CUA, SSO and Portal

Hi Guys,
I'm a security guy, with CUA, Portal and SSO - but when it comes to installation of CUA and SSO with Portal, I have some gaps in my knowledge, so I could use a little help.  Thanks in advance.
My client is implementing a non SAP SSO solution.  As I've seen it before, it would be best to have that solution authenticate to the EP, and have EP issue tickets to the various SAP systems, and set up the SSO in that fashion.  Would I be correct in my line of thought and do you have any more information on this?
Second, in my experience, CUA and SSO are quite separate, and so you don't need to implement one prior to the other.  Would I be correct on this line of thought as well?
Third, on the Portal, is there a note number or a document from SAP that illustrates how to go about integrating Portal into CUA?  I know that the portal roles are Java based and assigned via the UME, whereas CUA would have regular SAP roles. 
Santosh Krishnan

Damn. You were faster than me, but I still want to add a comment.
Santosh et. al. are not migrating a CUA to an IdM - this migration is easily done by adding the IdM as the "front-end" to the CUA and then switching the managed systems over to direct provisioning one at a time, without stress. That is standard procedure and works.
What is being done here is to implement a CUA for the business logic of the ABAP systems and use "catching screens" as the front-end to be able to distribute the password to non-ABAP systems as well simulate a "real" IdM with a crow's nest of overhead in the background for the basis folks to take care of and maintain.
Not a good idea, and I can already see all the "catching IDocs" involved, or even the dependency on being able to do so.
Clear design error (in the year 2010) and bad investment in available technology (in the year 2010 as well).
I would go for an IdM (regardless of the vendor) with all the agents supported for current and planned systems' APIs being used (regardless of the vendor) and a standards based SSO technology compatible with the various worlds on site (as regardless as possible of the legacy vendor support).
Whether that is PSE's, Kerberos or SAML does not really matter much when decentral password synchronization is still considered as an option for human owners of system identities.
Hopefully Santosh will keep us updated, but I would also understand if this for what-ever reasons was not allowed.
My customers also dont permit me to post everything while they are still using the odd FM or two...

Similar Messages

  • SSO and portal timeout  -- other bug?

    ...this is very probably related to the other post talking about SSO and portal timeout...
    I am having another weird issue with dotnet portlets that uses inline refresh (done automatically by dotnet accelerator) and SSO.
    When you let the portal session expire, and then click on a button/link within a portlet (hence generate an inline refresh gatewayed request), the full portal window (header/footer etc...) appears within the portlet, instead of the portlet content alone.
    I did some http traces (see below) and it seems the problem is due to the windows SSOLogin.aspx (we are using windows auth SSO) not taking the requested portlet gatewayed request url as a post login redirect info... but taking instead the current page url (which is wrong)
    Thus, after the gatewayed portlet request is successfully authenticated by the SSOLogin.aspx component, it is automatically redirected to the wrong urll...making the full portal page refresh into the portlet.
    So my question is: have anyone already seen such behavior? And has anything been done to fix this?
    It really seems like a bug with the SSO servlet...but maybe i am doing something wrong...Just want to have your thoughts on this.
    HTTP Trace:
    POST     302     Redirect to /portal/sso/SSOLogin.aspx?in_hi_userid=15046&space=CommunityPage&parentid=1&cached=false&control=SetCommunity&PageID=0&CommunityID=205&parentname=Login
    GET     401     text/html
    GET     401     text/html
    GET     302     Redirect to
    GET     200     text/html; charset=utf-8

