CS4 clone tool

Is anyone having trouble with the clone tool in CS4 (PC, XP)?  It just doesn't look or behave the way it does in previous versions.

Thanks, Mark.  The OP posted back in April, so hope she worked through the "new" clone behavior.  Actually, since it's dawned on me how this one behaves, I really like it, but I appreciate the tip on how to roll it back, just in case.
Also, it seems to work OK with Open GL turned on, but next time I encounter strange behavior with CS4, the Open GL switch will be the first step in the troubleshooting.  I have an Nvidia GTX 285, with the latest driver, and 9GB of memory, and the GTX 260 is on the list of tested GPUs, so spec-wise CS4 and my GPU should work fine.  Real world is another matter, and I've read of some issues with Nvidia drivers, so every time something strange happens, I think, Uh oh.
I'm glad there are those like you and Zeno with real help to offer.  Again, thanks!

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    Mike, could you take a moment to reread your original post?
    "CS4 Clone Tool NOT Multithreading"
    "In fact it uses only one processor and this makes it run incredibly slow."
    Those are not observations and represent two direct conclusions, both of which are incorrect. The first conclusion is that the clone tool is not threaded for multiple processors (it is). The second conclusion is that the lack of threading is what makes the clone tool run slow on your system (almost certainly not the case).
    Implied in your statements is a third conclusion: that using more processors makes things faster (rarely true). That is a common enough fallacy that I felt the need to offer a more detailed explanation to help you and other readers understand more about the issues involved. I tried to keep that explanation short and simple.
    I gave you an alternate hypothesis (small clone area) that could have explained your observation, since you didn't provide enough details for us to rule that out.
    I also gave you more information about what is going on under the hood to help you understand why you observed what you did on processor usage.
    Then I pointed you to existing topics that offer a much more likely explanation for the slowdown you are seeing.
    If you had described with the clone tool slowdown without the incorrect conclusions and without phrasing most of your post as accusations, you probably would have gotten useful help from other users more quickly. Even my first instinct was to ignore your post, but it sounded like you were confused, a bit angry, and needed some help.
    I am sorry you read things into my post that I did not intend. I'm simply trying to help you understand what you observed, and find a solution to the problem you described.

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    Tool settings are always saved after restart, and this one is no exception.
    Yes its a useful feature for certain types of work, but it probably shouldn't be the default. There should also be a check box in the Options Bar for this, and maybe a keyboard shortcut toggle also. On high res files it slows things down quite a lot.

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    Mike, could you take a moment to reread your original post?
    "CS4 Clone Tool NOT Multithreading"
    "In fact it uses only one processor and this makes it run incredibly slow."
    Those are not observations and represent two direct conclusions, both of which are incorrect. The first conclusion is that the clone tool is not threaded for multiple processors (it is). The second conclusion is that the lack of threading is what makes the clone tool run slow on your system (almost certainly not the case).
    Implied in your statements is a third conclusion: that using more processors makes things faster (rarely true). That is a common enough fallacy that I felt the need to offer a more detailed explanation to help you and other readers understand more about the issues involved. I tried to keep that explanation short and simple.
    I gave you an alternate hypothesis (small clone area) that could have explained your observation, since you didn't provide enough details for us to rule that out.
    I also gave you more information about what is going on under the hood to help you understand why you observed what you did on processor usage.
    Then I pointed you to existing topics that offer a much more likely explanation for the slowdown you are seeing.
    If you had described with the clone tool slowdown without the incorrect conclusions and without phrasing most of your post as accusations, you probably would have gotten useful help from other users more quickly. Even my first instinct was to ignore your post, but it sounded like you were confused, a bit angry, and needed some help.
    I am sorry you read things into my post that I did not intend. I'm simply trying to help you understand what you observed, and find a solution to the problem you described.

  • Rx for Slow Clone Tool in CS4

    Until Adobe can fix CS4s slow screen redraw, you have 3 options for speeding up the slow clone tool. 1-Go into the clone palette box by clicking on the stamp icon at the right side of the main menu bar. Uncheck Show Overlay. That alone will make a huge difference. 2-The more square inches the tool covers on your monitor, the slower it gets. Try to use the smallest brush [in terms of absolute area covered] as possible. But note: zooming in is not the cure. This applies to the brush tool also. 3-If CS4 is an upgrade, quit CS4 and open your previous version of Photoshop if you must use these larger tools extensively. But of course, when you can use smaller tools, and so you can rotate the canvas, reopen CS4. To paraphrase item-1: it is not the brush size that causes the lag but rather it is the amount of area on your screen being covered by that brush, no matter its size. The smallest brush will lag if your zoom is 3200%.

