Custom Client Settings- Need assistance selecting inventoried file types please

Is this the correct syntax? *msi,*pdf etc wild card and commas included?
Phil Balderos

Also, are you sure you really want to do *.exe and *.dll?
These generally provide limited if any value and bloat your DB as well as suck up client resources.
Jason | | @jasonsandys
I choose those because I saw them on a step by step how to for this. I would be grateful for any recommendation. What do you all suggest?
Phil Balderos

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    Create a link using the Link tool
    Choose Tools > Content > Link. The pointer becomes a cross hair, and any existing links in the document, including invisible links, are temporarily visible.
    Drag a rectangle where you want to create a link. This is the area in which the link is active.
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           Open A Web Page
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    Hi George,
    I just tried adding the files as attachments; however I didn't like doing that because it increased the file size of my PDF document quite a bit. 
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    Inventory: *********************** Start of message processing. ***********************
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Message type is InventoryAction InventoryAgent
    7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM 6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Temp directory = C:\Windows\CCM\Inventory\Temp\
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Clearing old collected files. InventoryAgent
    7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM 6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Opening store for action {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002} ...
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    InventoryVersionNumber for '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}' not found.
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    CInvState::VerifyInventoryVersionNumber: Couldn't get version number for '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}': 80070490
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Delta report without a previous Full report; will do a Full report.
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Action=Software, ReportType=Full, MajorVersion=1, MinorVersion=0
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
    Inventory: Initialization completed in 0.344 seconds
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:42:41 PM
    6376 (0x18E8)
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    Inventory: Message [Type=InventoryAction, ActionID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}, Report=Delta] already in queue. Message ignored.
    InventoryAgent 7/16/2014 2:59:47 PM
    1032 (0x0408)
    No change in about an hour since then.
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    Thank you in advance.

     I began to do some research and found that I had to turn on a series of items in Asset Intelligence > Edit Inventory Class, which I did.
    Software Inventory and Asset intelligence (hardware inv.) are unrelated. Just be patient - it might take some time.
    Torsten Meringer |

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    Using LabVIEW 8.6.1.
    Go to Solution.

    Instead of using the file path control, try using the Fial Dialog Express VI. This will bring up the same dialog box but will allow you much more flexibility. Replace your file path control with a button ("Specify Path" in my example code):

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    Here is a helpdoc. Follow the instructions. Then contact Adobe if you still need assistance.
    Find your serial number quickly
    We are forum volunteers and not Adobe Staff, so we have nothing to do with serial numbers.

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    Juan Dent

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    There is more than one way to skin a cat! Library module Photo>Develop Settings (see screen shot). There are even keyboard shortcuts. The Copy /Paste Settings commands can also be found in the Develop module under the Settings menu.
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    Thank you!
    Andrea L. 

    We are listening and want to help you! I am sorry to hear of the issues you're experiencing with your door lock. We appreciate you trusting us to help keep your home secure. Our Customer Support Leadership would like to expedite the resolution of this matter. Please share a little more information by clicking here to send Digital Life a private message. In your message please include:
    Your name
    Account number
    Contact number
    Thank you again for the gift of feedback. Not only do we look forward to resolving this matter, but we will also use this opportunity to further improve our overall customer experience.

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    We don't care how big the original is; it is the length that matters. Take your limit of 500MB and multiply by 1024 to get megabits. Divide that number by the length in seconds of your movie. That is your bitrate in megabits per second. Duplicate one of the best-quality presets and change the bitrate. Make sure all the high quality options are on.

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    You should be able to check by opening the Attachments panel on the left (paperclip icon) and looking at the file extension.

  • Need to setup Premiere CS6 sequence for two file types with different field orders

