Board game - pawn help.. I need some experts here.. i need this now.. beg..

i have these whole junk of coding here.. where should i insert my pawns? lets say pinkpawn.jpg is my pawn.. then what code should i type & at where?
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
class ImageDemo extends JPanel implements ActionListener
          Random rand = new Random();
          int num = 0, range = 500, score = 0;
          JLabel labelScore;
          JButton button1;
          public ImageDemo()
num = rand.nextInt(range);
               num %= 6;
               num += 1;
               System.out.println("The random number is " + num);
               labelScore = new JLabel();
               labelScore.setBounds(525, 160, 70, 30);
               button1 = new JButton("haha");
               button1.setBounds(400, 200, 75, 75);
               // huahua mus b here
          public void paintComponent(Graphics comp)
               for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if(i%2 == 0)
                         comp.fillRect((50+i*70), 50, 100, 60);
                    else if (i%2 == 1)
                         comp.fillRect((50+i*70), 50, 100, 60);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               if ((JButton)e.getSource() == button1)
                         score += 5;
                         labelScore.setText("" + score);
               for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    LayOut[i] = new JLabel();
                    LayOut.setBounds(50, 350+(-60*i), 80, 60);
               for (i = 6; i < 10; i++)
                    LayOut[i] = new JLabel();
                    LayOut[i].setBounds(130+(80*a), 50, 80, 60);
               a = 0;
               for (i = 10; i < 16; i++)
                    LayOut[i] = new JLabel();
                    LayOut[i].setBounds(450, 50+(60*a), 80, 60);
               a = 0;
               for (i = 16; i < 20; i++)
                    LayOut[i] = new JLabel();
                    LayOut[i].setBounds(370+(-80*a), 350, 80, 60);
     public void ChangeNumber()
          num = rand.nextInt(range);
               num %= 6;
               num += 1;
          public void paintComponent(Graphics comp)
               comp.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0, this);
               for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    comp.drawRect(50+(80*i), 50, 80, 60);     
               for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    comp.drawRect(50+(80*i), 350, 80, 60);     
               for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    comp.drawRect(50, 110+(i*60), 80, 60);     
               for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    comp.drawRect(450, 110+(i*60), 80, 60);     
               comp.drawString("Moral Qns", 68, 75);
               comp.drawString("time", 78, 90);
               comp.drawString("Get 1 Moral", 142, 69);
               comp.drawString("credit free!!", 145, 90);
               comp.drawString("Gain 10", 229, 72);
               comp.drawString("Credits", 229, 92);
               comp.drawString("Question", 307, 72);
               comp.drawString("Time", 317, 90);
               comp.drawString("Lose 4", 387, 72);
               comp.drawString("Credit", 387, 90);
               comp.drawString("Ans 1", 464, 72);
               comp.drawString("Moral Qns", 458, 90);
               comp.drawString("Moral Qns", 458, 130);
               comp.drawString("Time", 468, 150);
               comp.drawString("Lose 3", 461, 187);
               comp.drawString("Moral credit", 459, 204);
               comp.drawString("=(", 466, 217);
               comp.drawString("Moral Qns", 459, 255);
               comp.drawString("Time", 465, 270);
               comp.drawString("Lose 5", 465, 308);
               comp.drawString("credits", 465, 322);
               comp.drawString("TRAGEDY!!", 455, 338);
               comp.drawString("Ans 1", 465, 376);
               comp.drawString("Moral Qns", 465, 393);
               comp.drawString("Lose 2", 384, 376);
               comp.drawString("Credits", 382, 393);
               comp.drawString("Ans 1", 305, 376);
               comp.drawString("Moral Qns", 304, 393);
               comp.drawString("Answer 1", 230, 376);
               comp.drawString("Question", 227, 393);
               comp.drawString("Gain 8", 145, 366);
               comp.drawString("Credits", 145, 383);
               comp.drawString("=)", 145, 399);
               comp.drawString("START", 68, 384);
               comp.drawString("Gain 6", 68, 310);
               comp.drawString("Credits", 68, 330);
               comp.drawString("Question", 68, 254);
               comp.drawString("Time", 72, 272);
               comp.drawString("Move 3", 68, 189);
               comp.drawString("Steps Ahead", 58, 210);
               comp.drawString("Ans 1 Qns", 57, 130);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               if ((JButton)e.getSource() == die)
                    CurrentPosition += num;
                    if (CurrentPosition > 19)
                         CurrentPosition -= 20;
                    System.out.println("The Current position is " + CurrentPosition);
                    if (CurrentPosition == 1)
                         score += 6;
                         //Credit -= 6;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 2)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic
                         ("You board the bus after school and saw that there are a lot of people in the bus.And most of them were from your school. The bus is so crowded that there isn't any seats left. However, you saw an empty space and you witness a working adult rushing for the seat with an old lady, and he got it first. What will you do?", 2, "Tell the adult nicely that he should not have done so.", "Try to search for another place for the old lady.", "Pretend that you had never seen anything.", "Ask 1 of your friend to kindly give up the seat to her.","BUS1.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 3)
                         CurrentPosition += 3;
