Creating a Help Desk Tier I and Tier II

I am pretty lost on what access I should give to both tiers. Can anyone recommend something and how to set it up in CUCM.

You can use the role based access in CUCM to provide different level of access. Read through this document:
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       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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       at Microsoft.IdentityManagement.CredentialManagement.Portal.Components.DriverBase.GetNextGate(IGateControl currentGate)
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       at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
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    ErrorCode: 3013
    CaughtTime: 05/02/2014 08:43:26
    Web Portal: FIM Password Reset Portal
    Session Id: 21uppbuy3vutsm55sytd4b55
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    Hi welcome to the forums
    There are many who post herethat recommend not using the programme ( personal choice ) but from my own observatio ns it does onn sow occasions cause more trouble than it is worth I would
    suggest uninstallibg it then trying a fresh reinstall if that does not work then I am afraid there to me is only one choice delete the programme unless you really need it
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    These roles should exist in your system. Which client are you checking? If there is problem in your client copy you may miss out these roles. These roles will be present in 001 you can transport from there.
    This should solve your problem.
    Feel free to revert back.

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    Sweta_Mulgavker wrote:
    We are including a hepl desk modle in our website.I will assume you meant "Help desk module". It would be nice, if you try to check your spelling.
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    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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    My scenario is similar to the scenario found here:  
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    Please refer to the following article and check if can help you.
    Reset Password Custom Console
    if I create a MMC snap-in is there a way to deploy it with group policy to the managers
    I don’t think that you can achieve the target directly by using group policy. Just another thought, you may create a script to deploy the MMC snap-in. Then add the script
    as Logon script in Group policy and
    assign user logon scripts to those specific users. Just a thought, thanks for your understanding.
    If anything I misunderstand, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

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    There are some discussions on the citrix forum that may help if you haven't already seen them. Here are two and there are likely more: file-usersnamelibraryapplication-supportcitrix-receivermodules/ -file-userschristinalibraryapplication-supportcitrix-receivermodules-error-numbe r-30/

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    I can not change my Apple ID to the old mail (not possible!)
    The old mail don't accept the new password..
    I can not delete the Icloud all the time asking my the password of the old mail!
    I realy need help

    You can not merge accounts.
    Apps are tied to the Apple ID used to download them, you can not transfer them.

  • An error has occurred. Please try again, and if the problem persists, contact your help desk or system administrator. (Error 3000)

    When i open my Password Reset portal then provide Username credentials in text box and click on next then asked the Securites Question Answers to me,i provide the correct Answers to the securites Question after this password reset portal asked
    me New Password and Confirm Password then click on next for resetting the password then gives below Error only for 2 Users. and all other users are working fine.
    An error has occurred. Please try again, and if the problem persists, contact your help desk or system administrator. (Error 3000:)
    Anil Kumar

    Anything in the event log?

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    Could you please help me on my problem with my apple ID
    I create new account with security questions, and when I try to purchase paid application,it ask me for answers the questions but it's not working,
    My account have 50$ and still didn't buy anything

    You need to ask Apple to reset your security questions; ways of contacting them include clicking here and picking a method for your country, phoning AppleCare and asking for the Account Security team, and filling out and submitting this form.

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    My company set up an Icloud apple id under their help desk email by mistake and there isnt a password so how do i change the email address/apple id
    to my email address that i do have the password for?  I can use the Ipad for everything except the Icloud account.

    If you mean that Find My Phone is asking for a password to a different Apple ID to your current Apple ID and that ID is a previous version of your current ID, not an entirely different one.
    This feature has been introduced to make stolen phones useless to those that have stolen them.
    However it can also arise when the user has changed their Apple ID details with Apple and not made the same changes to their iCloud account/Find My Phone on their device before upgrading to iOS 7, or if you restore from a previous back up made before you changed your details and some other circumstances.
    The only solution is to change your Apple ID back to its previous state with Apple at My Apple ID using your current password, you don’t need access to this address if it’s previously been used with your Apple ID, once you have saved these details enter the password as requested on your device and then turn off "find my phone" and delete the account from your device. It may take a short while to remove the account.
    You should then change your Apple ID back to its current state, save it once again and then log back in using your current Apple ID. Finally, turn "find my phone" back on once again.
    This article provides more information about Activation Lock.
    This is answer is provided from my own database of boilerplate responses and the content was last reviewed and tested on: 2014/05/23

  • HELP! Updated to keynote 9...created a presentation (took me hours) and now it won't open and i'm being told I have to 'buy' the new keynote to open it

    HELP! Updated to keynote 9...created a presentation (took me hours) and now it won't open and i'm being told I have to 'buy' the new keynote to open it

    Keynote 6 is compatible with Mavericks only, your profile states you are using Snow Leopard, if thats the case use Keynote version 5 and all will work as before.

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