
Hey everyone how do you save each css webpage once you brought you photoshop pages to dreamweaver for example- like if your working in the index page you can save the css file only in index.html, then if your working on another page for example about.html how to save your css files in the about page, so how do you organize in their proper locations. so when you save the changes their not all over their organized in their proper location?

It is not customary or efficient to use separate CSS for each web page.
Best practice is to use one external CSS file for all your site pages.  Then link each HTML page to the external CSS file.  This way, you can make global style changes later by editing one file instead of many.
See link below:
Photoshop should not be used to generate HTML code.  Use Photoshop for images only and save them to the images folder in your DW Local Site Folder.
Nancy O.

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    Copy CSS is only available in the Cloud version of Photoshop: 13.1 and later.
    Perpetually licensed versions 13.0.1 do not have Copy CSS
    Photoshop Help | What's new in CS6

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    Hi magnusesp,
    Yes you may upgrade to Adobe Photoshop CC at the discount pricing.  *Requires any CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5 or CS6 product.
    Please click on the link to purchase the software - Adobe Photoshop CC Upgrade pricing plan

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    It really depends on what you want to do mainly when you start your career.
    Personally, I wanted to learn everything to be as valuable as possible in not only a corporate setting, but also personal projects.
    I attended Art Institute for Web Development and took classes on all the most popular platforms and applications. The list includes...
    AS 3.0
    On top of that, we learned about things like Color Theory, Design Theory and other Web Dev concepts.
    In the grand scheme of things though, what I learned in school is only a fraction of what I've learned once I graduated and started working. I continue to learn things everyday, it is pretty much endless.
    So getting to your question about Flash...
    I think it is a valuable skill set to have. I wouldn't stop at Flash though. You still need basic knowledge, if not, advanced knowledge of XHTML/CSS and PHP/MySQL because your Flash projects will most likely require those technologies to implement in real world applications.
    It's a crazy journey to say the least and every day, things get crazier with technology evolving so quickly.
    The topics I outlined above are things you want to have a strong foundation in.
    From there you can really focus on what type of work you want to do. I pretty much do a little bit of everything but like you are wondering, it does limit how far you can master one particular thing. But with time, I believe you can master most if not all of the topics.
    Hope that helps.

  • Noob question - forgive me, but at least it will be easy to answer (I hope)

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    1) Fancy Search Box tutorial
    2) I rarely style forms with images.  CSS can do a lot without images.   But feel free to experiement.
    3) The search function is controlled by whichever server-side programming languages and databases your host supports PHP/MySql,  ColdFusion,  ASP, ASP.net/MSql....
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • Job ab Ende November gesucht...

    Auch ohne Hoch- oder Fachschulabschluß sind Spitzenleistungen drin!
    Suche nach Abschluß meiner Ausbildung zur IT-Managerin/Neue Medien interessanten Job.
    - HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Photoshop, Premiere, Illustrator, SoundForge, Flash4, Dreamweaver, HomeSite.
    - WebDesign, Programmierung.
    [email protected]