                         score += 1;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 4)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("Joshua is working part time at a department store. His friend Jim,is also working there. One day, Jim was scolded by the manager(who is known to be unreasonable and bad-tempered),as he is being accused of theft. As 1 product from his shelf is missing. And you remembered sawing it at the other shelf in one of the department. What should he do?", 2, "Walk up to them and tell the manager the truth even though you know he might not like it and sacked both of you.", "Get someone who is on good terms with the manager to speak up for Jim, this way, both of them can retain their jobs.", "Better not get involved.", "Walk up to the manager and apologise, lying that you had taken the product without informing Jim.","SAD.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 5)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("Sarah's group members are finishing their project parts. She's the only person in the group who has not even done anything at all.Her groupmates offered to help her and she let them do all her work.On the day of the presentation, she got high marks for her part, infact, higher than the others. She's feeling guilty at that time.Should she", 1, " Admit to the markers that she isn't the one who had done her part, but helped by her group members.", "Just get those marks and get out of here.", "Get the marks and later see if her group members mind. If yes,apologise to them and swear she will work harder and not commit the same mistakes again.", "Admit to the markers by telling them the truth.","BOOKS.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 6)
                         score += 1;
                         //Credit -= 1;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 7)
                         score += 10;
                         //Credit -= 10;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 8)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("Randy had been using people's project and pass it off as his own.For the latest project, Randy had once again lie to his friend that he need a reference to do his project, and soon after, he copied this friend's work and pass it off as his own. Clifton had notice this and was not happy about this. What should he do?", 2, "Inform that friend about this before the teacher sees it.", "Have a talk with Randy.", "Inform the teacher. (The teacher always give students a chance to realise their mistakes)", "Do nothing since the project was not copied from him.","BOOK1.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 9)
                         score -= 4;
                         //Credit += 4;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 10)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("You realise that your classmate Jane has been stealing things from shops. What do you do?", 3, "Tell your teacher", "Report to the police", "Talk to her and ask her to change", "Tell her mother immdeiately","SAD.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 11)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("Your sister seems to be very troubled these few days. She ignore everyone in the family and get frustrated easily. What do you do when you encounter this situation?", 3, " Quarrel with her", "Ignore her, after all it's none of your busniness", "Talk to her nicely and ask her about her problems", "Irritate her","SAD.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 12)
                         score -= 3;
                         //Credit += 3;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 13)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("You are on your way back home when you witness a teenager snatching away the purse of an old lady before pushing the old lady on the floor. What do you do at this instant?", 3, "Give chase of the robber", "Pretend you saw nothing", "Help the old lady up, and report the features of the robber to the police station ", "Curse and swear","SAD.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 14)
                         score -= 5;
                         //Credit += 5;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 15)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("You are standing in a crowded bus. You see an old man struggling to stand still on the bus. The person sitting on the seat which is meant for the needy refuses to give up the seat to the old man. What do you do at this moment?", 4, "Let the old man carry on standing", "Scold the person sitting down with vulgar words", "Keep staring at the man until he stands up", "Tell the person sitting down nicely to give up the seat to the old man","BUS2.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 16)
                         score -= 2;
                         //Credit += 2;
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 17)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("Carol is a very quiet girl and she is very afraid of speaking up because she thinks that she will hurt people. So her friends tend to think that she is being too anti-social and reserved type. As a friend, what will you do to help her bcome more social?", 4, "Encourage her to join debating clubs", "Call her every nite and tok to her", "Just ignore", "Talk to her often and get to know her better to let her feel that she is still sociable","SAD.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 18)
                         AskQuestionBasic ask=new AskQuestionBasic("Someone with a gang approach ur friend when she is alone. They offer a cigratte to her n force her to smoke. at that moment she is so panick that she does not know what to do. You happen to walk by and saw it. what will u do?", 3, "Just ignore as its none of your business.", "Go towards them and encourage her to smoke.", "Shout for help.", "Go towards them in your own risk, not knowing what will happen to you either.","SAD.GIF");
                    else if (CurrentPosition == 19)
                         score += 8;
                         //Credit -= 8;
                    labelScore.setText("" + score);
                    //labelCredit.setText("" + Credit);
                    if (num == 1)
                         DiePic = DiePic1;
                    else if (num == 2)
                         DiePic = DiePic2;
                    else if (num == 3)
                         DiePic = DiePic3;
                    else if (num == 4)
                         DiePic = DiePic4;
                    else if (num == 5)
                         DiePic = DiePic5;
                    else if (num == 6)
                         DiePic = DiePic6;
               if (score >= 15)
                    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Moral Game");
                    frame.setContentPane(new win());
                    frame.setSize(729, 538);
                    frame.setLocation(150, 80);