    I have a client who has shot video for me using two cameras, one camera was set to progressive, and the other to interlaced upper field first. I need to use both file types in the edit and have been struggling to set up the sequence to get the best look for the end product, a DVD. I have several videos to do for her that were all shot in the same way, so I need a solution!
    I would appreciate help figuring out how to set up this work flow from beginning to end.
    Should I convert one of the files from the beginning so they match field orders before going into a sequence? Or do I just need to do some adjusting of the files once they are in the sequence? Is it just as simple as changing the transcode settings to favor the upper field first? I'm definitely having issues once the video is transcoded in Encore and you can see a lot of jagged edges and lines especially during movement. My client isn't happy and I've tried several workarounds, but to no avail.
    Here are the two file types I have:
    File extension: .MOV
    H.264, 1920x1080, Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 48000 Hz, stereo
    FPS 29.97
    No Fields: Progressive Scan
    File extension: .MTS (my Mac finder can't read these files, but they are read in Premiere)
    Image Size: 1920 x 1080
    Frame Rate: 29.97
    Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - 6 channels
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
    Upper Field First
    I am using Adobe Premiere CS 6.0.2
    Encore 6.0.1
    Media Encoder
    I am running it on an iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011
    with Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
    Processor  3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Graphics  AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
    I've just been setting the sequence to match the .MOV files since they look much better than the .MTS files. I've done the opposite as well, setting the sequence to match the .MTS files and it doesn't seem to help. I've also changed the field order of the files once they are in the sequence by changing the field options and have tried converting the .MTS files in the Media Encoder, but nothing I've done has worked.
    Any help would be so appreciated! The client I have is a photographer, so she wasn't aware of this issue when she first shot these videos. So I have 10 videos with these issues I need to get back to her, hopefully issue free! I'm struggling as an editor because my last job I was using FCP and was working with videographers who knew what they were doing, so I've never faced such problems before. Plus I'm new to the Adobe software. Not a good combination. Please forgive me if I didn't give all the information you need. I will happily respond with whatever more information you may need to help me out!

    I wonder if you could do your edit ignoring any visual issues of the interlaced footage but keeping the different sources separate ( checkerboard edit Vid 1/ Vid 2 )
    Lock it down then export the interlaced part of the edit as a Digital Intermediate.
    Maybe Export the other source as well to the same codec. DI
    Bring them back together in a New Sequence. You wold have to deal with the black spacing.

  • File Select Popup not restricing multiple file types

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    FileSelectPopup ("", "*.*", "*.tif;*.pcx;*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle;*.ico;*.jpg;*.png;*.wmf;*.emf", "Select picture file", VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 0,pic_file_name); //Extension Not Required
    But when this is ran, it prompts the user showing all file types and all file types are allowed.
    Doing the following:
    FileSelectPopup ("", 
    "*.tif;*.pcx;*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle;*.ico;*.jpg;*.png;*.wmf;*.emf", "Select
    picture file", VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 0,pic_file_name); //Extension not required
    The prompt shows only those file-types, but the default stays on .emf and the user must select the correct file-type at the bottom they are trying to select.
    If I do the following (with commas and restrict file-extension):
    FileSelectPopup ("", "*.tif;*.pcx;*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle;*.ico;*.jpg;*.png;*.wmf;*.emf", "*.tif,*.pcx,*.bmp,*.dib,*.rle,*.ico,*.jpg,*.png,*.wmf,*.emf", "Select picture file", VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 1, 1, 0,pic_file_name); //using commas
    It shows the correct files, but when clicking one, it says the file-type must be .emf
    The only workign way I found was to do the last statement, but not restrict the file-extension.  (This would give the user the option to change the file-type)
    What I want is the file-type allowed list to be one of those file-types, only show files with those extensions and not require/allow the user to select which file-type they will choose.
    Can this not be done?

    I see no way of customizing FileSelectPopup the way you want: either you restrict extensions, and you are limited to "Default file spec" contents (in case you put a filetype list in this field, the last one is used, as you already noted) or you allow to change extensions, but the user must choose which one to use an "*.*" is always present.
    I am afraid you will need to post-process operator's choice and prompt again in case of non-allowed extension.
    As an alternative you can use the toolbox path control, which can be tailored the way you want but it isn't as easy for the operator as FileSelectPopup. It iìultimately is a string control with customized features to offer an alternative in selecting files / paths. You can tailor it by doing so:
        SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_STRING, "c:\\myDefaultPath");
        errChk (NewPathCtrl (panelHandle, PANEL_STRING, 15, 1));
        SetPathCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_STRING, ATTR_PATH_CTRL_FILE_FILTER, "*.bmp;*.ico");
    This control permits you a limited filetype choice but forces the user to more impactive operability to select the desired file.
    There is a sample project that  uses this control in <sampledir>\userint\custctrl\pathctrl.
    Another alternative is the File Browser toolslib control: a customized tree control which can be restricted to multiple file types; it is relatively slow on large file systems -at least at the first execution.
    The control maintains the native context menu of the original tree control: I suppose this can be tailored as in native control but I haven't tested it: if it's possibleit may help the user in finding the correct file to select.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Client Settings and RBAC

    When we first setup RBAC, we created a Departmental Admin role that could create, modify and delete...basically was given all of the permissions for the Client Settings class since the objects are securable via scope therefore Departmental
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    Yes, I know this is an old post, but I’m trying to clean them up. Did you solve this problem, if so what was the solution?
    Within the CM12 R2 Toolkit, look at RBAview, this will help you understand what each user can or can’t do.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

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