CSS validator having a problem with shorthand line-height

Suddenly noticed a CSS error with a simple CSS:
h1 { font: 20px/100% "Times New Roman", Times, serif; }
"Value Error : font  / is not a font-family value :  20px / 100% "Times New Roman",Times,serif "
That's the way I've always written "font." And Dreamweaver agrees. Is there a new standard here?
http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?profile=css21&warning=0&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. wellesley-hotel.com%2Ftest2.html

With CSS Shorthand on fonts, you should express ALL attributes.
font: style | variant | weight | size/line-height | font-family "font name", "font name", font;
If all attributes are not required, better to use font-size, line-height and font-family.
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    What program are you using for this editing?
    We can ask a Host should move your query over to that forum.

  • Having multiple problems with script - NTFS Permissions and AD Groups

    Hi, all!  I'm having multiple problems with my first script I've written with Powershell.  The script below does the following:
    1. Prompts the user for a corporate division under which a shared folder will be created, and adjusts variables accordingly.
    2. Prompts if the folder will be a global folder or an office/location-specific folder, and makes appropriate adjustments to variables.
    3.  If a global folder, prompts for the name.  If an office/location-specific folder, prompts for each component of the street address, city and state and an optional modifier.  I've prompted for this information in this way because the information
    is used differently later on in the script.
    4.  Verifies the entered information and requests confirmation to proceed.
    5.  Creates the folder.
    6.  Creates an AD OU and/or security group(s).
    7.  Applies appropriate security groups to the new folder and removes undesired permissions.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $Division = ""
    $DivAbbr = ""
    $OU = ""
    $OUDrive = "AD:\"
    $FolderName = ""
    $OUName = ""
    $GroupName = ""
    $OURoot = "ou=DFS Restructure Testing OU,ou=Pennsylvania Camp Hill 4410 Industrial Park Rd,ou=Locations,ou=Camp Hill,dc=jacobsonco,DC=com"
    $FSRoot = "E:\"
    $FolderPath = ""
    $DefaultFolders = "Archive","Customer Service","Equipment","Inbounds","Management","Outbounds","Processes","Projects","Quality","Reports","Returns","Safety","Schedules","Time Keeping","Training"
    [bool]$Location = 0
    do {
    $userInput = Read-Host "Enter CLS Division: (W)arehousing, (S)taffing, or (P)ackaging"
    Switch ($userInput)
    W {$Division = "Warehousing"; $DivAbbr = "WHSE"; $OU = "ou=Warehousing,"; break}
    S {"Staffing is not yet implemented."; break}
    P {"Packaging is not yet implemented."; break}
    default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; break}
    while ($DivAbbr -eq "")
    write-host ""
    write-host ($Division + " was selected.")
    $FolderPath = $Division + "\"
    write-host ""
    $choice = ""
    do {
    $choice = Read-Host "Will this be a (G)lobal folder or (L)ocation folder?"
    Switch ($choice)
    G {$Location = $false; break}
    L {$Location = $true; $FolderPath = $FolderPath + "Locations\"; $OU = "ou=Locations," + $OU; break}
    default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; $choice = ""; break}
    while ($choice -eq "")
    write-host ""
    write-host ("Location is set to: " + $Location)
    write-host ""
    if ($Location -eq $false) {
    $FolderName = Read-Host "Please enter folder name:"
    $GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
    } else {
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter two-letter state abbreviation:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter city:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter street address number only:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input
    $GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
    $FolderName = $FolderName + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter street name:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter any optional information to appear in folder name:"
    if ($input -ne "") {
    $FolderName = $FolderName + " " + $input
    $OUName = $FolderName
    write-host "Path for folder: "$FSRoot$FolderPath$FolderName
    write-host "AD Path: "$OUDrive$OU$OURoot
    write-host "New OU Name: "$OUName
    write-host -NoNewLine "New Security Group names: "$GroupName
    if ($Location -eq $true) { write-host " and "$GroupName" MGMT" }
    $input = Read-Host "Please confirm creation of new site/folder: (Y/N) "
    if ($input -ne "Y") { Exit }
    write-host -NoNewLine "Folder exists: "; Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    if (Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)) {
    Write-Host "Folder already exists! Skipping folder creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "Folder does not exist. Creating..."
