Cti OS Client - System Offline

Hi ,
We are test the IPCC in the lab. When Ctios client login to the Agent desktop we are getting the following error message.
" System is offline. Login will be queued until system is back online".
CTI OS , CTI Server , PIM services are active.
Follwing message we are getting in CTI Server logs.
14:05:38 Trace: CTIApplication::ProcessClientEventReportRequest - sessionID 1
14:05:38 Trace: CTIApplication::ProcessClientEventReportRequest - CTIOS_NUM_CLIENT:1
14:05:38 Trace: ProcessQueryAgentStateRequest - sessionID 1
14:05:38 Trace: GET_AGENT_STATE_REQ: InvokeID=0x2800000a Periph=5000 MRDomainID= 1 SkillTargetID=0 Ext=(null) Ag
14:05:38 Trace:
14:05:38 Trace: AGENT_STATE_RESPONSE: InvokeID=0x2800000a ID= Periph=-1 ClientType=65535 Online=N
14:05:38 Trace:                       Ext= Inst= State=UNKNOWN Duration=0 Sig=
14:05:38 Trace:                       SkTgtID=-1 SkGrpNo=0xffffffff SkGrpID=-1 NumGroups=0 NumLines=0 CurLine=-1
14:05:38 Trace:                       MRDID=1 NumTasks=0 MaxTaskLimit=0 AgentMode=0 AgentAvailabilityStatus=0

Check the below document:
The error for the system offile is for inccorect peripheral ID in the CTIOS setup.

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    3. Now i m installing Oracle forms 11g 64(-bit). its show me an error (INST-07407: Unable to detect machine platform or JVM bits)It looks like you are installing the 32-bit version of Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMw) 11g - not the 64-bit version. As a test, install the 32-bit JRE and run the FMw installer again. If it continues past this point - you've got the 32-bit installer and not the 64-bit installer. :)

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    Question 1: Can the two (2) different SRM client systems be connected to one (1) of the R/3 back-end systems?
    They can be connected
    Question 2: Are there any Basis Plug-In (PI_BASIS) issues/difficulties to consider from either the SRM client or R/3 back-end side?
    Make sure that you have unique consumer entries for Middleware for Material replication, RFCs etc
    Question 3: Does each SRM client need it own unique transaction document type(s) and number range(s) definitions?
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    Question 4: Are there any other difficulties, for example, with RFC and Partner Profile related definitions and what are the steps to address/resolve difficulties?
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    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/Default.aspx
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserBin/BrowserApplication.dll
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserApplication.config.xml
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserBin/BrowserApplication.dll
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserBin/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
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    Note : We have run caspol settings and set EnableIEHosting to 1 (DWord).

    >>When we planned to migrate to Windows 8 and IE11 combination, some functionalities in the Windows form hosted in IE fails, its keep on hanging.
    What .NET Framework version are you using after you migrate your client to windows 8 and IE11? If it is 4.0 or 4.5, I am afraid this is by designed because hosting controls in IE is now blocked by default (as of v4 or v4.5). See MSDN article under
    'Web Applications'.
    You could still enable it by modifying its provided registry key.
    By the way, since this issue is related with IE and web application, I suggest that you could post such kind of issues to related forum, as
    IE forum and Web forum.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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         V_Client_Path VARCHAR2(500) := Null;
         V_Server_Path := '/proj/oraapps/viper/dev/reports/cache/Saveauftr.txt';
         V_Client_Path := 'C:\Migration\EU_Applications\Lima\OAS_WorkArea\Client\Saveauftr.txt';
         IF WebUtil_File_Transfer.Is_AS_Readable(V_Server_Path) THEN
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              Message('Downloading the File ..... .... ... .. .');
              Message('Downloading Was Successfull ...');
              Message('File Transfer from Server Was Successfull ...');
         END IF;
    END IF;
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    You have more chances to get an answer in the Oracle Forms OTN Forum :

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    1) One way is checking the version and support pack applied.I.e,
    On the main SAP screen > Systems > Status > Check details of the "Component version".
    2) STMS > Double click on the system you need to check > Check the status of your request.

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    our application version 11.5.9
    database version
    here below some of the solutions i tried
    1.In JInitiator i have ticked the show java console.
    2.i added one 0 in run Java parameters before it has value :5000000 ..now it is having value :50000000
    3.in internetexplorer tools-->options i have deleted history,files& cookies..
    please reply me soon...
    here i attached the error
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.forms.engine.Main exception when loading: oracle.forms.engine.Main
         at sun.applet.JinitAppletPanel.createApplet(JinitAppletPanel.java:668)
         at sun.applet.JinitAppletPanel.runLoader(JinitAppletPanel.java:581)
         at sun.applet.JinitAppletPanel.run(Compiled Code)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:466)
    Edited by: user13098774 on May 11, 2010 2:17 AM
    Edited by: user13098774 on May 11, 2010 2:25 AM
    Very Urgence
    Edited by: user13098774 on May 11, 2010 3:15 AM

    Hi user;
    What is your browser? Other client can login EBS and can work on it?
    Please check:
    Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i [ID 285218.1]
    If you are using IE Also check :
    Tools > IE options>>Advanced >> Under Browsing >> unchecl Enable third-party browser extensions
    IE 6 Crashes When Oracle E-Business Suite Access JInitiator
    IE 6 Crashes When Oracle E-Business Suite Access JInitiator
    Oracle JInitiator + Forms + IE = Crash
    Oracle JInitiator + Forms + IE = Crash

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    Is it possible to Lunch one application from the client system using JSP or Servlet .If it is possible then how can we do that ?
    Thanks in advance

    If its a java application - yes. You can use jnlp and web start.