i think im wrong.. nevermind then..There are a lot of experts here, most of them just
ignore vague questions with pages of code, stated as
an emergency, especially when the code is not formated
using code tags.
The fact that you expect an answer within 10 minutes
of your original post is ridiculous on any day, but
even more so on a Friday afternoon and even more so on
a holiday.
Actually..I am wondering where "pinkpawn.jpg" relates to the AskQuestion (paraphrased) "Encourage her to continue smoking"...
But I'm not curious enough to hurt my already damaged eyesight further...

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    Well you can try the following combination of steps:
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    alias zf=/usr/local/ZendFrameworkCLi/bin/
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    PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/zend/bin:/usr/local/zend/mysql/bin:/usr/local/lib:/usr/loc al/sproutcore
    [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # LOAD RVM function
    [[ -S "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function
    To make matters worse when you think it can't get worse.  I have another .bash_profile
    PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/zend/bin:/usr/local/zend/mysql/bin:/usr/local/lib:/usr/loc al/sproutcore
    [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # LOAD RVM function
    [[ -S "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function
    which looks strangely like the .bash_profile when I log in as root in my home directory.
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    export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/localsbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin:/usr/bi n:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/local/ant/bin:/usr/local /zend/bin:/usr/local/zend/mysql/bin:/Users/jr/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.3-p194:/usr/loca l/sproutcore
    I even thought of going to the environment.plist and editing it in Xcode but I don't know what the key value pairs should be if it can be fixed otherwise then we can skip that step.
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    RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.
    You need to change your terminal settings to allow shell login.
    Please visit for example and their manual says this, so I need the RVM to work with the shell this way below.
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    Using RVM inside GNU Screen
    RVM should work out of the box with screen as long as you have your profiles configured correctly. The easiest way to ensure it's working is to make screen use a login shell by placing the following in your ~/.screenrc file:
    shell -${SHELL}
    Sincere thanks to a very helpful community in the past, Janis
    This is on a Macbook Pro with OS 10.6   THanks again,

    Hi KenO,
    Try the mentioned steps:
    1. Open command prompt in elevated mode(Run as admin)
    2. Go to the .msi and run the command msiexec.exe /i "name of
    Let me know whether it worked.
    Romit Sinha

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    Thank You in advance..
    Edited by: ronthe11gdba on Dec 12, 2009 11:44 AM

