Crystal Reports-EJB as a Report Source

I have a web project in RAD with embeded crystal enterprise and crystal reports advanced developer.I publish my report on web with Java Reporting Component.I want to show my EJBs as a source of my reports.I couldn't find any document about this subject.Where can I find this documents or If anyone know, can explain how can I do?

I'm using crystal report XI developer edition and Tomcat as servlet container.
I did a report without a formula and I'm trying to do a formula by the JSP:
CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
String s = "018921";
viewer.setViewTimeSelectionFormula("{ORDVEND0.NUMERO}=\""+s+"\""); //setSelectionFormula("{ORDVEND0.NUMERO}=\""+s+"\"");
viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), null);
But I continue seeing all the records...
Can you give some suggest to resolve the problem ?

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    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    if (typeof bobj == 'undefined') {
      '<STYLE type=\"text/css\">' +
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      '</STYLE>' +
      '<table class=\"crExceptionBorder\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0>' +
      ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionHeader\">The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the report.</td></tr>' +
      ' <tr><td>' +
      ' <table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
      ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionElement\">' +
      ' <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
      ' <tr><td><span class=\"crExceptionText\">Please check the following to resolve the issue.<br>1. Verify that crystalreportviewers/ is accessible to your WebApp and is the correct path to the viewer resources.<br>2. You may customize this location by altering the crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties in the web.xml.<br>3. Validate that the file crv.js exists at crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js.</span></td></tr>' +
      ' </table>' +
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      '</table>' )
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
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class=\"ad1405538317513-0\" style=\"top:158px;left:102px;width:46px;height:14px;\"><div style=\"position:relative;padding-top:1px;padding-left:1px;line-height:1.0;\"><div style=\"position:relative;\"><span class=\"fc1405538317513-2\">TIME<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"ad1405538317513-0\" style=\"top:158px;left:258px;width:130px;height:14px;\"><div style=\"position:relative;padding-top:1px;padding-left:1px;line-height:1.0;\"><div style=\"position:relative;\"><span class=\"fc1405538317513-2\">TM NAME<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"ad1405538317513-0\" style=\"top:158px;left:211px;width:44px;height:14px;\"><div style=\"position:relative;padding-top:1px;padding-left:1px;line-height:1.0;\"><div style=\"position:relative;\"><span class=\"fc1405538317513-2\">TM ID<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/div>\r\n<div style=\"z-index:3;clip:rect(0px,653px,27px,0px);top:185px;left:0px;width:653px;height:27px;\"><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"ad1405538317513-0\" 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    There are two things to check :
    1.  Check the driver which you are using in BO ( If you are try to connect using ODBC try to change the drivers and check)
    2.  Viewer--In infoview go in preferences and try to change the viewer.  If your report is using DHTL, try to change it to Java or Web viewer and check.

  • Crystal Reports - Aggregation and Sub-report design for reconciliation

    I apologize for posting the question in this form (I am new to Crystal reports - so am trying to get my hands around the development)
    I created two crystal reports
    1. Report on top of BW
    A. Company Code
    B. Vendor
    C. Local Currency
    D. Total Amount
    2. Report on top of ECC
    A. Company Code
    B. Vendor
    C. Local Currency
    D. Total Amount (This is a formula, as I used the total amount and debit/credit indicator to get the negative sign for amount)
    Once I have created these two reports,
    The first question is,
    In the second report for the combination of the three characteristics mentioned above I have multiple rows, how can I aggregate them similar to BW where I have one row for a given combination.
    The second question is,
    I created a third report and I used the option you mentioned earlier "Insert --> Sub-report". When I used this option I selected the first report on top of BW and inserted it into Data Field and then used the same option to insert the second report on top of ECC and inserted it in Data field below the first report.
    Once I had these reports inserted, I created formula fields in the third report for the following fields
    1. Company Code
    2. Vendor
    3. Local Currency
    4. Total Amount
    From here on, I am not sure how can I link the fields from the above reports to the third report and also how can I do reconciliation between these two reports.
    I really appreciate your help in this regards.

