Custom color with Slog3 gamma

New to the FS7. Bought Doug Jensen's book, which is great. I'm not a DP but a director and editor who also handles the grade. Question: Is it "acceptable" to shoot in the custom color profile, and then set your gamma to slog3? Does this get you anything? We shot some outdoor run and gun stuff over the weekend in Cine EI, sgmut3.cine/slog3.  Looks good post-grade as a decent first-pass; I'm just wondering if there is anything gained by shooting custom with slog3? More control? Or does that make using slog3 more complicated?

The obvious disadvantage to shooting slog3 in Custom mode is that you can't use LUTs in camera as an exposure tool.
Also, you can't really (properly) use any LUTs designed for slog3/sGamut3.cine in post... because although your gamma in Custom mode is slog3, your colours are likely handled by Matrix settings that the LUT isn't expecting, and so the results post-LUT might look off.
There was also talk and tests on the F5/F55 sub-forum by Dennis Hingsberg suggesting (proving?) that slog3 in Custom isn't actually the same as slog3 in CineEI... it is slightly off. I assume this would be the same with the FS7.
The things you gain by shooting custom mode are in-camera noise reduction, full custom white balance and in-camera image sharpening controls/Matrix controls etc.

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    In an AICustomColor, there is a variable AICustomColorTag, where you can choose kCustomFourColor (CMYK) , kCustomThreeColor (RGB), or kCustomLabColor (LAB), but there doesn't seem to be any way to tag a color swatch as a Book Color. If you just drag a color from a color book within Illustrator to the swatch list, it is tagged as a book color automatically. At least it is in mine... give it a try. When I create a color swatch programmatically as a lab color or whatever, I can then double click the swatch within Illustrator and change it manually to a Book color.
    There's actually a function in the AISwatchLibrariesSuite called FindStandardBookColor, that I'm using to look up a color definition from the color books by name, but it doesn't pull the "Book Color" tag with it, just the CMYK definition.

  • Defining the color index (populate the color palette with custom colors in an orderly manner)

    In Excel 2003 I used the following lines (see BELOW) to populate my color palate (in an orderly manner) with custom colors.
    It appears that these commands did not make the migration to Excel 2013.
    Could someone please help me with the fix.
    THANX for your time... Frank
    With ActiveWorkbook 'This defines the COLOR INDEX
       .Colors(1) = RGB(150, 0, 0)            'Red 1
       .Colors(2) = RGB(255, 255, 255)      'Black 5 WHITE
       .Colors(3) = RGB(255, 145, 145)        'Red 3
       .Colors(4) = RGB(193, 255, 193)      'Green 4
       .Colors(5) = RGB(0, 0, 255)           'Blue 2
       .Colors(6) = RGB(255, 255, 215)     'Yellow 4
       .Colors(7) = RGB(255, 195, 195)        'Red 4
       .Colors(8) = RGB(175, 255, 255)       'Cyan 4
       .Colors(9) = RGB(255, 0, 0)            'Red 2
       .Colors(10) = RGB(0, 180, 0)         'Green 2
       .Colors(11) = RGB(0, 0, 128)          'Blue 1
       .Colors(12) = RGB(255, 255, 0)      'Yellow 2
       .Colors(13) = RGB(255, 0, 255)     'Magenta 3
       .Colors(14) = RGB(51, 204, 204)       'Cyan 2
       .Colors(15) = RGB(241, 241, 245)     'Black 4 Gray
       .Colors(16) = RGB(200, 200, 200)     'Black 2 Gray
    '   .Colors(17) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(18) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(19) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(20) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(21) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(22) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(23) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(24) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(25) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(26) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(27) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(28) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(29) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(30) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(31) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '   .Colors(32) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
       .Colors(33) = RGB(205, 205, 255)      'Blue 4
       .Colors(34) = RGB(230, 255, 255)      'Cyan 5
       .Colors(35) = RGB(235, 255, 235)     'Green 5
       .Colors(36) = RGB(255, 255, 235)    'Yellow 5
       .Colors(37) = RGB(225, 225, 255)      'Blue 5
       .Colors(38) = RGB(255, 235, 235)       'Red 5
       .Colors(39) = RGB(251, 235, 255)   'Magenta 5
       .Colors(40) = RGB(255, 237, 225)    'Orange 5
       .Colors(41) = RGB(97, 97, 255)        'Blue 3
       .Colors(42) = RGB(0, 255, 255)        'Cyan 3
       .Colors(43) = RGB(255, 255, 159)    'Yellow 3
       .Colors(44) = RGB(255, 225, 97)     'Orange 4
       .Colors(45) = RGB(255, 172, 51)     'Orange 3
       .Colors(46) = RGB(255, 102, 0)      'Orange 2
       .Colors(47) = RGB(204, 0, 255)     'Magenta 2
       .Colors(48) = RGB(225, 225, 225)     'Black 3 Gray
       .Colors(49) = RGB(0, 128, 128)        'Cyan 1
       .Colors(50) = RGB(0, 255, 0)         'Green 3
       .Colors(51) = RGB(0, 122, 0)         'Green 1
       .Colors(52) = RGB(223, 218, 0)      'Yellow 1
       .Colors(53) = RGB(188, 76, 0)       'Orange 1
       .Colors(54) = RGB(255, 153, 255)   'Magenta 4
       .Colors(55) = RGB(102, 0, 102)     'Magenta 1
       .Colors(56) = RGB(0, 0, 0)           'BLACK 1
    End With

