CS6 in Windows 7 and XP

I am using InDesign CS6 on a Windows 7 PC. My colleagues are using InDesign CS6 on a Windows XP PCs. When I save updates to a file they can only view it as a read only file, then they have to save it as a new file name. Why can't we both edit the same file (not at the same time obviously).?

Sounds like a permissions issue of some sort, either on the file or the folder where it's located.

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    You need to run a platform swap:
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    Until it's through, you can use the trial version.
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    With a Mac Serial Number , You can install it on Mac devices only ...If you want to Swap your OS to Windows , please refer the below KB Doc :
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    @Jack – this is no error message, just a log, that all was running ok.
    See detailed answer here:
    Re: I am getting some errors while distilling the post script file.

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    I'm running photoshop cs6 on windows 8 RP 64 bits and haven't seen that problem
    and i didn't see that on the consumer preview either.
    This is the driver i'm using:
    Just watch that windows update doesn't try to sneak in there own driver.
    It happened to me twice until i changed the automatic updates to notify
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    did you clear the caches?
    and onthe off-chance that ID got far enough to leave something behind, find the InDesign Recovery folder (a hidden folder, I think, since Snow Leopard or Lion) and empty it if there's anything there.
    Access hidden user library files | Mac OS 10.7 Lion

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    -Adobe Newbie

    Not sure what you are saying. You can install and activate on 2 systems, but generally standalone installs have platform-specific serials and can only be installed eitehr on Windows or Mac, not both. However, your description seems to indicate a TLP volume license, so that would be possible.

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