Credit mgmt process - New process

Hi Gurus
This is regarding Credit Management.
The scenario is as follows
We have customers A,B and C. Here A is called the corporate customer and B & C are its sub customers. Cus A, B and C have separate credit limits but apart from these credit limit A would have another credit limit called "Corporate credit limit" since it is a corporate customer. (For eg)
Corporate credit limit $ 1,00,000 - -
Normal Credit limit $ 2,000 $4,000 $2,000
Here, when A exceeds $2,000 or B exceeds $4,000 or C exceeds $2,000 we would get a normal credit hold,
BUT, when the corporate credit limit (This limit is affected by the individual credit limits of A or B or C) exceeds, we would get a corporate credit hold.
1. We need two types of credit hold (Corporate and Normal) in the process which is not availabe in std.
2. Two credit limit (corporate and normal) has to be set for a single customer (For eg Customer A as above)
Kindly let me know whether there is any peculiar process for configuring this process.

Hi sunil
In your Scenario , If there are customers A,B &C  and .Here A is a corporate customer and B & C are its sub customers then you need to go with  CUSTOMER HIERARCHY  , where A is the main customer and B & C are its sub customers . So in customer hierarchy only it can be mapped

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    Hope this hasn't just been addressed here but I signed up for a new credit card processing service and they have a company called securitymetrics that checks the level of safety for your cc processing setup.
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    Short version:
    failure 1:Your computer is answering ping requests. Hackers use Ping to scan the Internet to see if computers will answer. If your computer answers then a hacker will know your computer exists and your computer could become a hacker target. You should install a firewall or turn off Ping requests.
    failure 2:It is possible to gather information about the remote base station (such as its connection type or connection time) by sending packets to UDP port 192. An attacker connected to this network may also use this protocol to force the base station to disconnect from the network if it is using PPPoE, thus causing a denial of service for the other users. Solution: Filter incoming traffic to this port and make sure only authorized hosts can connect to the wireless network this base station listens on.
    Anyone know how to address these? I looked at the settings on Airport Utility and couldn't find anything.

    You would enter 192 in both the Public & Private UDP/TCP entries. The Private IP Address would be an address of a non-existent device. For example, if the DHCP range is -, enter for this entry. (This, of course, would mean you do not have a client assigned this IP.)

  • Credit Management Process based on Terms of Payment.

    Hi All,
    My Client wants to use SAP Credit Managment Process. The SAP is currently being used but without Credit Management. As per my initial discussion I have enclosed the requirments below. Your Kind Help will be highly appreciated.
    1.     The Process has to be implemented in a 2 Step Process.
    2.     The Initial Requirement is based on Terms of Payment. If the Number of Days is Overdue for the Invoice for a particular Customer, the system should issue a warning message (in the Form of Mail or any other way) which can be shown as evidence to the Customer for collection of Payment so that further Sales Transactions can take place.
    (Is there the standard Process in Credit Management based on Terms of Payment)
    3.     In the next step Value Base Credit Check has to be implemented. The Value will be set for a particular Customer in Credit Master. When the Sales Order is raised and if the Credit Limit is exceeded the System should issue the warning message. Based on the Warning Message Issued an email should triggered to the particular person in Finance that the Credit Limit for a particular person has been exceeded and Credit Limit needs to be increased.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Dear Mr F Farooq,
    1. The Process has to be implemented in a 2 Step Process.
    Do the following configurations for credit management :
    Refer the following link.
    2. The Initial Requirement is based on Terms of Payment. If the Number of Days is Overdue for the Invoice for a particular Customer, the system should issue a warning message (in the Form of Mail or any other way) which can be shown as evidence to the Customer for collection of Payment so that further Sales Transactions can take place.
    (Is there the standard Process in Credit Management based on Terms of Payment)
    Now for this requirement, since different billing documents for the same customer  can have different payment terms (whcih means different billing will be due on different date) , please make the following changes in OVA8
    Check for 'oldest open item'
    Now follow my reply in the below thread.
    Sales order to be blocked based on customer payment terms and credit limit
    You can use WORKFLOW to trigger mail when such a message is triggered in the sales order , due to credit check.
    Ask your ABAP-er for details on workflow.
    3. In the next step Value Base Credit Check has to be implemented. The Value will be set for a particular Customer in Credit Master. When the Sales Order is raised and if the Credit Limit is exceeded the System should issue the warning message. Based on the Warning Message Issued an email should triggered to the particular person in Finance that the Credit Limit for a particular person has been exceeded and Credit Limit needs to be increased.
    Just configure according to the thread given for 1st POINT.
    CHECK FOR DYNAMIC and set reaction as 'C' and check STATUS /BLOCK.
    Maintain the credit limit in the FD32.
    Now when the sales order value exceeds the credit limit , a message will be triggered.
    Use the concept of WORKFLOW to create mail based on this message .
    When the user gets mail, he can maintain the new credit limit in FD32 and release the document for delivery/billing in VKM3.
    Revert back if there is any issues.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Hegal K Charles
    Edited by: Hegal . K . Charles on Aug 7, 2011 1:19 AM