    The first question is,
    In the second report for the combination of the three characteristics mentioned above I have multiple rows, how can I aggregate them similar to BW where I have one row for a given combination.
    >> You could create Groups in Crystal Reports and create totals in the report on top of ERP.
    The second question is,
    I created a third report and I used the option you mentioned earlier "Insert --> Sub-report". When I used this option I selected the first report on top of BW and inserted it into Data Field and then used the same option to insert the second report on top of ECC and inserted it in Data field below the first report.
    Once I had these reports inserted, I created formula fields in the third report for the following fields
    1. Company Code
    2. Vendor
    3. Local Currency
    4. Total Amount
    From here on, I am not sure how can I link the fields from the above reports to the third report and also how can I do reconciliation between these two reports.
    >> Whats the source of the third report ? ERP or BW ?
    You can use the Subreport Linking feature (right click on the report in the context menu) to setup the linking from the main report to the subreport

  • Interactive Report with PL/SQL Function Source

    Is it possible to create interactive report with PL/SQL function source returing a query? If not, has anyone done any work to simulate the interactive reporting feature for a normal report using API?

    I haven't tried that before but you could:
    1. create a collection from your result set returned by a dynamic query,
    2. create a view on that collection,
    3. use the view in your interactive report.
    The usability of this proposal depends from a question how "dynamic" your query is - does it always have the same number of columns or not.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Crystal Report Hyperlink to Sub-report or other report

    I would like to create a report on which the first part will show project summary page. The second part will have all project detail pages and third part with all project financial informations.
    The report should work in such a way whenever user clicks on any project at first summary page this has to jump to corresponding detail page of projects.
    I have the following question regarding design of this report.
    1. Do I need to create a saparate report as a sub report and then merge with main report in a footer section? Or is it ok to create sub-report within main report through sub-report wizard option?
    2. How can I establish hyperlink between the pages i.e. summary to detail pages?
    3. back hyperlink to first pages.
    I am expecting more information about hyperlink options within Crystal report.
    -Sunil Prasad

    Hi Sunil
    - For your first question: . Do I need to create a saparate report as a sub report and then merge with main report in a footer section? Or is it ok to create sub-report within main report through sub-report wizard option?
    You can create a separate report and then insert it as a subreport in the main report or create it with sub report wizard.
    Once you click on Insert -> Subreport, you can see there are two options, one is to point to an existing report and another is to create it through wizard.
    - 2. How can I establish hyperlink between the pages i.e. summary to detail pages?
    You can use the hyperlink between report objects.  Also you can apply a customized formula for this.
    Check the below SAP Notes:
    [1. 1207011 - How to create an OpenDocument link in Crystal Reports XI/XIR2 |]
    [2. 1212849 - How to pass a parameter value through a hyperlink from one report to another |]
    For detailed information on Hyperlink Click on Crystal Reports Help Help -> Search for the keyword Hyperlink.
    You can also refer to the Crystal Reports User guide for the respective version that you are using.
    Hope this helps!!

  • Crystal Report and Dash Board Report templates

    Hi All,
    I was wondering can you help to find out few Crystal report and Dash Board report Templates for SAP Business One.
    This in order to give demo to customers.
    Link pointing to same is good enough. I have authorization to SAP portal and I have searched through it found only two template of Crystal report no Dash report templates.

    Hi Adit,
    For CR demo, you can use this youtube CR demo:
    For the CR sample templates donwload, you can check this link:
    If  you want to create the template by your self, you can check this link:
    For dashboard sample, you can download from this link:

  • Crystal 6.0 : How to hide the Page footer and Page Header of the Main Report on the Sub report.

    Post Author: pranay
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Hi ,
    I have a Main report and a Sub report .  When a subreport spans across multiple pages , the page header and page footer of the main report gets displayed along with it . I want to hide the Page Footer and Page Header of the main report when a sub report is displayed . Is there any way it could be acheived in Crystal Report 6.0.

    I am assuming you are talking about the JSControl dropdown menu navigation. The easiest way to hide Community pages is to disable the Below Banner View for that navigation scheme, although it also disables the Subcommunties, Related Communities and Go up to Parent Community links. If you still want these in below the banner menu you could not display Community Pages in the "In this Community" tab and only leave the "Community Members and Knowledge Directly" link in there.
    You would think that it would be better to remove the "In this Community" tab althogether but it is tricky to remove it due to the fact that there needs to be a default horizontal menu displayed all the time. Not all Communities will have a Subcommunities or Related Communities tab so these communities would not display any below banner menus at all if there is no "In this Community" tab, which could be confusing.

