CRIO Boot up time

Hi All
          I am using cRIO 9012 with NI 9853, and Gxxx modules. The problem is the cRIO takes approx. 30 sec to boot up and start execution. It’s comparably higher than other real time controllers. Why its too slow?
Thanks in advance

Thanks in bunch for your quick valuable information.
 Application like vehicle datalogger needs faster boot up time, so it will not loose any   bus-traffics during engine start up. 10 – 15 sec is quite Ok.
I have one more question.
I have created Real time application and deployed in cRIO. I turned on the option set as start up and I reboot the controller, the application running perfectly.
But if I try to run my Host VI (contains only shared variables) it closes my Real time start up application and it throw an warning message as shown in attachment file .
Tell me please where I am doing mistake?.
I want to run the Host VI without closing the VIs running on target, to transfer  data using shared variable.
cRIOprj.JPG ‏35 KB
cRIO warning.JPG ‏32 KB

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    I'll try to make it short but with your questios, might be impossible.
    I own both late 2008 MB Uni with 2Ghz and a brand new late 2011 MBP 13 inch.
    I have lion running on both Macbooks with no slow down or issues.
    The late 2008 I upgraded to 8GB Crucial DDR3 Memory and 320GB Seagate Hard Drive. Total cost to me? $140 CDN ( i live in Canada ).
    My MB Uni's battery has 1047 cycle count and I still get 3-1/2 - 4 hours of battery life depending on what applications I'm using.
    As for typical life of a PC or MAC ( I own both ).  The PC's life is shorter than a MB.  I have a 4 year old Dell Vostro that I had to do a RAM upgrade so Windows 7 would run properly.
    My late 08 MB had 4GB of RAM when I upgraded to Lion with no issues.  i just decided to go 8GB because it was cheap.
    A 2GB MB will boot up and run faster than a 4GB PC with windows 7.
    Nothing is obsolete if you can still do your stuff on your MB.
    To make it boot up faster, see what's loading on startup and take them off if you don't need them.

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    as to why it happens - could be any number or reasons - got changed by mistake if you booted holding the options key, could be just a simple bug or when you restarted your macbook when it locked up on you or it could've been that power outage you mentioned when your SSD was busy doing something...
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    have a good day

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    A bit simplifying :
    there are two parts in boot process - one-before spinning thing, other - spinning thing to desktop.
    First part is hardware inits, you can not speed it up. It is for sure longer for your MBP than for her - its normal, more hardware and it is more sophisticated so longer init.
    Second part depends on HD (SSD) speed.
    Say so - I have M4 SSD and second part is 1 to 2 spins until login window. Should be more or less same for you.
    If it is not so - probably something is not good with filesystem and some config files, most probably due to cloning instead of install. Reboot from recovery, repair drive (first - drive as a whole, second - boot partition), then reboot permissions. reboot two times as normal. see what'll happen with timing.

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    A bit simplifying :
    there are two parts in boot process - one-before spinning thing, other - spinning thing to desktop.
    First part is hardware inits, you can not speed it up. It is for sure longer for your MBP than for her - its normal, more hardware and it is more sophisticated so longer init.
    Second part depends on HD (SSD) speed.
    Say so - I have M4 SSD and second part is 1 to 2 spins until login window. Should be more or less same for you.
    If it is not so - probably something is not good with filesystem and some config files, most probably due to cloning instead of install. Reboot from recovery, repair drive (first - drive as a whole, second - boot partition), then reboot permissions. reboot two times as normal. see what'll happen with timing.

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    2/ Face time call coming
    3/ Pick up by Mac Pro.
    No issue found.
    1/ Mac Pro. Iphone4s connected to my home wifi
    2/ Face time call coming
    3/ Pick up by Iphone4s.
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    5/ Wifi signal on both iphone4s and Mac Pro were found gone
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    I agree with @sabretooth. The connection status showing 100Mbps is only the local Ethernet network speed and since your router uses the Wireless-G technology, then you can get a maximum of 54Mbps for the wireless network speed. This network speed is significant when communicating within the local network of the router but it is still the 10Mbps internet subscription speed that is used when sending and receiving data or information through the internet.
    It seems you’re experiencing a dropping connection and it would be better to isolate the issue before buying another router. Connect a computer wired directly to your Arris modem and observe the connection. If connection is good then it will give you a hint that it’s a possible router issue. You can then press and hold the reset button on the router for 30 seconds, power cycle, reconfigure the internet connection and check if the problem persists.

