Media Manager, Recompressing...

I'm attempting to combine my spanned clips does any one know if there is a way within media manager to do this. So that I can conform to ProRess and combine clips at the same time, while still saving existing timecode.

Thanks for the reply, code c doesn't matter I was just wanting to see if there was a setting or button in the media manager, that i've overlooked, that would combine the clips, I know I can re compress into whatever I want but, it re compresses an exact copy of the clip, it won't combine clips which is what I was hoping it would, Do.
Thanks anyways

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    No. Just send him a screen shot.

  • Media Manager & Digital Desktop Display

    I've captured HDV footage to ProRes and all that is ok. I wanted to use Media Manager to recompress to a lower bit rate format for mobile editing. All that is fine, too.
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    Thanks for the answer.
    Well, after much experimenting with workflow (some time ago) I had decided upon always capturing to ProRes from the camera. My system seems to work smoother (therefore I work faster) with the ProRes than with the HDV.
    In any case, it was near identical.
    In this case, what I really need is to create two sets of media. I need something very small and portable for this edit, while keeping the ProRes (or original HDV) on my main computer for when I'm there.
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    How about trying to convert in Quicktime rather than Media Mangler?

  • Copy or Recompress in Media Manager??

    First, thanks to everybody who help out here in the forum!
    I have a question:
    We have a big project in the pipeline including 4 projects of each 350GB of HDV1080i50 material on different discs. We want to copy these 4 projects using the media manager and delete unused material to move it into one editing station for final editing. We will stay in HDV native editing.
    In media manager, if I choose "Copy" and "Delete unused material" the estimated final size after the copy will be around 70% of the original project.
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    I want to get down is size to save discspace, but please explain:
    1. What is the difference between the two settings Copy and Recompress? Why does the estimated size change?
    2. Since the Recompress-option will give me a smaller file-size I would like to go for this one, but is it a bad thing to recompress the material to the format (HDV1080i50) as it allready is in??
    I appreciate your input on this. Thank you very much!
    Best regards from Sweden.

    Hey Jerry, thanks for your reply.
    I actually did 2 tests. One with the setting for Recompress and one with Copy, and they turned out to have the same file-size!!
    So conclusion: the estimated size that media manager gives for the Recompress-setting for HDV is FALSE. It turned out that the Recompress-setting gave me the same size as the Copy-setting and nothing less. So: I guess I have to trust the copy-setting and go for that one without recompressing.
    Thanks you for your input!!

  • Media manager won't recompress media

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    I think I did this in the past and it worked, but it isn't working now. I also tried recompressing to Apple Intermediate Codec, and that isn't working either. I'm using FCP 5.1.4.
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    These are files from an SD card camera so have no natural reel numbe
    Well, if you use Log and Transfer then FCP will assign it one. I use L&T for P2 and for the footage from my Canon DSLR, and FCP assigns it the name of the folder that I offloaded the SD card onto. Which is why I give the folders unique names...tape names.
    Maybe FCP won't recompress properly as you aren't using an editing codec to begin with. "I have some h264 .mp4 files that I want to recompress into motion jpeg files for offline editing on my Macbook Pro." H.264 isn't designed for editing, so it might not work right. First convert to ProRes 422, then media manage smaller.

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    BUT - where is the actual project file??
    When you have decided on the settings in Media Manager and then tell it to do the job, the first thing you see is a dialog asking where to save the project file. Use Spotlight to search for it.
    If that doesn't turn anything up, start MM again, it might have remembered the last Save location.

  • Media Manager in FCPX?

