Creating a 16:9 matte

I just got my footage back from telecine. Originally I shot 4:3 and then during the transfer had the footage letterboxed to 16:9. However, this particular shoot has been an ongoing project and some of the footage I kept as standard 4:3. Now, that I've had a chance to look at everything edited together I realized that I want it all to be letterboxed and rather than send it back to telecine to be letterboxed I was wondering if there was a way to create a letterbox matte in FCP. I already tried to use the widescreen matte in FCP and it doesn't match exactly. The top and bottom portion of the matte has a little more room then the telecine's version. IS THERE A WAY TO CREATE A CUSTOM LETTERBOX MATTE SO THAT IT MATCHES THE FOOTAGE WE HAD TRANFERRED TO OUR HARDRIVE?
Thanks a bunch

you can use a SLUG on two video tracks not used. In the VIEWER window click the A and select SLUG.
Lay a slug over your footage (if you are using V1 and V2 put the SLUGs on V3 and V4) and 2click on it to open in viewer. The goto the motion tab and crop to desired size (for the top LB bar try 82 BOTTOM crop then fine tune from there) Put a 2nd SLUG on the next highest unused video track and repeat steps for the lower LB bar.
Good luck

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    Using CS4 on a Mac

    The 4 Color is not the best tool. All compound effects rely only on luma values ad ignore chroma information. And remember the blur layer is sampled before all effects are applied, unless, as Andrew notes, you carefully precompose. 
    The best compound effects are the result of careful experimentation. Compound and grayscale effects are one of the more powerful control systems in After Effects. They can drive animation systems in Shatter. Very cool.

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    Message was edited by: trickmonkey

    Put your village clip over your warehouse wall clip, then use the rectangle mask tool to cut out a rectangle of it.
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    • I select 'Matte Luma' (step 9) – and expect the relevant part (painted white on the matte .psd pic) of the duplicated, level adjusted clip to be superimposed on the Video 1 clip.
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    Kind regards,

    Ann, Steven, Bill,
    Thank you very much for your encouragement and duplication work! Truly appreciated.
    This morning, with some fresh energy, I attacked the problem afresh and finally found the culprit(s).
    It turned out that the major problem was the Photoshop file I originally prepared as a test matte. I created the original psd through the PP File menu to automatically get the correct dimensions. For some reason, it may have got corrupted. When it didn't work and just resulted in a black image, I used it as a template, changed it and resaved it. Apparently the problem was inherited to the resaved psd:s, even though they worked fine when imported into the project and used as mattes with Track Matte.
    Go figure…
    Anyway, today I created a brand new matte file in PS CS6 and, lo and behold, Image Matte Key now worked as expected!
    Going back to PS, I edited my simple matte (just two black rectangles on white) and applied a rather heavy blur. I then saved (not Save as…), deleted Image Matte Key from my fx stack in PP, reinstantiated Image Matte Key and set it up with the now resaved psd.
    No blur!
    I then went back to PS, resaved my blurred matte file with a new file name and repeated the above exercise – first deleting and then reapplying Image Matte Key, setting it up with the new, blurred matte psd.
    Now I got a blurred keying effect.
    So, it seems that Image Matte Key won't 'see' a changed file – apparently it 'remembers' the first version of the file and refuses to accept the saved changes.
    I think that I've seen a post here somewhere about the same or similar problem with PP CS5 or 5.5.
    Anyway, I've learned a lot and again, thanks to you guys who chipped in!
    Kind regards,

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    if you are planning this kind of shot then the best thing to do is try to find some good areas of contrast in the shot so you can create a procedural matte. A little garbage matte and a procedural matte created by adjusting levels or color or hue can create a much better matte and does not rely on the pixels being exactly the same on every frame.
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    Thank You in advance.