    new-item -path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath) -name $FolderName -itemtype directory
    Set-Location ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    if ($Location -eq $true) {
    $tempOUName = "ou=" + $OUName + ","
    write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
    write-host -NoNewLine "OU exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
    if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
    Write-Host "OU already exists! Skipping OU creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "OU does not exist. Creating..."
    New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OUName -Path ($OU + $OURoot) -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false
    $GroupNameMGMT = $GroupName + " MGMT"
    if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupName + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Normal user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
    if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupNameMGMT + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Management user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupNameMGMT -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    # $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    $BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
    $BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    write-host $BIUsersSID.Value
    # out-string -inputObject $BIUsers
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
    $objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ADGroupName)
    write-host $ADGroupName
    write-host $objUser.Value
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Out-String -InputObject $ar
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupNameMGMT
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Out-String -InputObject $ar
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    } else {
    $tempOUName = "cn=" + $GroupName + ","
    write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
    write-host -NoNewLine "Group exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
    if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
    Write-Host "Security group already exists! Skipping new security group creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "Security group does not exist. Creating..."
    New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ($OU + $OURoot)
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"Modify","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    My problems right now are in the assignment/removal of security groups on the newly-created folder, and the problems are two-fold.  Yes, I am running this script as an Administrator.
    First, I am unable to remove the BUILTIN\Users group from the folder when this is an office/location-specific folder.  I've tried to remove the group in several different ways, and none are having any effect.  Oddly, if I type in the lines directly
    into Powershell, they work as expected.  I've tried the following methods:
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
    $BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    In the first case, the script goes through and has no apparent effect because afterwards, I do a get-acl and the BUILTIN\Users group is still there, although when looking through the GUI, inheritance appears to have been broken from the parent folder.
    In the second case, I get the following error message:
    Exception calling "RemoveAccessRuleAll" with "1" argument(s): "Some or all identity references could not be translated."
    At C:\Users\tesdallb\Documents\FileServerBuild.ps1:110 char:5
    +     $FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($Ar)
    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : IdentityNotMappedException
    This seems strange that the local server is unable to translate the SID of a BUILTIN account.  I've also tried explicitly putting in the BUILTIN\Users SID in place of the variable in the New-Object line, but that gives me the same error.  I've
    also tried the solutions given in this thread:
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/ad59dc58-1360-4652-ae09-2cd4273cbd4f/remove-acl-issue?forum=winserverpowershell and at this URL:
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730951.aspx but these solutions also failed to have any effect.
    My second problem is when I try to apply the newly-created security groups, I also will get the "Some or all identity references could not be translated."  I thought I had found a workaround to the problem by adding the -PassThru option to
    the New-ADGroup commands, because it would output the SID of the group after creation, however a few lines later, the server is unable to translate the account to apply the security groups to the folder.
    My first Powershell script has been working well up to this point and now I seem to have hit a showstopper.  Any help is appreciated.