    I have this happen in v6.0 sp1. We have worked around the problem with a bit of work and synchronization of settings. Below, I've outlined how we've worked around the problem (which is indeed a problem that should be fixed). Also, if you have a load balancer, you'll need to set your session timeout on the load balancer to a bit more than the refresh rate that you set for your communities and My Pages.
    Resolving the Portlet Timeout / Refresh Problem in ALUI Portal_
    Problem: Users occasionally receive the portal page within a portlet error
    Cause: The root cause has not been determined; however it appears that the primary event that exhibits the behavior is when a teammember’s session has expired on the portal server and they then utilize a .NET form-based portlet which refreshes in place. Because we are using WIA SSO to enable automatic logins to the portal, it makes the error seem to occur randomly.
    The workaround solution is to – 1) increase the portal session timeout on the portal web servers from the default 20min to 4 hours, and 2) set the MyPage refresh interval setting for all portal users to 3 hours. The setting name is a bit of a misnomer, as it will actually refresh the entire portal page automatically if the user is idle on either a My Page or a Community Page, as these are the only two places that portlets reside.
    Increasing the portal session timeout:
    The portal session timeout is controlled in two places, and both settings should match. On the portal virtual directory in IIS, edit the configuration and increase the timeout setting to 240 (minutes). Then, edit the portal application’s web.config file (d:\portal\ptportal\6.0\webapp\portal\web\) and increase the sessionState Timeout variable to 240. Editting the config file will require you to restart the services before you see the change.
    Initial setting of the MyPage refresh interval:
    The initial setting will need to be done by a SQL script in order to apply it to all existing users. The Default Profile should also be updated so that all new user synched from AD will have this setting applied automatically.
    /* Delete refresh interval settings for all users first so that there are no conflicts on the inserts */
    DELETE FROM portaldbuser.ptprefs WHERE prefname = 'intMyPageRefreshRate'
    /* Insert desired page refresh setting for all users */
    INSERT INTO portaldbuser.ptprefs (userid,gadgetid,prefclassid,prefobjectid,prefname,prefvaluetype,prefvalue,pagenumber) SELECT objectid,0,0,0,'intMyPageRefreshRate',3,180,0 FROM portaldbuser.ptusers
    From Administration, access the Default Profiles utility. Check the Default Profile entry and click on the Edit Profile Layout link. Click on the My Account link in the Portal Settings portlet and then on the Display Options link on the next page. In the Page and Portlet Settings, update the Your My Page will be updated: setting to 4 hours. Click Finish twice to return to Administration.
    Updating the MyPage refresh interval:
    To update the setting just modify the insert portion of the SQL script. Change the prefvalue number (180) to the desired timeout in minutes and rerun both statements of the script.
    The Default Profile should be also be modified per the instructions above.
    I hope this helps...

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  • SSO between Portal Application and Portal Admin Tool

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement for implementing SSO between a Portal application and
    Portal admin tool.
    We are using WL Portal 8.1 SP4.
    Here is the reason for this requirement -
    A user logged-into Portal Application needs to login to Portal Admin tool to
    do some admin activity. We want to provide a link in the portal application
    using which the user can directly login to the Portal Admin tool without
    having to enter the credentials again.
    If someone has any info on how to implement this, can you please point me in
    the right direction.

    When creating PP you have 2 options
    PP used for compiling and PP used for Building
    You create PP with all the libraries into Developing/Compiling Other DCs
    And another PP with all the libraries into can be packaged into other build results (SDAs).
    Once you have these 2 PP in place you add the DC as used DC.
    And this should resolve the issue.
    Hope this helps.

  • SSo between Portal 6.0 and  Portal 7.0

    We want to enable single sign on between Portal 6.0 and  Portal 7.0.
    Our scenario is, In Portal 7.0 on click of  role or workset, Portal 6.0 have to be opened in a new window without asking user ID and Password.
    What are the steps, I need to follow to achieve this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Bala,
    This [thread|Re: SSO between ep6 and ep7]should give you a kick start.
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • SSO between Portal and Nakia.....problem with SSO... library not found..

    Hi Sdn's  and Nakisa tehnical experts,
    We have a Portal environment 7.02 , a Nakisa environment 3.0  (CE) and and HR backend environment 701 (604).
    We are busy setting up SSO between Portal and Nakisa via the, URL iview for the Org chart (http://<host>:<port>OrgChart/default.jsp).
    We have done as indicated in wiki:
    We are however stil having issues with the SSO and in the cds.log the following is being displayed:
    ++01 Aug 2011 13:11:42 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.mysap.sso.SSO2Ticket : Could not load library: sapsecu.dll - java.lang.Exception: MySapInitialize failed: rc= 14null++
    ++01 Aug 2011 13:11:42 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : java.lang.Exception: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0++
    ++01 Aug 2011 13:11:42 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Internal error (9) - No SSF error (0)++
    Can someone indicate what I am doing wrong?
    Regards Dries

