Crystal Report XI with ASP

I installed Crystal Report XI on production environment and trying to call reports from ASP.
I am calling the reports from ASP file which included with Alwaysrequired.asp and SmartActivesViewer.asp as well as RDCrptserver10.asp.
After calling the report the page has been loaded with blank viewer with out data other controls.
I want to know the difference between RDCrptserver10.asp and RDCrptserver11.asp except
Set session("oEMF") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalReports11.EMFGen.1")
Set session("oEMF") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalReports10.EMFGen.1")
My reports are working fine on version 10.
Please help me if any body has solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,

Are your javascripts enabled on your web browser? it might be that is causing an issue.
As for the two different files are concern I think one is for Version 10 and other one is for version XI.
That is what I think I wouldn't know if that is the fact to be honest.

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    Lots of great samples here:
    Root Page
    Enterprise Samples (including managed and unmanaged ras)
    Non-Enterprise Samples
    Exporting Samples (RAS)
    Thank you

  • Crystal Reports 2008 with BO Enterprise XI 3.1

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    Appreciate if you could kindly help us to get this problem solved as this is dragging for a while now.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Thanks and Regards

    take a look here:
    BusinessObjects and SAP - Overview
    Crystal Reports and BI Queries
    Crystal Reports and BI Hierarchies
    Crystal Reports and SAP R/3
    Install Part #1
    Install Part #2
    Install Part #3
    Install Part #4
    SAP Authentication
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    Publishing part 2
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    XC, CR and LO Part 2 of 4
    XC, CR and LO Part 3 of 4
    XC, CR and LO Part 4 of 4
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    CA Forum: General
    Hello everyone !
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    Moved to .NET SDK forum.
    Need more info, version of the assemblies you are using and the assembly file system version number ( not the same as what you see in the properties of the project.
    As well, what happens if you use OLE DB as a test?
    Thank you

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    The only code you will find on this web site is for VB 6. I have a few C++ apps. Not knowing a thing about flex, I am not sure if either of those will be of any use to you(?). Other than that, see if you can find some flex forum and ask there...

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    When the following line was execuated in the jsp:, 0);
    it gave me following error: There is no server specified.---- Error code:-2147217390 Error code name:serverNotFound
    at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [1/15/10 17:37:40:703 IST] 00000026 ServletWrappe E   SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: /reports/jsps/MessageStatusRpt.jsp. Exception thrown : java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [1/15/10 17:37:40:703 IST] 00000026 WebApp        E   [Servlet Error]-[/reports/jsps/MessageStatusRpt.jsp]: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    Hello Ted,
    As per the samples in the link provided by you I identified that the following statement was missing.
    After adding this statement the jsp was not able to compile, it gave me an error:
    ReportClientDocument.inprocConnectionString cannot be resolved
    Now my queries are:
    1. What is Report Application server(RAS)?
    2. Is it required to set Report application server in JSP page? It was not required in Crystal Reports XI. If YES, then how to configure RAS inside our applications WAR file?
    3. I am using WebSphere Application Server for deploying the WEB Archive file (WAR file). The Crystal Reports 2008  library (JARS) are embedded inside the WEB-INF/lib folder. How to specify the RAS server inside thhe WAR file? Is it some XML configuration file which we have to keep at WEB-INF level? Or we have to modify the existing CRConfig.xml file?
    4. I would like to mention here that we have bundled crystalreportviewers12/ folder in our WAR file at the same level where reports JSP pages exits.
    Thanks in advance.