    I was hoping to stay with strictly Powershell, but unless I can find a Powershell solution, I may resort to ICACLS.
    As for the problems with my groups not being translatable right after creating them, I think I have solved this problem by using the -Server parameter on all my New-ADGroup commands and this example code seems to have gotten around the translation problem,
    again utilizing the -Server parameter on the Get-ADGroup command:
    get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    # Add the new normal users group to the folder with Read and Execute permissions
    $GroupSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupName -Server chadc01.jacobsonco.com | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
    $SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupSID)
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    # Add the management users group to the folder with Modify permissions
    $GroupMGMTSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupNameMGMT -Server chadc01.jacobsonco.com | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
    $SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupMGMTSID)
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    Going this route seems to ensure that the Domain Controller I'm creating my groups on is the same one that I'm querying for the group's SID to use in the FileSystemAccessRule.  It's been working fairly consistently.
    Still having issues with the translation of the BUILTIN\Users group, though. 

  • Having connection problems with Mail after installing 10.9.4

    I upgraded to 10.9.4 a few days ago, and ever since, I've been having connection problems with Mail. First, it stops downloading new mail automatically and second, it won't send any of my messages. When I try to send, I get a message that it is unable to connect.
    Quitting Mail and restarting it seems to clear the problem, but then it happens again, maybe an hour or two later.

    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem. But with the aid of the test results, the solution may take a few minutes, instead of hours or days.
    Don't be put off merely by the seeming complexity of these instructions. The process is much less complicated than the description. You do harder tasks with the computer all the time.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. Backup is always a must, and when you're having any kind of trouble with the computer, you may be at higher than usual risk of losing data, whether you follow these instructions or not.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. All it does is to collect information about the state of the computer. That information goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. However, you should be cautious about running any kind of program (not just a shell script) at the behest of a stranger. If you have doubts, search this site for other discussions in which this procedure has been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that the instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed:
    ☞ Copy a line of text in this window to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Paste into the window of another application.
    ☞ Wait for the test to run. It usually takes a few minutes.
    ☞ Paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page.
    The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. You don't need to copy a second time. Details follow.
    4. You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode, under the conditions in which the problem is reproduced. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    5. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    6. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/libexec;clear;cd;p=(Software Hardware Memory Diagnostics Power FireWire Thunderbolt USB Fonts SerialATA 4 1000 25 5120 KiB/s 1024 85 \\b%% 20480 1 MB/s 25000 ports ' com.clark.\* \*dropbox \*GoogleDr\* \*k.AutoCAD\* \*k.Maya\* vidinst\* ' DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES\ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH -86 ` route -n get default|awk '/e:/{print $2}' ` 25 N\\/A down up 102400 25600 recvfrom sendto CFBundleIdentifier 25 25 25 1000 MB com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent 464843899 51 );N5=${#p[@]};p[N5]=` networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder|awk ' NR>1 { sub(/^\([0-9]+\) /,"");n=$0;getline;} $NF=="'${p[26]}')" { sub(/.