    Hier Javascript:
    Könnten Sie helfen, wie man ein Postmail-CGI richtig installiert ? Mein Hoster hat mir vor Vertragsabschluß versprochen, mir beim Installieren eines Postmail-CGI zu helfen - und daß dies kein Problem wäre. Nun allerdings scheint er damit auch Probleme zu haben. Das CGI läuft offenbar, denn nach Absenden bringt es im Browser die Rückmeldung "ihre Eingaben waren korrekt... etc." allerdings kommt im Emailpostfach keiene Email an.
    Könnten Sie helfen ? Offenbar fehlt nur ein richtiger Eintrag im CGI, der die Mail in das Postfach leitet.
    Das Problem: vermutlich die richtigen urls im CGI anzugeben. Es handelt sich um einen
    Apache Server. Das CGI befindet sich im Verzeichnis der Website im cgi-bin. Das CGI heißt
    af.cgi. Zur besseren Orientierung dasselbe nachfolgend:
    # AlienForm2 - Released 23 May, 1998.
    # Copyright 1997, 1998 Jon Hedley - [email protected]
    # All Rights Reserved.
    # Do not discribute this script without my express, written permission!
    # Remember to upload in ASCII mode!
    # Work hard, and be good to your mother.
    # Deutsche Übersetzung:
    # www.internet-partner.de mail: [email protected]
    # Beachte, daß das Script im ASCII Modus upgeloadet wird !
    # Installationhilfen können gegeben werden, bitte Kontakt per eMail oder AIM
    # Wir freuen uns auf jeden Link auf unsere Homepage, machen es aber nicht zur
    # Bedingung
    # Setzt den benötigten MIME-Type. Normalerweise sollte hier nichts geändert werden.
    $content_type = "Content-Type: text/htmlnn";
    # Hier den Unix-Pfad zu den Forumularen angeben. Dieser Pfad wird den angegebenen
    # Formularen vorangestellt. Das Verzeichnis sollte dort sein, wo sich auch die HTML-Dateien
    # befinden, nicht aber im CGI-BIN Verzeichnis, bzw. in dortigen Unterverzeichnissen!
    $base_path = \'/vserv/i/interne2/htdocs/formulare/\';
    # Befehl zum laden des Mailers, welcher unbedingt den STDIN-Standard unterstützen sollte!
    $mail_cmd = \'/usr/sbin/sendmail -t\';
    # Hier kann festgeelgt werden, welcher Server, oder welche Seiten auf dieses
    # Script zugreifen darf. Dabei können ganze URL\'s angegeben werden oder auch
    # global ganze Server (ist meist das sinnvollste). Es ist sinnvoll die Angaben
    # mit UND ohne vorangestelltem www zu machen. Es sei denn, der Server ist sowieso
    # nicht erreichbar ohne www. vorweg.
    # Alternativ kann hier auch eine IP angegeben werden. Alle Einträge sind in \' Hochkommas \'
    # zu setzen, und werden in einer Liste mit Kommas getrennt.
    @Referers = (\'www.domainnahme.com\');
    ##Hier habe ich den richtigen Domainnahmen angegeben.
    ## WAS DU MACHST! ##
    $error_loop = 0;
    $browser_out = 0;
    if ($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'GET\' and not $ENV{\'QUERY_STRING\'})
    $ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = "AlienForm2 deutsch Releas 9/98";
    $ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = qq|Die letzte deutsche Version ist erhaeltlich bei <a href="http://www.internet-partner.de">Internet-Partner.de.|;
    @msg = (<DATA>);
    @msg = ParseText(@msg);
    if (@missing_values or @bad_emails or @only_digits or @only_words) { Error(\'evil values\') }
    foreach $key (keys %FORM)
    if ($key =~ /^_send_email/)
    @lines = ReadFile(\'Email Template\',$FORM{$key});
    @lines = ParseText(@lines);
    elsif ($key =~ /^_out_file/)
    @lines = ReadFile(\'Log File\',$FORM{$key});
    @lines = ParseText(@lines);
    LogFile(\'LogFile Template\',@lines);
    elsif ($key =~ /^_browser_out/ and $browser_out < 2)
    @lines = ReadFile(\'Browser Template\',$FORM{$key});
    @lines = ParseText(@lines);
    elsif ($key =~ /^_redirect/ and $browser_out < 2)
    print "Location: $FORM{$key}nn";
    unless ($browser_out)
    @msg = (<DATA>);
    $ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = "Übertragung erfolgreich";
    $ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = "Deine eingaben waren erfolgreich, vielen Dank";
    @msg = ParseText(@msg);
    sub BrowserOut