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    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.*"%>
    <%@page import="*"%>
    <%@page import="*" %>
    String reportName="report1.rpt";
         Object reportSource=session.getAttribue("reportSource");
              ReportClientDocument oReportClientDocument=new ReportClientDocument();
         catch(ReportSDKException e)
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 6 in the jsp file: /c.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    The method getAttribue(String) is undefined for the type HttpSession
    An error occurred at line: 6 in the jsp file: /c.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    ReportClientDocument cannot be resolved to a type
    An error occurred at line: 6 in the jsp file: /c.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    ReportClientDocument cannot be resolved to a type
    Thanks & Regards
    Rama Rao

    Hi Debbie,
    Moved your post to the Legacy forum. Search here for more info. Lots of links and info for Delphi and what is no longer supported...
    Thank you

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    thank you very much

    From the looks of things on MS web site about this product it appears it uses MS SQL Server. You should be able to create CR reports off of that DB using either ODBC or OLE DB. What tables to use I have no idea so you'll have to browse the database tables.
    To do so using OLE DB create a new report and select OLE DB and then select the server name where the MS server is installed, log in and then you'll be able to see the databases and tables. From there you are on your own.
    To use ODBC, Open the ODB Administrator in Control Panel and clcik on the System DSN tab and add a new DSN. Select MS SQL Server and the driver, enter in the log on info and select the default database.
    For more info I suggest you search Microsofts Forums on which database and tables to use.
    Thank you

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    CR XI R2 is also still available for purchase. This is the last version of CR to use the RDC. Contact sales at 866-681-3435.
    Make sure the installed versin is - if it is not, apply SP6:
    - Ludek
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Jan 4, 2011 10:05 AM

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    am new to Oracle8i.
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    Server has not yet been opened.
    please help me
    thanking you

    CR was released well before .NET framework 3.5. Mo test would have been done. Only option is to not install 3.5 or upgrade to CR 2008 which supports 3.5 framework. Also will require you to update your app to ASP.NET.

  • Crystal Report and Classic asp

    Hello all,
    I want to know how to use ASP3.0(Classic) and Crystal Report10.0.
    I used Begin here sample from our forum but it is giving error
    like Error Occurred Reading Records: Logon failed. Details: ADO Error Code: 0x80040e4d Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description: Login failed for user 'sa'. SQL State: 42000 Native Error: 18456
    Please help me in this regard asap.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Edited by: vamsidhar on Sep 10, 2011 7:25 PM

    The reasons I want you to have SP 6 is because
    1) It is the latest fix release and I will not work on anything not patched with the latest fixes. E.g.; why test on an older runtime when the new one may already have the solution?
    2) You mentioned you want to be using IE 8. And as the blog I refered you to (Report Designer Component (RDC) in classic ASP applications on Win 2008 Server and Win 7 - Possible Solutions) states;
    "...this blog only applies to Crystal Reports XI release 2, patched up to Service Pack 6 ..."
    As to how to find SP 6. You could use the search box at the top right of this web page and type in "service pack 6 crystal" - without the quotes and the 5th hit is a KBase:
    [1421033  - Where to find Crystal Reports XI R2 Service Pack 6|]
    Alternatively, you could go to the downloads page directly at, select the product and voila. Anyhow, SP 6 link:
    SP 6 RDC MSM:
    Which you can also find at the above downloads page.
    BTW.; since you are a "newbee" in all of this, why not be a newbee in a technology that will take you some distance? CR XI R2 is the last version to ship the RDC (e.g.; RDC has been retired). Patch support had expired in June of this year. Any support expires next June. If you go with .NET or Java, you are assured years of support...

  • Crystal Reports Bundeled With Visual Studio 2008

    We are currently using the version of Crystal Reports that comes with Visual Studio 2008.  Many reports have 5-10 sub reports.
    We are running a ASP.NET application and this application passes to the reports a XSD File as the data source. It can take up to 5 minutes sometimes for a report to process.
    A couple of questions.
    1. Is there a concurrent user limit (I have read 3 or 5)
    2. Do the reports get queued up if more than 3 users are running a report?
    3. If we have sub reports does each report count as a "user" for example if we have one user on the machine and they run the report that has 10 sub reports, would that be hitting a user limit?
    3. Would upgrading to the 2008 version help us at all?
    Any other recommendations?
    Thank in advance!

