CS3 to CS5.5

Hi all,
I am wanting to upgrade from Production Premium CS3 to C5.5. I am trying to find out if  my video card will work with AE. My video card is Nvidia MSI 560GTX Ti. http://uk.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-560ti/specifications. On another note can AE recognise AVCHD format?
Also I have 16meg DDR3 of memory. But I have read that you will need 24 to 32 meg for rendering. Is this correct?
I am also looking if the above will be sufficient for Production Premium CS6 when it is released.
Thank you

I am trying to find out if  my video card will work with AE.
They all "work". Seriously, at this point AE's OpenGL usage is so rubbish, it doesn't matter what card you have. Many users, including me, simply prefer to work without OpneGL in teh interest of better stability and galactic peace...
On another note can AE recognise AVCHD format?
Yes it does. Read the help on specifics for format support.
Also I have 16meg DDR3 of memory. But I have read that you will need 24 to 32 meg for rendering. Is this correct?
That's nonsense. AE will work just fine with 16GB, you may just not be able to use "Render Multiple Frames Simultanuously" or at least specific combinations of it. Again, read the online help.
I am also looking if the above will be sufficient for Production Premium CS6 when it is released.
That's like asking your mom whether your favorite childhood Spongebob undies still fit after puberty... At this point nobody can tell you officially and even when it comes out and there may be some theoretical system requirements for whatever fancies they have in there, there's no guarantees it will work. You could always wait a little longer, you know. NAB starts on April 14th and CS6 isn't that far away on a more general level, too. Some more info might magically fall out of the sky...

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    I have a big site and do not wan't to redo my template unless I absolutely have to.
    Here is the link:
    Here is the code on my page:
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • How can I restore proper PDF exports from InDesign CS3 or CS5 in Snow Leopard?

    I had no problems exporting PDFs from InDesign CS3 (on a Mac Pro running 10.6.4 Snow Leopard) until this past weekend, when all the fonts appeared bitmapped or thin and raggedy, and the images lost some color depth and contrast. When I copied the InDesign document to my MacBook Pro laptop, also running 10.6.4, the PDF emerged with its original quality. Calls to Adobe support referred me to documents concerning incompatibilities between InDesign and Snow Leopard. One of these documents was several pages long, but I could not print it from the Adobe website to my HP All-In-One Officejet, because one-third of the document was hidden under a white panel. This makes the document impractical for troubleshooting, because I don't have enough screen real estate (even on a 23-inch display) to keep the document open along with all the pages and dialogue boxes needed for reference. Back to phone and chat support, I was advised to upgrade my Creative Suite Premium CS3 to CS5 ($800!!!) and purchase the latest Acrobat Pro upgrade ($200), with no guarantee that this $1,000 cost would actually solve the problem. I did download the trial version of InDesign CS5, and it did NOT solve the problem. I'm also concerned that the problem did not exist until last weekend. Prior to that, my CS3 and Snow Leopard combination worked just fine. I then checked the forums and was dismayed at the variety of problems associated with PDF files, for which there seems to be no general fix. Meanwhile, I have hundreds of ads I'm supposed to be preparing and emailing as PDF proofs to businesses around the country. I have two books of 120 and 256 pages that need to be submitted to printers in PDF format with all kinds of fonts and image files belonging to my clients. The last time I submitted a book to a printer via email, the job went perfectly. This time, and next, it's obvious I won't be able to send PDFs at all! If that's the case, my 27-year-old directory business will be unable to absorb the expenses necessary to start all over with new computers and software, and I will be out of business. Period. So-- does anyone have a way to fix this? I would surely be grateful.
    David Henderson