$/,"",$NF);print n;exit;} ' `;f=('\n%s: %s\n' '\n%s\n\n%s\n' '\nRAM details\n%s\n' %s\ %s '%s\n-\t%s\n' );S0() { echo ' { q=$NF+0;$NF="";u=$(NF-1);$(NF-1)="";gsub(/^ +| +$/,"");if(q>='${p[$1]}') printf("%s (UID %s) is using %s '${p[$2]}'",$0,u,q);} ';};s=(' /^ *$|CSConfigDot/d;s/^ */   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$(NF-1)=$1;$NF=int($NF/10000000);for(i=1;i<=3;i++){$i="";$(NF-1-i)="";};};'"`S0 19 20`" 's:^:/:p' '/\.kext\/(Contents\/)?Info\.plist$/p' 's/^.{52}(.+) <.+/\1/p' ' /Launch[AD].+\.plist$/ { n++;print;} END { print "'${p[41]}'";if(n<200) print "/System/";} ' '/\.xpc\/(Contents\/)?Info\.plist$/p' ' NR>1&&!/0x|\.[0-9]+$|com\.apple\.launchctl\.(Aqua|Background|System)$|'${p[41]}'/ { print $3;} ' ' /\.(framew|lproj)|\):/d;/plist:|:.+(Mach|scrip)/s/:[^:]+//p ' '/root/p' ' !/\/Contents\/.+\/Contents|Applic|Autom|Frameworks/&&/Lib.+\/Info.plist$/ { n++;print;} END { if(n<1100) print "/System/";} ' '/^\/usr\/lib\/.+dylib$/p' ' /Temp|emac/ { next;} /(etc|Preferences|Launch[AD].+)\// { sub(".(/private)?","");n++;print;} END { print "'${p[41]}'.plist\t'${p[42]}'";if(n<500) print "Launch";} ' ' /\/(Contents\/.+\/Contents|Frameworks)\/|\.wdgt\/.+\.([bw]|plu)/d;p;' 's/\/(Contents\/)?Info.plist$//;p' ' { gsub("^| |\n","\\|\\|kMDItem'${p[35]}'=");sub("^...."," ") };1 ' p '{print $3"\t"$1}' 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Prefetching SATA );N3=${#l[@]};for i in 0 1 2;do l[N3+i]=${p[5+i]};done;N4=${#l[@]};for j in 0 1;do l[N4+j]="Current ${p[29+j]}stream data";done;A0() { id -G|grep -qw 80;v[1]=$?;((v[1]==0))&&sudo true;v[2]=$?;v[3]=`date +%s`;clear >&-;date '+Start time: %T %D%n';};for i in 0 1;do eval ' A'$((1+i))'() { v=` eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((3+i))'() { v=` while read i;do [[ "$i" ]]&&eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}" \"$i\"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}";done<<<"${v[$4]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((5+i))'() { v=` while read i;do '${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$1]}" "$i";done<<<"${v[$2]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};';done;A7(){ v=$((`date +%s`-v[3]));};B2(){ v[$1]="$v";};for i in 0 1;do eval ' B'$i'() { v=;((v['$((i+1))']==0))||{ v=No;false;};};B'$((3+i))'() { v[$2]=`'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}"<<<"${v[$1]}"`;} ';done;B5(){ v[$1]="${v[$1]}"$'\n'"${v[$2]}";};B6() { v=` paste -d: <(printf "${v[$1]}") <(printf "${v[$2]}")|awk -F: ' {printf("'"${f[$3]}"'",$1,$2)} ' `;};B7(){ v=`grep -Fv "${v[$1]}"<<<"$v"`;};C0(){ [[ "$v" ]]&&echo "$v";};C1() { [[ "$v" ]]&&printf "${f[$1]}" "${l[$2]}" "$v";};C2() { v=`echo $v`;[[ "$v" != 0 ]]&&C1 0 $1;};C3() { v=`sed -E "$s"<<<"$v"`&&C1 1 $1;};for i in 1 2;do for j in 2 3;do eval D$i$j'(){ A'$i' $1 $2 $3; C'$j' $4;};';done;done;{ A0;A2 0 $((N1+1)) 2;C0;A1 0 $N1 1;C0;B0;C2 27;B0&&! 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    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    7. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste by pressing command-V. The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    8. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "Syntax error" or "Event not found," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    9. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, press the key combination control-C or just press return three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    10. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, there will be nothing in the Terminal window and no indication of progress. Wait for the line
    [Process completed]
    to appear. If you don't see it within half an hour or so, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, close the Terminal window and report the results. No harm will be done.
    11. When the test is complete, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    At the top of the results, there will be a line that begins with the words "Start Time." If you don't see that, but instead see a mass of gibberish, you didn't wait for the "Process completed" message to appear in the Terminal window. Please wait for it and try again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    12. When you post the results, you might see an error message on the web page: "You have included content in your post that is not permitted," or "You are not authorized to post." That's a bug in the forum software. Please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    Note: This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Use Agreement for the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • Sound problems with back line out port