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    Thanks for the reply.
    I didnt have this issue before updating BIOS..
    And i didnt find jbat1 from my k9n ultra-2f. I didnt even find it from the mb manual. Theres only a Clear CMOS Button: SW2. I pushed it few times and then i rebooted my computer. At the first time the monitor woke up instantly and i was like wohooooo but then i shut down the computer and booted it again.. The monitor didnt wake up before pressing the reset button, the same problem was back.
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  • Sudden increase in boot-up time (OSX Lion, MacBook Pro)

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    I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, with the following specs;
    OSX Lion
    Intel i7 2.8GHz (dual core)
    8GB RAM
    256GB SSD HDD
    Intel HD graphics
    The issue that I have been having is a sudden, unexplained increase in boot-up time. Yesterday and for the past two years, my MBP took circa 15 seconds to boot up, but today it has been taking approximately 5 minutes. I have the latest software update.
    My hard drive space is running low; I only have 4GB of space left, could this be a contributing factor?
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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ If you’re running Mac OS X 10.7 or later, open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Step 1
    Select "system.log" from the file list. Enter "BOOT_TIME" (without the quotes) in the search box. Note the times of the log messages referring to boot times. Now clear the search box and scroll back in the log to the last boot time when you had the problem. Post the messages logged during the time something abnormal was happening. That time might be before or after the boot.
    For example, if the problem is a slow startup taking three minutes, post the messages timestamped within three minutes after the boot time, not before. If the problem is a system crash or freeze, post the messages from before the boot time, when the system was about to crash or was failing to shut down. In either case, please include the BOOT_TIME message at the beginning or the end of the log extract.
    Post the log text, please, not a screenshot. If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    If the log doesn't go back far enough in time, scroll down in the Console file list to /private/var/log/system.log.0.bz2. Search that archived log, and if necessary the older ones below it, for the same information.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.
    Step 2
    Do the same with kernel.log.
    Step 3
    Still in Console, look under System Diagnostic Reports for crash or panic logs, and post the most recent one, if any. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if present (it may not be.) Please don’t post shutdownStall or hang logs — they're very long and not helpful.

  • Boot From Time Capsule

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    I think that if Apple's smart, they'll configure it to work like NetBoot/NetInstall. In other words, as long as you're on the same subnet, just hold down Option (or N) while booting, and you'll see the Time Capsule option.
    Maybe at the very least, you'll have to boot to the Leopard DVD, and you'll have the option to restore from Time Capsule.

  • BIOS update results in slower boot up time

    I have an HP dv5 laptop running Vista x64 SP2 with an Intel duo core 2.53GHz CPU with 4Gb of RAM. The BIOS was version F09A up until yesterday, when I happened to notice that the latest BIOS available is F21A. I checked the prior BIOS updates and noticed that F16A had an update for supporting SP2. I had already updated my system with SP2 earlier this year and didn't notice any issues, but I figured I should do this anyway. I flashed my BIOS with F21A.
    The update worked fine. However, I noticed my cold start up time to be considerably longer, perhaps 25-50% longer. So, rather than continuing with this I rolled back to the 2nd latest firmware that noted SP2 support, version F16A. Still, I have the same kind of sluggish start-up.
    I don't really understand why this is happening. Is it normal for BIOS revisions to affect boot up times like this? I'm wondering if I should just roll back to F09A... but now I'm worried that this may trip something up, going backwards like this.  Everything was generally working well before this...
    Any advice?
    "If you keep an open mind, life will give you more possibilities."

    Any ideas on this?
    I'm definitely noticing a slower boot up time after upgrading my BIOS. Is it OK to roll back to the previous BIOS I was using? Is it a 100% fresh "reset", or is it possible it may not be completely as before?
    "If you keep an open mind, life will give you more possibilities."