  • "Credit Card Processing Is Temporarily Unavailable. Please Try Again Later".

    Hi guys.
    I have been browsing for hours no with no avail to this problem I have been having.
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    My country (Bolivia) is new to the iTunes store, and as soon as I heard the store became available yesterday, I have been trying to register a new account. But everytime I get to the payment page and submit the info, I get the error "Credit Card Processing Is Temporarily Unavailable. Please Try Again Later".
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    What are the chances the system is actually unavailable? A lot of people solved this problem and the issue wasn't related to a system being down at all. Could it be the fact my country is new to the iTunes store?
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    Oh, I almost forgot. If it matters, I am using an iTunes Beta on my MacBook Pro.

    I have the same problem, but being as you have had your account for 5 days by the time of this writing, I had mine for about a year. Recently, the security code showed up blank for the credit card I was using, and even when I used the correct security code, iTunes figured that it wasn't valid.
    Thankfully, (go shopsafe!) it was easy to get another credit card for a dollar or two (I just want to update my free software for free...), yet this didn't work, for it again said that the security code was invalid.
    Then, after a few tries, it said "Credit card processing is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
    Judging by other Apple forums, when this sort of thing happens, it's a problem on Apple's side, rather than my computer.
    I came to this conclusion when I came to a forum that had a bunch of different people complaining that they can't buy music on iTunes. However, that forum was dated in 2008.
    If someone finds contradictory information, feel free to reply to my post and tell me how I, too, could fix this.
    And in case it matters, I am using a MacBook Air with OS X 10.6.8 and have iTunes 10.4.

  • Credit card processing temporarily unavailable?

    I keep trying to buy some music under my account. my card expired so I need to sign up a new one. when I do it says credit card processing temporarily unavailable and to try again later. its been like this for a few days now. is there something wrong with my settings?

    This message can be related to the address format you use or your bank's verifing system. When you put your credit card information into your iTunes Store account, this information is sent to your bank for verification. If the billing address you use does not match the bank's records exactly, and/or is not in standard USPS format, then this could result in the message you are seeing.
    I would ensure that your bank's records are correct and if you still experience the error, just use another credit card or an iTunes Store GIft Card.
    Hope that helps!

  • Php credit card processing

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    There are a number of good php credit card processing scripts available. Can I bypass the merchant account company using a php page that will process my credit cards?

    Hi John
    The php code and the process are tightly related when it comes to processing your own credit card transactions and then passing them on for payment authorisation.
    All the items must be done on secure server section of site, and will depend on if you wish to create a user account or not, this is for the non-user account
    Customer fills in Their details on order form, (Name address, credit card info, etc.)
    Details stored in temp database for such transactions via a php back-end script, using encryption for credit card details.
    Customer is then shown a confirm page, with the details of the order, only the last four digits of the credit card number are shown.
    If the user clicks 'place order' another back-end php script transfers the details to a permanent database and send the details for transaction conformation to your credit card authorization gateway.
    Payment status sent to another back-end processing script for completion of transaction, this is often done via ipn or similar system.
    Confirm payment and details are displayed to the customer, along with your transaction number, (this one may be omitted) and customer order no.
    That's basically the procedure, the scripts can be on the same page using functions, or separate scripts if using procedural code. There are obviously many variations on this procedure but this one is probably the most common.
    The use of  'secure pay' adds another two steps to this procedure in that the customer is sent to their card providers site for a second step to the authentication. There they must give a user name and password, (previously agreed and confirmed, if not it gets more complicated) in order to confirm that they are the card holder, before the actual card transaction can continue. To give you some idea of the complexity of the 'secure pay' set-up, the general extra cost can range anywhere between $1000 and $3000, (depending if done within web site development budget, or as an extra) converting from U/K £ to $.
    BTW, The secure pay is normally used by bank card processing, these used to be know as 'Merchant Accounts', but paypal and others started using this term for their accounts which complicated the issue, the bank processing is what I am referring to with this term, and the fact that visa and mastercard use a different processing procedure is why I say, 'avoid'.
    (Sorry if this explanation is a little long, but once you go outside the standard card processing, it does get more complex).
    I came across a web site ( and found some PHP scripts
    process credit cards.
    Unless you are happy adding extra security checks to the code to validate your site is the one using it, try to avoid any scripts that are 'in the public domain'. This is not said with any prejudice or doubt regarding the code, more that once you process your own credit cards you become completely responsible, (legally) for any fraud or misuse that results from your scripts/site.
    One other item is that I would recommend using PHP:PDO with MySQL transactions and bound-parameters/stored procedures for this, mainly because they adds extra levels of security and redundancy to the procedure, which is not possible using the standard php/mysql code.
    Hope this clears a few details up.
    Paula Z

