Creating a custom 404 message

This is somewhat beyond an iWeb topic, but I thought I'd try. ..
I would like to create a custom 404 message because Google picked up on some of the pages that I have since deleted. My webhost says to create my custom error html page and to also create a text file called .htaccess, in which I have the following message:
ErrorDocument 404 /MyCustomErrorPage.html
I put both the custom page and the text file in with the other html files as directed, which gave me a different message (405, was it?), but it didn't show my custom page.
Does anyone else have good instructions on how to do this?

Not all servers will let you put an .htaccess file in your space, so you may need to check that. Also it has to be at the topmost level of your space. The reference to your custom error page has to be accurately reflect where that page is in the file structure of your space.

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    Can't help with that. You might post to the AppleScript forum.

  • WCF client consumes JAVA web service - should I use WCF or just create a custom parser/message factory?

    We've a business partner who requires us to create a service request message with a SAML 2.0 assertion. The partner's supplied two certificates and a test harness for their JAVA webservice.
    I've created a WCF client with a `CustomBinding` to try and recreate the request and consume the service, but I'm getting so frustrated with the nuances of WCF (and the lack of intrinsic support for SAML 2.0) I'm wondering am I better off using something like
    a `WebClient` or `HttpWebRequest` and encrypting/building & signing the XML web request and doing the same for the response. I know there's a lot of work involved on this but at least I'd be in full control.
    Your advice would be very much appreciated, what I'm working with is displayed below
    **Note: I was supplied with a SoapUI Test harness for the Java service**
    **The vendor supplied me with this request (ran though SOAPUI and extracted via Fiddler)**
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xenc="">
    <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:wsa="">
    <wsse:Security SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
    <xenc:EncryptedKey Id="EncKeyId-29B98C291D1FDFB39113352984774895">
    <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
    <!--Omitted -->
    <xenc:DataReference URI="#EncDataId-3"/>
    <wsse:BinarySecurityToken EncodingType="" ValueType="" wsu:Id="CertId-29B98C291D1FDFB39113352984773591" xmlns:wsu=""><!-- Omitted --> </wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
    <ds:Signature Id="Signature-1" xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:Reference URI="#id-2">
    <ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <!--Omitted -->
    <!--Omitted -->
    <ds:KeyInfo Id="KeyId-29B98C291D1FDFB39113352984773792">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STRId-29B98C291D1FDFB39113352984773893" xmlns:wsu="">
    <wsse:Reference URI="#CertId-29B98C291D1FDFB39113352984773591" ValueType=""/>
    <saml:Assertion ID="_54d0c8395de26c3e44730df2c9e8d3e9" IssueInstant="2012-02-17T10:40:36.806Z" Version="2.0" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
    <Signature xmlns="">
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_54d0c8395de26c3e44730df2c9e8d3e9">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <!--Omitted -->
    <!--Omitted -->
    <!--Omitted -->
    <saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress">[email protected]</saml:NameID>
    <saml:Conditions NotBefore="2012-02-17T10:40:21.806Z" NotOnOrAfter="2012-02-17T10:41:06.806Z"/>
    <wsa:Action SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1"></wsa:Action>
    <wsa:MessageID SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">uuid:bffc27ba-68d9-44e6-b1f0-e2f852df7715</wsa:MessageID>
    <SOAP-ENV:Body wsu:Id="id-2" xmlns:wsu="">
    <xenc:EncryptedData Id="EncDataId-3" Type="">
    <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:wsse="">
    <wsse:Reference URI="#EncKeyId-29B98C291D1FDFB39113352984774895"/>
    <!--Omitted -->
    **This is as close as I've gotten with my WCF client. Issues I can immediatley is that the `<o:SecurityTokenReference>` element should contain the Issuer and Serial, instead it contains a `KeyIdentifier` element?**
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:u="">
    <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1" u:Id="_3"/>
    <a:MessageID u:Id="_4">urn:uuid:fc8ef84b-dbf5-4150-a0c3-d4cc986333d1</a:MessageID>
    <ActivityId CorrelationId="a9e1fec4-32bc-4633-909e-3d601c809b3c" xmlns="">d1909115-8922-46f3-a96c-db15bf91c599</ActivityId>
    <a:ReplyTo u:Id="_5">
    <VsDebuggerCausalityData xmlns="">uIDPo27oY4/3mnBOry0YL4StqvcAAAAA0UM+eVt4fU2AOe9/B3lPDZNf/2HmAuNEvzAoW0eKVSUACQAA</VsDebuggerCausalityData>
    <a:To s:mustUnderstand="1" u:Id="_6">https://localhost:8089/ws</a:To>
    <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
    <u:Timestamp u:Id="uuid-e5592f06-32af-40fb-996e-a0a469c7ed5e-2">
    <e:EncryptedKey Id="uuid-e5592f06-32af-40fb-996e-a0a469c7ed5e-1" xmlns:e="">
    <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <KeyInfo xmlns="">
    <o:KeyIdentifier ValueType="" EncodingType="">lU10DQn4lSpE4fRpE9gslm5QDt0=</o:KeyIdentifier>
    <e:DataReference URI="#_2"/>
    <e:DataReference URI="#_7"/>
    <e:DataReference URI="#_8"/>
    <o:BinarySecurityToken u:Id="uuid-fad0c01f-ab4b-4a5f-bec6-93aa8c2d5a52-1" ValueType="" EncodingType=""><!--Omitted--></o:BinarySecurityToken>
    <e:EncryptedData Id="_7" Type="" xmlns:e="">
    <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <e:EncryptedData Id="_8" Type="" xmlns:e="">
    <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <s:Body u:Id="_1" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <e:EncryptedData Id="_2" Type="" xmlns:e="">
    <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    Using this configuration for the WCF CustomBinding
    <binding name="WSHttpBinding_IEnquiryRequest" >
    <transactionFlow />
    <security defaultAlgorithmSuite="TripleDesRsa15"
    <secureConversationBootstrap authenticationMode="CertificateOverTransport"
    requireDerivedKeys="false" />
    <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11WSAddressing10" />
    <!--<mtomMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11WSAddressing10" />-->
    <httpsTransport requireClientCertificate="true" />
    <behavior name="certBehaviour">
    <!-- clientCertificate not defaultCertificate -->
    <clientCertificate x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" storeLocation="CurrentUser" storeName="My" findValue="test_client" />
    <defaultCertificate x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" storeLocation="CurrentUser" storeName="My" findValue="test_server"/>
    <authentication revocationMode="NoCheck" certificateValidationMode="None" />
    <dns value="test_server"/>
    I've no idea how to insert the SAML 2.0 assertion in there before it's signed. That and the Key Issuer/serial issue above is where my main problems lie with the request.
    Any and all help appreciated

