CreateTextField help...

ok. im trying to get the data that is entered into the
created text fields and turn them into an Array.
for some reason it reads the text field varibles as the
variable name not the value of the text field.
anyone got any idea how to work this out?
the code:
word = "test_test";
amount = word.length;
letters = new Array();
for (x=0; x<amount; x++) {
xpos = 100;
xpos = xpos + x * 25;
createTextField("Box_"+ [x], x, xpos, 150, 20,20);
_root["Box_" + x].type = "input"
_root["Box_" + x].background=true;
_root["Box_" + x].border=true;
_root["Box_" + x].backgroundColor=0xFFFFFF;//white
_root["Box_" + x].borderColor=0x000000;//black
_root["Box_" + x].multiline=false;
_root["Box_" + x].wordWrap=false;
_root["Box_" + x].variable = "myText"+x
_root["Box_" + x].maxChars = 1;
_root["Box_" + x].tabEnabled = false;
btn.onPress = function(){
got = new Array(amount)
for(i=0; i<amount; i++){
got = "myText[" + i + "]";

well, that's what you tell it to do.
Why should it get the content when you set got =
You probably mean got = _root["myText"+x];
But what are all these variables for in the first place?
Couldn't you work with _root["Box_" + x].text?
Also, you never set _root["Box_" + x].text to the letters.
And you have typos. I hope only in the copy:
- you're missing a ";" after the variable = "myText"+x
- you're missing a } after the loop
- and it should be "Box_"+x, not "Box_"+[x] inside
createTextField("Box_"+ [x], x, xpos, 150, 20,20);

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  • Need help with xml video gallery

    Hello everyone
    I recently bought a xml video gallery. I'm loading the movie externally into another movie. When the xml gallery loads, it cancels all sounds.
    I need to figure out where in the actionscription can i reverse the cancellation of sounds. Can anyone help? if possible, I can email, whomever is willing to help, the xml gallery to see if theres another reason the sound is being canceled.
    Also, the sound of the gallery doesn't work til you click the volume scroller.
    Here are two parts of actionscript included in the gallery:
    part one:
    // Import filter classes
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    // Set flash variables
    var xmlFileUrl:String = "playlist.xml";
    var auto_play:String = "true";
    // Set xml file URL
    if (_root.xmlfile) {
        xmlFileUrl = _root.xmlfile;
    var V_SRC;
    var thuArray:Array = new Array();
    var currentVideo:Number = 0;
    var totalItems;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var itemDistance:Number = 120+5;
    var itemHeight:Number = 80+2;
    var Value:Number = 1;
    var boundry:Number = 1;
    var ratio:Number = 1;
    var diff:Number = 1;
    var collectionWidth:Number = 1;
    var buffer:Number = 135*2;
    video_txt.theText.selectable = false;
    video_txt.theText.autoSize = "left";
    //The Format
    myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = _root.font_format;
    myFormat.size = _root.font_size;
    myFormat.color = _root.font_color;
    myFormat.align = "center";
    // Create a new movieclip to load the thumbs
    var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
    thumbListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip, httpStatus:Number)
        new Tween(target_mc, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
        target_mc._parent.preloader_mc._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = xmlLoaded;
    // Load the xml file into the player
    function xmlLoaded(b:Boolean) {
        if (b) {
            auto_play = this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.auto_play;
            scrollSpeed = parseInt(this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.scrollSpeed);
            totalItems = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
            numOfItems = totalItems.length;
            for (j=0; j<numOfItems; j++) {
                var i = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc.attachMovie("mc_Thumb", "thumb_"+j, j);
                i._x = itemDistance*j;
       = j;
                i.videoTitle = totalItems[j].attributes.title;
                i.videoUrl = totalItems[j].attributes.src;
                // Create an event for thumb rollover
                i.onRollOver = iRoll;
                i.onRollOut = i.onReleaseOutside=iOut;
                i.onRelease = iRelease;
                thuArray[j] = i;
            // default first video
            collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
            currentVideo = 0;
            V_SRC = thuArray[0].videoUrl;
            //scope._alpha = 100;
            new Tween(scope, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
            trace("Error! xml file not loaded");
    // onRollOver Events
    function iRoll() {
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = totalItems[].attributes.title;;
    function iRelease() {
        currentVideo =;
    function changeVideo() {
        V_SRC = thuArray[currentVideo].videoUrl;
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = thuArray[currentVideo].videoTitle;
        video_txt.theText.text = totalItems[currentVideo].attributes.title;;
        player_mc.playStatus = 1;
    function nextVideo() {
        if (currentVideo<(numOfItems-1)) {
        } else {
            currentVideo = 0;
    function currentThumb() {
        for (i=0; i<thuArray.length; i++) {
            if (i == currentVideo) {
                thuArray[i].enabled = true;
    // Mouse movement on rollover
    this.onMouseMove = function() {
        collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
        boundry = player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width;
        if ((player_mc.main_mc._ymouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._ymouse<itemHeight)) {
            if ((player_mc.main_mc._xmouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._xmouse<boundry)) {
                ratio = player_mc.main_mc._xmouse/boundry;
                diff = (collectionWidth-boundry)+buffer;
                Value = Math.floor((-ratio)*diff)+(buffer/2);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        // Define movement area and speed
        if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width>player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width) {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round((player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x)+((Value-player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._ x)/scrollSpeed));
            if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x>0) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
            } else if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x<(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc. collection_mc._width))) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width));
        } else {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
    part two:
    // Define flash variables
    var video_url:String = "";
    var tempx:Number = this._parent._x;
    var tempy:Number = this._parent._y;
    var timeCounter:Number = 0;
    var timeInSeconds:Number = _root.time_counter;
    // Object to listen to onStage Event
    videoObj = vid.videoObj;
    // Setting up the connection
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Buffer time
    ns.setBufferTime (10);
    videoObj.attachVideo (ns);
    function loadVideo () {
        video_url = _parent.V_SRC;
        trace(video_url); (video_url);
    function checkStatus()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            mc_playAgain._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
        } // end else if
        if (so.getVolume() == 0)
    }; // End of the function
    mc_playAgain._visible = false;
    // Check Status of video
    ns.onStatus = function (info)
        if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty")
            mc_buffer._visible = true;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full")
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            } // end else if
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        } // end else if
    // Get info about video
    ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object)
        FLVduration = infoObject["duration"];
        relationshipW = infoObject.height / infoObject.width;
        relationshipH = infoObject.width / infoObject.height;
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen")
            largeSize ();
            regularSize ();
        if (_parent.auto_play == "false")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
            _parent.auto_play = "true";
        }// end else if
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100);
    var amountLoaded;
    var duration;
    // videoStatus on load Event
    function videoStatus()
        amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff._width = amountLoaded * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._x = ns.time / duration * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._xscale = Math.round(ns.time*100/FLVduration);
    }; // End of the function
    function scrubIt() / 250 * duration));
    }; // End of the function
    // video time
    var time_interval:Number = setInterval(checkTime, 500, ns);
    function checkTime(ns:NetStream) {
        //current time
        var ns_seconds:Number = ns.time;
        var minutes:Number = Math.floor(ns_seconds/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(ns_seconds%60);
        sec = seconds;
        min = minutes;
        if (sec<10) {
            sec = "0"+sec;
        if (min<10) {
            min = "0"+min;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_1.text = min+":"+sec;
        //total time
        var minutes2:Number = Math.floor(FLVduration/60);
        var seconds2 = Math.floor(FLVduration%60);
        sec2 = seconds2;
        min2 = minutes2;
        if (sec2<10) {
            sec2 = "0"+sec2;
        if (min2<10) {
            min2 = "0"+min2;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = min2+":"+sec2;
        if (controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text == "NaN:NaN") {
            controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = "00:00";
    setStage ();
    // Object to listen onStage Event
    var stageL:Object = new Object ();
    // function respnsible for content alignment
    function setStage ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen") {
            tempx = this._parent._x;
            tempy = this._parent._y;
            this._parent._x = 0;
            this._parent._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = 0;
            mc_title._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = -30;
            slide_me._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._width = Stage.width;
            vidBg_mc._height = Stage.height;
            mc_title._width = Stage.width;
            mc_title._height = Stage.height / 20;
            slide_me._width = Stage.width;
            slide_me._height = Stage.height / 20;
            vid._x = vid._y = 0;
            largeSize ();
            controls_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));
            controls_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 36);
            mc_playAgain._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (mc_playAgain._width / 2));
            mc_playAgain._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 572);
            thumbs_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (thumbs_mc._width / 2));
            thumbs_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 115);
            main_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));;
            hide_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
                timeCounter = timeCounter + 1;
                if (timeCounter >= timeInSeconds * 30) {
                    timeCounter = 0;
                    controls_mc._alpha = 0;
            this.onMouseMove = function () {
                timeCounter = 0;
                controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            delete hide_mc.onEnterFrame;
            delete this.onMouseMove;
            controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            this._parent._x = tempx;
            this._parent._y = tempy;
            vidBg_mc._width = 600;
            vidBg_mc._height = 360;
            mc_title._width = 600;
            mc_title._height = 30;
            slide_me._width = 600;
            slide_me._height = 30;
            vidBg_mc._x = vid._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = vid._y = 35;
            mc_title._x = vid._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = vid._x = -30;
            slide_me._x = vid._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = vid._y = 35;
            regularSize ();
            controls_mc._x = 0;
            controls_mc._y = 395;
            mc_playAgain._x = 243;
            mc_playAgain._y = 158;
            thumbs_mc._x = 0;
            thumbs_mc._y = 316;
            main_mc._x = 0;
            main_mc._y = 406;
        mc_buffer._x = Math.round (vidBg_mc._x + (vidBg_mc._width / 2));
        mc_buffer._y = Math.round (vidBg_mc._y + (vidBg_mc._height / 2));
    // to apply when stage (browser window) is resized or modified
    stageL.onResize = function () {
        setStage ();
    // attaching object to the stage
    Stage.addListener (stageL);
    MovieClip.prototype.slide = function(yPos) {
        this._y -= (this._y-yPos)/5;
    // tilte actions
    mc_title.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == false)
            this._y -= (this._y+106)/5;
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == true)
    // thumbs actions
    main_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == false)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 0);
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == true)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 133);
    // Playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.playlist_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (thumbs_out == false)
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        else if (thumbs_out == true)
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
        } // end if else
    // Define hit area for playPause button
    vid.onPress = controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    // playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOver = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOut = controls_mc.playPause.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.skip_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRelease = function ()
    // Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRollOver = function ()
    mc_playAgain.onRollOut = mc_playAgain.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRelease = function ()
        this._visible = false;
        playStatus = 1;
    // make the seek bar clickable
    controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff.onPress = function()
        xpos = controls_mc.mc_progress._xmouse;
        percent = Math.round(xpos/controls_mc.mc_progress._width*100);
        seekTime = percent/100*FLVduration;
        seekTime = Math.round(seekTime*100)/100;;
    // Set volume level
    var s:Sound = new Sound();
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = _root.volume_value;
    // Volume control
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.onPress = function()
        volumeTo = (this._xmouse / this._width)*100;
        this.mc_volume._xscale = volumeTo;
    // Volume
    _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("vSound", _parent.getNextHighestDepth());
    var so = new Sound(vSound);
    // Mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.mute_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 0;
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 70;
        } // end else if
    // Resize video proportionaly
    function regularSize ()
        videoObj._width = 600;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > 360)
            videoObj._height = 360;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (600 - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (360 - videoObj._height) / 2;
    function largeSize ()
        videoObj._width = Stage.width;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > Stage.height)
            videoObj._height = Stage.height;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (Stage.width - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (Stage.height - videoObj._height) / 2;
    // Fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    // Toggle fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
            Stage["displayState"] = "fullscreen";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = false;
            Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = true;