    Hi Luke,
    thanks a lot for your help so far.
    I have created a root/XML folder under the diretory, and the path is now as follows:
    It seems like it finds the verify.pse, but not the library, sapsecu.dll.
    My credentials.xml file is as follows:
    <assembly name="SapSso"/>
        <item name="PseFilePath">XML\verify.pse</item>
        <item name="SsfLibFilePath">XML\sapsecu.dll</item>
        <item name="PsePassword"></item>
        <item name="WindowsPlatform">64</item>
        <item name="TicketFile"></item>
        <item name="Base64decode">true</item>
    I however stilll get the following in the cds.log
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:53 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - Tenant ID: 000
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - LoginSettingsObject Load: 1719
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Credential provider SapSso
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Using cert: K:\usr\sap\NKP\J14\j2ee\cluster\apps\Nakisa\OrgChart\servlet_jsp\OrgChart\root\XML\verify.pse
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Ticket is: AjExMDAgAA9wb3J0YWw6eXNzZWxhZ2OIABNiYXNpY2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uAQAIWVNTRUxBR0MCAAMwMDADAANEUDkEAAwyMDExMDgxNTExNDcFAAQAAAAICgAIWVNTRUxBR0P%2FAQQwggEABgkqhkiG9w0BBwKggfIwge8CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGBzzCBzAIBATAiMB0xDDAKBgNVBAMTA0RQOTENMAsGA1UECxMESjJFRQIBADAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoF0wGAYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQUxDxcNMTEwODE1MTE0NzIwWjAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUK13ubzFiQrY4H%2FLRk2ysyvPSvccwCQYHKoZIzjgEAwQuMCwCFF1W9d!tAjLvP8dnb1bs4XghaHSBAhQ9kd9N!bJubUWITtkzU!za96lxNg%3D%3D
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Version of SAPSSOEXT: SAPSSOEXT 4
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : SCUE LIB base path is:
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.mysap.sso.SSO2Ticket : Could not load library: sapsecu.dll - java.lang.Exception: MySapInitialize failed: rc= 14null
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : java.lang.Exception: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Internal error (9) - No SSF error (0)
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User to authenticate null
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Authentication provider SapSso
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User authenticated null
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Authentication row is {SapSsoTicket=AjExMDAgAA9wb3J0YWw6eXNzZWxhZ2OIABNiYXNpY2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uAQAIWVNTRUxBR0MCAAMwMDADAANEUDkEAAwyMDExMDgxNTExNDcFAAQAAAAICgAIWVNTRUxBR0P%2FAQQwggEABgkqhkiG9w0BBwKggfIwge8CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGBzzCBzAIBATAiMB0xDDAKBgNVBAMTA0RQOTENMAsGA1UECxMESjJFRQIBADAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoF0wGAYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQUxDxcNMTEwODE1MTE0NzIwWjAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUK13ubzFiQrY4H%2FLRk2ysyvPSvccwCQYHKoZIzjgEAwQuMCwCFF1W9d!tAjLvP8dnb1bs4XghaHSBAhQ9kd9N!bJubUWITtkzU!za96lxNg%3D%3D}
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User population provider is Database
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - FunctionRunner : ensurePool : Current pool size:0
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - FunctionRunner : ensurePool : Current pool size:0
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - FunctionRunner.executeFunctionDirect: /NAKISA/RFC_REPORT took: 266ms
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - BAPI_SAP_OTFProcessor_Report :  WhereClause : ( (Userid is null) or (Userid='') ); Table : (SAP_UserPopulation); Dataelement : (UserPopulationInfo)
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User populated
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Role mapping provider is: SAP
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - SAPRoleMapping_SAP.MapRoles() : while trying to invoke the method java.lang.String.toUpperCase() of an object loaded from local variable 'value'
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Login process finished with errors
    Any ideas? Should I maybe hardcode the location in the credentials.xml?
    Kind regards
    Dries Yssel

  • SSO between Portal and Java WD application

    Hi Experts,
    I am using CE 7.2 on localhost and I am very new to SAP.
    I need to know how can I get SSO between Portal and Java WD.  I have a WD application that displays the logged in user using "IUser currentUser = WDClientUser.getCurrentUser().getSAPUser()", as well I can use "IUser user = UMFactory.getAuthenticator().getLoggedInUser()".  Both work.
    Q1. What is the difference in the 2 above?
    Q2. My WD application is set to authenticate user.  The WD application is in URL iView.  I need SSO between Portal and WD application.   Is there a way to get this SSO without SAP Backend (ECC), for now I just need SSO between Portal and Java WD appl.
    Everything is in localhost.
    Please advice. Thanks.