    Hi Peter,
    THANK YOU for your reply.
    I have just enough VBA skills to get myself into trouble PLUS it's been a LONG time since (with any regularity) I've written any subRoutines.
    I'm getting a Compile Error: Can't assign to array... and... "arrPal =" is HIGHLIGHTED (in the  arrPal = ActiveWorkbook.Colors   statement)
    I should probably mention that the ColorPalate code resides (along side) with other code... in a macro subroutine that configures Excel for the way I work.
    The code I used is BELOW
    THANX for your time... Frank
        With ActiveWorkbook 'This defines the COLOR INDEX
            Dim arrPal(1 To 56) As Long
            arrPal = ActiveWorkbook.Colors
               arrPal(1) = RGB(150, 0, 0)            'Red 1
               arrPal(2) = RGB(255, 255, 255)      'Black 5 WHITE
               arrPal(3) = RGB(255, 145, 145)        'Red 3
               arrPal(4) = RGB(193, 255, 193)      'Green 4
               arrPal(5) = RGB(0, 0, 255)           'Blue 2
               arrPal(6) = RGB(255, 255, 215)     'Yellow 4
               arrPal(7) = RGB(255, 195, 195)        'Red 4
               arrPal(8) = RGB(175, 255, 255)       'Cyan 4
               arrPal(9) = RGB(255, 0, 0)            'Red 2
               arrPal(10) = RGB(0, 180, 0)         'Green 2
               arrPal(11) = RGB(0, 0, 128)          'Blue 1
               arrPal(12) = RGB(255, 255, 0)      'Yellow 2
               arrPal(13) = RGB(255, 0, 255)     'Magenta 3
               arrPal(14) = RGB(51, 204, 204)       'Cyan 2
               arrPal(15) = RGB(241, 241, 245)     'Black 4 Gray
               arrPal(16) = RGB(200, 200, 200)     'Black 2 Gray
    '           arrPal(17) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(18) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(19) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(20) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(21) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(22) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(23) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(24) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(25) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(26) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(27) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(28) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(29) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(30) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(31) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
    '           arrPal(32) = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Custom Color TBA
               arrPal(33) = RGB(205, 205, 255)      'Blue 4
               arrPal(34) = RGB(230, 255, 255)      'Cyan 5
               arrPal(35) = RGB(235, 255, 235)     'Green 5
               arrPal(36) = RGB(255, 255, 235)    'Yellow 5
               arrPal(37) = RGB(225, 225, 255)      'Blue 5
               arrPal(38) = RGB(255, 235, 235)       'Red 5
               arrPal(39) = RGB(251, 235, 255)   'Magenta 5
               arrPal(40) = RGB(255, 237, 225)    'Orange 5
               arrPal(41) = RGB(97, 97, 255)        'Blue 3
               arrPal(42) = RGB(0, 255, 255)        'Cyan 3
               arrPal(43) = RGB(255, 255, 159)    'Yellow 3
               arrPal(44) = RGB(255, 225, 97)     'Orange 4
               arrPal(45) = RGB(255, 172, 51)     'Orange 3
               arrPal(46) = RGB(255, 102, 0)      'Orange 2
               arrPal(47) = RGB(204, 0, 255)     'Magenta 2
               arrPal(48) = RGB(225, 225, 225)     'Black 3 Gray
               arrPal(49) = RGB(0, 128, 128)        'Cyan 1
               arrPal(50) = RGB(0, 255, 0)         'Green 3
               arrPal(51) = RGB(0, 122, 0)         'Green 1
               arrPal(52) = RGB(223, 218, 0)      'Yellow 1
               arrPal(53) = RGB(188, 76, 0)       'Orange 1
               arrPal(54) = RGB(255, 153, 255)   'Magenta 4
               arrPal(55) = RGB(102, 0, 102)     'Magenta 1
               arrPal(56) = RGB(0, 0, 0)           'BLACK 1
    ' apply new RGB's to whichever palette index's you want to change
            ActiveWorkbook.Colors = arrPal
        End With