    if you mean sound works well when the gallery is tested without being loaded into another swf but fails when loaded, change the highlighted line:
    // Import filter classes
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    // Set flash variables
    var xmlFileUrl:String = "playlist.xml";
    var auto_play:String = "true";
    // Set xml file URL
    if (_root.xmlfile) {
        xmlFileUrl = _root.xmlfile;
    var V_SRC;
    var thuArray:Array = new Array();
    var currentVideo:Number = 0;
    var totalItems;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var itemDistance:Number = 120+5;
    var itemHeight:Number = 80+2;
    var Value:Number = 1;
    var boundry:Number = 1;
    var ratio:Number = 1;
    var diff:Number = 1;
    var collectionWidth:Number = 1;
    var buffer:Number = 135*2;
    video_txt.theText.selectable = false;
    video_txt.theText.autoSize = "left";
    //The Format
    myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = _root.font_format;
    myFormat.size = _root.font_size;
    myFormat.color = _root.font_color;
    myFormat.align = "center";
    // Create a new movieclip to load the thumbs
    var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
    thumbListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip, httpStatus:Number)
        new Tween(target_mc, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
        target_mc._parent.preloader_mc._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = xmlLoaded;
    // Load the xml file into the player
    function xmlLoaded(b:Boolean) {
        if (b) {
            auto_play = this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.auto_play;
            scrollSpeed = parseInt(this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.scrollSpeed);
            totalItems = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
            numOfItems = totalItems.length;
            for (j=0; j<numOfItems; j++) {
                var i = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc.attachMovie("mc_Thumb", "thumb_"+j, j);
                i._x = itemDistance*j;
       = j;
                i.videoTitle = totalItems[j].attributes.title;
                i.videoUrl = totalItems[j].attributes.src;
                // Create an event for thumb rollover
                i.onRollOver = iRoll;
                i.onRollOut = i.onReleaseOutside=iOut;
                i.onRelease = iRelease;
                thuArray[j] = i;
            // default first video
            collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
            currentVideo = 0;
            V_SRC = thuArray[0].videoUrl;
            //scope._alpha = 100;
            new Tween(scope, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
            trace("Error! xml file not loaded");
    // onRollOver Events
    function iRoll() {
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = totalItems[].attributes.title;;
    function iRelease() {
        currentVideo =;
    function changeVideo() {
        V_SRC = thuArray[currentVideo].videoUrl;
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = thuArray[currentVideo].videoTitle;
        video_txt.theText.text = totalItems[currentVideo].attributes.title;;
        player_mc.playStatus = 1;
    function nextVideo() {
        if (currentVideo<(numOfItems-1)) {
        } else {
            currentVideo = 0;
    function currentThumb() {
        for (i=0; i<thuArray.length; i++) {
            if (i == currentVideo) {
                thuArray[i].enabled = true;
    // Mouse movement on rollover
    this.onMouseMove = function() {
        collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
        boundry = player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width;
        if ((player_mc.main_mc._ymouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._ymouse<itemHeight)) {
            if ((player_mc.main_mc._xmouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._xmouse<boundry)) {
                ratio = player_mc.main_mc._xmouse/boundry;
                diff = (collectionWidth-boundry)+buffer;
                Value = Math.floor((-ratio)*diff)+(buffer/2);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        // Define movement area and speed
        if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width>player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width) {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round((player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x)+((Value-player_mc.main_mc.colle ction_mc._x)/scrollSpeed));
            if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x>0) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
            } else if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x<(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_m c.main_mc.collection_mc._width))) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._w idth));
        } else {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
    part two:
    // Define flash variables
    var video_url:String = "";
    var tempx:Number = this._parent._x;
    var tempy:Number = this._parent._y;
    var timeCounter:Number = 0;
    var timeInSeconds:Number = _root.time_counter;
    // Object to listen to onStage Event
    videoObj = vid.videoObj;
    // Setting up the connection
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Buffer time
    ns.setBufferTime (10);
    videoObj.attachVideo (ns);
    function loadVideo () {
        video_url = _parent.V_SRC;
        trace(video_url); (video_url);
    function checkStatus()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            mc_playAgain._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
        } // end else if
        if (so.getVolume() == 0)
    }; // End of the function
    mc_playAgain._visible = false;
    // Check Status of video
    ns.onStatus = function (info)
        if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty")
            mc_buffer._visible = true;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full")
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            } // end else if
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        } // end else if
    // Get info about video
    ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object)
        FLVduration = infoObject["duration"];
        relationshipW = infoObject.height / infoObject.width;
        relationshipH = infoObject.width / infoObject.height;
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen")
            largeSize ();
            regularSize ();
        if (_parent.auto_play == "false")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
            _parent.auto_play = "true";
        }// end else if
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100);
    var amountLoaded;
    var duration;
    // videoStatus on load Event
    function videoStatus()
        amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff._width = amountLoaded * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._x = ns.time / duration * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._xscale = Math.round(ns.time*100/FLVduration);
    }; // End of the function
    function scrubIt() / 250 * duration));
    }; // End of the function
    // video time
    var time_interval:Number = setInterval(checkTime, 500, ns);
    function checkTime(ns:NetStream) {
        //current time
        var ns_seconds:Number = ns.time;
        var minutes:Number = Math.floor(ns_seconds/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(ns_seconds%60);
        sec = seconds;
        min = minutes;
        if (sec<10) {
            sec = "0"+sec;
        if (min<10) {
            min = "0"+min;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_1.text = min+":"+sec;
        //total time
        var minutes2:Number = Math.floor(FLVduration/60);
        var seconds2 = Math.floor(FLVduration%60);
        sec2 = seconds2;
        min2 = minutes2;
        if (sec2<10) {
            sec2 = "0"+sec2;
        if (min2<10) {
            min2 = "0"+min2;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = min2+":"+sec2;
        if (controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text == "NaN:NaN") {
            controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = "00:00";
    setStage ();
    // Object to listen onStage Event
    var stageL:Object = new Object ();
    // function respnsible for content alignment
    function setStage ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen") {
            tempx = this._parent._x;
            tempy = this._parent._y;
            this._parent._x = 0;
            this._parent._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = 0;
            mc_title._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = -30;
            slide_me._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._width = Stage.width;
            vidBg_mc._height = Stage.height;
            mc_title._width = Stage.width;
            mc_title._height = Stage.height / 20;
            slide_me._width = Stage.width;
            slide_me._height = Stage.height / 20;
            vid._x = vid._y = 0;
            largeSize ();
            controls_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));
            controls_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 36);
            mc_playAgain._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (mc_playAgain._width / 2));
            mc_playAgain._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 572);
            thumbs_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (thumbs_mc._width / 2));
            thumbs_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 115);
            main_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));;
            hide_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
                timeCounter = timeCounter + 1;
                if (timeCounter >= timeInSeconds * 30) {
                    timeCounter = 0;
                    controls_mc._alpha = 0;
            this.onMouseMove = function () {
                timeCounter = 0;
                controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            delete hide_mc.onEnterFrame;
            delete this.onMouseMove;
            controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            this._parent._x = tempx;
            this._parent._y = tempy;
            vidBg_mc._width = 600;
            vidBg_mc._height = 360;
            mc_title._width = 600;
            mc_title._height = 30;
            slide_me._width = 600;
            slide_me._height = 30;
            vidBg_mc._x = vid._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = vid._y = 35;
            mc_title._x = vid._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = vid._x = -30;
            slide_me._x = vid._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = vid._y = 35;
            regularSize ();
            controls_mc._x = 0;
            controls_mc._y = 395;
            mc_playAgain._x = 243;
            mc_playAgain._y = 158;
            thumbs_mc._x = 0;
            thumbs_mc._y = 316;
            main_mc._x = 0;
            main_mc._y = 406;
        mc_buffer._x = Math.round (vidBg_mc._x + (vidBg_mc._width / 2));
        mc_buffer._y = Math.round (vidBg_mc._y + (vidBg_mc._height / 2));
    // to apply when stage (browser window) is resized or modified
    stageL.onResize = function () {
        setStage ();
    // attaching object to the stage
    Stage.addListener (stageL);
    MovieClip.prototype.slide = function(yPos) {
        this._y -= (this._y-yPos)/5;
    // tilte actions
    mc_title.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == false)
            this._y -= (this._y+106)/5;
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == true)
    // thumbs actions
    main_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == false)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 0);
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == true)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 133);
    // Playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.playlist_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (thumbs_out == false)
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        else if (thumbs_out == true)
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
        } // end if else
    // Define hit area for playPause button
    vid.onPress = controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    // playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOver = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOut = controls_mc.playPause.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.skip_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRelease = function ()
    // Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRollOver = function ()
    mc_playAgain.onRollOut = mc_playAgain.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRelease = function ()
        this._visible = false;
        playStatus = 1;
    // make the seek bar clickable
    controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff.onPress = function()
        xpos = controls_mc.mc_progress._xmouse;
        percent = Math.round(xpos/controls_mc.mc_progress._width*100);
        seekTime = percent/100*FLVduration;
        seekTime = Math.round(seekTime*100)/100;;
    // Set volume level
    var s:Sound = new Sound(this);
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = _root.volume_value;
    // Volume control
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.onPress = function()
        volumeTo = (this._xmouse / this._width)*100;
        this.mc_volume._xscale = volumeTo;
    // Volume
    _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("vSound", _parent.getNextHighestDepth());
    var so = new Sound(vSound);
    // Mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.mute_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 0;
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 70;
        } // end else if
    // Resize video proportionaly
    function regularSize ()
        videoObj._width = 600;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > 360)
            videoObj._height = 360;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (600 - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (360 - videoObj._height) / 2;
    function largeSize ()
        videoObj._width = Stage.width;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > Stage.height)
            videoObj._height = Stage.height;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (Stage.width - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (Stage.height - videoObj._height) / 2;
    // Fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    // Toggle fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
            Stage["displayState"] = "fullscreen";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = false;
            Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = true;