    1. Is there a concurrent user limit (I have read 3 or 5)
    concurrent user limit is 3
    2. Do the reports get queued up if more than 3 users are running a report?
    + Yes. If you go to the Event viewer, you should be bale to see messages along the lines of; license not found, waiting x seconds+
    3. If we have sub reports does each report count as a "user" for example if we have one user on the machine and they run the report that has 10 sub reports, would that be hitting a user limit?
    + There are two distinct counts. Users, and print jobs. The print engine, can process 3 concurrent users. A print job, consists not only of the report, but also it's subreports. A page through is a print job. A search through the report is a print job. Print job limit is set in the registry and by default it is set to 70. The upshot of this is; if you have one report and one subreport in the detail section and the detail section has 100 records, you will run 1001 print jobs.
    4. Would upgrading to the 2008 version help us at all?
    Probably not. The same structure exists in CR 2008. Now, you say that you pass an XSD file to the report. Are you actually passing and XSD or a Dataset?_
    Finally, remember that if you have 10 subreport in a report, you are running 11 print jobs right there. If one or more of those subreports are in the detail section, the number of print jobs increases accordingly.
    For more information see the article [Crystal Reports Maximum Report Processing Jobs Limit  v2.doc|]
    Follow us on Twitter
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Dec 16, 2009 10:06 AM

  • Crystal Report Layout With Prompts SAP BO v8.8

    Forum members,
    I can successfully import a Crystal Report with parameters as a REPORT type into SAP BO 8.8.  But when I attempt to upload the same report as a LAYOUT type, I receive the error, "Missing Parameters" and the import process halts even when I set a value as the default value for the parameters.  I have two questions:
    1.  Does SAP BO v8.8 support Crystal Report parameters in print layouts?  If it does,
    2.  How do I resolve this error message and get this functionality to work?

    I ended up submitting this to SAP support as a bug.  Found that we can successfully print using the preview button first and then printing from that interface but sending the report directly to the printer or pdf generates an error.
    Edited by: Gregg Horwitz on Mar 30, 2010 8:30 AM

  • How do I create a crystal report layout with a table and borders

    My crystal report is a signin sheet. The sign in sheet has an ID column, Name column, Institution column, Place to signin column, and Weekday columns with checkboxes in each column for the visitor to checkoff.
    How do I display the data that is being used int he crystal report in a table layout with borders around each cell? And is it possible to center vertical alignment of the data within eacvh cell like Excel?

    Blahahaha! Great answer Deb!
    Seriously though... There is no vertical alignment in CR. There have been several past threads related to this issue and all of them have various workarounds. None of them are very elegant.
    The best workaround I've found (especially if you are grid or borders) is to turn off the boarders for the field itself and drawl a rectangle around the field(s). Now you can place the field in the lower portion of the rectangle and adjust the rectangles height to place the field text in the center of the rectangle.
    This will give you more control over the height of your elements than using a carriage return before the text.

  • Crystal Report - problem with passing parameters from J2EE app

    i'm trying to pass a few parameters from my java application to a crystal report using the code below:
    ParameterField pfield1 = new ParameterField();
    ParameterField pfield2 = new ParameterField();
    Values vals1 = new Values();
    Values vals2 = new Values();
    ParameterFieldDiscreteValue pfieldDV1 = new ParameterFieldDiscreteValue();
    ParameterFieldDiscreteValue pfieldDV2 = new ParameterFieldDiscreteValue();
    // check here for null condition otherwise will throw nullpointerexception
    this report calls a stored procedure (sql server). the report displays the data but the same is not the case when i call ity from my java application. with a single parameter it works fine (even though i get a "Some parameters are missing values" ERROR on the console. But when i pass, say 2 parameters, it give me the above error first and then "JDBC Error: Parameter 2 not set or registered for output"
    Can anyone bail me out of this one?

    I don't know about naming conventions, but could the @ signs in the variable names cause a problem?
    How have you set up the mapping in Crystal?
    Is this parameter 2 an "out" parameter returning a value?
    What version of Java are you using?
    Version of Crystal?
    What JDBC driver?

Maybe you are looking for