) rhs).getTime()) return 0;
          else if(this.getTime() < ((Event) rhs).getTime()) return -1;
          else return 1;

Your In the Clear
everything complies perfectlydon't be mean, no it doesn't >-)
@OP, it probably does compile, I haven't tried. looks ok. but your question raises a few interesting points
1) can you trust total strangers to answer this honestly? would it matter? only way to know whether something will work is to try it yourself, and since you can't do that at the moment, there can be no consequences to any answer you get
2) what use would even an honest answer be? suppose we all agreed on "no". then what? you re-write it? why? you can't use it. if we all agree on "yes"? so what? you have some source code on paper that will compile, finally, when you get to a machine, at which point you can find out for yourself anyway :-)

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                 zxx1_lira(16)          type p decimals 0.
           zxx1_warning_threshold type i value 5000,
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    8. Select  Type Group from menubar
               a) Check
               b) Save
               c) Activate
    9. Click the back button or F3 to exit.
    10, Show  your type group to your teacher.
    11. Go to ABAP editor and enter the following program:
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    type-pools zxx1.                   "contains zxx1_amalgamation_date
    data:    d1              like sy-datum,
                d2              like d1,
                num_days type p.
    d1  = d2 = sy-datum.
    subtract 1 from d1.
    write / d1.                              "yesterday's date
    d2+06 = '01'                         " first day of current months
    subtract 1 from d2.
    write / d2.                           " last day of previous month
    num_days = sy-datum - zxx1_amalgamation_date.
    write / num_days.                " number of days since amalgamation
    11. Double click zxx1 from the type-pool statement to see the type group.
    12. Follow lab1 procedure and run your program
    (B) Run an ABAP program using field symbol ( i.e. pointer)
    report zxx_lab6.
    data  f1(3)  value   'ABC'.          "Step 1 Define a variable
    field-symbols <f>.                     "Step 2 Define a pointer variable ( it only stores address)
    assign f1 to <f>.                        "Step3 Initialize the pointer variable with an address
    write <f>.                                    "Step4 Now you can use <f> in place of f1
    write / f1.                                      " (same as write f1 )  
    <f> = 'xyz'.                                   " Assign a new value to f1
    write <f>.
    write / f1.

    This is not the way to create a new development class.
    Follow this steps to create a development class:
    Naimesh Patel

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    Hi Yasir,
    remove the jaxb.jar from the WEB_INF/lib and move
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    Hi Srinath
    There are 2 things.. Create the screen layout and Define the screen layout... (IMG> AA > Master Data> Screen Layout for asset classes)
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    Edited by: pradeep_546 on Feb 17, 2011 9:35 PM
    Edited by: pradeep_546 on Feb 17, 2011 9:36 PM
    Edited by: pradeep_546 on Feb 17, 2011 9:37 PM

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    *provide data objects
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    *provide object
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          IT_MARA      = IT_MARA
          WA_MARA      = WA_MARA.
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    Hi Murali,
    Heres a thread which discussed uploading java source file instead of runnable code on to the database, which might be helpful :
    Configure deployment to a database to upload the java file instead of class
    The files for the java class you created in JDev project is located in the myworks folder in jdev, eg, <jdev_home>\jdev\mywork\Application1\Project1\src\project1
    Hope this helps,

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    You could use a HashMap, and use the String keys "Customer", "ID", etc, and if you have primitive values like an int, you just wrap it inside Integer or any of the other wrapper classes, because HashMap only works with objects.
    Then you can use an ArrayList to hold all the records (one record is one HashMap as described above).

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    Thanks for the quick response Ben!
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    p.s. I'm tempted to steal your cell phone sig, hope you dont mind haha good stuff!

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    Can I create private class in ABAP? Please reply me its interview question.
    Thanks ,
    Moderator message : Interview type questions not allowed, read Forum Rules Of Engagement before posting.  Thread locked.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Jan 16, 2012 12:20 PM

    Vishal , please read the rules of this forum.

  • How to create a class pool

    Hi how to create a class pool when i tried to create it has shown the following error
    <b>Unable to change program from or to type K
    Message no. DS165
    You tried to assign a type to a program that cannot be assigned in the program attributes, but can only be set internally by one of the tools in the ABAP Workbench.
    The following program types are reserved:
    F Reserved for Function Groups
    Function groups are adminstered by the Function Builder, and you can only create or delete them using the Function Builder or the Object Navigator (Transaction SE80).
    K Reserved for Class Defintions
    Class definitions are administered in the Class Builder. You can only create or delete them using the Clas Builder or the Object Navigator.
    J Reserved for Interface Definitions
    Interface definitions are administered in the Clas Builder. You can only create or delete them using the class Builder or the Object Navigator.</b>

    Though you get a popup for different options for different program types like Class pools, function groups etc in SE 38 Program attributes, you can't create them from Se38 transaction.
    They have to be created from different places.
    Class Pools are nothing but creating CLASSes and INTERFACEs using the T Code SE24.
    This needs little Java/OOPs concepts to create and use them.
    Hope this helps.

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    >> Any good sample projects on this out there?
    Not suer if you are using C# as the develop language, if it is, i think you would find a lot of articles about this topic with your favorite search engine, here are some related links:
    COM Interop Part 1: C# Client Tutorial
    COM Interop Part 2: C# Server Tutorial
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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