Having multiple problems with script - NTFS Permissions and AD Groups

Hi, all!  I'm having multiple problems with my first script I've written with Powershell.  The script below does the following:
1. Prompts the user for a corporate division under which a shared folder will be created, and adjusts variables accordingly.
2. Prompts if the folder will be a global folder or an office/location-specific folder, and makes appropriate adjustments to variables.
3.  If a global folder, prompts for the name.  If an office/location-specific folder, prompts for each component of the street address, city and state and an optional modifier.  I've prompted for this information in this way because the information
is used differently later on in the script.
4.  Verifies the entered information and requests confirmation to proceed.
5.  Creates the folder.
6.  Creates an AD OU and/or security group(s).
7.  Applies appropriate security groups to the new folder and removes undesired permissions.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Division = ""
$DivAbbr = ""
$OU = ""
$OUDrive = "AD:\"
$FolderName = ""
$OUName = ""
$GroupName = ""
$OURoot = "ou=DFS Restructure Testing OU,ou=Pennsylvania Camp Hill 4410 Industrial Park Rd,ou=Locations,ou=Camp Hill,dc=jacobsonco,DC=com"
$FSRoot = "E:\"
$FolderPath = ""
$DefaultFolders = "Archive","Customer Service","Equipment","Inbounds","Management","Outbounds","Processes","Projects","Quality","Reports","Returns","Safety","Schedules","Time Keeping","Training"
[bool]$Location = 0
do {
$userInput = Read-Host "Enter CLS Division: (W)arehousing, (S)taffing, or (P)ackaging"
Switch ($userInput)
W {$Division = "Warehousing"; $DivAbbr = "WHSE"; $OU = "ou=Warehousing,"; break}
S {"Staffing is not yet implemented."; break}
P {"Packaging is not yet implemented."; break}
default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; break}
while ($DivAbbr -eq "")
write-host ""
write-host ($Division + " was selected.")
$FolderPath = $Division + "\"
write-host ""
$choice = ""
do {
$choice = Read-Host "Will this be a (G)lobal folder or (L)ocation folder?"
Switch ($choice)
G {$Location = $false; break}
L {$Location = $true; $FolderPath = $FolderPath + "Locations\"; $OU = "ou=Locations," + $OU; break}
default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; $choice = ""; break}
while ($choice -eq "")
write-host ""
write-host ("Location is set to: " + $Location)
write-host ""
if ($Location -eq $false) {
$FolderName = Read-Host "Please enter folder name:"
$GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
} else {
$input = Read-Host "Please enter two-letter state abbreviation:"
$FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
$input = Read-Host "Please enter city:"
$FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
$input = Read-Host "Please enter street address number only:"
$FolderName = $FolderName + $input
$GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
$FolderName = $FolderName + " "
$input = Read-Host "Please enter street name:"
$FolderName = $FolderName + $input
$input = Read-Host "Please enter any optional information to appear in folder name:"
if ($input -ne "") {
$FolderName = $FolderName + " " + $input
$OUName = $FolderName
write-host "Path for folder: "$FSRoot$FolderPath$FolderName
write-host "AD Path: "$OUDrive$OU$OURoot
write-host "New OU Name: "$OUName
write-host -NoNewLine "New Security Group names: "$GroupName
if ($Location -eq $true) { write-host " and "$GroupName" MGMT" }
$input = Read-Host "Please confirm creation of new site/folder: (Y/N) "
if ($input -ne "Y") { Exit }
write-host -NoNewLine "Folder exists: "; Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
if (Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)) {
Write-Host "Folder already exists! Skipping folder creation..."
} else {
write-host "Folder does not exist. Creating..."
new-item -path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath) -name $FolderName -itemtype directory
Set-Location ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
if ($Location -eq $true) {
$tempOUName = "ou=" + $OUName + ","
write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
write-host -NoNewLine "OU exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
Write-Host "OU already exists! Skipping OU creation..."
} else {
write-host "OU does not exist. Creating..."
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OUName -Path ($OU + $OURoot) -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false
$GroupNameMGMT = $GroupName + " MGMT"
if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupName + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Normal user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupNameMGMT + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Management user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupNameMGMT -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
$FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
# $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
$BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
$BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
write-host $BIUsersSID.Value
# out-string -inputObject $BIUsers
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
$FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
$ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ADGroupName)
write-host $ADGroupName
write-host $objUser.Value
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Out-String -InputObject $ar
$ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupNameMGMT
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Out-String -InputObject $ar
Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
} else {
$tempOUName = "cn=" + $GroupName + ","
write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
write-host -NoNewLine "Group exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
Write-Host "Security group already exists! Skipping new security group creation..."
} else {
write-host "Security group does not exist. Creating..."
New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ($OU + $OURoot)
$FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
$ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"Modify","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
$FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
My problems right now are in the assignment/removal of security groups on the newly-created folder, and the problems are two-fold.  Yes, I am running this script as an Administrator.
First, I am unable to remove the BUILTIN\Users group from the folder when this is an office/location-specific folder.  I've tried to remove the group in several different ways, and none are having any effect.  Oddly, if I type in the lines directly
into Powershell, they work as expected.  I've tried the following methods:
$FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
$FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
$FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
$BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
$BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
In the first case, the script goes through and has no apparent effect because afterwards, I do a get-acl and the BUILTIN\Users group is still there, although when looking through the GUI, inheritance appears to have been broken from the parent folder.
In the second case, I get the following error message:
Exception calling "RemoveAccessRuleAll" with "1" argument(s): "Some or all identity references could not be translated."
At C:\Users\tesdallb\Documents\FileServerBuild.ps1:110 char:5
+     $FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($Ar)
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : IdentityNotMappedException
This seems strange that the local server is unable to translate the SID of a BUILTIN account.  I've also tried explicitly putting in the BUILTIN\Users SID in place of the variable in the New-Object line, but that gives me the same error.  I've
also tried the solutions given in this thread:
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/ad59dc58-1360-4652-ae09-2cd4273cbd4f/remove-acl-issue?forum=winserverpowershell and at this URL:
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730951.aspx but these solutions also failed to have any effect.
My second problem is when I try to apply the newly-created security groups, I also will get the "Some or all identity references could not be translated."  I thought I had found a workaround to the problem by adding the -PassThru option to
the New-ADGroup commands, because it would output the SID of the group after creation, however a few lines later, the server is unable to translate the account to apply the security groups to the folder.
My first Powershell script has been working well up to this point and now I seem to have hit a showstopper.  Any help is appreciated.