    Thanks a million for your response, think you hit the nail on the head there. Actually figured out the first part myself this morning, I've retrieved the SymmetricSecurityBindingElement object from the binding configured in the app.config and set it explicitly,
    just as you've defined. Couldnt figure out how to do this yesterday for some reason! Here's the code for anyone that's interested:
    //Get custom binding reference from app.config
    CustomBinding binding = new CustomBinding("bindingNameInConfig");
    // Reference the symmetric security element
    SymmetricSecurityBindingElement securityBindingElement = binding.Elements.Find<SymmetricSecurityBindingElement>();
    // Get the x509ProtectionParams from the security element
    X509SecurityTokenParameters tokenParameters = new X509SecurityTokenParameters();
    tokenParameters.X509ReferenceStyle = X509KeyIdentifierClauseType.IssuerSerial;
    tokenParameters.RequireDerivedKeys = false;
    tokenParameters.InclusionMode = SecurityTokenInclusionMode.AlwaysToInitiator;
    // Set the X509SecurityTokenParameters to point to the one's just configured. This is for symetric encryption, for asymetric this line needs to change
    securityBindingElement.ProtectionTokenParameters = tokenParameters;
    Are you sure that SAML assertion is not signed? That makes things a lot easier! Do you think the following approach will work when inserting in the SAML 2.0 assertion? :
    Create a class that inherits from IClientMessageInspector and insert the SAML as shown below
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
    using System.ServiceModel.Description;
    using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;
    using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.XmlSignature;
    namespace TestClient.Application
    class Saml20Extension : IClientMessageInspector, IEndpointBehavior
    #region Implementation of IClientMessageInspector
    public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
    MessageBuffer buffer = request.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue);
    // ** Add the SAML Assertion XML here **
    request = buffer.CreateMessage();
    return null;
    public void AfterReceiveReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
    MessageBuffer buffer = reply.CreateBufferedCopy(Int32.MaxValue);
    reply = buffer.CreateMessage();
    #region Implementation of IEndpointBehavior
    public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
    public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
    // Add this implementation to the inspectors.
    public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
    public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
    Also, There's a second signature being inserted into my WCF request that I need to replace with the SAML insertion - how do i get rid of the second signature?? (see updated request below)
    POST https://localhost:8089/pvs/ws HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    SOAPAction: ""
    Host: localhost:8089
    Content-Length: 6720
    Expect: 100-continue
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:u="">
    <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1" u:Id="_3"/>
    <a:MessageID u:Id="_4">urn:uuid:84dc0bb8-13fd-4e90-84c4-ed1e6e831801</a:MessageID>
    <ActivityId CorrelationId="07e0df62-d40a-4e24-aacc-12e626f80e8b" xmlns="">40077c44-d415-4567-99a1-1ea610c41d94</ActivityId>
    <a:ReplyTo u:Id="_5">
    <VsDebuggerCausalityData xmlns="">uIDPo1f0ZJ98FOxIvULl0pmGv/wAAAAAEGu5/G7VNkia/XbStJDa+ldqi+8xxdtAiBL+Y8vCqa0ACQAA</VsDebuggerCausalityData>
    <a:To s:mustUnderstand="1" u:Id="_6">https://localhost:8089/pvs/ws</a:To>
    <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
    <e:EncryptedKey Id="uuid-5b1de37e-ea76-4f75-b268-ebb63b554c11-1" xmlns:e="">
    <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <KeyInfo xmlns="">
    <e:DataReference URI="#_2"/>
    <o:BinarySecurityToken u:Id="uuid-d62ff21f-7e9b-460d-a0ee-d5fad221427d-1" ValueType="" EncodingType="">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</o:BinarySecurityToken>
    <Signature Id="_0" xmlns="">
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_1">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_3">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_4">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_5">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_6">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <o:SecurityTokenReference k:TokenType="" xmlns:k="">
    <o:Reference ValueType="" URI="#uuid-5b1de37e-ea76-4f75-b268-ebb63b554c11-1"/>
    </Signature><!-- Why is this second signature here? how do i get rid of it and replace with SAML --> <Signature xmlns="">
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#_0">
    <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <o:Reference ValueType="" URI="#uuid-d62ff21f-7e9b-460d-a0ee-d5fad221427d-1"/>
    <s:Body u:Id="_1" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <e:EncryptedData Id="_2" Type="" xmlns:e="">
    <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>