  • Migrating reports from MS SQL reporting services to BO(Crystal reports)

    Hi Folks,
    I am looking to migrate my existing reporting application to BOXI and crystal reportsXI. The current reports application is build on Microsoft SQL reporting services platform. I have thousands of reports in the application and am looking for a solution to migrate all these existing reports into BO compatible format, i.e., .rpt format.
    Anyone with previous experience of this kind of migration/conversion for suggestions on the quickest and most cost effective solution.
    I do not want to be developing all the reports again on BO.
    Appreciate any kind of assistance on this.

    Hi Tim,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I searched the forum and found the link to [url|] which specifies the process to use URL Reporting for Crystal Reports . But to implement this we have to change the architecture of our existing application as presently we are directly accessing the report in URL to run the report. I was not able to found any solution that implements this architecture.
    Does Business Object Enterprise 11.5 still supports this architecture?
    If we use the architecture specified in the above URL for URL Reporting for Crystal Reports  then how we can migrate all our reports to BOE 11.5? We have to use the Publish Wizard for that, to get the ids for our reports?
    There was a parameter APSTOKEN how can we get a token. Can it be a static token that can be used by all the users to access the reports?

  • Report containing 15 sub reports crashing - Crystal Reports 2008

    I am using Crystal report 2008 with all latest service packs applied. I have more then 20 different reports wich work absolutely fine and never crash. One of my report contains 15 sub reports since its bringing data from 15 different queries. This consistently keeps crashing everytime I try to run it. Not sure what could be the root cause.
    We are using Postgres database and connected to it with  ODBC connection using Microsoft DSN.
    - All Subreport data is being displayed on Report Footer
    - All subreports are included in the Main report  page header section. (I have also tried doing it on report footer section but it still crashes)
    I have tried searching through the forum and did not find similar issue resolutions. Did someone face similar problems before?
    The crash message is:
    "crw32.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry of the inconvenience."
    Error report contains this data:
    AppName: crw32.exe      AppVer:      ModName: psqlodbc35w.dll
    ModVer:      Offset: 0004c538
    I am using Windows XP
    Crystal Report Version Details:
    CR Developer Version
    Product Type: Full
    Let me know how can I debug this issue? Any help is appreciated.

    @Don - We performed extensive testing for this crash issue and found that now this crash is not happening only in one scenario. So we have partially fixed this.
    Now the report crashes if I get disconnected from database and reconnect. This is what happens
    1. open the report in crystal report 2008
    2. try to run the report when db is connected- it works fine.
    3. Now disconnect the database (we are using ssh tunnel to connect to db so we just close the tunnel)
    4. now try to refresh the report - it fails to retrieve data.
    5. Now close the report without saving it.
    6. Now Close Crystal Report.
    7. Now Connect the DB using ssh tunnel so crystal report can connect.
    8. Now open Crystal Report
    9. Launch the target report.
    10 Preview the report - it works for first time.
    11. Now do a refresh keeping same parameters - Report crashes here.
    - I tried these steps with some of my other reports and they do not crash.
    - Now I have only one report which contains a Postgres Query with date range,order by and a union join.
    - No subreports now - I am trying to run this one subreport as a standalone report which I created from scratch(using blank report wizard) and just copied the query.
    Any more pointers would help.

  • Report painter -output parameters,Data source,Extract parameter, report

    Hi expert,
    1)What report painter -output parameters,Data source,Extract parameter, report mean for and what are the difference?
    2)I have create new report painter and transport to  Test server using T-code:GCTR and I find that the T-code always point to old report. As I had check the SE93 the D_SREPOVARI-REPORT is point to report group.Why this happen?
    3) Does creation of new report or modification of the report always need to select the extraction option so that it will able to display the relected changes? Because, I have done modification on the report but it is not reflected the changes even i save until i have to create the extraction is able to display the report but every time i run the report need to select the extraction with option to choose new extract or old. Kindly advice how to save and create the report painter and save will display reflected result .
    Please help