    > need to know how can I get SSO between Portal and Java WD.
    Then I suggest you ask your question in the Web Dynpro Java forum instead of the Web Dynpro ABAP one.

  • Different ways to establish SSO between Portal and ADP

    We are implementing payroll with the help of ADP.
    Please let me know different ways of establishing SSO between portal  and ADP
    Bala Duvvuri

    You may a few issues. SSO with logon tickets is based on accessing web sites in the same domain. So, if the portal is on, then the web site being accessed needs to have a URL like Is the ADP system accessible by a DNS alias that is within If so, you're OK. If not, then there will be problems.
    The other SSO method is user mapping, but the security implications are not good...

  • SSO between CE 7.1 and Portal 7.0!

    Hi ,
    I am accessing a WebService deployed on Portal 7.0 server from an EJB deployed on CE 7.1 server.
    Can anyone please provide me some documents or steps to configure SSO between CE 7.1 and Portal 7.0 if the UserIds on both the servers are the same.
    P.S.: Try searching and/or SDN first

  • SSO and ITS

    We are trying to setup SSO for SAP System. Our architecture looks like this:
    3rd party logon mechanism(via web) --> ITS --> Web Dispatcher --> WAS (BSP's)
    We did extensive research and found that ITS might enable us to do that. But we are not clear if SNC is a must (Which we don't want to do). The documenation is not clear. The current URL without SSO points to Web Dispatcher which get us the bsp pages from the WAS.
    Following is what we want to achieve:
    1. Users will logon to the 3rd party logon mechanism via web(software is installed with APACHE 2.0)
    2. once users are authenticated we need to pass the ID via HTTP header or any other method available to logon to SAP BSP Pages.
    Currently users can logon to 3rd party software which redirects to the BSP application and requests user id and password.
    We are wondering if anyone has done this sort of setup.

    For SSO concept visit (You can also find usage in EP)
    <b>Usage across portal:</b>
    Normally Portal provides you a page which has content from different backend applications. Portal actually provides single point of entry to these applications which reside outside Portal. Now with Single SingOn feature user does not have to logon to backend application again. That means when he clicks a link on Portal which points to Backend application, he does not have to enter user and password again for that application.
    for more info
    Some fundas related to SSO with portal
    What is meant by "SSO across multiple domains"
    some usefull blog
    Step-By-Step Guide to implement Application Integrator
    Hope that helps

  • Midtier removal of Forms and Reports and Portal failing

    I am having an issue removing the midtier of a forms/Report/BI and portal midtier,
    The hang and I am recieving the following message in a deconfigportal.log.
    Invoking OPCA in DEINSTALL mode with the following arguments :
    Install Mode : DEINSTALL
    Portal Schema : portal
    Connect String : cn=orcl,cn=oraclecontext
    OID Host : hresources
    OID Port : 389
    OID Admin DN : cn=orcladmin
    Use SSL to OID : N
    Drop mode : midtier
    STEP 1 : Deleting Portal Partner application
    Parameters passed to SSO registration tool :
    param0:-oracle_home_path param1:D:\Oracle\CoreMid param2:-config_sdk_papp param3:TRUE param4:-papp_schema param5:portal param6:-old_lsn_token param8:-update_mode param9:DELETE param10:-papp_password param11:**** param12:-pappDBConnect param13:cn=orcl,cn=oraclecontext param14:-ssoDBConnect param15:cn=orcl,cn=oraclecontext param16:-pass param17:**** param18:-schema param19:orasso_pa
    Check D:\Oracle\CoreMid\sso\log\ssoreg.log for details of this registration
    SSO registration tool failed. Please check the log file D:\Oracle\CoreMid\sso\log\ssoreg.log, correct the problem and re-run the tool.
    STEP 2 : Deleting Portal DAD
    STEP 3 : UDDI deinstallation
    STEP 4 : Ultrasearch deinstallation
    Anyone know how to get around this.