    So, if I've well understood, you want to keep updated a selection of Schema of your Dev database from
    the Production.
    I think you can use Oracle STREAM technology to replicate a part of your database, but the 2 databases
    must be in ARCHIVELOG mode.
    You can find here a link about this technology:
    Oracle Stream will update automatically the Target database from the Source one.
    Hope it can help.
    Best regards,

  • Need some expert to check the effectiveness of my Query

    I am learner in Oracle, and i was given the scenario below and was asked to write queries for that. I have written the queries, I want someone to confirm if my queries satisfies the required scenario and gives proper output.
    Scenario: You have been employed as the database administrator in a software development team for a Book Store. The Database is built, as is the GUI to run the software and it is your job to implement the required SQL Queries to communicate the Database with the GUI. You will be using the database “Bookstore”; this database is available from INB122 blackboard unit page. The database has the following four tables as shown below. Primary key of each table is underlined.
    Publisher(publisherCode, publisherName, publisherCity, publisherState)
    Author(authorNumber, authourName, authorFirst)
    Book(bookCode, bookTitle, publisherCode, bookType, bookPrice, paperback)
    Wrote(bookCode, authorNumber, sequenceNumber)
    The Queries needs to be broken into two components. The first involves the development of SQL queries that you will test directly against the database. These will serve as the basis for the second component which will involve modifying the original queries to allow for non-static fields/conditions.
    For example, if the Query was to list all the books that are a set price (say $30), you would have
    SELECT bookTitle FROM Book WHERE bookPrice = 30;
    Here the price ($30) is something that the non-static GUI will be allowed to vary and
    consequently would take the form:
    SELECT bookTitle FROM Book WHERE bookPrice = ?;
    Question 1:
    --List the titles of all Books that are in a given price range, which are a given book type
    --and are printed by given publisher.
    --Part 1 Test Case = $40 - $60, HOR, Gale
    SELECT bookTitle from book b, publisher p
    WHERE b.publisherCode = p.publisherCode
    AND b.bookPrice BETWEEN 40 AND 60
    AND b.bookType = 'HOR'
    AND p.publisherName = 'Gale';
    SELECT bookTitle from book b, publisher p
    WHERE b.publisherCode = p.publisherCode
    AND b.bookPrice BETWEEN &minpricerange AND &maxpricerange
    AND b.bookType = '&bookType'
    AND p.publisherName = '&publisherName';
    Question 2:
    --List the titles of all Books that are in a given price range, which are written by a given
    --author and are printed by a given publisher.
    --Part 1 Test Case = $20 - $30, Smith, 'Batman Books'
    SELECT bookTitle from book b, author a, wrote w, publisher p
    WHERE b.bookcode = w.bookCode
    AND w.authorNumber = a.authorNumber
    AND b.publishercode = p.publisher code
    AND b.bookPrice BETWEEN 40 AND 60
    AND a.authourName = 'Smith'
    AND p.publishername= 'Batman Books';
    SELECT bookTitle from book b, author a, wrote w, publisher p
    WHERE b.bookcode = w.bookCode
    AND w.authorNumber = a.authorNumber
    AND b.publishercode = p.publishercode
    AND b.bookPrice BETWEEN &minpricerange AND &maxpricerange
    AND a.authourName = '&authorname'
    AND p.publishername= '&publishername';
    Question 3:
    --List the titles of all Books that are a certain book type, which are written by a given
    --author and are printed by a given publisher.
    --Part 1 Test Case = ART, Smith, 'Batman Books'
    SELECT bookTitle from book b, wrote w, author a, publisher p
    WHERE b.bookcode = w.bookcode
    AND w.authornumber = a.authornumber
    AND b.publishercode = p.publishercode
    AND b.bookType = 'ART'
    AND a.authourName = 'Smith'
    AND p.publishername= 'Batman Books';
    SELECT bookTitle from book b, wrote w, author a, publisher p
    WHERE b.bookcode = w.bookcode
    AND w.authornumber = a.authornumber
    AND b.publishercode = p.publishercode
    AND b.bookType = '&bookType'
    AND a.authourName = '&authourName'
    AND p.publishername= '&publishername';
    Edited by: Woyswer on May 8, 2012 3:49 AM