    Hi BR Christian,
    Thank you for the prompt reply.
    I have few querys as below:
    1)Do we every time create new report by copying the existing report painter need to select output parameter, data source and extract parameter in order to be able to display the new report?
    2)when modify existing report painter and save it do we need to select output parameter, data source and extract parameter in order to be able to display the modify report correctly?
    3) What are the different between right click copy the report inreport painter compare with create report painter with copy GRR1?
    4) What are the T-code for modify the report group?
    5) When I create a new report with the right click copy in GRR1 and modify the report painter column only and everything remain the same just the report name different why when execute the report it always appear in the selection screen with report button which have option button to select the 2 version  of report which one is the destination report that I copy from and one is the new report? How to set the report when execute will only display the new report only without need to select the option with just new report only?
    6)For transferring reports you can use GR37 (export) and GR38 (import) can be use to transport from one client to another client? What is difference between GR37 compare with  GCTR?
    7) If I use GR37 and GR38 it is mean no need to create the transport request which as usual we create transport se10?
    we can directly import to another client ussing GR38?
    8)When we create a new report with copy with the existing report with just modify the report colunm and the report name difference only what are the setting example: report,report group need to be selected to be include to export/transport to another client?
    9) What are the difference between library and report group?
    10) Can we set Se93 to execute only report not report group? How?
    11) when using GR37 to transport it is also include the report group,library and the particular report?
    12) Can I include the variable in the column header to display fiscal year which I have selected from the selection screen?
    How and which variable should i use?
    please help.
    many thanks
    Edited by: KH on Jun 18, 2011 6:52 AM
    Edited by: KH on Jun 18, 2011 6:55 AM
    Edited by: KH on Jun 18, 2011 7:06 AM

  • Difference Between Crystal Report Template and Sub Report

    I am not able to get the Report Template Option/menu.
    I am working with Visual Studio 2005 , Crystal Report Version 10.2
    Do i need to have Crystal Report Server in order to work with Template.
    Also i will like to know the diff. between Template and Sub Report?

    The Report Template Wizard is not part of Crystal in .NET. You need to upgrade to the full version of Crystal Reports.
    Template is a base report to work from. Subreport is another report object that can be inserted into a section of the main report.
    Thank you

  • Converting Crystal reports to Oracle D2K reports or BI Publisher

    Hi I have one requirement
    I need to convert crystal reports to oracle D2k reports is there any tool which will make my work easier
    any body who has work on it please suggest.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Qwerty on Jul 9, 2010 12:44 PM

    check this it may help ( page 25 - 45 )

  • Will OBIEE Support creating reports from 2 different data sources

    Hello Guys
    I am new to BI . Can anybody let me know how to create a report using 2 different data sources .
    Ex: Suppose we have 10G and SQL server , can we import tables to rpd and join 1 fact & dimension from 10G and 1 Fact from SQL server to the 10G tables . If so ,
    1) Will the repository be consistent ?
    2) Is it a best practice to do this kind of modeling ?
    3) Will it affect the performance of the reports ?
    Your advice is highly appreciated .

    Dont try to do this at the BI server layer. Oracle has special abilities to do this thing. So use the power of oracle to import the tables from the sql server to oracle and in the bi server just create one data source.
    you can browse for *'DBLINK'* in oracle.

  • Converting a Crystal Report with Many Sub-Reports into CF Report Builder

    I am trying to rewrite a Crystal Reports report which has 11
    subreports in CF Report Builder. In the CR report, each subreport
    has it's own report footer seciton. I have not been able to find
    anything in CF Report Builder that allows me to do the same. Is CF
    Report Builder capable of producing a report with multiple

    Having successfully created a report with 5 or 6 subreports
    (with each sub-report containing a multiple sub-sub reports) I can
    say with confidence, "Yes you can." However the real question you
    should ask is, "
    Should I create a report with multiple sub-reports in CF
    ReportBuilder?" And the answer to that is.... NO, WHAT ARE YOU
    If you have something that works in Crystal Reports I would
    suggest you stick with that. Otherwise you're setting yourself up
    for a lot of headaches. Now maybe it was because I started using
    the report builder that came with MX7, but it seems there are still
    quite of few bugs that will leave you shaking your fist at your
    computer. If however you do continue and do the CF Report Builder
    route, be prepared for your application to crash unexpectedly, and
    for many things to not work they way you expect them to. And if you
    ever need help good luck. Take the fact that you had difficulty
    finding good documentation as a sign of how little Adobe supports
    this product.
    CF Report Builder is fine for very simple reports, but don't
    get fancy with it, you'll only regret your decision in the

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