  • Installing UltraNav Driver increases boot up time

    I'm using a Thinkpad W520 with Windows 7 and a Crucial M4 256GB SSD (not sure if this is also part of the cause of the problem). Normally the boot up time is between 20 to 25 seconds. However, when I update the UltraNav driver to the latest version, the boot up time is significantly increased to around 50 seconds. And when I use Device Manager to roll back the version of the UltraNav driver to PS/2 Compatible Mouse, the boot up time is normal again.
    My question is: has anyone else also observed this incompatibility issue between UltraNav with (Windows 7 or SSD)? Is there a solution to this problem?
    Go to Solution.

    It sounds like some conflict in drivers somewhere. What if you install the drivers, but uncheck the startup entries in MSCONFIG?
    My boot times have always been fine with the drivers installed.
    W520: i7-2720QM, Q2000M at 1080/688/1376, 21GB RAM, 500GB + 750GB HDD, FHD screen
    X61T: L7500, 3GB RAM, 500GB HDD, XGA screen, Ultrabase
    Y3P: 5Y70, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, QHD+ screen

  • [SOLVED] Improve boot up time of wireless WPA protected network

    Hi guys
    I just installed arch for the first time so i am really a newbie
    I have recent hardware intel 2500k, crucial SSD and so on so i can boot up from grub to X using pekwm  as WM (no DM) in about  5 seconds. Very impressive.
    I would like to keep my arch as minimal and tiny as possible.
    My problem is on network boot up time.
    I am using WPA personal wireless network and i have to wait further 10 seconds since the boot of X to have the network working properly. So i have to wait about 15 seconds to have a fully working PC
    I tried wicd. I really don't need network scanning so i followed the the netcfg wiki
    and i am using net-profiles method
    # /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
    # See 'man 5 rc.conf' for more details
    DAEMONS=(dbus @net-profiles)
    Please don't misunderstand me....wait 15 seconds is not really a problem but i would like to know your opinion in fastest  boot up network method to  improve my skill with arch
    Last edited by knembo (2012-05-28 23:54:37)

    Shouldn’t you also have a NETWORKS parameter in your /etc/rc.conf ? I’ve been using netcfg for a while now, sorry I cannot tell you if I must wait more-or-less-than 15 seconds for my network to initialize, but it seems pretty fast, almost instantaneous, using wpa2personnal with a static ip.
    3 configuration files are involved in my setup, and for what it’s worth, here they are:
    #1 /etc/rc.conf (only relevant sections shown)
    NETWORKS=(mywireless) # Requires netcfg
    # + profile in /etc/nework.d/
    # DAEMONS # + net-profiles daemon below
    DAEMONS=(@mpd @net-profiles @dbus @alsa @sshd @syslog-ng @crond !gpm)
    #2 /etc/network.d/mywireless (this file can be named whatever but must match the NETWORKS line in /etc/rc.conf)
    #3 /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    *Edit* I realize I don’t _have_ to use three files, I know I can also achieve the same result using only two config files (I don’t remember the reason why I setup my connection this way but I like it !) ; anyway, the two last files can also be ‘combined’ like such, so that file #2 (/etc/network.d/mywireless) becomes this :
    so this way there really is no need for file #3 (/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf) (but the NETWORKS line in /etc/rc.conf would still required with though)
    Last edited by Montague (2012-05-16 18:57:17)

  • Qosmio F50 series - Slow boot up time

    My laptop is just one day old. Why is the boot up time so slow. On Windows it takes forever to get past the "Please wait" screen, about 1-2 mins. Is this the case with everybodies.

    I don't know what notebook model do you have exactly but nice discussion about slow boot up you can read under
    It can be interesting for you.
    Check it out!