  • Please help me with AS error

    I am using a class called and the file is
    placed at the same root level as my .fla file, but I get an error
    when testing the movie. The error is:
    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 20: The
    class or interface 'actionscriptbible.drawing.DrawingUtilities'
    could not be loaded.
    var duDrawer
    rawingUtilities = new DrawingUtilities(mButton);
    Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
    why can't it find the damn class!?
    here is the entire AS code I am using if that helps...
    import actionscriptbible.drawing.DrawingUtilities;
    var mLoginButton:MovieClip;
    var mSaveButton:MovieClip;
    //the drawButton() function makes a new MovieClip object with
    a nested
    //label TextField object.
    function drawButton(mParent:MovieClip, sLabel:String,
    nWidth:Number, nHeight:Number):MovieClip {
    //Make a movieclip object nested in the parent object. Use a
    // instance name and depth.
    var nDepth:Number = mParent.getNextHighestDepth();
    var mButton:MovieClip =
    mParent.createEmptyMovieClip("mButton" + nDepth, nDepth);
    //Draw a rectangle in the MovieClip object
    var duDrawer
    rawingUtilities = new DrawingUtilities(mButton);
    duDrawer.beginFill(0xFFFFCC, 100);
    duDrawer.drawRectangle(nWidth, nHeight, nWidth/2, nHeight/2);
    // Add a TextField object to the MovieClip. Apply the label.
    var tLabel:TextField = mButton.createTextField("tLabel",
    mButton.getNextHighestDepth(),0,0, nWidth, nHeight);
    tLabel.Selectable = false;
    tLabel.text = sLabel;
    return mButton;
    function makeLoginScreen():Void {
    //Create the TextField and MovieClip Objects.
    this.createTextField("tUsername", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 100, 200, 20);
    this.createTextField("tPassword", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 140, 200, 20);
    this.createTextField("tMessage", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 60, 200, 20);
    mLoginButton = drawButton(this, "Login", 100, 25);
    //Set the properties of the TextField Objects.
    tUsername.border = true;
    tPassword.border = true;
    tUserName.type = "input";
    tPassword.type = "input";
    tPassword.password = true;
    tMessage.textColor = 0xFF0000;
    //Place the button
    mLoginButton._x = 100;
    mLoginButton._y = 180;
    mLoginButton.onRelease = function():Void {
    //Check to see if the user has entered the correct username
    //and password. If so, call the login() function.
    //otherwise, display
    //a message to the user and clear the values from the login
    //TextField objects.
    if(tUserName.text =="admin" && tPassword.text
    =="admin") {
    else {
    tMessage.text = "Try again.";
    tUsername.text = "";
    tPassword.text = "";
    function login(): Void {
    //Remove the TextField and MovieClip objects that made up
    //login screen.
    //Create the TextField and MovieClip for the notes screen.
    this.createTextField("tNotes", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 100, 350, 200);
    mSaveButton = drawButton(this, "Save", 100, 25);
    //Set the properties of the TextField Object.
    tNotes.border = true;
    tNotes.type = "input";
    //Place the button
    mSaveButton._x = 100;
    mSaveButton._y = 320;
    //Open a local shared object.
    var lsoNotes:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("notes");
    // Assign the stored text, if any.
    tNotes.text = ( == undefined) ? "" :;
    //When the user clicks and releases the button store the
    //current notes. in the shared object
    mSaveButton.onRelease = function():Void { = tNotes.text;