    Wonderful!! Thank you very much, it was causing me much frustration!

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    Do you mean photoshop elements 7 and not premiere elements?
    The fix posted above only applies to linux os systems, which is
    different from mac and windows.
    On windows vista Alt+left click is to set the clone source.
    Try the following steps one at a time.
    1. reset the clone stamp tool by clicking triangle on the far left of the
       tool options bar and select reset tool.
    2. Go to Edit>Preset Manager and click Done in the dialog that appears.
    3. Reset the elements 7 preferences by holding down the Shift+Alt+Ctrl keys
        at the same time you start elements 7. In the dialog that appears, click yes.
    Hope this helps.

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    As always the various User Forums are fantastic.  Adobe (and other) get everyone to do their Tech Service for them.  Thanks for the help.
    So, two new pieces of info.  When I disable Open GL everything works fine.  (Sorry about the TIFF, I just didn't catch it)  So in essence this solves my problem.
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    This is the Profiler data on the Graphics Card
    Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
      Type: Display
      Bus: PCIe
      PCIe Lane Width: x16
      VRAM (Total): 256 MB
      Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID: 0x0391
      Revision ID: 0x00a1
      ROM Revision: 3021
      Resolution: 1920 x 1200
      Depth: 32-bit Color
      Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
      Main Display: Yes
      Mirror: Off
      Online: Yes
      Quartz Extreme: Supported
      Built-In: Yes
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    Again Thanks for the help

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    I have CS3 on my notebook. Cloning the same region there works fine.
    Any ideas appreciated.

    I don't see anything obvious you've done wrong.
    Some things to try:
    Try temporarily disabling the use of OpenGL through Edit - Preferences - Performance, or selecting an alternate level (Basic/Normal/Advanced).
    Try disabling the "Show Overlay" feature in the Clone Source panel.
    Check the web site of the manufacturer of your video card for updated video drivers.

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    it works fine but I am encountering a huge problem with the clone tool.I am trying to clone from one image to another. I click on the source image and the familiar tool with the crosshair appears. When I move over to the target image the original crosshair on the source image disappears but the cloning occurrs. on my target image
    The + sign on the source image is now invisible so it is hard to  view the area I want to clone from
    IN cs3 the + sign remained on the source image. I reset the tool but the problem still remains.
    However when cloning  one part to another on  the same image there is no problem and  can see what area I am cloning from
    I do not know if there are any preferences  I failed to choose. I am very familiar with Photoshop so this really baffles me
    Hopefully some one will be able to solve this
    Thanks for any assistance

    Photoshop CS5 works for me just as you described too:  No source indicator when cloning between images, a + indicator when cloning in the same image.  In this case OpenGL Drawing was enabled, set to Advanced mode.
    I did some additional testing...
    With Photoshop CS5 and OpenGL DISABLED the behavior changes.  In this case the + indicator DOES move around on the source image even when cloning from another image.
    I also verified the exact same condition exists with Photoshop CS4.
    Perhaps it's just something they couldn't quite get to work with the new OpenGL drawing mode.
    Running without OpenGL is probably not a good workaround, as you lose a number of other good things without it.
    There's an official bug report form here that you may wish to use:

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    Can someone help?

    Thanks Noel but therein lies my confusion.
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    I know I saw and used it somehow somewhere but just can't remember how I got to it.

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    Any ideas?

    OpenGL being necessary for certain of the new features You might want to look into whether Your graphics card is on the list of approved ones for CS4.

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    At the moment I would say it is uncertain whether Acrobat is completely ignoring the change, or whether the changes you are making aren't affecting the ink density. I have a suggestion for a test you could make to see which is the case.
    When editing in Photoshop just add a box or mark on the image, for your tests.
    - If this box does not appear in Acrobat, you know Acrobat is not seeing the edit
    - If this box does appear in Acrobat, you know the problem is that your tool for changing ink densities is not taking effect.

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    Anyone know what's happening?

    I guess you have some blending mode other than 'Normal' selected.Click on the top-left corner of tool option bar and choose "Reset Tool".

Maybe you are looking for

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