Creative Zen Micro proble

Okay so my friend gave me an old Zen Micro, the current firmware on it is v0.0.65. It says it has a firmware prbolem. I just reformatted my comp back?to windows XP, I downloaded both of the drivers, plugged my it in via usb, ran the installation. I tried the firmware upgrade and it doesn't recognize it...can someone tell me why..

i have also expericend thisproblem with the player turning itslef on even when its on hold, verry annoying as the battery runs down,
But i would not worry about this problem in comparrison to my Zen micro not even woring as the headphone jack is loose.

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    I've got the same problem, I tried to upgrade the firmware, and after my pc didn't recognise the zen micro anymore, I can't do anything with it anymore...
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    To send in a unit you have to arrange that with Customer Support first, they will arrange everything and give you the address details along with a reference number that must be on the front of the package when you send it to us.
    When you e-mailed us before, did you get an auto response back? That always goes out, if you didn't receive that, it's possible that either your request didn't arri've with us, or that you did get a response but it got stuck in a spam filter (if you have one set up).

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    My Specifications:
    My Mp3 Player: Zen Micro Photo (Black)What I tried: Switching USB ports and re-installing Service Pack Software: Not sure how to determine firmware without installing something. I'm on a XP Professional and I'm using the Creative Media Source and Creative Media Toolbox

    Thank you DM for responding. I am expecting problems, but it still won't allow me to charge the Zen Micro Photo or even use the Creative Media Source. I can't upload any songs or any contacts on it. I haven't uploaded anything yet, but it's not reading the USB device. When I run Creative Zen Micro Photo Media Explorer I get this message at the top of the screen: "The device is not connected. Please connect your Zen MicroPhoto to the computer. I can't organize anything or add songs... so it just makes all the programs I downloaded useless and my Creative product unusuable.ONe thing it does do though... whenever I plug in my Zen MIcroPhoto to the USB it turns it on and glows, but only shows my battery at the top with one red line and the green lightening bolt filling the battery up.After leaving it like this for two hours the green moves, but the red bar stays the same size.

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    Although a failed power switch is not unknown, I only recall seeing two or three other cases of this. It's not common.
    If WMP isn't working with the device having v2 firmware something is wrong. Unfortunately this can be difficult to fix, but take a look here in the Zen FAQ at
    MediaSource won't detect the player if there's some issue e.g. WMP0 not detecting it. You can of course also try installing Zen Micro Media Explorer (Creative Zen Micro Media Explorer Web Update to be specific) which has MTP support.
    Are you are presumably under guarantee, and as you bought from an Internet store, it's best to return it direct to Creative. Contact Creative Support to arrange this.

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    this is the 3rd time i posted bout this
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    ps sorry for the bad grammer and spelling

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    gerdes wrote:
    whats an ac charger? LOL
    An external charger that plugs into the wall.

  • Creative Zen Micro won't turn

    Creative Zen Micro -
    When I plug the usb into a computer, it has the charge icon in the top right corner of the screen. If I attemp to turn it on, while plugged in, the creative sceen come on, and then dissapears. When it is not plugged into the computer, I get no repsponse what so ever. I haven't attmpted to reset it. Any ideas? Thanks for your time.

    Try starting the player into Recovery Mode, see if that works:
    <EM>Ensure that the Zen Micro is turned off.</EM>
    <EM>Remove the battery.</EM>
    <EM>Move and hold the Power button to the Power On position and re-insert the battery to the Zen Micro. Hold the Power button until the rescue mode appears. </EM>
    <EM>The following options will be displayed:</EM>
    <EM>) Clean Up (Performs a disk scan on the players harddisk)</EM>
    <EM>2) Format All (Formats the players harddisk - Note: all contents will be lost)</EM>
    <EM>3) Reload OS (Reloads the Operating System on the Jukebox. Note: Reloading your OS, will not effect the contents of the files stored on your Zen Micro) Caution: Do not select this option until a firmware update has been downloaded onto the PC</EM>
    <EM>4) Reboot (Reboots the device).</EM>
    If you can get into Recovery Mode, try the Clean Up first.

  • Creative Zen Micro - Is it Worth

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    NO NO NO NO!!!!
    I posted this in another thread :
    If time is on your side TAKE IT BACK ASAP. Like you, I did plenty of research before putting out the money on an Mp3 player. I was impressed with what I read about the Zen micro so I went ahead and purchased 3. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! I purchased them in May 2005. I've already sent player back twice for repair - and am awaiting the RMA label to send THE SAME player back again for replacement. Now the other 2 players are starting to act up. One won't hold a charge at all and when it does start it goes to the clean up screen and the other has started freezing up quite a lot. As far as I am concerned this product is a joke. I was patient with customer service, even after I was LIED to. I let them replace the product not once but twice and am actually going to see if I can't cancel the advanced RMA on the third replacement and try and get my money back on all three of the players through the replacement plans I bought on them. If I have to wait until May 2006 for the year manufacturers warranty to be up I'll stick them in a drawer and wait.
    The funny (not ha ha funny, but strange funny) thing is that I bought the Zen Micro's because I didn't want to be like everyone else and buy iPods. Now I wish I had. I have a feeling I threw over $600.00 away. Not quite 7 months and almost $700.00 spent- $00.00 a month for nothing but problems - wow what a really bad investment!
    If I thought Creative would buck up and do the honorable thing and give me my money back, I probably wouldn't have bothered to register and post here. But I really don't think they give a crap about me or any other poor sucker that fell for their line and bought this junk. Buyer Beware....