  • Creating a custom 404 page.

    # Removed do to email appearing on Google search. #
    Last edited by MindTooth (2011-01-01 21:57:05)

    The way I have done it in a very simple way is to create an .htaccess file in the root directory of the site in question with the following lines:
    # serve custom error pages
    ErrorDocument 400 /SMART/errors/400.html
    ErrorDocument 401 /SMART/errors/401.html
    > SMART in the directory name (root directory) where your index.html or index.php or  file resides.
    > errors is the sub-directory where all the different error files exit.
    And that's it. Make sure you do not allow the .htaccess file to be accessible by web users (make it non-browsable).
    That's it.
    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by ralvez (2009-11-28 16:25:58)

  • Create a custom alert message for my publishing site

    I have enabled outgoing email to enable sending alerts from SharePoint to users. But I want to have a simpler alert email. Where I do not need to include the item content within the email . so I am trying to achieve the following:-
    Remove the item content from the alert email and just include a link to the item such as a link to a wiki page, announcement item ,etc.
    Currently the link will include the servername in it such as
    http://servernameSP01/sharepoint/Page1 . But we have defined a DNS name so that out SharePoint is accessible using a more user friendly such as
    http://ourcompany.intra. So is there a way to include this instead of the server name in the email links?

    For the first question, my understanding is that you want to add a link to the email alert. As there is no OOTB feature to achieve it, I suggest you custom
    the alert template to achieve it.
    The email alert template is in the folder below.
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\XML
    Before editing the xml, remember to copy the xml file to another location. You can edit the format tag of the xml and add your custom link to the format
    Save the xml and update the list alert template to the new one.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    More information:
    How to customize alert email template:
    AlertTemplates Schema:
    For the second question, my understanding is you want to replace the server name link with a DNS link. It could be achieved using alternate access mappings.
    More Reference:
    Best regards,
    Zhengyu Guo
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Wanted to create a customized error message

    I am using oracle reports 6i.
    My reports has a parameter form to input
    start date and end date.
    If i enter valid dates my report is executed.
    Now i want to validate the dates.
    If some enters a wrong date format oracle reports does not allow this and returns with a message
    "REP-0613: Value does not match mask 'mm/dd/yyyy'. ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected REP-0091: Invalid value for parameter 'STARTDATE'."
    Now what i need to do is instead of the above message i want to show "Start date format is incorrect" Is this possible in oracle reports 6i.
    I know i can control this using javascript.
    But i want to know does oracle reports support this feature
    Thanks In advance!

    There are many ways to do it. I do not like the simple solutions. so here is one dirty one.
    Change the datatype of the date parameters to char and get rid of the format. Use validation triggers to check that the enetered value is a valid date.