    Hey everyone, I just sent an email to MSI Tech Support, but figure I would post a message here as well.  I just put together a new system, but I'm having a problem with the back line out port.
    My problem: When I plug in the front panel audio connectors (Left Audio Out, Left Audio Return, Right Audio Out, Right Audio Return) in the motherboard on pins 5-6 and 9-10 of JAUD1, the back line out does not work properly.  I get sound on only the right speaker of the headphones.
    More info:
    - Audio Driver: (from MSI CD)
    - If I instead plug the headphones on the front audio line out, then sound is fine
    - Here's the strange part, if I unplug the front audio connectors from the motherboard (and short pins 5-6, 9-10 with the jumpers, obviously), then the sound on the back line out works properly!
    - My Windows sound settings are fine
    Has anyone heard of this problem?  Any ideas/suggestions of what I could try?  
    Could this be a defective board?  Could it be bad wires on the case?  Seems unlikely since both back line out and front line out work depending on what I have setup.
    Help! :-)

    Originally posted by Steve F.
    You could try:
    1. Read the manual
    2. Search this forum.
    Rear sound problem
    Third time this has come up in 1 or 2 weeks.
    I appreciate the reply, but I believe you are wrong.  Yes, I have searched the forum and did find that thread.  Yes, I have read the manual.  The only thing that it says is: "If you don't want to connect to the front audio header, pins 5 & 6, 9 & 10 have to be jumpered in order to have signal output directed to the rear audio ports. Otherwise, The Line-out connector on the back panel will not function."  That's not my case since I want both ports to work (not outputting the signal both at the same time, obviously).
    This can't be ByDesign.  Either my board is defective or MSI is not following the Intel Front Panel I/O Connectivity Guide correctly.  The whole point of having 4 wires for the front panel audio ports, 2 of the wires being Aud_Ret_R and Aud_Ret_L, is so that the audio signal is sent to the front line out and _returned_ to the back line out if nothing is plugged in the front line out.
    I have an IBM machine with an intel mobo at work and it works as mentioned in the design guide.
    Any other ideas, anyone? I can still RMA my motherboard, but it's a design issue, i guess I'm stuck. I never got an automated reply from MSI Tech Support, so I guess my email never went through.  I'll send another email and let the forum know of the results.

  • Having lagging problems with YouTube videos, it simply takes so long for the red bar to completely load and the videos frequently pause and take too long to restart playing again.

    I have been having lagging problems with YouTube videos for a number of months now. It simply takes so long for the red bar to completely load and the videos frequently pause and take too long to restart playing again. Even with little 2 and 3 minute videos.
    I have a fast computer and my webpages load really, really fast. I have FireFox 4 browser and a Vista Home Premium 64-bit OS. So I don't have a slow computer or web browser. But these slow YouTube vids take way too long to load for some reason.
    Does anyone have any idea how I can speed up YouTube?

    The forums are customer to customer in the first instance, Only the mods (BT) will ask for personal information through a email link. Would you mind posting your Hub stats & BT speed test results this will help all with diagnosis-
    To post the full stats from your router
    for home hub -
    Navigate to ADSL Settings or use the A-Z at the top right
    Click on More Details and then post the results.
    Run BT speed tester and post the results from http://speedtester.bt.com/
    If possible it would be best to connect to the BT master socket this will rule out any telephone/broadband extension wiring also consider the housing of the hub/router as anything electrical can cause problems as these are your responsibility, if these are found to be the case Openreach (engineer) will charge BT Broadband, which will be passed onto you, around £130.00.
    Noisy line! When making telephone calls, if so this is not good for your broadband, you can check-
    Quite line test dial 17070 option 2 and listen - should hear nothing best done with old type analogue phone digital (dect) will do but may have slight hiss If you hear noise- crackling pops etc, report it as a noisy line on your phone, don’t mention broadband, Bt Faults on 151.
    As for your FTTC its available in some areas between 40% & 80% of customers in enabled areas can receive it!
    Mortgage Advisor 2000-2008
    Green Energy Advisor 2008-2010
    Charity Health Care Provider Advisor 2010-
    I'm alright Jack....

  • Having a problem with eBooks in my iTunes library.

    As the title says, I'm having some problems with the iTunes library not reflecting what's actually on the disk.
    I add the ebook and it seems to add ok.  The file gets consolidated into /mymusic/books under the author correctly, but the book is missing from the library.  The book is in ePub format, and seems to have the right file extension and shows up as a file of "ePub" type in windows explorer.
    Any ideas?  Is there a way to re-build the library or a portion of it?

    Hi tony paine,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    iCloud: Keeping the Junk folder consistent between iCloud Mail and OS X Mail
    - Judy

  • Is anyone having a problem with the new iPad (Gen. 3) not staying connected to the charger? It seems to ALWAYS get jiggled loose and no longer be charging. My iPad 1 has no issue but I can't browse Internet w/o new iPad unplugging. Horrible!