  • Client System login takes more time

    Hi Experts,
    I try to login to client system it always takes more time to connect with server, after login there is no problem. .. i also try Firewall disable, License configure settings, and also disable extra network port, but still facing problem. please help on this......................

    Hi Ashok,
    Thanks for your valuable reply.
    Still issue is not Resolved while i followed your steps. my user is accessing the  system from USA and my server kept in India and the system taking 5-6 Min for Login in SAP. that's the reason the my client forcing to fix the issue.
    After checking the some forum i had found the OSS Note :1135705, is it resolve my issue?
    If you have any information regarding OSS Note regarding this  issue please send me.
    Your Reply will help for me. Thanks in Advance.
    With Regards,
    Edited by: Baya Jo on Feb 22, 2012 1:41 PM

  • CTI OS Client Calltype

    . When I  am geting call on CTI OS agent desktop, the caltype is appearing as PREROUTE_ACD_IN instead of the last calltype used by the script. I have different calltype for each cuctomer option. I was expecting this same calltype will appear on calltype column in cti os client because this will help the agent to know which option the customer has selected. Please let me know this is possible or do I need to use PV to see the last calltype.

    This field is the type of call or general classification, not the last "Call Type" set in your scripting.  You can easily set a peripheral variable to the call type value, and pass it to the desktop.

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    I need to restrict a particular client system to access the database only by a specific user credentials. I mean system A(hostname) can only connect the database PQR only and only by user U123. Any help is sincerely appreciated.

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    Thanks for your reply.

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    My problem is I can't add the new server back to the pool and the Oracle VM Manager keep show me "SYSTEM OFFLINE"(I believe one of the Repository still belong to this server causing the problem which I can't see in the repository).
    Does anyone have the similar experience or any solution for this?
    Please help.

    883926 wrote:
    My problem is I can't add the new server back to the pool and the Oracle VM Manager keep show me "SYSTEM OFFLINE"(I believe one of the Repository still belong to this server causing the problem which I can't see in the repository). Can you issue a "Rediscover Server" from the context menu (right-click) on the server? Check the "Events" tab for details of any Critical warnings/events that cause the red icon. Also, perhaps try to delete the server in the UI and re-discover it.
    You may also be able to unpresent the repository from that server from the Repositories tab.

  • Difference between client system and logical system

    Hi all
    Can any one explain about the client system and logical system??
    When this message type will comes in to picture at the time idoc processing??
    Thanks and Regards
    Arun Joseph