    I can get my form to dispay now, but the first input isn't
    alowing any text input
    here is tha code
    import DrawingUtilities;
    var mLoginButton:MovieClip;
    var mSaveButton:MovieClip;
    //the drawButton() function makes a new MovieClip object with
    a nested
    //label TextField object.
    function drawButton(mParent:MovieClip, sLabel:String,
    nWidth:Number, nHeight:Number):MovieClip {
    //Make a movieclip object nested in the parent object. Use a
    // instance name and depth.
    var nDepth:Number = mParent.getNextHighestDepth();
    var mButton:MovieClip =
    mParent.createEmptyMovieClip("mButton" + nDepth, nDepth);
    //Draw a rectangle in the MovieClip object
    var duDrawer
    rawingUtilities = new DrawingUtilities(mButton);
    duDrawer.beginFill(0xFFFFCC, 100);
    duDrawer.drawRectangle(nWidth, nHeight, nWidth/2, nHeight/2);
    // Add a TextField object to the MovieClip. Apply the label.
    var tLabel:TextField = mButton.createTextField("tLabel",
    mButton.getNextHighestDepth(),0,0, nWidth, nHeight);
    tLabel.Selectable = false;
    tLabel.text = sLabel;
    return mButton;
    function makeLoginScreen():Void {
    //Create the TextField and MovieClip Objects.
    this.createTextField("tUsername", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 100, 200, 20);
    this.createTextField("tPassword", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 140, 200, 20);
    this.createTextField("tMessage", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 60, 200, 20);
    mLoginButton = drawButton(this, "Login", 100, 25);
    //Set the properties of the TextField Objects.
    tUsername.border = true;
    tPassword.border = true;
    tUserName.type = "input";
    tPassword.type = "input";
    tPassword.password = true;
    tMessage.textColor = 0xFF0000;
    //Place the button
    mLoginButton._x = 100;
    mLoginButton._y = 180;
    mLoginButton.onRelease = function():Void {
    //Check to see if the user has entered the correct username
    //and password. If so, call the login() function.
    //otherwise, display
    //a message to the user and clear the values from the login
    //TextField objects.
    if(tUserName.text =="admin" && tPassword.text
    =="admin") {
    else {
    tMessage.text = "Try again.";
    tUsername.text = "";
    tPassword.text = "";
    function login(): Void {
    //Remove the TextField and MovieClip objects that made up
    //login screen.
    //Create the TextField and MovieClip for the notes screen.
    this.createTextField("tNotes", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
    100, 100, 350, 200);
    mSaveButton = drawButton(this, "Save", 100, 25);
    //Set the properties of the TextField Object.
    tNotes.border = true;
    tNotes.type = "input";
    //Place the button
    mSaveButton._x = 100;
    mSaveButton._y = 320;
    //Open a local shared object.
    var lsoNotes:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("notes");
    // Assign the stored text, if any.
    tNotes.text = ( == undefined) ? "" :;
    //When the user clicks and releases the button store the
    //current notes. in the shared object
    mSaveButton.onRelease = function():Void { = tNotes.text;

  • Loading external SWF into a FLA (help!!!)

    I'm building a website in AS2.  I have created a xml driven flash image gallery and am trying to get this into my website.  I'm totally new to flash.  
    In the website I'm building, I have a gallery button on the main page with this code:
    over3_btn.onRelease = function(){
    Which I understand that when you click it, it brings you to the gallery keyframe and play it's contents.  Then I found this code:
    var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("my_gallery.swf");
    var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    Which I pasted into the gallery keyframe, hoping that it will call up the gallery, however, this didn't work.
    Please help.  I've search far and wide and couldn't find anything that would work.
    Here is my the code to my gallery.  Maybe I'm coding it incorrectly?
    var myGalleryXML = new XML();
    myGalleryXML.ignoreWhite = true;
    myGalleryXML.onLoad = function() {
    _root.gallery_x = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_x;
    _root.gallery_y = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_y;
    _root.gallery_width = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_width;
    _root.gallery_height = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.gallery_height;
    _root.myImages = myGalleryXML.firstChild.childNodes;
    _root.myImagesTotal = myImages.length;
    _root.thumb_height = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.thumb_height;
    _root.thumb_width = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.thumb_width;
    _root.full_x = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.full_x;
    _root.full_y = myGalleryXML.firstChild.attributes.full_y;
    function callThumbs() {
    container_mc._x = _root.gallery_x;
    container_mc._y = _root.gallery_y;
    var clipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var preloader = new Object();
    for (i=0; i<_root.myImagesTotal; i++) {
    thumbURL = myImages[i].attributes.thumb_url;
    myThumb_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(i, container_mc.getNextHighestDepth() );
    myThumb_mc._x = _root.thumb_width*i;
    preloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
    target.my_txt.selectable = false;
    preloader.onLoadProgress = function(target, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
    target.my_txt.text = Math.floor((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
    function callFullImage(myNumber) {
    myURL = myImages[myNumber].attributes.full_url;
    myTitle = myImages[myNumber].attributes.title;
    fullImage_mc._x = _root.full_x;
    fullImage_mc._y = _root.full_y;
    var fullClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var fullPreloader = new Object();
    fullPreloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
    target.my_txt.selectable = false;
    fullPreloader.onLoadProgress = function(target, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
    target.my_txt.text = Math.floor((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
    fullPreloader.onLoadComplete = function(target) {
    target.my_txt.text = myTitle;
    function createMask() {
    mask_mc._x = _root.gallery_x;
    mask_mc._y = _root.gallery_y;
    function scrolling() {
    _root.onEnterFrame = function() {
    container_mc._x += Math.cos(((mask_mc._xmouse)/mask_mc._width)*Math.PI)*15;
    if (container_mc._x>mask_mc._x) {
    container_mc._x = mask_mc._x;
    if (container_mc._x<(mask_mc._x-(container_mc._width-mask_mc._width))) {
    container_mc._x = mask_mc._x-(container_mc._width-mask_mc._width);
    Would really really appreciate any help I can get.  Thuy

    var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("my_gallery.swf");
    var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    is as3 code.  that won't work in your as2 project.
    here's the equivalent in as2:

  • Flash Photogallery with preloader PLEASE HELP!!!

    Ok...So after searching quite a bit I found a decent flash tutorial to help me make a photogallery. The only problem is that it takes quite sometime to load. I would like to create preloader for this swf file but I can't get anything to work. Here is the code for my gallery....Found at the bottom of the page at this site...
    This all works just fine...but no matter what I do I can't seem to get a preloader for this code to work. If I load a simple image in the second frame it works fine, however if I move my flash gallery to second frame it just goes to my gallery after loading...(which takes a while) preloader bar or anything!  Here is a link to my site... visit the blank page for the photo have to wait a bit for it to load.  (15 seconds)..Please Please HELP!

    rename your gallery to something other than galleryinprogress.swf, say gallery.swf.
    in flash create a new fla named galleryinprogress.fla with the same stage size and background color as your previous galleryinprogress.swf and attached to frame one of your new galleryinprogress.fla add:
    var tf:TextField = this.createTextField("tf",1,0,0,100,40);
    tf.autoSize = "center";
    tf._x = Stage.width/2;
    tf._y = Stage.height/2;
    function preloadF(){
    tf.text=mc.getBytesLoaded() +" bytes loaded out of "+mc.getBytesTotal()+" bytes total.";
    publish your new galleryinprogress.swf and upload to the same directory as your previous (but now renamed) galleryinprogress.swf.

  • Flash help tutorial problem

    I'm just getting started with Flash and thought I'd work
    through the tutorials included in the programs help. The tutorial
    I'm stuck on is called: Creating Graphics - Applying Gradients. The
    section I'm stuck on is Create a transform gradient with a shape.
    I'm having problems applying the radial gradient—either
    it doesn't work at all or applies to the fill but not the stoke.
    This leads me to the question of what stroke and fill settings I
    should have set up—after all I don't really want a stroke! Is
    this oval shape drawn with object drawing turn't on or something?
    I've looked at the completed .fla file and this shadow oval
    shape seems to be a group. Has the person who created it grouped
    the stoke and the fill or what? Which ever way the shape is
    created, it doesn't say anything in the tutorial about how it
    should be selected to apply the radial gradient! Surely it needs to
    be selected somehow? Because when I try to apply the radial
    gradient nothing happens!
    Please can somebody help me figure this out—it's really
    bugging me!

    rename your gallery to something other than galleryinprogress.swf, say gallery.swf.
    in flash create a new fla named galleryinprogress.fla with the same stage size and background color as your previous galleryinprogress.swf and attached to frame one of your new galleryinprogress.fla add:
    var tf:TextField = this.createTextField("tf",1,0,0,100,40);
    tf.autoSize = "center";
    tf._x = Stage.width/2;
    tf._y = Stage.height/2;
    function preloadF(){
    tf.text=mc.getBytesLoaded() +" bytes loaded out of "+mc.getBytesTotal()+" bytes total.";
    publish your new galleryinprogress.swf and upload to the same directory as your previous (but now renamed) galleryinprogress.swf.

  • Why is AS1 documentation not a part of CS3 help

    in my flash CS3 help, there is AS2 and AS3 documentation, but
    no AS1 documentation;
    I have come to the understanding that AS1 would continue to
    be supported in future flash authoring environments;
    any thoughts?