    { print "$content_type@_n" }
    sub CheckRef
    my ($valid_referer, @terms);
    if ((@Referers) and ($ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'}))
    foreach $referer (@Referers)
    if ($ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'} =~ m|http.*?://$referer|i)
    else {$valid_referer++;}
    unless ($valid_referer)
    @terms = split(///,$ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'});
    \'Falscher Server\',
    "\'$ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'}\' ist nicht autorisiert zur Verwendung des Scripts. Wenn du eine Erlaubnis geben möchtest,
    trage bitte \'$terms[2]\' in die reffer-liste am Anfang des Scripts."
    sub Error
    my $title = shift @_;
    my $msg = shift @_;
    my @error;
    if ($title eq \'evil values\')
    my $val;
    if (@missing_values)
    $msg = qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder müssen eingegeben werden:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
    foreach $val (@missing_values) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
    $msg .= "</ol>n";
    if (@bad_emails)
    $msg .= qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder müssen eine gültige eMail-Adresse beinhalten:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
    foreach $val (@bad_emails) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
    $msg .= "</ol>n";
    if (@only_digits)
    $msg .= qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder dürfen nur Zahlen von (0-9) enthalten:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
    foreach $val (@only_digits) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
    $msg .= "</ol>n";
    if (@only_words)
    $msg .= qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder dürfen keine Sonderzeichen enthalten, nur A-Z und 0-9:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
    foreach $val (@only_words) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
    $msg .= "</ol>n";
    $title = \'Fehler - Fehlerhafte Zahlen\';
    $msg .= qq|<p>Gehe zurück und wiederhole die Eingabe.</p>n|;
    if ($FORM{\'_error_url\'}) { print "Location: $FORM{\'_error_url\'}nn" }
    elsif ($FORM{\'_error_path\'} and $error_loop < 2)
    $ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = $title;
    $ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = $msg;
    @error = ReadFile(\'Error Template\',$FORM{\'_error_path\'});
    @error = ParseText(@error);
    @error = (<DATA>);
    $ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = $title;
    $ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = $msg;
    @error = ParseText(@error);
    sub LogFile
    my $msg = shift @_;
    my $file = shift @_;
    $file = $base_path . $file;
    open(FILE,">>$file") or Error(\'Datei Zugriffs Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt auf, beim anhängen an die Log-Datei $msg ($file): $!");
    flock(FILE,2) or Error(\'Datei Sperr Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt bei der Dateispere auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
    print FILE @_;
    close(FILE) or Error(\'Datei schlißen Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Schliessen der Datei auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
    sub ReadFile
    my $msg = shift @_;
    my $file = shift @_;
    my @lines;
    $file = $base_path . $file;
    open(FILE, "$file") or Error(\'Datei Zugriffs Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Zugriff auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
    flock(FILE,2) or Error(\'Datei Lock Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim sperren auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
    @lines = (<FILE>);
    close(FILE) or Error(\'Datei Schliessen Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Schliessen der Datei auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
    return @lines;
    sub ParseForm
    my ($key, $prefs, $buffer);
    if ($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'GET\')