  • Credit card processing is temp. unavailable.

    I just got a new itouch today, and tried downloading an app. it asked me to fill in my account info, including my payment method. First it said the security code was wrong, which it wasnt, then, it started telling me "Credit card processing is temporarily unavailable."
    I just read that this has lasted a few days for some people. What can i di?

    wanted to bump this.
    i get the same message. started initially when it said my zip code didn't match my area or something like that, and told me that "verification [is] required" before i can make purchases and that i had to sign in to verify my payment info.
    which is what i did. same cc# i've been using the last few years. nothing changed. but i go thru the process of "verifying" by making sure all the info is correct and hit submit and then i get this message: "Credit card processing temporarily unavailable, try again later" or something similar. i've been getting that message for 4 days!!! so frustrating.
    i tried deleting cookies, rebooting, doing it from my iphone, doing it from my desktop (which is the only authorized computer), updated itunes, updated the iOS... no dice, no nuthin. searched thru these forums and didn't find a solution, just a couple of threads like this one with no answers.

  • ITunes Store: "Right now the credit card processing is not available. Please try again later . "

    Hi, I live in Bogota, Colombia. I have a first generation iPad and decided to enter my credit card to my iTunes Store account but I put the data correctly and when I accept I said "Right now the credit card processing is not available. Please try again later . " I tried several days but always says the same thing, try creating a new account at the iTunes Store but do not, someone could help me with my problem. THANK YOU

    I was having this exact issue when I was set up to use PayPal as my payment method. I fixed it by -
    1. going to my iTunes account and selecting None as my method of payment, then clicking Done
    2. confirming this on my account page - which then said Add (or Set up, I can't remember) a Credit Card
    3. on the Add a credit card page, I again set up the exact same PayPal account I had before.
    4. I was then taken to the PayPal website to confirm that I wanted to use my PayPal account for iTunes purchases, and finally
    5. I was taken back to my account page in iTunes, which looked exactly the same as before BUT...
    The next time I tried it, my purchase went straight through! (And this was less than 5 minutes after I'd had the "Credit Card processing is temporarily unavailable" message.)
    YMMV, but I guess a similar revalidation process would work for credit cards too.

  • Credit Card processing is temprorarily unavailable?

    I have been getting this message since 12/30 around noon, and just figured there was a problem with the service. I logged on this morning expecting it to be resolved, but I am still getting the same error when I try to put in my credit card information. I just created a new account and its really frustrating to not be able to dl anything for my new ipod.

    I managed to get it to work this morning. I went back through and used the same cards I had tried before. I still could not get it to work with my debit card, but it went through with my credit card. Both cards are issued by the same bank, so I am not sure what the reason was. Either way its working now.
    for refererence,
    the error was
    "Credit Card processing is temprorarily unavailable"
    If it was something with the card information it would have been nice to know, but I really don't think it was because I have used the debit card at various online retailers throughout the holiday season.

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    People have been asking about this here since 2007 but they all have not received ny clear answer.
    That is my problem too.  I hope someone comes with a solution.

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    I also need credit card validation and payment components.
    Any help would be appreciated.Credit card processing is broken into industry types, so you can further refine your search using that. You will probably be looking at 'ecommerce'. There are other types though.