    > I am still not convinced that AS3 is necessary
    It isn't.
    > just because an engineer can build a 800hp engine,
    > powerful enough to thrust a wing-adapted minivan
    > into flight
    > doesn't mean it is the right approach: do soccer moms
    > want to fly?
    I do get your analogy. Really, I do. What I don't get is why
    the one making it -- because based on what you've described,
    it sounds like
    you're the engineer in this analogy, not the soccer mom.
    After reading
    Colin Moock's article, I would think even the soccer moms
    should find
    encouraged, but regardless ... of course you don't have to
    use AS3. ;)
    If you don't, you're stuck with a different set of
    complexities, so it
    all comes down to what you're comfortable with. In AS1/AS2,
    you have on()
    and/or onClipEvent() for handling events. You also have the
    dot notation
    equivalents (e.g. myClip.onRelease = handlerFunction). But
    wait, there's
    more! You also have addListener(). How's that for consistent?
    Ah, but
    then you also have addEventListener() -- just depends on
    which datatype
    you're handling the event for. If you're a longtime Flash
    user -- and you
    are -- then each new event handling model was something you
    took in stride.
    If you're new to the scene, it could seem like a completely
    arbitrary mess.
    In AS3 (outside of a drop-in-the-bucket NetStream exception),
    you have
    addEventListener(). Easy to learn and easy to remember,
    because it's very
    nearly consistent.
    In AS1/AS2, if you want to instantiate a new MovieClip
    instance, you
    have to refer to an existing MovieClip instance and invoke
    createEmptyMovieClip() method, give the new instance an
    instance name and
    assign it a depth. In AS3, you just invoke the constructor:
    MovieClip(), then add the new instance to the display list.
    It comes down to personal taste, I guess. To me, the newer
    models are
    easier to use ... once you learn them (of course). There are
    trade-offs in
    either camp, obviously.
    > if someone could tell me some concrete thing
    > that AS3 can do that AS1 cannot
    > I would appreciate it;
    I'm sure there are more, but here's a concrete thing off the
    top of my
    head: AS3 allows you to reparent movie clips (and other
    visual display
    objects) simply by removing them from the display list of one
    object and
    adding them to another. A practical example that comes to
    mind is a jigsaw
    puzzle, in which snapped-together pieces stay together,
    making it easy to
    move snapped-together pieces as a single group. Each
    individual piece could
    initially belong to the display list of the main timeline,
    but could be
    moved to the collective display list of a group of
    snapped-together pieces.
    Not that a single example should sway you. The example I
    made might
    just be meaningless to you, because you might not be
    interested in
    Flash-based jigsaws (or you might be interested, but would
    rather move
    snapped-together pieces by way of some algorithm that tracks
    the position
    and movement of each individual piece -- again, you're
    trading one set of
    complexities for another; on the main, I personally find the
    complexities of
    AS3 worth the learning curve).
    > I am working on my first AS3 project - shopping cart -
    > I will not use external packages );
    And you shouldn't, unless you feel that external classes
    would help you.
    For me, I like the idea of utility classes (at least). In
    order to create a
    dynamic text field in AS1 -- let's say a non-selectable text
    field, that
    resizes as needed to fit the text, with a sans serif font --
    you might do
    something like this:
    var tf = this.createTextField("myTextField", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    tf.selectable = false;
    tf.autoSize = "left";
    var fmt = new TextFormat();
    fmt.font = "_sans";
    tf.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
    (Note, this assumes Flash Player 8 or higher, because prior
    to Flash Player
    8, the MovieClip.createTextField() method returns Void.)
    So ... to me, that's a lot to type. Again (this is my mantra
    in this
    post) ... one set of complexities for another. To reuse this
    code, I could
    certainly throw it into a function. Let's say something like
    function makeTextField(target, text) {
    var tf = target.createTextField("myTextField" +
    target.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
    tf.selectable = false;
    tf.autoSize = "left";
    var fmt = new TextFormat();
    fmt.font = "_sans";
    tf.text = text;
    makeTextField(this, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");
    That's a tried and true procedural way to make your work
    easier. I
    think, so far, you would agree ... and I think, for you,
    there's nothing new
    so far. Notice that to keep instance names unique, I used
    MovieClip.getNextHighestDepth() to append a number to the
    instance name, and
    also to ensure that a safe depth is met. A real
    implementation would
    probably include x,y positioning parameters, to make sure
    text doesn't
    overlap ... but you get the idea.
    I could use AS2 to create a utility class called, say,
    Here's a stab at it. Quick and dirty AS2 external class file.
    // Class file
    class net.quip.utils.text.SimpleText {
    public function SimpleText() {};
    public static function makeTextField (target:MovieClip,
    text:String):Void {
    var tf:TextField = target.createTextField("myTextField" +
    target.getNextHighestDepth(), target.getNextHighestDepth(),
    0, 0, 0, 0);
    tf.selectable = false;
    tf.autoSize = "left";
    var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    fmt.font = "_sans";
    tf.text = text;
    More complex? In a sense, sure. Not by a whole lot, if you
    really look
    at it. The AS1 function version was a teensy bit bigger than
    non-function version. The AS2 class version is a teensy bit
    bigger than the
    AS1 function version. But once it's done, it's done. If I
    ever want this
    functionality, I just import my class and use its (in this
    case) static
    import net.quip.utils.text.SimpleText;
    SimpleText.makeTextField(this, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");
    In my experience, that saves me time and effort. And this
    same sort of
    approach applies to non-static methods as well. It's just a
    way to organize
    your code. Many people find it more efficient. If you don't,
    then you
    don't. ;) It's as simple as that.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Need help with Banner Rotator