    { @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{\'QUERY_STRING\'}) }
    elsif ($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'POST\')
    read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{\'CONTENT_LENGTH\'});
    @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer)
    else {Error(\'Bad or Unbekannte Request-Methode\',
    "Das Formular muß mit REQUEST=POST oder REQUEST=GET übertragen werden, Fehler in HTML-Datei prüfen!.")}
    foreach $pair (@pairs)
    local($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
    $name =~ tr/+/ /;
    $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    $value =~ tr/+/ /;
    $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    $value =~ s/<!--(.)*?-->//mg;
    $FORM{$name} = $value;
    if ($name =~ /_/ and $name !~ /^_/)
    ($prefs, $key) = split /_/, $name, 2;
    if ($prefs =~ /r/i and not $value) { push @missing_values, $key }
    if ($prefs =~ /e/i and $value and
    (($value =~ /(@.*@)|(..)|(@.)|(.@)|(^.)/) or
    ($value !~ /^.+@([?)[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(]?)$/)))
    { push @bad_emails, $key }
    if ($prefs =~ /d/i and $value and $value =~ /D/) { push @only_digits, $key }
    if ($prefs =~ /w/i and $value and $value =~ /W/) { push @only_words, $key }
    if ($prefs =~ /s/i and $value) { $value =~ s/^(s)*//;
    $value =~ s/(s)*$//;
    $FORM{$name} = $value; }
    sub ParseText
    my ($line, $key, $value, $sub);
    foreach $line (@_)
    while (($key => $value) = each %FORM)
    { $line =~ s/[$key]/$value/ig }
    while (($key => $value) = each %ENV)
    { $line =~ s/[%$key]/$value/ig }
    $line =~ s/[[^<](.)*?[^>]]//g;
    foreach $line (@_)
    while ($line =~ /[<((.)*?)>]/)
    $sub = $1;
    $sub =~ s/[^d+*/-%.x<>()]//g;
    $sub = eval $sub;
    $line =~ s/[<(.)*?>]/$sub/
    return @_;
    sub SendMail
    open(MAIL,"|$mail_cmd") or Error(\'Fehler - Mailer öffnen\',"Ein Fehler tritt auf beim Starten des Mailers ($mail_cmd): $!.");
    print MAIL @_;
    close(MAIL) or Error(\'Mail Send Error\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Senden der eMail auf: $?. Please check the email\'s headers.");
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
    <div align="center"><center>
    <table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFD26B" bordercolor="#699A69"
    <td><h2 align="center">[%OUT_TITLE]</h2>
    <p align="center">[%OUT_MSG]</p></td>
    <table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFD26B" bordercolor="#699A69"
    <td><h2 align="center"><a href="http://www.cgi.tj/">AlienForm<sup>2</sup></a></h2>
    <p align="center">Copyright 1997 - 1998 <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Jon Hedley</a>.<br>
    All Rights Reserved.<br><br>Deutsche Übersetzung: <a href=http://www.internet-partner.de>www.internet-partner.de</a><br>
    eMail <a href=mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]</a></b><br></td>
    Im HTML-Text ist folgende Zeile eingetragen:
    <form name="FormName#5" action="cgi-bin/af.cgi" method="post">
    welche vielleicht noch nicht richtig ist.
    Zunächst habe ich mir mit folgender Zeile beholfen:
    <form name="Formular 1" action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post" enctype="text/plain" target="_self">
    Diese bedient das Formular ohne CGI-Funktion, soll aber nicht mit allen Browsern bzw. Servern funktionierne - und vor allem, es fehlt die Rückmeldung.
    Die im CGI verzeichnete Firma Schiffmann meldet sich auch nicht auf eine Anfrage, obwohl Sie Hilfe beim Installieren versprochen hat, es kommt lediglich eine automatische mailantwort mit Angeboten.
    Verschiedene Anbieter im internet machen ebenfalls Angebote, ihren Mailserver gegen Entgeld zu benutzen (was ja nicht verwerflich ist).
    Die NCSA HTTPd ( cgi-src directory) bietet Beispiel CGI, die ich im Moment leider nicht entpacken kann, da ich erst Stuffit-Deluxe kaufen müßte
    Wenn ich hoffentlich bald mehr Kunden habe, könnte ich Partner und Mitarbeiter gebrauchen.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Uwe Hamisch