    I'm on a local network, built on Apple's Airport Extreme. but I'm the only computer user on it. I use it for transferring files between the desktop computer (Apple Mac Pro) and laptop (Apple MacBook Pro) and, occasionally, to print from the laptop to a Xerox Phaser printer.
    About a year ago, I added an Apple Airport Express to the network, allowing me to play iTunes music from the laptop through a Panasonic BluRay player connected to a home theatre sound system. No problems of this nature appeared with that installation.
    About four months ago, we connected a DirecTV satellite receiver system to the D-Link router that carries wired network service from the desktop computer to the Xerox printer. The satellite TV system includes a series of modems that allows DVR recordings to be accessed and played from any of the TVs in the house. (As you would now perceive, I run my publishing business from my home). However, this set-up has been functioning for about four months, and I did not encounter the PDF problem until last weekend.
    Now -- about the fonts.
    Because of the many ads that I publish from various sponsors, it is possible that different versions of the same fonts have invaded my system. In the "missing font" alerts I get, InDesign frequently is seeking TT or T1 versions, which I replace with Adobe fonts when possible. Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium included a fairly large collection, which it keeps in one folder.  The Apple OS also includes a bunch in a separate font management folder; and there are carry-over fonts that came with the business when I acquired it 10 years ago. Some of those fonts may go back 25 years to the book's inception. However, in the past several years, I have generally rebuilt all the ads that appear in my publications, substituting newer versions of fonts. Hence, the preflight program has been able to locate and include all the necessary fonts in the packages that go to the printers.
    Once again, I have been able to export good PDF files for all the varieties of ads and books included in my system, until last weekend. One of the documents is built entirely with Helvetica Narrow, for which I have only one version.. Another document consists mainly of Times, and there are 3 or 4 versions of that font in the system; but the version contained in the document has not changed from when it exported properly.
    So... I guess the complexities involved in the network and/or fonts could be part of the problem, as you suggest, but golly -- I hope not. The last thing I want to do is disrupt and rebuild the network or font collections. The font situation especially would set back production for months if not years, because so many individual ads and off-site clients would be involved in the process.
    I'm sorry if I provided more details than you expected. I didn't mean to take so much of your time.
    Thank you.

  • Can't find this info anywhere... Can I upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5?

    After using Adobe products for years and years, it's not only my opinion but the opinion of many of my colleagues that CS upgrades are only worth it about every other upgrade. That might be a subjective opinion, but it does lead in to my question: Does anyone know if I can upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5?? I can't find that info anywhere on Adobe's site.

    Does anyone know if I can upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5??
    The Adobe Buying Guide clearly states that the answer for CS3 to CS5.5 is yes.
    Design Premium example (other Creative Suites are the same):
    You won't be able to buy CS5 from Adobe (not that you'd have any reason to).

  • CS3 to CS5 upgrade

    I need to upgrade my CS3 Design Premium to CS5.  Adobe no longer directly sells this upgrade so I am forced to use resellers.
    Question 1)  I have read posts that there IS a difference between a CS3 to CS5 upgrade versus a CS4 to CS5 upgrade.  But, I have received conflicting opinions from Adobe via customer service.  Is there still a difference between the upgrade packages?
    Question 2)  Many of the resellers do not specify the difference (if there is one).  Is there any way to be assured of which version?  Does it say on the box?   The difference in price makes this a rather important question.
    http://www.walmart.com/ip/Adobe-Creative-Suite-v.5.0-Design-Premium-Upgrade-Version-Mac/15 172780
    Thankful for any advice.

    That deal is for the the CS4 to CS5 upgrade and will not work for you.
    Here's a CS3 to CS5: http://t.co/xtxaKI0
    Note that you may be able to get a free upgrade to CS5.5 if you hurry: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/153/tn_15304.html
    Hope that helps

  • How do I update font from CS3 to CS5

    I have been doing all of my design work on CS3 and finally left the dark ages for CS5. I converted my CS3 to CS5 on my old computer and things worked fine. Now, I have moved to a new computer with CS5 and when I imported my documents I got the missing text notice. It is for Lucidia Calligraphy and perpetua titling bold. I'm assuming those were fonts in the CS3 package. The question is can I import those fonts from the old computer into the new computer with CS5?? If so, how exactly would one go about doing that??

    Neither of these fonts are installed with InDesign.
    Restart your old computer and open one of the documents that contain these fonts. Then use Type > Find Font to get the location of these fonts (click the More Info button in this dialog). Note down the location, then use your OS to navigate to it (Finder or Explorer, it doesn't matter). ... Uh, I don't think CS3 had this wonderful option to immediately open an OS window at the font location in the Find Font dialog (yes, that same function that's not functioning on Windows 7!), but if it does you can use that instead.
    Copy the font files on a removable device -- disk, USB stick -- or simply e-mail them to yourself. Then install them on your new system by following the approved steps for your specific OS.