    I'm trying to help a friend with the Flash Banner Rotator
    She needs to make the image clickable and pop up the scroll text box item exactly like when you rollOver the title and the scroll text box pops up.
    She wants the image to trigger the text box to open and close onRelease and onRollOut from the image.
    Here's the swf live:
    Any help would be great
    This AS opens the Text Box = function(){                                            // pop up scrolltxt
            mainContent["tex" + newPos]._y = thumbHeight -;
            isReading = true; = = function(){        // pop down scrolltxt
            if(!mainContent["tex" + newPos], _root._ymouse, true)){
                mainContent["tex" + newPos]._y = thumbHeight - textMc.imtext._height;
                isReading = false;
    Full AS
    // Thumb/ Banner Rotator //
    ///Initialisation //
    var bgmask:MovieClip = bckgrnd.duplicateMovieClip("bgmask"); // Create a mask to place on top of mainContent, which contains the images
    var contentWidth:Number = bgmask._width;
    bgmask._width = contentWidth;
    var XMLContent = new XML();                     // Create a new XML object
    XMLContent.ignoreWhite = true;               
    XMLContent.load("Banner.xml");                 // Load the XML content from Banner.xml (which is the name of the xml file) in XMLContent variable
    var cssStyle = new TextField.StyleSheet();        // Create a new StyleSheet object
    // Create Containers
    var mainContent:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mainContent",this.getNextHighestDepth());         // Contains thumbs
    leftBtn.swapDepths(mainContent);                                                                         // Make sure leftBtn ...
    rightBtn.swapDepths(leftBtn.getDepth + 1);                                                                // and rightBtn is on top of the mainContent
    var pieMc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("pie", this.getNextHighestDepth()); // Create movieClip which contains the pieLoader
    var format = new TextFormat();                                             // Make a new TextFormat
    format.font = "arial";                                                // with font PF Ronda Seven, if you want to change the font, do it here
    format.size = 18;                                                        // Font size, for pixel fonts use 8
    var mclListener:Object = new Object();                                     // Make event listener object
    var clipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();                                    // Make a MovieCLipLoader to load the images
    clipLoader.addListener(mclListener);                                    // The event listener is added to the MovieClipLoader object
    var iniNum:Number = 0;            // initional relative number for thumb/banner positioning
    var thumbHeight:Number;         // see xml document
    var thumbWidth:Number;            // see xml document
    var thumbSpace:Number;            // see xml document
    var contentPos_Y:Number;        // see xml document
    var thumbDir:String;            // see xml document           
    var dispThumbNumber:Number;        // see xml document
    var linkDestiny:String;            // see xml document
    var shiftTime:Number;            // see xml document
    var fadeInTime:Number;            // see xml document
    var easeSpeed:Number;            // see xml document
    var imagesTotal:Number;            // amount of thumbs
    var dwLoader:Number = 0;        // pie segment angle
    var arcVal:Number = 0;            // total pie angle
    var isReading:Boolean = false;  // boolean: set true when reading. When true the pieLoader will stop
    var prevXPosition:Number = 0;   // previous absolute x position
    var nextXPosition:Number = 0;    // next absolute x position
    var images;                        // image array
    // XML, CSS Loading //
    XMLContent.onLoad = function() { // Couple xml parameters with program variables
        iniNum = 0;
        nextXPosition = 0;
        prevXPosition = 0;
        dwLoader = 0;
        arcVal = 0;
        // images = array with images and titles and webUrls
        images = XMLContent.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes;
        imagesTotal = images.length;
        // Other parameters
        thumbHeight         = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.thumbHeight;
        thumbWidth             = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.thumbWidth;
        startPos            = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.startPos;
        easeSpeed             = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.easeSpeed;
        linkDestiny            = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.linkDestiny;
        thumbDir            = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.thumbDir;
        dispThumbNumber        = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.dispThumbNumber;
        shiftTime            = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.shiftTime;
        fadeInTime            = XMLContent.firstChild.attributes.fadeInTime;
        // Calculate the other program variables
        contentPos_Y        = (bckgrnd._height - Number(thumbHeight))/2
        thumbSpace            = (contentWidth - dispThumbNumber*thumbWidth)/(Number(dispThumbNumber) +1);
        dwLoader            = 100 * 3.6 / (Number(shiftTime) * 24);
        mainContent._y = contentPos_Y; // Position form top
        bgmask._height = thumbHeight;
        bgmask._y = contentPos_Y;
        // Load the first images
        for(var i = 0; i < dispThumbNumber ; i++){
    function shiftPic(direction:String){
        if (isReading == false){
    function callPic(direction:String) { // Call images, captions and titles and add them to containers: mainContent   
        if(direction == "left"){
            var newPos:Number = (iniNum -1) % imagesTotal;                              // Calculate the relative position off the new image, this number corresponds with the index number from the image-array
            var remPos:Number = (iniNum+( Number(dispThumbNumber) - 1)) % imagesTotal;    // Calculate the relative position off the image that needs to be removed
            var prevPos:Number = iniNum % imagesTotal;                                    // Calculate the relative position off the images before the new image
            nextXPosition = prevXPosition + Number(thumbSpace) + Number(thumbWidth);    // Calculate the absolute x position = previous position + thumbSpace and thumbWidth, used in ease function
            prevXPosition = nextXPosition;                                                // Update prevPosition
            iniNum = iniNum - 1;                                                        // Substract the iniNumber
        if(direction == "right"){
            var remPos:Number = iniNum % imagesTotal;                                      // Calculate the relative position off the new image, this number corresponds with the index number from the image-array
            var newPos:Number = (iniNum+ Number(dispThumbNumber)) % imagesTotal;        // Calculate the relative position off the image that needs to be removed
            var prevPos:Number = (iniNum+(Number(dispThumbNumber) - 1)) % imagesTotal;  // Calculate the relative position off the images before the new image
            nextXPosition = prevXPosition - Number(thumbSpace) - Number(thumbWidth);    // Calculate the absolute x position = previous position + thumbSpace and thumbWidth
            prevXPosition = nextXPosition;                                                // Update prevPosition
            iniNum = iniNum + 1;
            if (newPos < 0){                                    //If newPos is negative, make it positive
                newPos = imagesTotal + newPos;
            if (remPos < 0){                                    //If remPos is negative, make it positive
                remPos = imagesTotal + remPos;
            if (prevPos < 0){                                    //If prevPos is negative, make it positive
                prevPos = imagesTotal + prevPos;
            loadImage(newPos, prevPos, direction);                // Load images and image titles
            loadText(newPos, prevPos , direction);                // Load titles and caption
            mainContent[remPos].removeMovieClip();                // remove the image with name "remPos"
            mainContent["tex" + remPos].removeMovieClip();        // remove the text with name tex"remPos"
            arcVal = 0;                                            // reset the pieLoader
    function loadImage(newPos:Number, prevPos:Number, direction:String){
        thumbURL     = images[newPos].attributes.thumbPath;                                            // Get thumbUrl from images-array   
        thumbMc = mainContent.createEmptyMovieClip(""+newPos, mainContent.getNextHighestDepth());    // Create new thumbMc movieClip variable
        thumbMc._alpha = 0;                                                                            // Alpha = zero for fade in effect
        if (direction == "left"){
            thumbMc._x = mainContent[prevPos]._x - Number(thumbWidth) - Number(thumbSpace);            // positioning of thumbMc
        if (direction == "right"){
            thumbMc._x = mainContent[prevPos]._x + Number(thumbWidth) + Number(thumbSpace);            // positioning of thumbMc
        if(direction == "load"){
            thumbMc._x = Number(thumbWidth*newPos) + Number(thumbSpace*(newPos+1)) ;                 // positioning of thumbMc
        clipLoader.loadClip(thumbDir+thumbURL, thumbMc);                                            // Load the images in the thumbMc
    function loadText(newPos:Number, prevPos:Number, direction:String){
        thumbTitle  = images[newPos].attributes.title;                                                // Get title from images-array
        thumbDesc    = images[newPos].attributes.description;                                         // Get caption description from images-array
        textMc = mainContent.createEmptyMovieClip("tex"+newPos, mainContent.getNextHighestDepth()); // Create new titleMc moveClip variable
        if (direction == "left"){
            textMc._x = mainContent[prevPos]._x - Number(thumbWidth) - Number(thumbSpace);            // positioning of textMc
        if (direction == "right"){
            textMc._x = mainContent[prevPos]._x + Number(thumbWidth) + Number(thumbSpace);            // positioning of textMc
        if(direction == "load"){
            textMc._x = Number(thumbWidth*newPos) + Number(thumbSpace*(newPos+1)) ;                 // positioning of textMc
        textMc.attachMovie("scrollText" , "scrolltxt", textMc.getNextHighestDepth());               = Number(thumbWidth);                                            // set background width   
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content.styleSheet = cssStyle;                                        // set css style
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content._width =  Number(thumbWidth) - 30;                            // set scrolltext components width
        textMc.scrolltxt.maskMc._width = Number(thumbWidth) - 10;                                    // set scrolltext components width
        textMc.scrolltxt.dragger._x = = textMc.scrolltxt.upBtn._x  = textMc.scrolltxt.downBtn._x = textMc.scrolltxt.stripe._x = Number(thumbWidth) - 10; // positioning of scrolltext components
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content.text = thumbDesc;                                                // set text
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content.embedFonts = true;
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content.selectable = false;
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content.setTextFormat(format);                                         // set text format
        textMc.scrolltxt.main.content._height = textMc.scrolltxt.main.content.textHeight + 5;        // calculate height of text
        textMc.createTextField("imtext",1,0,0,thumbWidth,48);                                    // Create a textfield in the titleMc for the image title
        textMc.imtext.embedFonts = true;
        textMc.imtext.text = thumbTitle;                                                        // Add text
        textMc.imtext.selectable = false;
        textMc.imtext.textColor = 0xaddf99;                                                        // Set textColor to pink
        textMc.imtext.setTextFormat(format);                                                    // set text format
        textMc.imtext._x = Math.round((thumbWidth - textMc.imtext.textWidth)/2);
        textMc._y = thumbHeight - textMc.imtext._height;   
        textMc.attachMovie("arrow", "arrowMc", textMc.getNextHighestDepth());                    // add arrow
        textMc.arrowMc._x = Number(thumbWidth) - textMc.arrowMc._width;
        textMc.arrowMc._y = Number(textMc.arrowMc._height);
        textMc.arrowMc._alpha = 0; = function(){                                            // pop up scrolltxt
            mainContent["tex" + newPos]._y = thumbHeight -;
            isReading = true; = = function(){        // pop down scrolltxt
            if(!mainContent["tex" + newPos], _root._ymouse, true)){
                mainContent["tex" + newPos]._y = thumbHeight - textMc.imtext._height;
                isReading = false;
    function addLoader(thumb:MovieClip){                                    // Add a preloader to every thumbnail
        mainContent.attachMovie("smallLoader", "preloader" + thumb._name, mainContent.getNextHighestDepth());                // add preloader
        mainContent["preloader"+thumb._name]._x = thumb._x + (thumbWidth - mainContent["preloader"+thumb._name]._width) /2; // positioning
        mainContent["preloader"+thumb._name]._y = (thumbHeight - mainContent["preloader"+thumb._name]._height) /2;            // positioning
    mclListener.onLoadInit = function(thumb:MovieClip) {
        mainContent[""+thumb._name].onEnterFrame = function(){                 // Fade in Effect
            mainContent[""+thumb._name]._alpha += Number(fadeInTime);        // Every frame the alpha of the thumbnail is added by fadeInTime.
            if(mainContent[""+thumb._name]._alpha >= 100){
                delete mainContent[""+thumb._name].onEnterFrame;            // When fade in effect is done, remove the onEnterFrame funtion
    mclListener.onLoadComplete = function(thumb){                            // When a thumb is fully loaded, add button action
        thumb.onRelease = function(){                                        // When button released, execute function below
            var i = Number(thumb._name)%imagesTotal;   
                             // Go to a website defined in the xml document
        thumb.onRollOver = function(){                                        // make alpha of arrow 100 on roll over
            var i = Number(thumb._name)%imagesTotal;
            mainContent["tex" + i].arrowMc._alpha = 100;
        thumb.onRollOut = function(){                                        // make alpha of arrow 0 on roll over
            var i = Number(thumb._name)%imagesTotal;
            mainContent["tex" + i].arrowMc._alpha = 0;
    // Button and Position Handling ///
    // Left button
    leftBtn.onPress = function() {
        if (isReading == false){                                        // onPress call the next picture on the right
    leftBtn.onRollOver = function(){                                    // onRollOver move the arrow by 5 pixels
        if(isReading == false){
            leftBtn.arrow._x -= 5;
    leftBtn.onRollOut = leftBtn.onReleaseOutside = function(){
        if(isReading == false){
            leftBtn.arrow._x += 5 ;                                        // onRollOut reset the arrow
    // Right button
    rightBtn.onPress = function() {
        if(isReading == false){
            callPic("right");                                        // onPress call the next picture on the right
    rightBtn.onRollOver = function(){
      if(isReading == false){
        rightBtn.arrow._x += 5 ;                                    // onRollOver move the arrow by 5 pixels
    rightBtn.onRollOut = rightBtn.onReleaseOutside = function(){
        if(isReading == false){   
            rightBtn.arrow._x -= 5;                                    // onRollOut reset the arrow
    pieMc.onRelease = function(){                                    
        if (dwLoader != 0){                                         // Stops the pieLoader
            dwLoader = 0;
            dwLoader = 100 * 3.6 / (Number(shiftTime) * 24);        // Start the pieLoader
    // Easing function //
    //Used to give that cool ease effect on the mainContent, titleContainer and reflectContainer and dragger
    // Want to change the ease effect? check help document
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {                                    // Start endless loop, executed every time frame is updated    // If dragEase is false don't allow easing for the dragger
        if (dwLoader != 0 && isReading == false){                       
            arcVal += Number(dwLoader);                                    // new value of arcVal is the old value plus dwLoader
            pieMc.beginFill(0xaddf99, 100);                                // draw the pie shape with pink color,  you can change the color in this line
            pieMc.drawPie(bckgrnd._width - 20, 20, 90, -arcVal, 7);        // position the pieLoader, 90 = startAngle, 7 = radius
        if (arcVal > 360){
            shiftPic("right");                                            // If the pie-angle = 360 call the next picture/thumbnail
            arcVal = 0;
        dx = (nextXPosition - mainContent._x) * easeSpeed;                // Calculates how much the mainContent needs to move, note that dx is becomming smaller and smaller when the mainContent reaches its final position.
        mainContent._x += dx;                                             // Move the mainContent
    MovieClip.prototype.drawPie = function(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius) {    // x, y = center point of the wedge.startAngle = starting angle in degrees.arc = sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise.
        this.moveTo(x, y);                                                        // move to x,y position
        var segAngle, theta, angle, angleMid, segs, startx, starty, anchx, anchy, contrx, contry;    // Init vars
        segs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc)/20);                                        // Devide the arc in 20 segments
        segAngle = arc/segs;                                                    // Calculate the sweep of each segment.
        theta = -(segAngle/180)*Math.PI;                                         // Convert to radions
        angle = -(startAngle/180)*Math.PI;                                        // Convert startAngle to radians
            startx = x + Math.cos(startAngle/180*Math.PI) * radius;                // Calculate curve start x position
            starty = y + Math.sin(-startAngle/180*Math.PI) * radius;            // Calculate curve start y position
            this.lineTo(startx, starty);                                        // Draw a line from the center to the start of the curve
            for (var i = 0; i<segs; i++) {                                        // Loop for drawing curve segments
                angle += theta;                                                    // Icrement angle with segAngle => theta (in radians)                               
                anchx = x+Math.cos(angle)*radius;                                    // Calculate parameters for curveTo function
                anchy = y+Math.sin(angle)*radius;                                    // Calculate parameters for curveTo function
                contrx = x+Math.cos(angle-(theta/2))*(radius/Math.cos(theta/2));    // Calculate parameters for curveTo function
                contry = y+Math.sin(angle-(theta/2))*(radius/Math.cos(theta/2));    // Calculate parameters for curveTo function
                this.curveTo(contrx, contry, anchx, anchy);                            // Draw the curve
            this.lineTo(x, y);                                                    // close the curve by drawing a line to the center