  • Boot up time

    Good morning all, i need the community support to find out if what is happening to my MB is normal or not.
    It takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds for my MB Pro (with the below specs) to boot up. I only have Avast, Gmail notifier and Tunnelblick starting up when i turn it on, nothing else. I have around 320 Gigas of free disk space and also the 16 Megas of RAM.
    Is it normal to take so long? This used to be such a fast booting machine, but now it is slow (only at start up) and with no virus or any other malware detected i don't know what to make of it. Also, lately the Wi Fi connection , also at start up seems to always be looking for a connection although it is always available. A simple on/off action solves it, but still, is it a prelude for something worse to come?
    Thanks to all for the support.

    I have uninstalled Avast and it improved around 15 seconds, now it takes 1 minute and 15 seconds to boot up. Below is the report from Etrecheck.
    Problem description:
    Boot up time too slow
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated 7 Feb 2015 17:43:51 GMT+3
    Download EtreCheck from
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012) (Technical Specifications)
        MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,2
        1 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core
        16 GB RAM Upgradeable
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Good - Handoff/Airdrop2 supported
        Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
        Battery Health: Normal - Cycle count 316
    Video Information: ℹ️
        Intel HD Graphics 4000
            Color LCD 1280 x 800
    System Software: ℹ️
        OS X 10.10.2 (14C109) - Time since boot: 0:5:13
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        APPLE HDD HTS547550A9E384 disk0 : (500,11 GB)
            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk1) / : 498.91 GB (340.09 GB free)
                Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
                Core Storage: disk0s2 499.25 GB Online
        OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5970H 
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
        Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
        Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
        Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
        Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.magican.iokit.filemon (1 - SDK 10.7) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.magican.iokit.netmon (1 - SDK 10.7) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    net.tunnelblick.tap (1.0) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    net.tunnelblick.tun (1.0) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    foo.tap (1.0) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    foo.tun (1.0) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.Quanta.driver.QuantaDriver (1.0.2) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.protech.NoSleep (1.3.3 - SDK 10.8) [Click for support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        tap: Path: /Library/StartupItems/tap
        tun: Path: /Library/StartupItems/tun
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [running]    com.Quanta.PPPSetupTool.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.protech.NoSleep.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [running]    com.magican.castle.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded]    net.sourceforge.MonolingualHelper.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick.LaunchAtLogin.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    Application  (/Applications/
        Gmail Notifr    Application  (/Users/[redacted]/Downloads/Gmail
        ClamXav Sentry    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        o1dbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
        Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version:   - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 10.1.13 [Click for support]
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Silverlight: Version: 5.1.30514.0 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
        googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.1.3 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 10.1.13 [Click for support]
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 8 Update 25 Check version
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
        Flip4Mac WMV  [Click for support]
        Java  [Click for support]
        NoSleep  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Skip System Files: NO
        Mobile backups: OFF
        Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
        Volumes being backed up:
            Macintosh HD: Disk size: 498.91 GB Disk used: 158.82 GB
            Elements [Local]
            Total size: 999.86 GB
            Total number of backups: 24
            Oldest backup: 2013-12-27 18:16:56 +0000
            Last backup: 2014-10-23 11:52:44 +0000
            Size of backup disk: Adequate
                Backup size 999.86 GB > (Disk used 158.82 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
             4%    WindowServer
             2%    mds
             0%    fontd
             0%    AppleSpell
             0%    SystemUIServer
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        155 MB    Google Chrome
        69 MB    mds_stores
        69 MB    Finder
        69 MB    Google Chrome Helper
        52 MB    WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        13.92 GB    Free RAM
        1.69 GB    Active RAM
        413 MB    Inactive RAM
        1.15 GB    Wired RAM
        1.09 GB    Page-ins
        0 B    Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
        Feb 7, 2015, 05:37:06 PM    Self test - passed
        Feb 7, 2015, 11:21:46 AM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/HandBrake_2015-02-07-112146_[redacted].cpu_reso urce.diag [Click for details]
        Feb 6, 2015, 01:18:52 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/com.avast.daemon_2015-02-06-131852_[redacted].c pu_resource.diag [Click for details]
    If you have any further help, please let me know. I really think it should boot up more quickly than 1:15 but maybe its just me. Also, for the AV software, do you recomend Clamxav? I had it installed before, but it started to give weird messages upon start up.
    Thanks once again.

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