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    I am having trouble with custom color settings. It randomly reverts back to North American General Purpose without warning. This is a big problem for me. My customers (professional photographers) expect consist colors in my printing. Help!

    Do you even know how to nuke and re-set Photoshop's preferences, colorplak?  Your last post seems to reveal that you don't understand what I'm talking about. Here's a link you can click on:
    Preference file functions, names, locations | Photoshop CC
    To re-create the preferences files for Photoshop, start the application while holding down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS). Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"
    Note: If this process doesn't work for you while you're using a wireless (bluetooth) keyboard, attach a wired keyboard and retry.
    Important: If you re-create the preferences by deleting the Adobe Photoshop CC Settings file, make sure that you only delete that file. If you delete the entire settings folder, you also delete any unsaved actions or presets.
    Reinstalling Photoshop does not remove the preferences file. Before reinstalling Photoshop, re-create your preferences.
    Note for Photoshop 14.1 and later: If you use Generator and reset your Preferences, Generator is disabled. Choose Preferences > Plug-ins to turn it back on.
    Video: Julieanne Kost created a video that takes you through two ways of resetting your Photoshop preferences. The manual preference file removal method is between 0:00 - 5:05. The keyboard shortcut method is between 5:05 - 8:18. The video is located here.
    Mac OS
    Important: Apple made the user library folder hidden by default with the release of Mac OS X 10.7. If you require access to files in the hidden library folder to perform Adobe-related troubleshooting, see How to access hidden user library files.

  • Custom LAF with 2 colors

    how can I make a custom LAF with 2 colors?
    thanks in advance!

    There is a general overview for LAF writers at [1]. It doesn't go into the details of the specific APIs though. I am not aware of a detailed tutorial for writing a custom LAF / writing a custom theme for Metal. The code for core and most third-party LAFs is freely available, and if you're required to write a LAF / a theme, you should be really looking at that code and not cutting any corners.

  • Custom Composed Look not appearing in Change the Look with custom color palette

    I created custom color palette, (which was a copy of one of the out of the box ones) and uploaded it to the Themes folder under a different name. I then went to the Composed Looks and created a new Composed Look(using the New
    Items), which the seattle master page, and the new color palette that I created. 
    When I go to Change a Look, the new Composed Look does not appear as part of the options.
    When I change the color palette of the Composed Look, to one of the out of the box ones, I see it I the Change a Look page.
    What am I doing wrong?

    I would check two things. First, did you check in the spcolor file you created? Second, I would review all of the properties of your composed look found in "/_catalogs/design/AllItems.aspx". You might want to copy and paste all properties (except
    title and name) and see if your new composed look shows up in "Change the look". Then link to your own custom spcolor file.
    Eric Overfield - PixelMill - -

  • Color Adjustments - Selecting Custom Hue with Eyedropper

    Dear all
    I have difficulties adjusting colors in my images, I am trying to adjust a specific hue, by selecting a color with the eyedropper (Adjustments-Color). Instead of selecting the desired hue from the picture, it always selects red color, regardless of the color selected in the picture (it actually selects the correct color when pushing the mouse button down, but then selects red when releasing the mouse button). I tried that with different pictures (jpg and raw), allways the same problem. I am using Aperture 3.4.3
    Anybody with an idea? Thanks!

