Ctrl + t shortcut to enable quick rotations, resizing, etc.

In Photoshop 6.0, if I had the Move tool selected, I was able to make an outline with fouv squares appear around my image by pressing ctrl + t. I was then able to shrink the image, rotate it, etc., by grabbing the four squares that appeared around the image and moving them.
Ctrl + t no longer appears to work in CS6. Is there a new shortcut?         

You are right. It was not working for me because the layer was locked.

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    Depend on your description, users with site owner permission are unable to edit properties and delete page. The two options are disabled.
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    and Ctrl-Key shortcut attached.
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    Please execute the commands below to enable Quick Edit feature in Discussion board list:
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    $list = $web.Lists["listname"]
    $list.DisableGridEditing = $false
    Now you could use Quick Edit in Management view.
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    My code:
    SeekableStream input = new FileSeekableStream("C:\\S1000000.TIF");
    FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream
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    For Rotation....
    1) add the following function to your code.
    private RenderedImage rotate(int degrees, RenderedImage src, Interpolation interpRotate) {          
                             try {               
                                       float radians = (float)(degrees * (Math.PI/180.0F));
                                       ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
                                       src = (RenderedImage)JAI.create("rotate", pb, null);
                                       pb = new ParameterBlock();
                                       return (RenderedImage)JAI.create("translate", pb, null);
                             }catch (Exception e) {               
                                       return src;
    2. call this function before the "encoder.encode(ri);" line in your code. I pass "new InterpolationBilinear()" for the interpolation parameter of the function.
    For scaling...
    1) add the following lines to your code after or before you rotate the image.
    ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    pb.add(1.1F); //play with these 4 lines to make the image bigger or smaller (1.0F is actual size)
    pb.add(new InterpolationNearest() );
    t = (RenderedImage) JAI.create("scale",pb,null);
    hope this helps. Just play with it a bit. You'll get it.

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  • [SOLVED] Can't use CTRL+F shortcut on applications.

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    What can i do? I really need to use that shortcut.
    Really annoying.
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Hyugga (2011-03-11 01:36:49)

    I had something similar. Are you using .xbindkeysrc to use back/forward buttons in Dolphin and did you copy the directions from the Wiki? Wiki Link
    If so you will need to comment out the following lines in /home/yourusername/.xbindkeysrc
    # set directly keycode (here control + f with my keyboard)
    c:41 + m:0x4
    # specify a mouse button
    control + b:2
    Hope this helps.
    I see you figured it out yourself. Good one!
    Last edited by rotave (2011-03-11 01:42:31)

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    Last edited by kevin_chn (2011-05-01 16:57:30)

    You cannot add extra panels to the Gnome shell, and panel applets have been antiquated. Dash is a pain, as I can just about get 5 icons on there on my 10.1" netbook screen, but I'm looking into resizing the icons.
    You can add a button to your windows for minimising your windows using the gnome-tweak-tool from the AUR. Minimised windows can be 're-appeared' from the Activites pane. The default theme is horrible, and the gnome-tweak-tool lets you change that.
    Other netbook users are probably fed up with thier screens being hogged by enormous title bars, which can be rectified with
    sudo sed -i "/title_vertical_pad/s/value=\"[0-9]\{1,2\}\"/value=\"0\"/g" /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml
    which reduces the title bar padding. You have to restart your shell by pressing Alt+F2 and typing "r [enter]"
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