  • Custom 404 Page Not Found, can't get it to work...

    Environment: 1 CF webserver, 2 websites on the webserver
    Problem: I want to create a custom 404 page not found for
    each site.
    I can't use the "Site-wide Error Handler " in the CF
    administor because it makes the 2 sites share the same 404
    template. I've also tryed to set the IIS Custom Error properties
    but when i do that I still get the ColdFusion defined (not my
    custom page) 404 message. Help.. I'm sure there is a way to do this
    some how... Thx

    Forgot to mention, the 2 sites are in seperate folders.

  • Business Partners didn't get created from Customer master

    T. Code: MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT. Select option Cmr to BP, then in processing, give in customer number (or customer group), select "include values" then give individual number or range of such customers which didn't replicated. Then execute (F8). It will put this process in queuing, so go to next tab "Monitor". Here you can see queue ready for processing, select it, go inside and process (you can also go to smq2). Come back, and see if there is error (red) signal in status column, which means errors. If so, select the line, and click on button "Call PPO". Here you can get the reason/error why replication failed.
    Manually, you can give try through t. code: FLBPD1 and give customer number as input.
    Check in table KNA1 and BUT000 for verifying if other customers after the tainted one got created as BP or not.
    Hope this helps!
    I tried FLBPD1 & got the following message:
    No business partner could be created for customer 10000578
    Message no. CVIC_UI018
    No business partner could be created from the customer selected.
    System Response
    An error occurred when creating a business partner from the customer selected. This error prevents data from being transferred and saved. This could be due to the following:
    Fields have been left blank in the customer that are set as required entry fields for the business partner.
    Settings for assigning Customizing values for the customer to the business partner are incorrect.
    Start the Post Processing Office and check the error message. Make the necessary corrections.
    Error Message encountered while using the T. Code MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT:
    No transfer of interval for object BU_PARTNER
    Message no. NR028
    The last number of the internal interval should be assigned.
    Number assignment usually begins in the following call at the start of the interval. However this function is blocked for some number range objects for technical system reasons.
    If possible extend the interval of the affected number range object. If this is not possible you must reorganize the relevant data and reset the interval status manually.
    Please Suggest.
    Arpit Kothari

    Hello All,
    I checked the error with MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT. I found that the VAT Regn no. field was populated for Panama customer. In Panama & Canada, there is no VAT Regn No. I made the field blank in customer master & it created as BP w/o any further issue.
    Many Thanks to looking into my issue.
    Best Regards,
    Arpit Kothari

  • How to find broken url from custom 404 page?

    I have created a custom 404 jsp page and updated the web deployment descriptor with the code:
         </error-page>Whenever I enter an invalid url or click on broken link (target does not exist), a 404 HTTP response arises and the custom-404.jsp is rendered. So far so good.
    Within the custom-404.jsp, I would like to know the original url (invalid link or broken link) so that I can send the administrator an email with the url details.But, I could not find any API to find this url?
    Can someone help here please?

    My bet is that it is available as referrer inside the error page in case of a redirect, or as Request URI in case of a forward.
    String referrer = httpServletRequest.getHeader("referer"); // Yes, with the legendary misspelling in it.
    // or
    String requestURI = httpServletRequest.getRequestURI();

  • Custom error message for Back Button Error

    I am using JDeveloper 9. I have tried to create a custom error message to handle a "Back button" press.
    But the error message is usually ignored and the system's regular "Stale data" message appears. Is there a way to prevent the system's message from appearing and to raise a custom error message?

    Do the following coding in your processRequest() of the Create or udpate page.
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    // If isBackNavigationFired = false, we're here after a valid navigation
    // (the user selected the Create button) and we should proceed
    // normally and initialize a new employee.
    if (!pageContext.isBackNavigationFired(false))
    // We indicate that we are starting the create transaction (this
    // is used to ensure correct Back button behavior). Note that you
    // can assign whatever name you want to your transaction unit.
    TransactionUnitHelper.startTransactionUnit(pageContext, "empCreateTxn");
    // This test ensures that we don't try to create a new employee if
    // we had a JVM failover, or if a recycled application module
    // is activated after passivation. If these things happen, BC4J will
    // be able to find the row that you created so the user can resume
    // work.
    if (!pageContext.isFormSubmission())
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    // Call your method to handle creating the new row.
    am.invokeMethod("createEmployee", null);
    if (!TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, "empCreateTxn", true))
    // Get the purchase order number from the request.
    String orderNumber = pageContext.getParameter("headerId");
    MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("PO_NUMBER", orderNumber)};
    OAException message = new OAException("ICX", "FWK_TBX_T_PO_UPDATE_CONFIRM", tokens,
    OAException.CONFIRMATION, null);
    // We got here through some use of the browser "Back" button, so we
    // want to display a state loss error and disallow access to the page.
    // If this were a real application, we would probably display a more
    // context-specific message telling the user they can't use the browser
    // "Back" button on the "Create" page. Instead, we wanted to illustrate
    // how to display the Applications standard NAVIGATION_ERROR message.
    OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(message);
    } // end processRequest()

  • Having issues setting custom 404 page...