    hi Arun,
    I am giving the complete info on idoc.pls chk once.then ur issue will be solved.ok
    and to know the diffrence between client and logical system very keenly go thru this link
    IDOC Administration
    Step 1: Tcode: WE 46
    Setting the Global Parameter for IDOC Interface
    Step 2: Maintaing a Logical System
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG, choose Sending and Recieving Systems,
    Logical Systems, Define Logical systems
    Go to Spro transaction
    Step 3: Allocating Logical systems to the Client
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG, choose Sending and Recieving Systems,
    Logical Systems, Assign Client to Logical systems
    Go to Spro transaction
    Step 4: Setting up an RFC destination
    Tcode: SM 59
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG, choose Communication, Define RFC
    You can also do the Advanced Settings in the RFC Destination
    Step 5: The PORT definition
    TCode: WE 21
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG, choose Sending and Recieving Systems,
    Systems in Network, Asynchronous Processing, Assign Ports, Define Port
    Step 6: Generating Partner Profiles
    TCode: BD 82
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, PArtner Profiles and Time of Processing, Generate Partner Profiles
    Step 7: Distributing the Model
    TCode: BD 64
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views
    Technques for Distributing the Master Data:
    Technique 1: The Push Approach
    Executing the Process:
    TCode: BD 10
    Path: from the ALE Main Menu, choose Material Data Distribution, Cross
    Application, Material, Send
    Technique 2: The Change Pointer Technique
    Enable Change Pointers Globally
    TCode: BD 61
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution, Replication of Modified Data, Activate
    Change Pointers
    Enable Change Pointers Globally
    TCode: BD 50
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution, Replication of Modified Data, Activate
    Change Pointers for Message Type
    Specify the Fields for which Change Pointers are to be written
    TCode: BD 52
    Path: From the ALE main Menu, Choose ALE Development, IDOCs, Change , Define
    Change-Relevant Fields
    How the Classification system works:
    Creating a Class Type
    TCode: O1 CL(it is CAPITAL O)
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Distribution using Object Classes, Maintain Class Types
    Maintaing Status for the Class Types:
    TCode: O1 CL(it is CAPITAL O)
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Distribution using Object Classes, Maintain Class Types
    Maintaing Classification Status:
    TCode: O1 CL(it is CAPITAL O)
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Distribution using Object Classes, Maintain Class Types
    Maintaing Classes:
    TCode: CL 01 (it is zero)
    TCode: O1 CL(it is CAPITAL O)
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Distribution using Object Classes, Maintain Classes
    Allocating classes to the Logical Syatems
    TCode: BD 68
    TCode: O1 CL(it is CAPITAL O)
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Distribution using Object Classes, Assign classes
    to Logical systems
    Filering at the IDOC level:
    Identify the Filter Object:
    TCode: BD 59
    Path: From the ALE main Menu, Choose ALE Development, IDOCs,Data Filtering, Assign Filter Objects
    Type to IDOC Field
    Modify the Distribution model
    How Segment Filtering Works:
    Configring the segment-filtering technique is a one-step process.Just specify the segments to be filtered
    TCode: BD 56
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Scope of the Data for Distribution, Filter IDOC Segments
    The Reduced IDOC Type:
    The reduced IDOC type allows to get down to the field level and specify the fields a recieving system does not need.
    The System still needs the fields, but this has no effect on the recieving system because each field has a null value,
    represented by a forward slash(/) in the field.
    TCode: BD 53
    Path: From the ALE Customizing in IMG,choose Modeling and Implemantation Business
    Process, MAster Data distribution,Scope of the Data for Distribution, Message Reduction,
    Create Reduced Message Type
    Complete Documentaion on any IDOC using TCode: WE 60
    IDOC Display Tool: TCode: WE 02 or WE 05
    IDOC DEfinition components:
    Segment Components:
    1. Segment Type (E1, Z1)
    2. Segment Definition(E2, Z2)
    3. Segment Documentation(E3, Z3)
    E- SAP Defined
    z- Custom Defined
    IDOC runtime componets:
    control Record:
    Data Record:
    Staus Record:
    First Create the Segments using TCode: WE 31
    and then create the IDOC using TCode: We3 30
    first release the segments and then IDOC.
    Creating a new Basic IDOC Type:
    STEP 1: Analyze the Data:
    STEP 2: Create Data Elements:
    STEP 3: Create Segments:
    STEP 4: Create Basic IDOC Type:
    1. Execute TCode: WE 30
    2. Select the Create new option and enter a description for your basic IDOC type
    3. click the IDOC name, and click the create icon.
    Enter the segment type and its attributes.
    4. Keep on adding the segments as in step 3.
    5. Save the basic IDOC type
    Step 5: Release the Segment Type and Basic IDOC Type
    STEP 6: Transport the Segments and Basic IDOC Type
    Extending a Basic IDOC type:
    STEP 1: Analyze the Data:
    STEP 2: Create Custom Segments:
    STEP 3: Create the IDOC Type:
    STEP 4: Release the custom Segment and IDOC Extension
    Develop the function module for fteching the Data and then inserting the data into IDOC using
    EDIDD(for control Record) and EDIDC table(for DATA Record)
    Configuring the Systen for IDOCs
    Configure an Outboubd Process that uses Message Control
    Step 1: Create a new Message Type
    TCode: We 81
    Path: From the Area menu of EDI, choose Development, IDOC Type/ Message
    Step 2: link the IDOC type to the Message Type
    TCode: We 82
    Path: From the Area menu of EDI, choose Development, IDOC Type/ Message
    Step 3: Create a new Process Code
    TCode: We 41
    Path: From the Area menu of EDI, choose Control,Outbound Process COde
    Step 4: Create or Change a Partner Profile
    TCode: We 41
    Path: From the Area menu of EDI, choose IDOC,Partner Profile
    Configure an Outboubd Process for Stand-Alone Programs
    1. Create a new message type
    2. Link the IDOC type to the Message Type
    3. Add the message to the ALE Distribution Model(use BD 64)
    4. Create or change the Partner Profile
    go through the following site to have screen shots.
    reward me points if usefull

  • How to open  .exe file located in server system by the client system

    i am using tomcat 5.0 as server and jsp as front end.
    I placed some of the software in the server system.I want to open the exe of those software from the client system when the user clicks the button.
    I am able to open them in the server system itself but if i try to open it from other system(client system using ip address of server system), the exe file gets opened and displayed in the server system only but not in the client system.
    any idea???
    Please help.
    Thanks & Regards,

    i am not using applets and downloading the software to clients machine is not required, the user has to click the "open software buttton" and it should get displayed in his system.
    anyhow can u give me some idea on using applets--- iam not good in applet coding.
    thanks & regards

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