    Thanks for your help.  I took the webcam back and exchanged it for a QuickCam Fusion.  This cam uses the the USB Video class drivers available at and I was able to get the webcam to work, but only in Ekiga, no other apps support it at this time.  I will just wait until applications are updated and support it. 
    Thank you.[/url]

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    where are you placing the color matte? it needs to be on a separate video track, between your video layer and your subtitles layer eg
    v3 subtitles
    v2 color matte (strap)
    v1 background video
    you need to make sure that all three layers are visible ... sorry for stating the obvious but you may have mistakenly toggled monitoring off for the matte track and/or toggeled off the 'Enabled' property for that clip (right click the clip in the timeline and check that "Clip Enabled" has a tick next to it)
    also make sure that you have not mistakenly cropped the matte out of existence, or set the opacity to 0% ... in this regard it may be more useful to start again

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    Check to see if this works:
    Create and Import your Matte into PrPro. Place it on the desired Video Track, and then extend its Duration for all Clips on that Timeline. Apply the Track Matte Keying to the first Clip, and make the attributes adjustments to it. Rt-click that Clip, and choose Copy. Then lasso all other Clips in that Track, Rt-click on them and choose Paste Attributes. Does that work?
    Good luck,
    PS - not sure if a Nested Sequence would also do what you want.

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    probably better to nest the layered dissolves sequence and apply the widescreen matte to the nest
    alternatively, as you suggest, just create your own widescreen matte with slugs, or make a matte in photoshop (or you can download a widescreen matte generator plugin from Dave Slater's ProAppTips website at ... i think you'll need to register to access the page)
    hope it helps

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    I can't figure out why I have this error. I have a simple interactive report with form. On this form are 3 fields (a hidden ID field, a message_code field and a message_text field). I have a custom stored procedure to insert a message in the message table. I made a PL/SQL block for this in the page processes and made it conditional when the create button is pressed (process is the first page process). I unchecked the "insert" from Allowed Options in the ARP(DML) process, since I like to use it for the update and delete actions. The stored procedure is actually called, because when I input invalid data (exisiting error code, for example) the custom raise_application_error from the stored procedure is shown in Apex, as it should be.
    What could be the problem here?
    Actually, what is the function of the "Allowed Operations" option in a DML process? What actually changes when checking or unchecking operations there? If I uncheck the "delete option", I would expect the delete button to dissapear, or at least the delete option would not work anymore, but this is not the case. Even when I uncheck "delete", I can still us the delete button and it still deletes the record. What use is this option then?

    Those checkboxes tell you what the permitted operation are for the Data Manipulation Process against that table.
    When you create a dml process using the wizard, if by default created the buttons for you. After it has been created, if you remove them, the button will not dissappear. As do they not appear if you didnt select a permitted operation in the wizard and later want to add the operation, so you will have to delete the buttons yourself (or create).
    If you for example uncheck 'Delete' as a valid operation, despite the buttons remaining on the page, clicking on the button will not do anything, because you have not permitted that operation.
    If you look in the the DML process, you will see:
    Valid Insert Request Values:     INSERT, CREATE, CREATE_AGAIN, CREATEAGAIN
    Valid Delete Request Values:     DELETE, REMOVE, DELETE ROW, DROPSo, if you didn't un-check 'Delete' from permitted operation, but did delete the page button, I could just go into the address bar and type and of the follwing: javascript:apex.submit('DELETE'); javascript:apex.submit('REMOVE'); javascript:apex.submit('DELETE ROW'); javascript:apex.submit('DROP'); and that current row that I am looking at would be deleted. So it is important, if you don't want users to be able to remove rows, that uncheck that permitted operation as someone with a clue could just do what I have said.
    Of course, you could also add conditions to the process that request is contained in: SAVE,CREATE ; and it wouldnt matter if I did do what I suggested above, the condition of the process would not be met, so it would run the delete operation anyway.
    Edited by: trent on Dec 10, 2010 4:31 PM

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    Hello -
    I am having to create and import files from Keynote or Powerpoint into iMovie and even when importing at full quality the text seems to pixelate and becomes fuzzy... Any ideas on how to create text (whether in mattes or as files described above) that will appear sharp and crisp? Appreciate any and all ideas. (I can't rely soley on iMovie titling capabilities - I need to have Chinese on screen as well and, well it's complicated

    Some of your troubles could be solved with QuickTime Pro (or the expensive Final Cut apps) if your files are to be distributed from the Internet and displayed on computers.
    QuickTime Pro can import text files and do lots of tricks with timing, scaling, positioning and fonts.
    QuickTime text tracks are "vector" based so they scale up to any dimension without losing quality. They are tiny in file size so they add next to nothing to your video. Two of mine as examples:

Maybe you are looking for

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