    I am learner in Oracle, and i was given the scenario below and was asked to write queries for that.
    I have written the queries, I want someone to confirm if my queries satisfies the required scenario and gives proper output.Called "testing" - and we shouldn't be testing homework.
    Your queries look fine, but since you haven't provided any CREATE TABLE and particularly
    Scenario: You have been employed... <snipetty snip>In future, if asking such questions, please provide such statements with
    tested data - i.e. the INSERT's will work.
    Oh and BTW, this is a volunteer forum - messages marked "Urgent" are a breach
    of etiquette.
    Edited by: Paulie on 07-May-2012 23:09

  • Boot Camp: Pro's and Con's? need some advice here

    hey guys,
    so im basicly quite newbish so ill try to keep things basic here and i advise you guys to do the same ;p
    i have a few questions about the usage of bootcamp and ofcourse running windows with it.
    i have wanted to buy office mac for a long time because i simply need the applications for my collage.
    ive been thinking, because im kindoff a recriational gamer aswell and i just have a few somewhat classic windows games that id just like to play on the mac.
    so prehaps it would be a wiser thing for me to just ignore the mac office package and just run xp or vista on bootcamp, it gives me the same applications and more. and ofcourse the possiblilty to run windows based games wich i kinda need aswell.
    im just interested about hearing some pros and cons of the use of bootcamp and installing windows on my mac, will it increase the danger of attracting harmfull virusses, will it be heavy on my system memory? does it encouter errors alot? does it corrospond well with the existing hardware/software, will my system become somewhat instable? etc...
    kindoff the basic pros and cons.
    all of your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
    thank you in advance,

    I am going to answer your question however please note that my answer is based on my experience and my experience only.
    Takes up a portion of your primary HD of your laptop.
    Requires a complete shutdown of OSx to get to Windows and vice versa.
    Single tapping and double clicking does not work when using a trackpad on a laptop in Windows.
    May have issues with running some windows based games.
    Will attract viruses if user is not careful on the internet and opening attachments from unknown senders (I have never had a issue with this).
    Runs windows natively and at near native speeds.
    Has a wide range of Anti-Virus programs that do the job to keep viruses at bay.
    Ability to run Windows based software just like one would on a windows PC.
    With a 2GB system RAM, XP flies and Vista runs smoothly too.
    Ability to boot back into OSx when needed or vice versa.
    In short, boot camp has been a very pleasant experience for me. I use Windows daily as I need it for the type of work I am in and it has not let me down when running on a Boot Camp partition on an Intel Mac.
    Axel F.

  • Need an expert here please !

    Im realy not happy how logic behave with my traveler...
    when i playback a track now ( today) I get a beep folowed by an error message saying : error while trying to sync audio with midi. this happened a few times an this gets realy anoying !
    I have no problem running DP 5 with the traveler, I have no prob running logic with builtin audio. go figure !
    At logic's support an agent sent me a list of task to troubleshoot and none of those worked.
    Here is what I got:
    The basic issue when this happens is that Logic is either not getting audio data at the sample rate it expects, or the sample rate is fluctuating. Depending on the specific cause, here are some tips for resolving this:
    In most cases, Logic can set the sample rate for the audio interface, but sometimes this is not possible. Check the sample rate for your audio audio interface and make sure it matches Logic's setting. If the settings match, try changing Logic's sample rate to a different setting and then back again.
    If you have any devices digitally connected to the audio interface, make sure that only one device is set to be the master clock.
    If you have combined multiple audio interfaces by configuring an Aggregate Device in Audio/MIDI Setup, make sure that the devices are digitally connected, and that only one device is configured as master clock.
    If you are using Word Clock to sync multiple devices, be sure that all Word Clock connections are properly terminated.
    Choose Audio > Audio Hardware & Drivers and try increasing the I/O Buffer size.
    Try freezing tracks that use plug-ins that put significant load on the processor.
    If you are running other software or hardware that can send MTC or MIDI clock, but intend for Logic to be the sync master, turn off Auto Sync In for Logic, to prevent Logic from receiving sync externally. The Auto Sync In setting can be accessed by click-holding the sync button on Logic's Transport.
    If you are syncing Logic to another application or device via MTC, make sure that both Logic and the sync master are set to the same format. Make sure that Logic is not receiving both MIDI Clock and MTC. Also, configure the Audio Sync setting to "External or Free" in case the system is resolved to external Word Clock.
    If you using a Reactor ensemble that syncs its LFO to the song tempo, try bypassing or removing the plug-in.
    If none of the above helps, try switching to Built-in Audio. If this resolves the problem, check for updated drivers for your audio and MIDI interfaces.
    many thanks and hopefully I will be able to go on with this session tomorow...
    mac book pro 17'; 2,16 coreduo ; 2g ram   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   and a pc p4