    And what does D:\Oracle\CoreMid\sso\log\ssoreg.log say?

  • BOBJ SAP Integration with Active Directory SSO via Portal

    Hi all,
    We are only interating BOBJ with BW/BI and the user experience is as follows:
    Users login to the SAP Portal using their Windows Active Directory user id and password to gain access to the portal.
    From my understanding at the moment, the way the interation kit works is that the BOBJ system is configured as per the manual importing the SAP roles and SAP users who will access the Crystal reports via either GUI or Portal.
    My question is: When creating a Crystal report is created, the connection details use SAP login credentials and in the CMC the SSO option can be set so that the SAP user who has logged onto GUI or Portal can launch the report... this is fine and works as intended taken that the user logged on with his/her SAP login. As per the user experience above, users log in using their AD Login into Portal, and never use GUI, where this in theory is SSO into Portal. So how does one get past the login screens (BOBJ and database) while preserving AD SSO to SAP and BOBJ?
    Any guidance, documents or comments will be much appreciated.

    yes it is possible:
    take a look at the blogs I did on the install and configuration (specially the SAP Authentication):
    BusinessObjects and SAP - Installation and Configuration Part 1 of 4
    Install Part #1
    BusinessObjects and SAP - Installation and Configuration Part 2 of 4
    Install Part #2
    BusinessObjects and SAP - Installation and Configuration Part 3 of 4
    Install Part #3
    BusinessObjects and SAP - Installation and Configuration Part 4 of 4
    Install Part #4
    BusinessObjects and SAP - Configure SAP Authentication
    SAP Authentication
    Important here is that:
    - the BI System is configured to accept tickets
    - the portal and BI system are configured as trusted system
    - the SAP authentication is configured

  • SSO from Portal to a ITS (standalone) to the R/3 backend

    Dear all,
    I have the following situation:
    1. I have successfully installed SSO between Portal and the Backend system. That works fine.
    PORTAL -> D98 (R/3 System with 4.7)
    2. The backend system has no ITS because it's SAP R/3 4.7 without ITS.
    PORTAL -> ITS (Standalone) -> D98 (R/3 4.7)
    I have to create now a connection from the SAP Portal to the ITS and so on in the backend system with SSO.
    Which settings are necessary to create SSO over a ITS system like this:
    PORTAL -> ITS (Standalone) -> D98 (R/3 4.7)
    Who could help me?
    Thanks for your effort.
    Kind regards,

    Dear Ansar,
    Sorry, but I don't find this note.
    Note 56691
    Could you please give me the right note?
    Thanks a lot for your help and your effort.
    Kind regards,

  • SSO and JavaScript

    Hi all,
    does any one of you know about any restriction or any other issue involving SSO and JavaScript?
    We have a web app in an OC4J instance, which uses JSP and JavaScript.
    When SSO is disabled for the application, everything goes well. But when SSO is active, the page loads a lot slower, and the IE browser always shows the error icon when any component tries to execute Javascript.
    Any ideas about this issue?
    Oracle AS 10g (9.4.1)
    Win 2000 SP4
    IE 6.0 SP1
    Thanks a Lot in advance.
    Have a nice day.

    It is simpler to do from server side as follows. Place below line
    inside Page_Load event of any portal component:

  • SSO and ABAP Web Services

    I am opening this thread on behalf of my colleague Bala regarding SSO and ABAP Web Services.
    We have gone through single sign on options and found several options are available within 5.0.
    We would like to know the options available for SAP ABAP web services access from a Non-SAP system with user authorization but without Portal/ITS installation.
    Also I would like to avoid any hard coding of user id in Non-SAP system .
    Could you provide any information.

    We have gone through single sign on options and found several options are available within 5.0.
    Tell me what are the several options and what is your Non-SAP system?
    without Portal/ITS installation.
    ITS is now an integral part of ECC 5.0 system. So would not need a seperate installation, unlike earlier versions.

Maybe you are looking for