  • Once again: prints too dark after upgrading CS3 to CS5

    Hi, I know this has been discussed before, but I haven't found a solution to my issue in the existing threads. I am most likely missing something obvious, and perhpas someone here can point it out to me.
    I recently upgraded from CS3 to CS5. In both editions of photoshop I followed Eric Chan's recipe for setting up the print workflow: http://people.csail.mit.edu/ericchan/dp/Epson3800/printworkflow.html. In CS3 everything works as expected, i.e., the print matches the soft proof. Printing the same image from the same computer/monitor in CS5 produces a print that is much darker than the softproof or the CS3 print.
    In case this is relevant, my psd files are all in Adobe RGB 1998, I use the Epson supplied print diver (v5.51) for the Stylus 3800. I use the icc profile for Epson's Exhibition Fiber paper, which is what I am printing on. The conversion method is Relative Calorimetric with Blackpoint Compensation checked. Photoshop runs on a 32bit Windows XP SP3 machine.
    Any suggestions? Are there any settings that are not mentioned in Eric Chan's write-up that I should look at to find the source of the difference? Is there anything else that could account for the different prints?
    Thank you!

    Thank you for the help! Here are the screen shots. I printed the wacked image from CS3 and CS5. In CS3 everything looks right, i.e. the soft proof matches the print. In CS5 the soft proof looks the same as in CS3, but the print is dark. A photo of the printout is attached at the end.

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5 issues

    I work at a medium size College on a pretty small team, 1 editor/writer, 1 communications coordinator, and 1 designer (me). I've been using InDesign (ID) for 5 years now and we added on the InCopy (IC) workflow a few years ago with CS3 (both of us then had CS3). The editor and I just recently upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and we've hit a snag. I opened a project, the Academic Catalog in fact, in CS5 that we began in CS3 which we were almost finished with and when I tried to check out a story I got this error.
    "This story needs to be converted to "InCopy Document" format in order to edit it."
    The editor got the same message in IC. So I thought maybe files created by CS3 for IC don't work with CS5 so I decided to try to unlink the INCX files in ID and relink. Sure enough it created a new ICML file which the editor was able to open, edit, and save in IC. And I thought I had my problem solved until I opened the file in ID; when I tried to update the linked file ID crashed. I've tried unsuccessfully to get the updated stories from IC to update in ID w/o crashing. I've restarted the computer; it is Windows afterall. I've run 'Updates' in both our programs, and it says there are none. I've tried tossing the ID and ICML file; fortuanalty I was smart enough to do all this with a copy of the orginal CS3 file. I followed all my above steps a second time and it's still crashing. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a known issue like this?
    btw, we're both running Windows Vista and both in CS5 (7.0).

    I might just have to go back to CS3 to finish this project up—fortunatly I foresaw an issue like this and kept CS3 installed. That will most likely solve the problem with this project, provided it too does not crash. And that is my concern for future 'new' projects in CS5, are those going to crash too? I think I'll do some testing with my editor.
    What type of additional info would help?

  • CS3 to CS5 Issues

    Hi from a first time poster!.
    Basically my organisation has upgraded fro CS3 to CS5 and we are having a few performance issues.
    Can i configure the preferences so that when i pan around a document with lage images or artwork placed in it the screen does not go all jerky?.
    Is this something to do with CS5's live draw function?.
    Also is it possible to copy and paste images from a CS3 document to a CS5 document?, currently when we try the images are not being recognized in the CS5 document.
    Help greatly appreciated

    For the jerkiness go to your preferences and change the live draw to delayed, or if that doesn't help, maybe never.  The place to go is Edit > Preferences > General.
    When you try to past from CS3 to CS5 do you have both open in CS5?  Might sound a dumb question but if you have one open in CS3 and one in CS5 it isn't going to work, so even if you have a document you want to keep in CS3 for the purposes of copying just open it in CS5, it wil convert to a CS5 document and you will be able to copy and paste between them.
    One last tip, when converting docs to CS5 from CS3, particularly larger ones, there have been quite a few reports of instability, sometimes leading to corruption, but mind you we only see the problems on this forum.  To prevent this happening the best route is to export from CS3 to inx format and open that in CS5.  YOu can do that automatically with whole folders (and sub-folders) of files with the batch convertor script that is my latest favourite, it is made by Peter Kahrel and is free, you'll find it here.  With that you can use it in CS3 to convert a whole batch to inx, then use it in CS5 to convert those inx files to CS5 indd.  Super handy, really fast, and great for mass exports too.

  • File compatibility between cs3 and cs5

    What are the compatilibity issues between Photoshop CS3 and CS5?  Can they be used together without much (if any) issues?