    I notice that my new IPad (3rd generation) will not stay connected to the power cord at all, I'm not exagerating, if I plug it in and browse the Internet without fail it will become unplugged and I will have to push the plug back in (Ba-beep). Ive actually grown to despise that sound when you plug your iPhone or iPad in because it reminds me of how much money I spent on something that PHYSICALLY will not charge while I'm using it.
    I know the problem with it holding a charge while in use, I get it, the screen is amazing and it takes a lot to run the display, however, it is unacceptable to me that I can't even keep the thing plugged in while I'm using it. I can not even leave it on my Cal King bed overnight because I will wake up in the morning to find that the plug has been jiggled loose in a corner, so it's still attached but not making a connection thus not being charged. 
    I love the 4GLTE from Verizon and I love the iPad, but I'm actually using my 1st generation IPad while I am at home so I can leave my new $900 iPad on a table to charge free of incident so I can use the 4G while I'm away from wifi during the day. I have been getting more upset about this because I can not even use the Griffin extended cord to charge the iPad and be far from the plug because only the original apple sync/charge cord will have a better shot at staying in. Absolutely none of my non apple cables will stay in the iPad 3 while having it in my hands.
    The plug is at an angle, unlike the first iPad, not sure about the iPad 2. Please let me know if they have same issue.
    If anyone else is having this problem with the Gen 3 iPad please let me know because I'm tempted to do something about it with apple and I'm hoping that I just for some reason have a bad cable receiver or something and maybe I can get a replacement and enjoy the iPad as I had expected to. There is no reason why I should be even using my first iPad and I have friends that want to buy it but I am not selling it because I'm unable to sell it because I can't handle the new iPad while it's plugged in, that is ridiculous if it's a common issue so please let me know!

    Thanks for the swift reply, I have been looking online and a loose plug seems to be somewhat of an issue with many, I hope mine is actually a problem and not what others are experiencing. It's taken me this long to even reach out for the simple fact I HATE being a complainer but this is just horrible.
    Do you have an iPad 3 as well? And is yours not experiencing any issues close to mine?
    Thanks again!

  • I have upgraded Apple Aperture from version 2 to version 3 and I'm having a problem with the "Highlights and Shadows" adjustment. According to the user's manual, I should have access to an advanced disclosure triangle which would allow me to adjust mid co

    I have upgraded Apple Aperture from version 2 to version 3 and I'm having a problem with the "Highlights and Shadows" adjustment. According to the user's manual, I should have access to an advanced disclosure triangle which would allow me to adjust mid contrast, colour, radius, high tonal width and low tonal width.
    If anyone has any suggestions as to how to access this advanced section, I'd be most grateful.

    Hi David-
    The advanced adjustments in the Highlights & Shadows tool were combined into the "Mid Contrast" slider in Aperture 3.3 and later. If you have any images in your library that were processed in a version of Aperture before 3.3, there will be an Upgrade button in the Highlights & Shadows tool in the upper right, and the controls you asked about under the Advanced section. Clicking the Upgrade button will re-render the photo using the new version of Highlights & Shadows, and the Advanced section will be replaced with the new Mid Contrast slider. With the new version from 3.3 you probably don't need the Advanced slider, but if you want to use the older version you can download it from this page:
    http://www.apertureexpert.com/tips/2012/6/12/reclaim-the-legacy-highlights-shado ws-adjustment-in-aperture.html

  • I have an iMac and iphoto.  Currently I am having a problem with an album in iphoto.  When I double click on the album all I get in the main body of the screen is a triangle with an exclamation mark and my 2 photos show at the very bottom of the window.

    I have an imac and am using iphoto.  Currently I am having a problem with one particular album which shows in the main part of the window a triangle with an exclamation point.  The two photos are at the bottom of the main window in the same area where the "info" "edit" "create" area is.  I can see the two photos but I can not get them back into the main part of the window.  I can't drag them anywhere either.  I can't double click or right click on either of the two photos either. All I can do is click on either one and they get a little bigger.  Before I saw the exclamation point in the main body of the window all I get is two squares with nothing in them and the entire border is made up of dashes.  Can someone help me?