  • Photoshop CC: Copy CSS doesn't work when text is styled as paragraph

    I'm using the most recent version of photoshop, CC-14.0, on a Mac running OSX 10.8.4
    I'm finding that the "copy css" function does not work if a paragraph is styled with a custom paragraph style. In other words any text that is not styled as "basic paragraph" or "basic paragraph+".
    I can copy css from a text block with a custom paragraph style, but the css is wrong. It doesn't reflect the attributes I have set up in my custom paragraph style. Instead it writes out the default "basic paragraph" style. If I copy the css from a text block styled as "basic paragraph+" it writes the css correctly.
    This is disappointing because it defeats the purpose of being able to create paragraph and character styles (like in InDesign).
    This is a bug or oversight, right? Is there a reason why it should work this way?

    14.0 is not latest version.  Click Help/updates

  • Photoshop css quits unexpectedly

    Everytime I close PSCSS, I get the message and log file "photoshop css quits unexpectedly" The only started to occur when I upgraded to PSCC. Does anyone have any idea how to help?

    There should be an uninstaller in the CS4 folder if the disc won't work.
    You can also download a fresh installer from here: Download CS4 products instead of using the original discs.
    Have your serial number handy.
    This is the link to the CS/CC Cleaner for any uninstall/install problems
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Good luck,

  • Photoshop Help | Copy CSS from layers | Creative Cloud

    This question was posted in response to the following article: http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/copy-css-shape-or-text.html

    benjamin_JFB wrote:
    There is no way to have this option without creative cloud?  This feature has nothing to do with the cloud.  Why are photoshop versions fracturing in this manner?
    Dont' be surprised. It's been Adobe's strategy since the Cloud was launched last year.
    The extra Cloud-only features are designed to make the Cloud more and  more attractive. The new features have little or no connection to Cloud functionality itself, they're just desirable new features designed to add value to the Cloud apps and make perpetual licensed customers want them.(Seems to be working).
    Adobe has said that Cloud-only features in the CS6 cycle will be introduced into the next paid-for perpetual license upgrade (probably CS7) - but Cloud members will always get early access to them.
    Same applies to new Cloud-only features introduced in other Cloud apps such as Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

  • Photoshop sliced layout output are table base,  do it can control the position by CSS with div?

    Dear all,
    I have make some image in Photoshop, and sliced it to html
    page, but open it in dreamweaver it show me the table layout that
    Photoshop Sliced maked ..
    I am wonder, now many web site are integration with CSS, and
    I had saw some total using CSS with div maked Web Site, how to
    control the sliced image after that Photoshop sliced it?
    Any simple example for newbie reference?
    And sorry of my poor English.

    It seems you have exported the html from photoshop into
    This is not the best way to build a page. You should slice up
    your images
    and then export the images only into a folder. You then build
    the page
    using these exported images in your table or css layout. You
    can place the
    images directly into table cells or divs or use them as
    background images
    via css.
    Good CSS tutorials can be found here:
    Adobe� Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    - CSS Templates|Tutorials
    CSS Tutorials for Dreamweaver
    > Dear all,
    > I have make some image in Photoshop, and sliced it to
    html page, but open
    > it
    > in dreamweaver it show me the table layout that
    Photoshop Sliced maked ..
    > I am wonder, now many web site are integration with CSS,
    and I had saw
    > some
    > total using CSS with div maked Web Site, how to control
    the sliced image
    > after
    > that Photoshop sliced it?
    > Any simple example for newbie reference?
    > And sorry of my poor English.

  • Photoshop CS3 to Dreamweaver CS3 CSS question

    Hi all,
    I am sorry if this is allready dicussed a couple of times.I did a search and just could not find it. When I export a site from Photoshop CS3 to DIV (generate CSS by ID) it is aligned to the left and all DIV's have a specific position on the page. How can I get my site to center in Dreamweaver CS3 without having to adjust al separate DIV's?
    For Example: When I export from Photoshop all slices are exported as folowed.
    #Table_01 {
    right: auto;
    #test-13 {
    #test-14 {
    I know how to make a DIV center (with Margin auto left and right) but I do not know how to center all DIV's at once.
    I hope you are willing to help me with this. In case you have more questions let me know.

    The answer is to not let Photoshop write either your HTML or your CSS for you.  What you show is a disaster waiting to happen, really, and is characteristic of the kind of mess produced by any wizard that writes HTML based on a graphic layout.  Use your graphics editors to produce your graphics.  Build your page in DW.  It's a much better way to go.
    I know how to make a DIV center (with Margin auto left and right) but I do not know how to center all DIV's at once.
    I hope you are willing to help me with this. In case you have more questions let me know.
    Leaving your page with all absolutely positioned elements is really asking for trouble, but here's how to make them all center at once -
    Change this -
    to this -
    <style type="text/css">
    #wrapper { width:760px; margin:0 auto;position:relative; }
    /* 760px will display on an 800px screen maximized browser window without */
    /* horizontal scrollbars. Change as needed */
    change this -
    <body ...>
    (the ellipsis represents any other attributes that might be mentioned in the body tag, and SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED EXPLICITLY!)
    to this -
    <body ...>
    <div id="wrapper">
    and this -
    to this -
      <!-- /wrapper -->
    and see if that helps.