    They can happily coexist on the same system, as long as you've got the disk space.  Photoshop has always been like that.
    You'll only be able to run one at a time, at any given instant, though.
    Regarding file compatibility, I don't how much it's required to open a file in Photoshop CS3, but the newer version does offer a "Maximize Compatibility" preference setting for saving .psd files.  On occasion I've opened .psd files in Photoshop CS3 saved by CS5 (using the aforementioned setting) and I haven't seen any issues at all.

  • How I will be able to download or upgrade Indesign, upgrade fron CS3 to Cs5.5 or Download Indesign 5

    My In Design from my CS5.5 don't install some components they are wrong o corrupted. So I have installed my old CS3 to see if I can upgraded to CS5.5. It is posible to do that. Or How I can download Indesign CS5.5.
    Yours sincerely

    You cannot upgrade from CS3 to CS5.5 now as CS5.5 is no more in picture. Instead, you can upgrade to CS6.
    However, if you need the download link for inDesign or any other CS5.5 applications, you can use the below link to download them and then serialize using your serial key for CS5.5
    Make sure to read the download instructions properly before downloading CS5.5

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5.5 Design Premium??

    Hi there, I work for a small print company and we are in the process of upgrading from CS3 to CS5.5 Design premium, the company has purchased a new Mac (runs Lion 10.7), our old Mac is on 10.4 and it has run CS2 upgrade, and a few years back we installed the CS3 upgrade. We have not installed any of the creative suite onto the new Mac and I am wondering can I just buy the CS5.5 upgrade and use the CS3 upgrade serial number when installing? Will this be enough?
    Or do I need to go back to the initial Creative Suite that the company brought from scratch and enter that serial number?
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

    Just have the serial number from CS3 handy when you install.
    More good news for you. Starting today if you buy CS5.5 you get a free upgrade to CS6 when it ships.

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5 and changing PC

    I have CS3 Web premium running on Windows XP machine. I want to migrate to CS5 but also to migrate the desktop to Windows 7. Will I have to first re-install CS3 on the re-built machine and then upgrade to CS5 or is it just a case of deactivating CS3, installing CS5 and activating the new copy?

    No, you don't have to install CS3 to use the CS5 upgrade. Have the disks and serial numbers handy.
    If you're removing CS3 from another PC then deactivate it first.
    Finally, if there's any chance you'll need CS3, then install it on the new Win 7 machine. It will run just fine.
    I have CS3, CS4 and several CS5 apps all running quite nicely on Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

  • Opening .psd Files from cs3 In CS5?

    I'm new to photoshop CS5 and I'm getting this error on some PSD files "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid photoshop document" and I think its because these .psd files were made/saved in CS3. So is there any way I can open CS3 .psd files in CS5?
    If CS3 .psd files should open fine in CS5, then does anyone know what could be my problem? thanks!

    There should not be an issue with PSD's from CS3, in CS5. There were some compatibility issues way back, but Adobe offered the ability to include that backward compatibility.
    My first thought would be that there is a problem with those particular PSD files. Do they Open in PS CS3? Do they Open fine in programs, like IrfanView?
    Now, if there IS an issue with CS5, someone will correct my assertions.
    Good luck,

  • CS3 to CS5 lost keywords, labels and ratings

    I have just moved from bridge CS3 to CS5 and find that the keywords, star ratings and colour labels on my images have all disappeared.
    Can anyone tell me how to get them back please? There was a lot of work put into them over time.

    In edit/preferences/thumbnails make sure you have a check mark in the drop down box under additonal lines of metadata for keywords.

  • URGENT: labels and ratings lost from CS3 to CS5

    Hi, I have been using Bridge CS3 for categorize my photos and i have instaled CS5 recently (i have the two now).
    All the ratings and labels were lost. In jpeg files, in CS3 i can see the rating in the xmp metadata "rating" (in file info, advanced) but not in CS5 (the xmp metadata is there but without "rating"). In CS5 i can rating the photos with problems.
    If i export (save) xmp from jpeg in CS3:
          <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
             <xap:CreatorTool>Nikon Transfer 1.1 W</xap:CreatorTool>
    If i export xmp from jpeg in CS5:
          <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
             <xmp:CreatorTool>Nikon Transfer 1.1 W</xmp:CreatorTool>
    once is xmp and the other is xap??

    I have had another look and there is a change between CS3 and CS5 but I still retain Label and Rating veiwing a CS3 Labeled/Rated file in CS5
    The only difference being xmp is being used instead of xap. I have also looked at CS4 and it is the same as CS5, except they are in reversed order but still show correctly.
    I wonder what version of Bridge you have for CS5 mine is ..
    Sorry I can't help.

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