    Do you have any other user accounts on your Retina MacBook? Does the issue still happen in a different user account?
    If doesn't happen in the other account, the issue is likely with one of your preference files. There's instructions on how to do that in the middle of this article.
    I doubt that the problem is with your library, but you could try switching to a different Aperture library just to rule that out by holding the "Option" key when you launch Aperture.

  • ICal custom colors?

    I know that recently users have been having issues with iCloud not saving calendar colors. I had this too, but that seems to be fixed. The problem is that it fixed itself in iCloud, but the custom colors don't come through to my iPhone or iPad. I've verified the custom colors in iCloud and they show up in 3rd party apps, just not in the actual iCal app. It seems to be syncing fine other than that. I can't seem to find any info on how to fix it so I don't know if it's an isolated problem or if there is even so anything I can do to fix it. Please help if you can.

    I have the same problem. I have the custom colors on my mac and, but the custom colors aren't showing on my iPhone or iPad. I'm using iPhone 5s and iPad Air.
    Yes, very frustrating as I always go by the colors in the calendar. Unless enough people are having the same problem we may never see a fix. In the meantime, I'm looking at other calendars to use on my IOS devices.

  • How do I get a custom color profile into a PDF?

    I have a client who provided a custom color profile for a CMYK file.
    I worked on Photoshop CS5.1 images and made sure the profile is embedded.
    I placed these Photoshop images into an Illustrator CS5.1 template and made sure the profile is embedded.
    I need to create a hires PDF with the Press Quality settings from the Illustrator file.
    I have been doing a Save As to PDF from Illustrator, which seems to work.
    OK, that's when my troubles start.... When I go into Acrobat Pro X v10.0.0 nothing indicates my profile is there.
    I even have the profile loaded into Acrobat.
    The client seems to want the Paper Simulation to show their profile, but the profile does not even come up in the list when I look for it. It seems to default to RGB even though this is a CMYK file.
    I messed this up once already, and I need to get it right this time.
    The client is in Germany and they sound very angry when they don't get the proper files.

    Reading Pages User Guide is often useful.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 18 décembre 2011 22:24:23
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community

  • Custom colors and fonts in in-context editor?

    I have added some custom colors and font families in our partner portal > online editor settings for a client site. When editing a page or web app item in the Manage tab of the admin console, I can see these colors and fonts in the editor. However, when going to the Edit tab (in context editing), and clicking on a block with ice:editable='html' I only see the standard fonts and colors.
    Does anyone know if this is a known issue? Or is there some workaround to get the custom colors and fonts into the in context editor?

    It's all type, and afew 3D shapes I created, but I noticed when they were printed out by the printer at work, everything was quite fuzzy. However this occured when I saw that 24 MB was way too much to e-mail through my works server. So at that point I decided to make everything into a .gif and place them into Indesign and PDF them, by doing that i completey reduced the quality and the size, so after it printed it was very pixailized on the edges, and the colors were a few tones off....
    I guess I just want to have the best of both worlds a small pdf and good quality...

  • Custom Color Palette

    I work with several sites that use very similar colors, which
    I find myself using over and over again. How can I save a set of
    custom colors to a palette and bring it up for use at a later

    ssailer wrote:
    > I work with several sites that use very similar colors,
    which I find
    > myself using over and over again. How can I save a set
    of custom
    > colors to a palette and bring it up for use at a later
    Open the Swatches palette menu and select the Clear Swatches
    Click in the Fill color box on the tools panel and drag the
    built in
    color picker to a color you want to select for your custom
    Once you click on the color, move the color picker over to
    the swatches
    panel, where it becomes a paint bucket cursor.
    Click in the Swatches panel to add the selected color.
    Repeat until you've built your entire custom palette.
    Open the Swatches panel menu again and choose Save Swatches.
    Name your palette and save it somewhere on your hard drive.
    Linda Rathgeber [PVII] *Adobe Community Expert-Fireworks*
    Fireworks Newsgroup:
    CSS Newsgroup: news://

  • Custom Color Palette for Charts

    Hi all,
    Can I define the colors of a chart by a custom color palette in Design Studio (as you can do it in Web Intelligence) or does SAP intend to implement such a function in a next release? With CSS this isn't fully possible, because it doesn't allow you to coloring the additional line like the corresponding main line.
    I've already seen and commented this post Re: Custom Color Palette for Charts / CSS, but it's still unanswered. Maybe I've with a new discussion more success.
    Thank you and kind regards