    Hey everyone,
    I couldn't find this addressed anywhere so if it has been already, I apologize.
    Does anyone know if there is the FCP 7 equivalent of the Media Manager option in FCPX?  I'll explain my situation...
    I work in a high school and cut highlight reels for our football players.  By the end of the season I have literally hundreds of GBs of footage on my hard drive.  In FCP 7 I would import all of the footage into my project and then cut out only the plays I needed.  I would end up with a 5 minute video.  I wanted to save the project in case the player wanted any changes down the line and I also wanted to back it up in case of a hard drive crash.  What I would do is run it through Media Manager so that the whole project would compress down and only copy the files that were actually used in the video.  I would end up with a project and copied reference files that only took up a few GBs at most.  That was easy to archive and back up.
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    Anyone out there having this same issue and found a solution?  It would be a huge help...

    dknight38 wrote:
    …  would end up with a project and copied reference files that only took up a few GBs at most.   …
    … for one player.-
    I fully understand what you'd like to accomplish.
    but - theoretically - with your method you save the same material again and again:
    aside close-ups, you frame more than one player in a sequence.
    with FCPX actual method, that single Event serves many Projects.
    so, you SAVE space without consolidating every Project.
    plus, the 'duplicate Project' dialog allows you to transfer a Project and only USED clips to some ext drive.... keep that version, and erase original Project & Events.

  • Question:   What about Media Manager?

    Is there any equivalent to Media Manager in FCPX?   What we had wasn't perfect, but was incredibly useful.

    So in other words, No.  There's no way to trim unused media while copyng, no way to recompress the media copied to a different codec during the xfer, no way to add handles to media copies - none of the good functionality available in FCP 7.   Media management is completely essential to any editing app, and FCPX doesn't have any.

  • Media Manager - Prores to DV-Pal(offline) back to online?

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    Do I now use media Manager to Recompress again to prores or is there a way of just relinking back to my original prores which already exists on my system??

    If you done this properly all you need to do is use media manager to make an offline version at the original format and relink to the original files.  At least that's the way I've worked without any problems.  But my projects did not involve multicam, so it's possible it mighrt be a good idea to collapse your multiclips before doing the media manage.  But you should always TEST your workflow before diving in at the deep end of the pool.

  • Media Manager - After Effects - Quality

    I'm not exactly sure where to ask this, so I'm asking here.
    I'm editing a ProRes 422 sequence in Final Cut. If I 'copy' media using Media Manager, getting rid of the unused portions (while keeping 2 sec handles), will there be a loss of quality in the newly produced clips?
    Also, If I correct one portion of the image in After Effects CS5 (such as removing an object in one small part of the image) and export to ProRes, will there be a quality loss in the parts of the image that were untouched?
    Do these processes affect the untouched portions of the clips or are they identical to the original?
    Thanks for any information.

    If I 'copy' media using Media Manager, getting rid of the unused portions (while keeping 2 sec handles), will there be a loss of quality in the newly produced clips?
    Shouldn't be. This is just a COPY but within parameters. ONLY THIS PART OF THE CLIP. No recompression. But don't take my word for it. TEST it. See for yourself.
    If I correct one portion of the image in After Effects CS5 (such as removing an object in one small part of the image) and export to ProRes, will there be a quality loss in the parts of the image that were untouched?
    Slight loss of quality in the WHOLE image, as you are recompressing. And you won't just lose it in the area you are treating, but the WHOLE clip. Because you are exporting the whole clip. But ProRes is designed to hold up to 10 recompressions before you can see it. Again, test and see for yourself.

  • Media Manager Error Codes

    Anyone happen to know where to get a list of Final Cut Pro's Media Manager error codes?
    I've been recompressing footage to get it to work in Color (no idea what's wrong with the original footage, but this seemed to fix the problem) and every now and then one of the clips gives me an error code 20.
    If I click "retry" in the resulting dialog box, it seems to just go along on it's way without any further problems, but I'm curious as to what exactly this error code is and if it has anything to do with the problems I've been having with Color.

    Thanks for your reply, I think I have figured out what 20 and 34 are in my case anyway. My Story....
    Had a hard drive die on me with my project on it, sent it off and got it recovered but when I got it back I have to put all the .mov, .jpg.. etc back onto the files. Well this caused me heaps of problems because FCP did not want to automatically reconnect my media even after copying and deleting the file extension. So I had to reconnect my media manually which was ok but big pain. Accidentally some files got reconnected on the time line to the wrong media with the .mov extension and other without files extension got reconnected to the bin. Error 34 is duplicate files with the same name, when it tried to compact the files regardless of the fact one had .mov and one did not the OS sees it as the same file and we all know you cant have the same file in a folder twice. I noticed also that 20 was the same problem but it happened when a video had unlinked audio. So I fixed it by reconnected all the files that had errors to the files that had no .mov.
    Error 14 has to do with my .jpg not sure what but they don't worry me because I can just move and connected them manually.
    I hope this helps someone.