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    Thanks for any help.

    I want to subscribe to a series of National Public Radio podcasts on a tool (maybe iTunes but I don't think the Creative Zen Micro works with iTunes) and be able to easily sync these onto my player. I have a Creative Zen Micro about a year old (or more?).
    Does anyone subscribe and download podcasts to the Zen Micro that can post a How To? I open the Creative MediaSource Tool and can see the podcasts I want to sync to my mp3 in the "now playing" window but don't know how to get them to upload to the mp3.
    Thanks for any help.

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    Am I out of luck? Or is there software I can download to get it on the new computer.
    You can send comments to [email][email protected]][email protected][/url]
    Thanks so much.

    Go to Support-> Downloads, and in the list, select your player (MP3 Players, Zen, Zen Micro). Click on Next, then click on Go. Then download these files, and install them in this order:
    <TABLE id=Table2 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="00%" bgColor=#eeeeee border=0>
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD vAlign=top align=right><FONT color=#330099 size=>. </TD>
    <TD height=5><FONT color=blue>Creative Zen and Jukebox Driver Upgrade version .30.03 (<FONT color=#222222 size=><B>.3 MB</B>) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    <TABLE id=Table2 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="00%" bgColor=#eeeeee border=0>
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD vAlign=top align=right><FONT color=#330099 size=>5. </TD>
    <TD height=5><FONT color=blue>Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 3.30.2 (<FONT color=#222222 size=><B>52.2 MB</B>) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    <TABLE id=Table2 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="00%" bgColor=#eeeeee border=0>
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD vAlign=top align=right><FONT color=#330099 size=>3. </TD>
    <TD height=5><FONT color=blue>Creative Zen and NOMAD Jukebox plugin 2.00.20 for Creative MediaSource (<FONT color=#222222 size=><B>9.72 MB</B>) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    Message Edited by Catherina-CL on 09-2-2006 0:24 AM

  • Having big problems with Creative Zen Micro Photo!! I need much urgent help!

    Hi. I am having a big problem with my MP3 Creative Zen Micro Photo device at the computer.Here is the thing:Before I bought this I had the regular Zen Micro & having fun with it. I had no problems with that when I used the Media Explorer to transfer songs. So I bought the Zen Micro Photo & installed it my computer. As normal I used the Media Explorer to transfer songs & pictures.So I reinstalled Windows XP at my computer, and when I installed the CD that followed to transfer new songs, the Windows said that it's an unknown thing I have connected in the USB.So I installed Service Pack & 2. I have tried to install drivers from the cd but it seems that there are no drivers on the cd! The big problem is that when I connect the MP3 to the computer, it doesn't read it's a Zen Micro, it's just unknown! So the Zen Micro Photo Media Explorer program doesn't work & I can't transfer songs or picture on it! And it just happened after I re-installed Windows on my computer. The same thing happened on my brother's computer after he re-installed windows. And when I connect the MP3 to the USB, it says that it's not a USB 2.0, but .! And I am sure it is 2.0 because it has always been like that before I re-installed windows. Also the MP3 does not re-charge when I put it my computer! The battery is just the same, it tries to do it but it doesn't. So I am using my sisters computer to charge the MP3 & transfer songs. I have tried everything but I can't seem to understand what the problem is? I have never experienced something like this before, and I really hope you can help me with this! To be honest I think what I am missing is the driver. So can someone PLEASE provide me the link for the driver? I have downloaded all those 3 on, but they are none of them! Also that playforsure firmawre thingy does not work because it sais that I have to connect my MP3, and it is connected already!Please reply as quick as possible! Thanks a lot for you kind help!
    I have also sent this mail to creative support! But please help me I have had this problem for almost 2 months now! =(Message Edited by anakwalajinn on 05-0-2006 08:47 PM

    Might try this:?

  • Mp3 Player not detected in Vista ,I need drivers for Creative Zen Micro in Windows Vista 32-b

    Hi ,?Im trying to install my Creative Zen Micro in windows Vista , But A Compatibility Problem appear and i can't install it .Windows Show me that a new hardware is found? and what i have to do , i Install it with the CD , but The installation can't be successful and a message saying me i have to contact Creative Support for the dirvers appear and the installation can't be completed. I've tryied to contact creative suport , but they don't find solution . I've searched the drivers but they wasn't found in creative site web . If anybody Have a solution for install my zen micro or can help me , please ... I have to buy another Mp3 Player ? This have a solution ?Thanks ,i hope that you can help me. Regards

    I updated my Firmware as stated by Creative Labs support team. I downloaded on my son's PC which has Window's XP Pro edition. Again, on his PC there is no problem with recognition of the device and/or player. However, when I plug my player into my PC which has Vista, the device manager has a "!" next to ZEN Micro Photo. So my PC "See's" the player. However, when you right click and then go to "Properties" it states that "The drivers for this device are not installed (code 28)" Then it states to "reinstall the drivers" But when I tried to install or reinstall the "Driver" using the install wizard, I get an error message... "An error occurred during the installation of the device" and " A service installation section in this INF is invalid" Then a pop bubble appears and says "Found new hardware" You may have a problem with your device. It may not be working properly" So what do I do at this point. The only way for me currently to download music is to use my son's PC. At least I have another option... I feel sorry for the rest of you. When will creative wake up and smell the Vista!!

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