CS3 Mac: Build problem?

I get the following error message building a modified paneltreeview sample:
/InDesignCS3ProductsSDK_Build662/build/mac/prj/../../../source/sdksamples/paneltreeview/Pn lTrvMacRez.rsrc: ### /Developer/Tools/ResMerger - ERROR: eofErr
What can I do?
Alois Blaimer

Have a look at your Build Results (window)
There should be some smallish widget to unveil another panel with the plain shell script executing behind the scenes. In there, locate the offending line with ResMerger.
Play a few tricks with the arguments - try to understand them, reduce them, examine the specified parameter files. Check them for existence, access rights of enclosing folders, have a look at the size, rebuild them individually.

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    Hi Nancy,
    It seems it's a bug, so I will go back to the previous vetsion. Thanks for
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    Em segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014, Nancy O. <[email protected]>
        Dreamweaver 2014.1 Build 6947 (Mac) - save problem  created by Nancy
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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-06-18 15:17:01 -0700 (Wed, 18 Jun 2008)
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    Ramón is exaggerating.
    First: find the uninstaller in the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers and TRY to run it even though you already deleted the application.
    If it won't DO anything, go to Macinosh HD/Users/your username/Library/Preferences and delete the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Settings folder (and its content) PLUS the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Paths file in same location, PLUS the com.adobe.Photoshop.plist file in same location.
    Then try to reinstall again.
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    have developing an applet long while using WinXP platform, everthing seem ok, but when i try over Apple Mac OSX, i has a loading problem saying that init failed to load ArrayList as error message said:
    ArrayIndexOutOfBound, 0...
    but when i debug print out the ArrayList content and its length, i'm sure that this ArrayList is NOT NULL and its length is NOT ZERO either. what is happening here? oh, ya, this only happen in Safari, in FireFox for Mac no problem, even Camino also pass the test, why? anyone have idea about this? because i'm new to Apple Mac.
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    lastly, when a button of an applet being click and this will bring a new window with some parameters value, its work on IE in Windows platform, why it won't work for FireFox or Safari for Mac? i see prompt out saying is security problem, is there any workout of this? thanks. to summary out of junk above:
    _______________________________Win | Mac_____Mac____Win
    1. load applet for 1st time___________OK_|_NO_____FAIL____OK
    2. refresh applet after 1st load failed___OK_|_OK_____FAIL____OK
    3. when applet button click (security)___OK_|_NO_____-_______OK
    p/s: all above test was using same applet with same parameter and value.
    below is the sample i capture from Apple Mac just now:
    Message was edited by:

    i has a loading problem saying that
    init failed to load ArrayList as error message
    ArrayIndexOutOfBound, 0...Well, post the stack trace.
    but when i debug print out the ArrayList content and
    its length, i'm sure that this ArrayList is NOT NULL
    and its length is NOT ZERO either. You can still get an out of bounds exception with those conditions. The list could exist, its length could be N, but you're trying to dereference position N + 5, for example.
    try it in Mac, it show only a part of applet without
    any error, but when i try to refresh the page, applet
    is now successfully show, why?My guess is that you're not calling repaint() when you should, but that's just a guess.
    lastly, when a button of an applet being click and
    this will bring a new window with some parameters
    value, its work on IE in Windows platform, why it
    won't work for FireFox or Safari for Mac? i see
    prompt out saying is security problem, is there any
    workout of this? thanks. to summary out of junk
    above:Often you can sign applets so they can do things that unsigned applets aren't allowed to do.
    Maybe you're making some kind of security mistake that Firefox and Safari are (properly) catching but IE isn't. In any event, post the error message.

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    Hi all,
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    Does anybody know if this demo was tested with the production version of 10.1.3?
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    and others.
    Also I had to change some task definitions as I guess that the contents of ${ORACLE_HOME}/j2ee/utilities/ant-oracle-classes.jar must have changed...
    If I did not do something terribly wrong it would be nice if you could update the example to save other people from this nightmare of running from one build error to the next!

    Hi Debu,
    thanks for your reply. I've used an previously installed ant 1.6.5 from ant.apache.org, but I don't think this should matter, or?
    As far as I could see one of the problems is related to the version of ant-oracle-classes.jar in ${ORACLE_HOME}/j2ee/utilities which the example relies on.
    In the adventure builder ant-oracle.xml you'll find task definitions like that:
    taskdef resource="oracle/ant/taskdefs/deploy/antlib.xml" uri="http://www.oracle.com/ant/taskdefs" loaderRef="oracle.tasks.loader">which does not match with what one can find in ${ORACLE_HOME}/j2ee/utilities/ant-oracle-classes.jar
    So from my point of view this has to be changed to
    <taskdef resource="oracle/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:oracle" loaderRef="oracle.tasks.loader">I also had to change some libs... That's why I thought this example was made and tested with an earlier version of oc4j 10.1.3 (maybe a preview version).

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    Adobe InDesign CC 2014 Custom Panel Built With Extension Builder - Problem: Can't tab from one entry field to the next; Hitting tab instead hides all palettes; Is there a fix? This didn't happen in Adobe Indesign CC

    This is planned to be fixed in the next release.

  • I have a MacBook Air which has a camera installed in it but it doesn't seem to work for some things like iMovie and my security camera for emergencies. It does however seem to work for Photobooth and facetime. Please write back and help my mac's problems.

    It'd be nice if you could help me with my mac's problems so I can start using iMovie and my security camera again. Thank you too all that answer.

    User Password Reset

  • I have a carillon 25 keyboard (bad choice, I know) and I can't get it to communicate with my mac at all! I'm running logic pro 9 and reason 5. I get signal in from my M Audio trigger finger so I know it isnt an entirely mac based problem. Thanks!!!

    I have a carillon 25 keyboard (bad choice, I know) and I can't get it to communicate with my mac at all! I'm running logic pro 9 and reason 5. I get signal in from my M Audio trigger finger so I know it isnt an entirely mac based problem. Thanks!!!

    Well, how have to determined no signal is being recieved to your mac?
    Have you got something that shows the actual signal? Or have you just been trying to control a VST? What software are you using by the way?
    I personnally went with a AKAI MPK25, because it's made already mapped for logic & ableton etc, so it just makes things incredibly easy.
    I would suggest you return it if you can as a dead unit & perhaps look at something else a bit easier?
    Otherwise, if you just want to get this working we can have a look a bit deeper.
    And driver? OS X driver?

Maybe you are looking for

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