Custom media manager recompress setting

I would like to start using Media Manager to recompress projects I've worked on in the past. Is there anyway I can create a preset that can be transferred from one computer to another? Ideally I would create this setting and share it with a friend.

No. Just send him a screen shot.

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    Thanks for the reply, code c doesn't matter I was just wanting to see if there was a setting or button in the media manager, that i've overlooked, that would combine the clips, I know I can re compress into whatever I want but, it re compresses an exact copy of the clip, it won't combine clips which is what I was hoping it would, Do.
    Thanks anyways

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    Thanks for the answer.
    Well, after much experimenting with workflow (some time ago) I had decided upon always capturing to ProRes from the camera. My system seems to work smoother (therefore I work faster) with the ProRes than with the HDV.
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    The GoPro isn't AVCHD.
    Ah, OK. Duly noted.
    But still... importing H264 directly (which we know is a bad idea) and then Media Managing out to ProRes? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
    OP, do what Tom says and then bring it into FCP.

  • Media Manager - Error Code 34

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    I've been editing, not media managing.
    Anyway. Within 20 minutes, I discovered a work-with (not a work-around). I thought I'd enrich the frustrated and curious masses (instead of trolling them, Studio X).
    During Manage, if you request that FCP trim your managed clips, the file is copied and the file name is appended. If your filename is lengthy (try to remember the last time you worked with footage that didn't have a camera-generated or footage-log-generated name), Final Cut is unprepared with a solution and sh•ts its ridiculous bed. It will ask you if it should make a second absolutely futile attempt, abort the entire process, or skip ahead to see if it will trip on its lips trying to manage the next clip in the timeline.
    If you choose to skip, your file is still copied and trimmed and placed in the Media folder at your specified destination. However, due to the fact that it is nearly as old as the Nirvana Nevermind baby, FCP won't connect the newly created clip to your managed timeline, nor will it add the appropriate .mov file extension in the Finder.
    Your only burden now is to root through your Media folder, add the extensions to the skipped files and to manually reconnect the footage in your project.
    At this rate I will suggest that it may be easier to become familiar with the following F, ⌘E, return process.
    1. Place the playhead on the first clip in your timeline.
    2. Press F. This will bring the clip with the current in and out points into the viewer.
    3. Press ⌘E and select a location to save the clip.
    4. Press Return.
    5. Repeat until all clips are accounted for in the save location.
    6. Export an XML of your sequence.
    7. Import the XML and reconnect the sequence footage to the new clips.
    I hope this is helpful to anyone nutty enough to want to use FCP in the future. Thanks.

  • Copy or Recompress in Media Manager??

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    I appreciate your input on this. Thank you very much!
    Best regards from Sweden.

    Hey Jerry, thanks for your reply.
    I actually did 2 tests. One with the setting for Recompress and one with Copy, and they turned out to have the same file-size!!
    So conclusion: the estimated size that media manager gives for the Recompress-setting for HDV is FALSE. It turned out that the Recompress-setting gave me the same size as the Copy-setting and nothing less. So: I guess I have to trust the copy-setting and go for that one without recompressing.
    Thanks you for your input!!

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    I am running Windows 7 Home Premium.
    Go to Solution.

    Try setting the startup option to off and then to on again. It looks to be pointing to a wrong location.
    Attached is a partial screen shot of my msconfig setting.
    media manager startup cmd line.jpg ‏18 KB

  • Media Manager won't recompress as MOV from AVI

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    How about trying to convert in Quicktime rather than Media Mangler?

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    These are files from an SD card camera so have no natural reel numbe
    Well, if you use Log and Transfer then FCP will assign it one. I use L&T for P2 and for the footage from my Canon DSLR, and FCP assigns it the name of the folder that I offloaded the SD card onto. Which is why I give the folders unique names...tape names.
    Maybe FCP won't recompress properly as you aren't using an editing codec to begin with. "I have some h264 .mp4 files that I want to recompress into motion jpeg files for offline editing on my Macbook Pro." H.264 isn't designed for editing, so it might not work right. First convert to ProRes 422, then media manage smaller.

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    You can also delete over the internet.
    There is no way to delete from an STB that streams from the DVR.

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    Hi Gurus,
    Custom Development Management Cockpit (CDMC) available from Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 SP19 as part of SAP Enterprise Support tools to allow to manage customer changes to support EhP/SPS/ Upgrade projects by determining what custom changes will be impacted by SAP changes.
    Question is How to setup Custom Development Management Cockpit (CDMC)? Please help me if anybody already implemented this and any docs will be helpful.
    Appreciate your help.
    Sincerely yours

    Follow the links,
    Hope it solves ur prb

  • 16bit uncompressed video files to large what media manager setting is best

    Hi all,
    I am working with some uncompressed video clips they come in at 25 gb a clip. These are profesional animation clips I am looking to save some disk space and still get near the same quality. I am editing the clips for mobile use so i need to start with a high quality master. any suggestions for what settings i should use with media manager.

    Why .avi?
    Final Cut Pro works with QuickTime .mov files.
    The video card in your MacBook Pro will be fine. The way to avoid rendering is to make sure that your Easy Setup and Sequence Settings match your source material.

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    I would call customer service and see if they can see an issue on their end...and at least make a note that you never received the download.

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    I had the same problem, and here's what fixed it for me:
    In Media Manager, go to File>Import Playlist>Select All>Import
    This put albums back in track order for me.  Please post results. 
    Brian K
    Verizon Telecom
    Fiber Solution Center
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supercede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.

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