I was hoping to stay with strictly Powershell, but unless I can find a Powershell solution, I may resort to ICACLS.
As for the problems with my groups not being translatable right after creating them, I think I have solved this problem by using the -Server parameter on all my New-ADGroup commands and this example code seems to have gotten around the translation problem,
again utilizing the -Server parameter on the Get-ADGroup command:
get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
$FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
# Add the new normal users group to the folder with Read and Execute permissions
$GroupSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupName -Server chadc01.jacobsonco.com | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
$SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupSID)
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
# Add the management users group to the folder with Modify permissions
$GroupMGMTSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupNameMGMT -Server chadc01.jacobsonco.com | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
$SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupMGMTSID)
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
Going this route seems to ensure that the Domain Controller I'm creating my groups on is the same one that I'm querying for the group's SID to use in the FileSystemAccessRule.  It's been working fairly consistently.
Still having issues with the translation of the BUILTIN\Users group, though. 

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    RáNdÓm GéÉzÁ wrote:
    Whether the line is old and tired or not, people are free to express their woes along with trying to find a fix.
    TBH, Lion is a bit of let down, regardless fo whether there are issues present or not on your particular setup/system etc.
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    Best of luck.
    Yes you are correct, and as the OP did, questions are asked and other users try to answer. As for the poster I answered, he did not ask a question, but expressed extreme disappointment which he is entitled to do, therefore I suggested he have a read through some of the other threads to perhaps address whatever issues he is having. As you say it could be faulty RAM or a bad installation, or a hundred things inbetween. That is why you need to hunt down similar symptoms to narrow it down. Or if you are under warranty, let the Apple Store fix it.
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    If you can help me answer any of these problems/questions, I would really appreciate it.
    Have a safe and Merry Christmas!

    Yes, everything was fine with Firefox.  However, I have uninstalled it, and am just using Internet Explorer for now.
    Thanks for battery info...
    I'm well within the return window, but overall really like the laptop.  I've put a lot of time into it, and just want it to work right if possible.
    Thanks for the info.
    ScottinFla wrote:Concerning Firefox, have you checked your add-on list for any faulty plug-ins or extensions? Try disabling them and see what happens. Also, that search engine you mentioned may have somehow been installed on your machine. Have you checked the "Manage search engines..." window available from the search bar? Check your add-ons as well. You could always reinstall Firefox from scratch.
    As for the battery, it may not be best to continually run down the battery - followed by a long charge. Once a month or so should be fine. Otherwise, just try to give the battery some exercise every now and then.
    Are you still within the return window? Your unit may have a bad install, some bad RAM, or...
    I have the same model and it works just fine.

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  • I'm having a problem with coreaudiotoolbox and corevideo.dll.

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    Taken at face value, you're having trouble with Apple Application Support program files there. (Apple Application Support is where single copies of program files used by multiple different Apple programs are kept, so an AAS problem can affect both iTunes and Safari.)
    Let's try something relatively simple first. Restart the PC. Now head into your Add or Remove programs control panel, select "Apple Application Support", click "Change" and then click Repair.
    If no joy after that, try the more rigorous uninstall/reinstall procedure from the following post (although it's for Vista and 7, just read "Computer" as "My Computer", read "Uninstall a program control panel" as "Add or Remove programs control panel" and assume the system is 32-bit, and you'll be doing the right things):
    Re: I recently updated to vista service pack 2 and I updated to itunes 10.2.1 and ever since I did that my itunes won't open any more.  Itunes starts but before anything loads a window pops up saying that the prograam has encountered a problem and sh...

  • I recently upgraded to Lion, and immediately started having consistent problems with Open Office 12 (would hang, and need a Force quit to recover). Has anybody else seen these problems? Any solutions other than going back to Snow Leopard? (I did).

    I recently upgraded to Lion, and immediately started having consistent problems with Open Office 12 (would hang, and need a Force quit to recover). Has anybody else seen these problems? Any solutions other than going back to Snow Leopard? (I did). But I'd like to use iCloud with iPad.

    Hi Pete. The repair of disk permissions can help resolve  any application crashing or misbehaving.
    As for Lion and the two camps, I think that is a reasonable observation. In my office we have about a dozen Mac's and about one third of those Mac's had problems after updating from 10.6 to 10.7. The main problem for these Mac's was a loss of wifi stability. But for the other two-thirds, Lion was a smooth transition.
    Personally, my Lion experience was fine. But I did get a new i7 MacBook Pro with Lion already installed and only had to migrate my user data from a 10.6.8 TM backup.
    So I think that is a key for Lion's operational success. A clean install of Lion on a new Mac would not cause too many operational issues. But an installation, or more correctly, an update to Lion from SL increased the chances of failure for some users - especially when old software & plugins resided on the Mac. And I would say that they were the people that you saw at the Apple store.
    As for the "latest release of Lion fixed my problems" statement, my experience with these and other forums is that people mostly only go there to complain about the problems they are having. If they are having no problems then they either keep it to themselves or they try to help the users who are experiencing trouble...

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