    As is always the case in this sort of situation, you ask the printer, or banner maker.  If you have a particular company in mond, they may have a website with guidelines, and that is going to be much better information than the guesses - good though 'some' of them might be.
    25' by 16' is huge.  Have you found somewhere that will make it?  This company will supply 25 foot long banners, at a surprisingly cheap $176, but only 3 foot high.  The problem being the width of the printer.

  • SetInterval passing variables...Need help

    I have a script that I am trying to use the setInterval
    command to animate a
    textfield on the stage. I have a sample script that works and
    passes the
    value of this._y to the fly function but it uses onEnterFrame
    since it is
    created using movie clips in the library rather then in a
    action script
    class file. Any thoughts would be GREAT! its my understanding
    that the
    .prototype method indicates that the new function will assume
    all values of
    the previous function... is that not correct?
    New Code:
    function ScrollMsg(nin, depth, initialization) {
    this._x = 30;
    this._y = 500;
    this.createTextField("Msg", 0, 0, 0,500, 150);
    with(initialization.msgtext) {
    wordWrap = true;
    multiline = true;
    border = true;
    text = initialization.msgtext;
    trace("bfr-this._y:"+this._y); // has value of _y
    = to 500
    // set continual function to fly = function() {
    trace("this._y:"+this._y); // value is
    if (this._y > initialization.distance) {
    this._y -=_global.MSG_SPEED;
    trace("--this._y:"+this._y); // value is
    } else {
    //Define Speed
    setInterval( , 1000 );
    Original Script: (Works perfectly)
    // allow ScrollMsg to inherit MovieClip properties
    ScrollMsg.prototype = new MovieClip();
    function ScrollMsg() {
    this._x = 30;
    this._y = 0;
    this.createTextField("Msg", 0, 0, 0, this.msgwidth, 10);
    with(this.Msg) {
    autoSize = "left";
    wordWrap = true;
    multiline = true;
    embedFonts = true;
    selectable = false;
    text = this.msgtext;
    // set continual function to fly
    this.onEnterFrame =;
    // instance methods = function() {
    if(!_global.MSG_ON_HOLD&&!_global.SYSTEM_ON_HOLD) {
    if (this._y > this.distance) { this._y
    -=_global.MSG_SPEED;} else {
    this.removeMovieClip(); }
    //this._alpha = 100 - Math.abs(this._y -

    I am trying to move different objects across the page at
    different Intervals from nested actions on keyframes,
    Kind of an on going action. One object (1) is a blimp flying
    across the sky Left to right. Then a Jet plane (2) flys across
    right to left. and then flys back to left,Then the blimp goes right
    to left. I will fix those errors. Thank you so much. If this
    addtional information helps, Please help.