    Hey all,
    I'm not sure if I'm missing a step, I created a custom 404 page ("404.html") and it's in the root of the website folder.  Under Websites (tab) > Server Website, I click Advanced Settings and set the custom error page to "/404.html", yet entering, say,, still brings me to the generic Apache 404 page.
    I also tried specifying the 404 page as "/404" and "404.html", and I tried adding it to the index file list.. No dice.
    I'm sure I could do it manually via the .htaccess file, but before I do that (and before I inquire about doing that), I want to make sure I'm doing everything I should be doing through the Server App.
    Any ideas?

    Okay, I ended up creating and using a .htaccess file to override Apache's default settings, since I had issues saving changes to the .conf files in Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2, it's very locked down, and for good reason of course.
    For those with the same issue,
    0.5) In OS X Server app's Website settings, click "Advanced Settings" and check the "allow overrides using .htaccess files" box.
    1) Create a new document in your favorite text editor.  I used TextWrangler, free from the App Store.
    2) Copy the text
    ErrorDocument 404 /pathtofile
    and change /pathtofile to the path to your custom 404 page, which can be HTML or PHP. 
    3) Save the file as ".htaccess" ideally into the root of your website folder directly, because the dot at the beginning makes it hidden, so you can't save it to the desktop and move it later (unless you show hidden files via that Terminal command)
    4) Done!  You don't have to restart Apache or OS X Server or OS X for the change to take effect, just go to'tExist and watch the magic.
    Courtesy of and Google.

  • Custom 404 page

    I have created a custom 404 page called 404.cfm. I am usingCF8 on IIS6. In IIS 6 I specified this custom 404 page as a File. When a user types a wrong address in IE, I can see my custom 404 page. But when I type the wrong address in Firefox, nothing happens. In Firefox I do not see my custom error page.
    If I had setup page incorrectly, then I shouldn’t have been able to see the custom 404 page in IE. Why Firefox is not displaying my custom page? Note that my custom page is a cfm not .htm or .html.
    Any idea as what is happening here.
    Joe Green

    When your page fires, it sends back a 404 header to the browser, and then the browser interprets that accordingly.  Firefox has a few built-in error pages that it can use instead of the 404 from the server.
    If you go to about:config in your browser, click the button and search for 'browser.xul.error_pages.enabled' - set that to false (not tried it here, just a
    guess).  Does that make it go away and show your custom page?
    UPDATE:  Scratch that - didn't work.  I'm sure there is a setting that makes firefox override the 404 error page system, I jsut can't seem to find it - try a google.

  • CONSTRAINT Custom Error Message

    I would like to create some custom error messages with some constraints I have made. If a user forgets to enter data into a required field I'd like it to prompt the user.
    Below is a statement that I've made for the 'assetlabel' field, how can I implement this?
    ALTER TABLE dbo.tblasset 
    ADD CONSTRAINT CK_tblasset_Assetlabel
    CHECK ([Assetlabel] <> '' 
    and [Assetlabel] is not null
    and [Assetlabel] NOT LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%')

    Hi, I agree with Olaf Helper there's no way to customize error message.
    However you can validate your data with a trigger and use RAISEERROR
    hope will help
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it

  • How to create Custom error message in SharePoint 2013

    I have created one document library.On uploading the same file SharePoint throws error as"server error.The same file exit".
    But my requirement is not to show the SharePoint default message.I wanted to create custom message and show the pop up for the same file upload.
    Is there any way to create any custom error page or can I manipulate SharePoint default error page?
    Any help?
    Thank you

    You can create an event receiver to set the validation error messages.  One such post to redirect the custom error page is as follows
    Create custom error page for SharePoint event receiver
    Please mark it answered, if your problem resolved or helpful.

  • How to create a help view for a customized error message

    Hi all,
    Can you guide me how to create a help view for a customized error message, we need to put some suggestions in it so that user can can resolve this issue with this guide. ( the short text is too short to describe all situations via TC:SE91)
    Thanks very much!
    Bruce, Wen

    Hi Bruce,
    Could you brief your concerns again.
    Why don't you maintain long text in message class for long description.
    Ranjith N

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