    Please clarify: the erroneous To entry is only seen in the list of messages in the Sent folder, but if actually opened all is well, and also all is well for the recipient? This is a totally different problem description than any of us first understood.
    If the above is the case, then you only have an index problem. Open the Sent mailbox for this one account only, click on Mailbox in the menubar, and choose Rebuild. Wait patiently for Mail to finish the Rebuild, and be aware that all messages will disappear for a short time, but will appear later.
    Keep us posted.

  • Need some Advice here :)

    I'm looking forward to buy my first macbook around may -june this year for college.
    Since  apple gonna release new macbook in the upcoming june , is it best to wait and buy the 2013 version macbook
    or just buy the 2012 version macbook and upgrade it yourself? Thx

    As Apple has not made a MacBook for a few years now, I'm guessing you are referring to either a MacBook Air or a MacBook Pro.  Regardless, the answer would be the same.  When buying a laptop, you need to make sure it meets your needs for the amount of time you expect to own it.  If a current version will do what you need, if a newer model is released, that won't make the one you purchased any less useful.  Having said that, of course it can always be a little disappointing if you purchase something and then a new model comes out shortly thereafter.  There is no guarantee that any particular model will be getting an update.  Anything you may hear is purely speculation at this time.  If you can wait, there's no harm in doing so.  If a new model is released, then you can get that.  If a new model isn't released, then you can just go ahead and purchase an existing model.  At this point, we have no idea if there will be an update or what revisions might be made if there are.
    I'm not exactly sure what you are asking in the second part of your question.  Currently, for MacBook Pros, you can upgrade the RAM and hard drive (or SSD) yourself if you choose.  With the MacBook Air you are generally limited.  You cannot upgrade the RAM.  There are after market SSDs available for the Airs as well, but Apple does not offer any sort of upgrade to the specs the machine ships with.  So, if the only upgrades Apple were to make were to the items I mentioned, then you would be able to upgrade a 2012 machine to match or exceed those updates.  Their refresh updates are generally more significant than that however.  You would not be able to upgrade the CPU or graphics processor on a 2012 machine to match any changes.

  • Needed some definition here..

    can anyone tell me what's static?
    if i write something like this >
    static int data;
    what does it mean?

    In relation to a class, it means a field (here: data) is associated with a class, rather than an instance, ie. there is only one "int data" variable per class.
    Feel feel to slap me if I'm wrong - I'm only a beginner!

  • I use to have over 8,700 songs in iCloud and then all of a sudden all of my devices erased everything and then randomly added some songs here and there and now I only have about 600 songs.

    I use to have over 8,700 songs stored in icloud and all my devices recognized them fine. Then one day everything erased and then about 200-300 came back, on their own and then a. Kills more hundred came back and I'm up to 600 but now I can't find anymore of my music in iCloud.

    Jesus Christ,
    Pretty sure He doesn't answer questions here...
    Go to the top of the iTunes window and put the cursor over track name. Click the arrow to the right of the now playing track name and Go to Song.

  • Need some help - function that strips html tags

    Hey peeps,
    Need some guidance.
    I need help to write a function that will strip html tags from a string. So for examples if I have the following string:
    myString = "<p>This is a Paragraph</p>"; after runing the function it should return the string: "This is a Paragraph".
    Could anyone plz point me in the right direction on how to do this.