  • Help with completing sentences game code

    Hi, I`m a bit stuck, I`m making a game where you have to complete the sentences by dragging the words which are generated dinamically to its right place over some boxes, everything works fine but if you pull the words out of the boxes one all are placed it crashes.
    Unfortunately this is someone elses code (another programmer who bailed on us in the middle of the proyect) although I manage to make it work with new words, making the draggable items undraggable one you place all 4 of them in the right boxes is totally unclear to me. I`ll appreciate any help I can get.
    Here`s all the code that this part of the movie is using:
    function aleatorio(min, max)
        var _loc2 = true;
        if (usados.length <= max - min)
            while (_loc2 != false)
                var _loc1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
                _loc2 = repetido(_loc1);
            } // end while
            return (_loc1);
            return (0);
        } // end else if
    } // End of the function
    function repetido(num)
        var _loc1 = false;
        for (i = 0; i < usados.length; i++)
            if (num == usados[i])
                _loc1 = true;
            } // end if
        } // end of for
        return (_loc1);
    } // End of the function
    stop ();
    var usados = new Array();
    _root.palabras_colocadas = 0;
    palabras_correctas = 0;
    listado_x = 700;
    listado_y = 400;
    origenx = 0;
    origeny = 0;
    estaba_en = -1;
    apagar = false;
    _root.frase = 2;
    var palabras = new Array("huts", "made", "mud", "straw");
    var correctas = new Array(false, false, false, false);
    var ocupadas = new Array(-1, -1, -1, -1);
    var my_font = new TextFormat();
    my_font.font = "Arial";
    my_font.color = 0;
    my_font.size = 30;
    palabras[i].embedFonts = true;
    my_font.bold = true;
    var i = 0;
    while (i < 4)
        this["cuadro" + i].gotoAndStop(1);
        this.createEmptyMovieClip("myClip" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
        largo = palabras[i].length * 22;
        this["myClip" + i].createTextField("label", 1, 0, 0, largo, 40);
        this["myClip" + i].label.text = palabras[i];
        this["myClip" + i].label.setTextFormat(my_font);
        this["myClip" + i].onPress = function ()
            temp = this._name;
            temp = Number(temp.charAt(6));
            if (ocupadas[0] == temp)
                apagar = true;
                estaba_en = 0;
            } // end if
            if (ocupadas[1] == temp)
                apagar = true;
                estaba_en = 1;
            } // end if
            if (ocupadas[2] == temp)
                apagar = true;
                estaba_en = 2;
            } // end if
            if (ocupadas[3] == temp)
                apagar = true;
                estaba_en = 3;
            } // end if
            if (!apagar)
                estaba_en = -1;
            } // end if
            origenx = this._x;
            origeny = this._y;
            trace ("estaba en " + estaba_en);
        this["myClip" + i].onRelease = this["myClip" + i].onReleaseOutside = function ()
            cual = this._name;
            cual = Number(cual.charAt(6));
            drop = eval(this._droptarget);
            trace (drop);
            donde = String(drop);
            cuadro = donde.substr(8, 6);
            donde = Number(donde.charAt(14));
            trace (cual + " en " + donde + " " + cuadro);
            if (cuadro == "cuadro")
                if (ocupadas[donde] >= 0 && ocupadas[donde] <= 3 || donde == estaba_en)
                    apagar = false;
                    this._x = origenx;
                    this._y = origeny;
                    if (!apagar)
                    } // end if
                    tramo = eval("tramo" + (donde + 1) + "_mc");
                    if (_root.palabras_colocadas >= 4)
                    } // end else if
                    largo = palabras[cual].length * 8.500000E+000;
                    this._y = drop._y - 22;
                    this._x = drop._x - largo;
                    ocupadas[donde] = cual;
                    if (apagar)
                        apaga = eval("cuadro" + estaba_en);
                        tramo = eval("tramo" + (estaba_en + 1) + "_mc");
                        ocupadas[estaba_en] = -1;
                        correctas[estaba_en] = false;
                        apagar = false;
                        trace ("hay " + _root.palabras_colocadas + " palabras");
                        if (_root.palabras_colocadas == 3)
                            trace ("apaga sin ruido");
                        } // end if
                    } // end if
                    trace (ocupadas[0] + " " + ocupadas[1] + " " + ocupadas[2] + " " + ocupadas[3]);
                    if (cual == donde)
                        correctas[donde] = true;
                    } // end if
                } // end if
            } // end else if
            if (cuadro == "myClip" || cuadro == "start_")
                this._x = origenx;
                this._y = origeny;
            } // end if
            if (cuadro == "fondo")
                if (apagar)
                    apaga = eval("cuadro" + estaba_en);
                    tramo = eval("tramo" + (estaba_en + 1) + "_mc");
                    ocupadas[estaba_en] = -1;
                    correctas[estaba_en] = false;
                    apagar = false;
                    trace ("hay " + _root.palabras_colocadas + " palabras");
                    if (_root.palabras_colocadas == 3)
                    } // end if
                } // end if
            } // end if
    } // end while
    var ii = 0;
    while (ii < 4)
        var numeroNuevo = aleatorio(1, 4);
        trace (numeroNuevo);
        this["myClip" + numeroNuevo]._x = listado_x;
        this["myClip" + numeroNuevo]._y = listado_y + 40 * i;
    } // end while

    that's too much code to go through line by line.  i'd recommend placing some trace() functions in strategic locations to narrow the location of the problem.

  • Help with ActionScript 2.0 and XML

    Here  I am trying  to use actionscript to load my content with is an XML file with html formatting. I have the actionscript on only 1 Scene  and i have links that switch between scences. The problem(s) is(are) that when I click the link  for the scene that has the actionscipt all it says is "null" where it should have the text i want to display from the XML file. Here is the code for the AS and XML:
    xml = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = function () {
        txt = createTextField("txt",getNextHighestDepth(), 30, 300, 300, 100);
        txt.html = true;
        txt.htmlText = xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <htmlData><![CDATA[   Here is my <br/> html text   ]]></htmlData>
    any help is greatly appreciated

    xml.onLoad = function () {
         txt = createTextField("txt",getNextHighestDepth(), 30, 300, 300, 100);
         txt.multiline = true;
         txt.html = true;
         txt.htmlText = xml.firstChild.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

  • CreateTextField function question

    Hi - I think what I'm trying to do is fundamental but I'm not
    doing it correctly.
    I have a swf that has a few different textFields appearing
    when buttons are clicked. I thought I could write one function that
    would handle the creation of all the textFields so that I could
    just put a few parameters into the function call at the onRelease.
    So is there a way to make this code into a function (like
    "makeTF") such that I could replace "block_txt" with any string I
    want and call the function like : makeTF(AnyString, depth, 110,90,
    I appreciate any help with this.

    kglad - thanks for the reply. The only thing I think I
    understand is "change makeTF() so it accepts a movieclip parameter.
    So I added "basemc:MovieClip" within the parens. That's as
    much as I thought I was sure of.
    "that movieclip will be the one upon which you want to attach
    the textfield." is where I stop understanding because of the word
    "attach". But I persist anyway.
    "then inside your function body use that movieclip parameter
    instead of "this". "
    So - inside the function body I see:
    ....and I replace that with:
    This sort of make sense until I go to the place where the
    function call actually sits. The "makeTF()" call goes on the
    actions layer on the movie clip "info_panel1" (because that's the
    mc upon which I want to ....) so it looks like:
    info_panel1.makeTF("<h1> This is
    ... and the text doesn't show at all.
    BTW: otherwise the call I was using looked like this:
    _root.makeTF("<h1> This is
    ...but that's the code that didn't go away when another mc
    was attached.
    Where did I misunderstand?

  • Migration Help with createEmptyMovieClip

    I'm having some big problems trying to migrate this part of
    code from AS2 to AS3. I'm newbie, and tried to google examples, but
    i still can't get it. If someone could really help me, please.
    mc.createEmptyMovieClip(clip_name, mc.getNextHighestDepth());
    ('field_container_mc', mc[clip_name].getNextHighestDepth());
    mc[clip_name].field_container_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0,
    bm_width, bm_height);
    mc[clip_name].field_container_mc.field_mc.autoSize = 'left';
    Thanks, Maurice


  • Problem with threads and simulation: please help

    please help me figure this out..
    i have something like this:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DrawShapes extends JApplet{
         private JButton choices[];
         private String names[]={"line", "square", "oval"};
         private JPanel buttonPanel;
         private DrawPanel drawingArea;
         private int width=300, height=200;
         public void init(){
              drawingArea=new DrawPanel(width, height);
              choices=new JButton[names.length];
              buttonPanel=new JPanel();
              buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, choices.length));
              ButtonHandler handler=new ButtonHandler();
              for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
                   choices=new JButton(names[i]);
              Container c=getContentPane();
              c.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              c.add(drawingArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         }//end init
         public void setWidth(int w){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 300);
         public void setHeight(int h){
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 200);
         /*public static void main(String args[]){
              int width, height;
                   height=200; width=300;
              JFrame appWindow=new JFrame("An applet running as an application");
                   new WindowAdapter(){
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
              DrawShapes appObj=new DrawShapes();
              appWindow.setSize(width, height);
         }//end main*/
         private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
    }//end class DrawShapes
    class DrawPanel extends JPanel{
         private int currentChoice=-1;
         private int width=100, height=100;
         public DrawPanel(int w, int h){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 100);
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 100);
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
                   case 0:     g.drawLine(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 1: g.drawRect(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 2: g.drawOval(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
         public void setCurrentChoice(int c){
         private int randomX(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*width);
         private int randomY(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*height);
    }//end class drawPanel
    That one's from a book. I used that code to start with my applet. Mine calls different merthod from the switch cases. Say I have:
    case 0: drawStart(g); break;
    public void drawStart(Graphics g){
      /* something here */
    public void drawMain(graphics g){
    g.drawString("test", x, y);
    //here's where i'm trying to pause
    //i've tried placing Thread.sleep between these lines
    g.drawLine(x, y, a, b);
    //Thread.sleep here
    g.drawRect(x, y, 50, 70);
    }I also need to put delays between method calls but I need to synchronize them. Am I doing it all wrong? The application pauses or sleeps but afterwards, it still drew everything all at once. Thanks a lot!

    It is. Sorry about that. Just answer any if you want to. I'd appreciate your help. Sorry again if it caused you anything or whatever. .n_n.

  • Query Help

    ou store point
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    I have to insert table1 to table2 by splitting into every 143point and assing serial number for every 143 from parameter.
    in aboce example we can split 3 time 143 like below table2 sample.
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 50 101
    LS LIB1 93 101
    LS LIB1 107 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    i tried below procedure its not working.
    table may have any order like below.
    ou store point
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    then table2
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 143 101
    LS LIB1 57 102
    LS LIB1 50 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    create or replace procedure assign_serial(from_num number,to_num number) is
    bal number(10);
    bal := 0;
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    How to split and assign serial number,please hELP.

    .after giving serial num i have to change points in table1 to 0.The problem for SUm and split for every 143 is ,different OU and store is there.we have to know for which store points we earned serial number.
    i hope this below logic little satisfy except assign cardnum,please........ check and currect the logic
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    --variable used and bal
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    used := c1.points;
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;

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