    Dirk Mayrock has a nice list here Design Studio 1.1 Full List of CSS classes (?)
    I think you have seen that already.
    Also see Styling a chart in Design Studio
    Especially see participated David Gyurasz as he has answered several CSS questions CSS-Customizing of Column-Combination chart as an example

  • Custom color palette in WAD charts

    Hi BI Experts,
    we are trying to create a custom color palette, which we want to apply to all your WAD charts.
    Can anyone tell us how to do this?
    Of course we can customize the colors in each chart, but that's a hell of a lot of work. Moreover, there doesn't seem to be any way to save the custom colors, but we have to recreate the colors with the color picker for every single chart.
    The WAD chart wizard allows to choose between color palettes "Enjoy", "Streamline", "Tradeshow" and "User specific".
    If it is not possible to create a custom color palette, can we modify one of these SAP color palettes? What does "User specific" mean?
    Any help will be much appreciated (and of course rewarded with points).

    Moin, bei dem Problem kann ich leider überhaupt nicht helfen. Solltest Du allerdings, wie ich annehme, in Göttingen studiert haben und dann ein paar Jahre in den USA gewesen sein, dann melde Dich doch einfach mal, so Du Lust hast.
    Besten Gruß,

  • Maintaining Custom Colors from FrameMaker to the PDF

    I tried posting this question under the "Color Management" forum, but got a lot of questions asking what printer, paper, and other settings I'm using...not really what I'm looking for...
    Here is my original post:
    I am having problems with my company's custom logo colors appearing in the PDF correctly. I created two color definitions in FrameMaker 10 (using colors Pantone 485 CVC and Pantone 281 CVC). These colors are mostly used for diagram callouts. Instead of printing these colors that I added, the default red and blue colors appear in the PDF.
    I recently upgraded to Distiller X and Acrobat Professional X, thinking that maybe the older versions just didn't support those colors, and I am still getting the same result. FrameMaker is using the CMYK model.
    I have a feeling that I just need to adjust some settings, but I don't know whether to adjust Distiller, Acrobat, or FrameMaker. Anyone else have issues when trying to use their company's colors? Any ideas on what might work? I don't think the problem is  my screen settings because when I compare the Frame file with the PDF, the difference is obvious.
    Thanks in advance,

    Search on "color management" and/or "pantone" in this forum.
    Here's some recent hits:
    What is your CMYK color space (e.g. some SWOP)?
    How are you creating the PDF?
    Save-as, print-to, or Distill from .ps
    Distill has a separate issue.
    What is the delivery flow?
    Do you need color-matching at a print shop,
    or just in the PDF?
    How are the logo colors coming in?
    If they are from CMYK EPS, for example, they should survive the Windows GDI experience.
    If any of your custom colors are text (not graphics), that's a more involved problem.
    The fundamental problems you're facing are:
    1. Frame has no color management; never will.
    2. Windows had no CMYK for years, and now has a destructive fake CMYK.
    There are usually work-arounds, 3rd party in extreme cases.

  • Custom theme with Fiori launchpad

    I have created a custom theme using the theme designer  as per detailed in Colorful Fiori - Part 3 - Sea Blue
    I can see some changes taking effect in the preview but not all. For e.g. the tile title color, icon color did not change.
    When I use the custom theme with  the fiori launchpad url, I do not see any of the tiles. Only button I see is the logout button.
    I checked in debug, it did show me few 404 errors.  wondering why the custom theme works for my ui5 application but not with launchpad url.
    Appreciate your help, in identifying what I might be doing wrong.
    Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

    Hi Masa,
    Thanks for replying !
    We found that our exact issue was resolved in Version 1.1.7 of UI Theme designer (OSS note 1941092) .
    So we upgraded our SAP_UI component to SP08 and now we are on version 1.2.2 of UI theme.
    I am now able to see the tiles on my Fiori launchpad and the logo I defined in the custom theme. But the custom theme I applied did not get applied to the tiles and the background.
    I still see the whole page (Except our company logo) with sap standard sap_bluecrystal theme.
    I did the Inspect element, and see that it is still using the standard CSS.  Cleared the browser histroy just to make sure that it is not picking the old theme from cache  - but with no help.
    If I go back to the theme designer and open the custom theme, I can see the csutom  theme changes in the preview. 
    Any help is appreciated.

Maybe you are looking for