    System.out.println(myString.replaceAll("<[^>]++>\\s*", ""));

  • Need some help with the DOF Min Max Planning Logic

    Hello All,
    Morning...could someone please help us with this issue which we are facing in our production system.
    We are running the Dof Min Max Planning Report at the Subinventory level and for a given item.
    This item setup in this sub inventory has the Min qty : 2 , Max qty :2.
    --We don't see any open orders/ requisitions in the system for this item.
    --We also don't see any expected receipts for this item coming to this org/subinventory.. All the shipment lines are in Fully Received status.
    --We dont see any stuck supply records in mtl_supply table as well..and also checked for the Inv Transactions interface tables as well ( MTI , mtl_material_transactions_temp)..we dont find any stuck transactions for this item, subinventory & org.
    Now when we are running the Dof Min Max report is is showing the Supply Quantity as 2 and Available Quantity as 2.
    Hence the Reorder quantity is coming as Zero..basically it is not re stocking the item again for this subinventory level.
    Could someone please assist as to what could be reason why this Supply Quantity is showing some value when we dont see any stuck supply / expected open receipts..
    What else we need to check here to get this issue resolved and to know the source of the Supply Quantity.

    In the report run, what parameters are considered as Supply?, Also did you check the supply data considering your cutoff dates offset?, the item what you are talking about is a buy item? check if there were requisitions already created.

  • New to xMII- Need some HELP

    I am new to xMII and need some material in regards to this.
    You can mail me at <b><<Removed>></b>
    <b>Message was edited by:
            Abesh Bhattacharjee
    READ before you POST. Yep that's the name of the first thread on this forum ! Do it ! Never ever post your email  id on this forum.   

       Please dont provide your personal email id for any reply. That will not help other members looking for similar help.
    Check these links for a good start.
    <a href="">xMII Getting Started Guide</a>
    <a href="">xMII Best Practices Guide</a>
    U can find many more materials in SDN itself. Search for 'xMII'. That will also provide many tutorials.
    Harini S

  • I need some help in choosing a new router

    I need some advice. I need to get a new router that will last. I have had a Belkin Surf and the reason I got rid of it I thought I need a stronger signal as I was getting a new computer and adding 2 internet radios. SO I bought the D-Link DIR 655. WELL, that lasted 2 months. It is now in to be replaced. Have not got it yet. But because of their rotten attitude and horrible so called customer service. I am looking for another router. Below is a list of what I have and what needs to be connected. The room that the router has to service is 27Ft. X 32Ft.
    Main computer is a Dell 8300 4 months old with Windows 7 installed
    Second computer is a custom computer with Windows XP Pro. This is 5 years old but works great.
    2 internet radios, a Logitech Squeezebox and a Squeezebox Boom
    Netflex receiver that streams movies to my television
    I have a copier, printer and fax machine attached to the Dell computer
    Go to Solution.

    Looking at the distance of wireless devices a basic router can work very well in your network, But you also have Audio/Video Streaming Devices in the Network So would Like to Recommend E3000 with Key Features
    Key Features
    Enjoy the power of high-performance Wireless-N technology—optimized for wireless entertainment
    Connect your computers, gaming consoles, Internet-enabled HDTVs and Blu-Ray players, and other wireless devices at up to 300 Mbps of transfer speeds
    Enjoy the benefits of simultaneous dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), including smoother HD video streaming, wireless gaming and file transfers
    Share your files at home or on the Internet by connecting a storage device to the Linksys E3000's built-in USB port
    Stream video and media content via a built-in UPnP AV media server to an Xbox 360, PS3 or other compatible device
    Use four Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000 Mbps) ports for faster file sharing with other Gigabit-enabled devices, including computers, hard drives, and servers
    Set up your wireless network in a few simple steps using included Cisco Connect software
    Keep wireless freeloaders and Internet threats at bay with customizable security settings, including WPA/WPA2 Personal and SPI firewall protection
    Give visitors password-protected Internet access on a separate network—so your visitors have access to the Internet, but not your computers or data
    Use Cisco Connect's Parental Controls to block specific websites and restrict Internet access during certain hours
    Customize your network using easily accessible Advanced Settings

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