    Make a temporary, backup copy of your library if you don't already have one (Control-click on the library and select Duplicate from the contextual menu) and  apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
                                            Screenshot is for iPhoto 9
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Hello sorry but im having a problem with my apple id it appears that i cant download nothing i dont know why but when im going to download something example facebook it appears de app that is charging and then desapere how can i fix that?

    Hello sorry but im having a problem with my apple id it appears that i cant download nothing i dont know why but when im going to download something example facebook it appears de app that is charging and then desapere how can i fix that?

    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    -Griff W.

  • I just upgraded my iMac to Lion, and a few seconds ago, I upgraded the iWork package and now I'm having some problems with the new version of Pages (4.1) When I try to change something in a document, a message says "the program is not responding"

    I just upgraded my iMac to Lion, and a few seconds ago, I upgraded the iWork package and now I'm having some problems with the new version of Pages (4.1) When I try to change something in a document, a message says "the program is not responding", so I have to force it to close. By the way, the SAVE botton stays the same even I change erverything in my document. Please, a have a work to finish, **** me. What I can do abou it?

    I just upgraded my iMac to Lion, and a few seconds ago, I upgraded the iWork package and now I'm having some problems with the new version of Pages (4.1) When I try to change something in a document, a message says "the program is not responding", so I have to force it to close. By the way, the SAVE botton stays the same even I change erverything in my document. Please, a have a work to finish, **** me. What I can do abou it?

  • Having a problem with dates when I send my numbers doc to excel. dates are all out and that they have to cut and paste individual entries onto their spreadsheet. Any idea how I can prevent this

    having a problem with dates when I send my numbers doc to excel. dates are all out and that they have to cut and paste individual entries onto their spreadsheet. Any idea how I can prevent this.
    I'm using Lion on an MBP and Numbers is the latest version

    May you give more details about what is wrong with your dates ?
    M…oSoft products aren't allowed on my machines but I use LibreOffice which is a clone of Office.
    When I export from Numbers to Excel and open the result with LibreOffice, the dates are correctly treated.
    To be precise, dates after 01/01/1904 are correctly treated. dates before 01/01/1904 are exported as strings but, as it's flagged during the export process, it's not surprising.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 3 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : http://public.me.com/koenigyvan
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    For iWork's applications dedicated to iOS, go to :

  • Having a problem with my ipad... I tried to install ios and the ipad has frozen

    I am having a problem with my Ipad air.  tried to install ios and my ipad has frozen

    Click here and follow the instructions.

  • Having a problem with commandButton attribute when i am using it under tabl

    Having a problem with {color:#800000}commandButton {color}{color:#339966}attribute {color}when i am using it under{color:#ff0000} table{color}
    I am using a command button under a table.
    here is the example
    <h:dataTable value="#{wlmHandler.plexes.plexes}" var="{color:#ff0000}onePlex{color}" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
    <h:panelGrid border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" columns="5">
    <h:commandButton action="" styleClass="tixbutton" value="#{labels.ADD}" onclick="#{onePlex.tran}"/>
    <f:verbatim> </f:verbatim>
    <h:commandButton action="#{createTransaction.transactionCommand}" styleClass="tixbutton"
    value="#{labels.SUBMIT}" actionListener="#{createTransaction.processAction}">
    <f:attribute name="dbName" value="#{wlmHandler.dbName}"/>
    <f:attribute name="plexName" value="{color:#ff9900}#{onePlex.name}"{color}/>
    </h:dataTable >
    when i am using this plex name atribute it is giving nullPointerException
    {color:#ff9900}this value #{onePlex.name} i cant able to access inside the command button{color}

    balu i have tried by seeing u r blog.
    this is my structure of tables
    plexes (if i iterate plexes table gives plex object)
    ------ plex (plex table gives transaction object)
    ------transactions(transactions table gives transaction table)
    here i will have a command link to this link i have to pass the plex name which
    will come from
    i tried in this command action with HTMLDataTable getRowData()
    i am not getting the selected row data .i am downcasting this getRowData() to plex.

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