  • Mobile Credit card Processing

    Does anyone have experience with mobile credit card processing apps (GOPAYMENT, SQUARE, PAYANYWHERE, etc) On a Droid Razor Maxx HD.  Many of the app providers say their card readers and encryption protocols are compatible with the Droid Razor Maxx but questions re: the Razor Max HD get a firm "I dunna know".  Would like to hear successes and failures, since I really like my new phone, but will be bummed if it won't let me run a credit card scanner.
    Thank you for any help. 

    I have tried all these systems it really depends on the features you want and your business structure.  If you have low dollar amount transactions the flat rate is the best, but they have limited customer support for any help.
    I have not tried these with the razor or MaxxHD but look forward to hearing if they work. 
    FYI the biggest issue we faced is the readers did NOT plug into our audio headphone jack because of the cases we were using.  If you take the case off it worked but who wants to do that.  To solve this we purchased some audio extension cables from 8 different places and they never worked. The only ones that worked were from CellPay

  • Argh...iphone4s - credit card processing temporarily unavailable!?

    ok I really dont like my iphone 4s right now...
    ever since I got it I have been having problems with not being able to call or send sms:es....ok I can....but I basically have to restart the phone...and then I have like 20 seconds to connect the call or it will not work and I have to restart the phone again....but this is a known issue by now I believe....(even though apple sure isnt rushing to solve this issue....which is a bit strange considering its their new flagship and all....)
    Today I got a new for some reason credit card processing is not working....I get "credit card processing  is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later"......earlier today I got that it was denied and I should use a different payment method.......but I double checked that I had money in my account...and tried a few times with the same result....after a few tries I got the "credit card processing is temporarily...." error...
    so now my situation with my iphone4s is.....invalid sim, no network, and now credit card processing is temporarily unavailable? seems that my iphone 4s has just been reduced to an overpriced camera!
    has this happened to anyone else? and if so...does anyone of you know a solution?
    I live in Sweden and my carrier is Tele2...

    With the first part of that problem, the SIM not recognised, you may want to check for an update.  The 5.0.1 update itself was updated for certain people with the iPhone 4S with that problem. Apple did actually solve it (although I am not sure it fixed this for all).
    For which service was the credit card declined?  If it was iTunes, you may need to re accept the conditions in the iTunes store -- that should have happened with the iPhone connection, though.
    In any case, you might try a reset of the iPhone: hold both home and off buttons down until after the slider appeard and the apple icon comes on the screen. 
    You might also ask your carrier or at an Apple store (if there is one convenient to you).

  • External Credit Card processing

    We are trying to integrate Cybersource as our Credit Card processor for B2B & B2C.  We plan to use the Hosted Order Page to limit any transmission of credit card data over the corporate network.  
    Our desired process flow (B2C) is this:
    1. Customer places item in basket
    2. Customer chooses checkout from basket
    3. Customer clicks Continue from the checkout page
    3.1 Browser directed to Cybersource Hosted Order page
    3.2 Customer enters credit card data and submits
    3.3 Assuming successful authorization, browser returns to B2C application
    4. Customer Confirms data and creates order
    What would be a good approach to this solution?  My concerns are executing the standard code for step 3, and producing the redirect to Cybersource (would also need to send some basic order data (order total, description, etc)), and how best to return to the B2C application (what URL to store at Cybersource as the return URL to B2C) and ensuring the same session is used .
    I am new to the B2B & B2C applications so any input would be appreciated.

    Hi Steven,
    SAP's standard way of credit card processing for an eCommerce solution is to call the credit card service provider from the ABAP stack rather than from the Java stack. For the B2C webshop, the b2c/maintainCheckoutSaveOrder action calls FM 'ISA_SALESORDER_SIMULATE_TOTAL' which in turn calls FM 'SD_CCARD_AUTH_CALL_RFC'. By completing the credit card processing configuration in SPRO, one can call the external credit card processing service provider with a request and get a response, the control after which would based on the response go back to the eCommerce solution. This would be the suggested approach as SAP would check for product availability before triggering credit card authorisation, trigger only part authorisation when needed, etc. Security of encrypting credit card numbers can be achieved by using SAP's SAPCRYPTOLIB. You can get more information on that from OSS Notes 1032588, 1029819, 662340 and 633462.
    Configuration in SPRO would lead one to a FM 'CCARD_AUTH_SIMULATION'. You can clone this FM and call the external credit card processing service provider's webservices from here and push the response back into the FM's export tables for processing to continue from within SAP itself.
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Ashok on Jan 21, 2010 1:41 PM

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