  • Another media manager issue

    Has anyone used the recompress option to convert the project to H.264 or MPEG4??? What I found was that if you choose the DV codec, the OfflineRT, or any other presets in the pulldown list, it works. But if you choose custom and select a codec that is not listed in the presets such as MPEG4 and H.264, it reports a "general error". I can't seem to figure it out but I do need to send a rather large project to someone via DVD or DVDs. Any help is appreciated.

    I wouldn't do what you're trying to do.
    Are you trying to send them a completed show? Export to QuickTime then use Compressor to get to H.264 or MPEG4.
    But if you're simply sending someone else your PROJECT, as in the project file and the media it uses, then what you're doing (if it worked) will kill the media quality. Keep the codec the same as your media is now, media manage the sequence to a location then start copying the files in that location to DVD. Use Apple's Backup program for example.

  • Is Media Manager broken?

    Never tried using media manager before but it doesnt appear to operate correctly.
    Yesterday I tried using it on one project. It would create new clips in the target directory fine, but would not delete the original files and clear the disk space. The summary bars showed "Modified" as the reduced amount, but after it finished the "Original" files still remained, in addition to the new modified files. Isn't it supposed to delete the original files and clear the disk space?
    Today I tried it on a different project and now it will only create copies of the original files but they are not reduced. The summary section only shows original and modified as the same amount.
    what is the magic combo to getting this app to delete unused data? I have tried all options including copy, move, use exisiting, and recompress but the summary doesn't change the qty amount. Also have checked and unchecked "delete unused media" and there is no difference. Tried selecting the bin file, bin sequence, the timeline file, the timeline sequence (all files), set in/outs, cleared in/outs. What else can I do?
    I am using FCP 2 6.0 on OSX 10.4.9.
    I would appreciate any guidance you can give.

    My experiencie with Media Manager:
    I wanted to make small independent clips from a long master clip starting from subclips, using "Use exsisting", etc. Recommended workflow acording to FCP manual.
    Well, it worked when I did the subclips marking in and outs in the master clip, then selecting "modify", "make sublcip".
    After the process, I had the orginal quicktime file broken into a couple of smaller files. What I wanted.
    If I make my subclips using markers, and then convert those markers into subclips (taking them to a different bin, for example), the process just doesn´t work. It doesn´t do anything.
    I have tested this several times.
    With subclips made the first way, it works (really slow, btw). With subclips made the second way, it doesn´t.
    Media Manager is very unpredicteble. I still don´t trust it for long projects.

  • Media manager won't recognise media card or contents

    I'm getting frustrated here... the Blackberry used with the old Roxio PC software work fine. The laptop has been rebuilt, and the new BB Media manager does not want to recognise the photos I have stored on the Media card. I can upload them individually (there are around 300 of them) to Facebook or similar, I can bluetooth them individually to my Apple. But can not get them off or access them on mass. The Apple PC says "Unable to locate media card". The Windows PC says the media card is encrypted. I want these pics, what am I doing wrong?
    I also remember when I had the first BB that I could access all the files as if the BB and media card were HDDs - now, despite loading the USB drivers that will not work.
    Can anyone help please - apologies if this is a fixed problem already... I have searched the boards but nothing is coming up that answers the problem.

    These are files from an SD card camera so have no natural reel numbe
    Well, if you use Log and Transfer then FCP will assign it one. I use L&T for P2 and for the footage from my Canon DSLR, and FCP assigns it the name of the folder that I offloaded the SD card onto. Which is why I give the folders unique names...tape names.
    Maybe FCP won't recompress properly as you aren't using an editing codec to begin with. "I have some h264 .mp4 files that I want to recompress into motion jpeg files for offline editing on my Macbook Pro." H.264 isn't designed for editing, so it might not work right. First convert to ProRes 422, then media manage smaller.

Maybe you are looking for

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