  • Photoshop CSS

    I had a hard disk crash, and I need to download Photoshop version CSS.  Where can I download it?

    Assuming you mean CS5, you can use this method:
    Direct Download Links for Adobe Software
    Follow the instructions to the letter or else you'll get problems and warnings. Using a reliable browser such as Firefox is recommended.

  • Is there a way for converting this Photoshop drop shadow to CSS box shadow?

    Here's my PSD: http://d.pr/f/ML9l
    Here are the specs:
    Color: #3b5c7f
    Angle: 90 degrees
    Distance: 2px
    Size: 4px
    Contour: Linear
    Here's what I've come up with so far, and though quite similar, it is not exactly the same thing:

    Are you a Creative Cloud member? With the recent Photoshop update, you can use the tool "Copy CSS"
    It copies the style to the clipboard and you can paste it into your code. Here is what your file generated:
    .Shape_5 {
      border-radius: 3px;
      background-color: rgb( 228, 224, 223 );
      box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgb( 59, 92, 127 );
      position: absolute;
      left: 56px;
      top: 123px;
      width: 287px;
      height: 54px;
      z-index: 2;
    Hope this helps!

  • Altering CSS in Photoshop

    I'm attempting to move from WordPress to Dreamweaver, both to maintain a site that is already created in DW and also to convert another from WP.  I don't have experience in altering CSS/templates, but have downloaded a good style that I like and would simply like to alter the photo in the banner.
    The template is here:  http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/dreamweaver_custom_templates/template1/Pu blish/theme_01_design_from_template.html  and it is a Photoshop file.
    I'm spending ungodly amounts of time just trying to figure this simple thing out, when what I really need to be doing is converting the WP site yesterday.  I think part of the problem is because I don't have experience working with "slices"  in Photoshop.  I'm even willing to leave the "clouds" in the content and footer area . . . would just like to replace them in the banner area.  How hard can that be?  I can "place" my new image on top of this one but can't seem to adjust the size or crop it (when I do crop it it stays and the rest of the style sheet disappears).
    I am following the directions on the original site but certain key steps don't match (or there is an error in the directions posted) which leaves me high-centered.  For one thing the directions say to open the template in DW, but DW does not see or recognize the file!
    Any assistance is appreciated.
    frustrated content person not designer person

    Pamela, I think you're confusing yourself unnecessarily.
    This is a Dreamweaver question although the template itself uses a Photoshop file as its source artwork.
    Have you watched the video on the page where you downloaded the template from?
    It explains how the files inside the ZIP folder are structured.
    The Design folder contains the .psd file - use Photoshop for that.
    The Publish folder contains all the files which form the web page: .jpg, Spry, CSS and HTML pages.
    Photoshop will use the PSD file in the Design folder to output JPGs into the Publish folder.
    Dreamweaver will use the HTML files in the Publish folder to construct the webpage.
    Note: HTML files are not Firefox files, just regular web pages. You just happen to have Firefox as your default browser so your operating system shows the Firefox logo next to HTML files.
    So you change your artwork via the PSD file in the Design folder (using Photoshop) then save the slices as JPGs (In Photoshop: Save For Web and Devices) to the Publish folder and your webpage in Dreamweaver will update.

  • Al escribir texto en Photoshop CSS este desaparece al intentar cambiar el color o cambiar algo del texto. ¿me pueden ayudar?

    Al escribir texto en Photoshop CSS este desaparece al intentar cambiar el color o cambiar algo del texto. ¿me pueden ayudar?

    Could you please post screenshots to illustrate the issue?
    Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?

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