Custom Shatter Map - Getting Artifacts

Hi there -
I'm pretty new to After Effects and I've been working on a project where I'm taking a logo (designed in dots) and using the shatter effect to bring it together. I'm using a custom shatter map and setting the shatter map image back to the logo image itself. This gives me the perfect shatter effect where my dots separate out just as I was wanting. However, I'm getting some bad artifacts as well as my dots becoming pixelated around the edges themselves.
I've watched two tutorials on this site on using the custom shatter map. I've tried a couple of different things like duplicating my logo and recoloring it, making it black and white, using colorama on it, etc. but all give me worse results.
What am I missing here? Thank you so much in advance for any tips you can give!
Here's the render of the logo comp (I'm reversing this for my effect).
Here is an image of the confetti-like artifacts I'm getting.
What I'm using:
Mac OS X 10.7.2
After Effects CS5

check Youtube and vimeo for the Shatter tutorial by the creator fo the effect, Brian Maffett. I'm pretty sure he has posted his entire 120 minute movie he did when Shatter was originally released. It explains exactly how to create custom shatter maps and exactly why yours looks the way it does. Each of those little doodads is present in your map because you have not created the artwork properly but there are ne easy directions for the task. ONe thing many newbies at Shatter fail to understand is the custom shattering map driver is not the same file as the art that gets applied to the surface of the object.
As Mr Myl notes, MinMax is one way to flatten your art for Shatter. But olorama is my favorite and it's recommended by Brian. Shatter looks for 8-bit colors with zero interpolation between the segments of color. Red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, white and black. That's it. No grays, no tertiary interpolation between the hard colors. Those indistinctly colored pixels are causing your tiny artifacts. 
Pixelation is a result of many things. Shatter is not a procedural filter; once the pieces are formed, they move but they never get any larger. The pieces do not get cleaner as they approach the camera so the individual pixels become clearly and obnoxiously visible. You must start with a h-u-g-e precomp if you need the superb resolution and that, of course, will take forever to render at maximum quality and maximum physics.

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    in PhotoShop a fairly easy process
    here is a movie
    you can easily do this to the vector art in Illustrator by selecting the paths from the layers panel especially if they are separate groups or staining the parts if symbols and just pick a color.

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    Class Information (Struture) Start
    public class TAB_MC_REGION : INullable, IOracleCustomType, IXmlSerializable
    private bool m_IsNull;
    private RegionInfo[] m_RegionInfo;
    public TAB_MC_REGION()
    // TODO : Add code to initialise the object
    public TAB_MC_REGION(string str)
    // TODO : Add code to initialise the object based on the given string
    public TAB_MC_REGION(RegionInfo[] obj)
    this.m_RegionInfo = obj;
    public virtual bool IsNull
    return this.m_IsNull;
    public static TAB_MC_REGION Null
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    obj.m_IsNull = true;
    return obj;
    public virtual RegionInfo[] Value
    return this.m_RegionInfo;
    this.m_RegionInfo = value;
    public virtual void FromCustomObject(Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection con, System.IntPtr pUdt)
    OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, 0, this.m_RegionInfo);
    public virtual void ToCustomObject(Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection con, System.IntPtr pUdt)
    this.m_RegionInfo = ((RegionInfo[])(OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, 0)));
    public virtual void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
    // TODO : Read Serialized Xml Data
    public virtual void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
    // TODO : Serialize object to xml data
    public virtual XmlSchema GetSchema()
    // TODO : Implement GetSchema
    return null;
    public override string ToString()
    // TODO : Return a string that represents the current object
    return "";
    public static TAB_MC_REGION Parse(string str)
    // TODO : Add code needed to parse the string and get the object represented by the string
    return new TAB_MC_REGION();
    // Factory to create an object for the above class
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    TAB_MC_REGION obj = new TAB_MC_REGION();
    return obj;
    public virtual System.Array CreateArray(int length)
    RegionInfo[] collElem = new RegionInfo[length];
    return collElem;
    public virtual System.Array CreateStatusArray(int length)
    return null;
    Main Class Code(Execution Part) Start
    I am using "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database"
    List<RegionInfo> mealRegionList = new List<RegionInfo>();
    TAB_MC_REGION mealregionTableObject = new TAB_MC_REGION(mealRegionList.ToArray());
    Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
    using (DbCommand command = database.GetStoredProcCommand("mealplanning_services.SAVE_MC_REGION"))
    database.AddOracleInParameter(command, string.Empty, OracleDbType.Object, "TAB_MC_REGION", mealregionTableObject);
    database.AddOracleOutParameter(command, "@po_result_code", OracleDbType.Decimal, 50);
    email address:- [email protected]
    please fill free to contact.

    Issue Resolved. For less than 50 records, client side filtering takes over. In that case the search help exit will not come into picture. Issue resolved by avoiding client side rendering.
    callcontrol-maxexceed = 'X'.

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    <class name="CashFlow" persistence-capable-superclass="InstrumentFlow">
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="table" value="INSTRUMENT_FLOW"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="pk-column" value="ID"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="class-column" value="none"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="lock-column" value="none"/>
    <field name="accrualPeriod" embedded="true"/>
    and for my DatePeriod object
    <class name="DatePeriod">
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="table" value="INSTRUMENT_FLOW"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="pk-column" value="ID"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="lock-column" value="none"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="class-column" value="none"/>
    <field name="startDate">
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="data-column" value="START_DATE"/>
    <field name="endDate">
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="data-column" value="END_DATE"/>
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    As you suspect, Kodo 2.x does not support embedded class mappings. Kodo
    3.0 will support embedded mappings.
    In the meantime, you can create a custom mapping, but unfortunately our
    documentation for custom mappings is lacking right now. Given how simple
    your DatePeriod object is, you're probably better off with something
    simpler (and as a bonus, less bound to Kodo):
    Just make your DatePeriod class and the field that holds the DatePeriod
    instance non-persistent. In the class that has the (now non-persistent)
    DatePeriod field, add two new persistent fields for the startDate and
    endDate. Then just use internal logic to construct the DatePeriod from
    the startDate and endDate. You can do this using the
    javax.jdo.InstanceCallbacks methods, or just do the logic in your setter
    and getter methods for the DatePeriod.

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    typemap in progress...
    public class MsSqlTypeMapEntries
    public MsSqlTypeMapEntries()
    /* ColumnType, JavaClassName, JdbcSqlType, JdbcSqlTypeID, DefaultDisplayLength, isNumericType */
    new JboTypeMap("BIGINT", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BIGINT IDENTITY", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BINARY BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("BIT","java.lang.Boolean","BIT",java.sql.Types.BIT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("CHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DATETIME" ,"java.sql.Timestamp","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DECIMAL","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("FLOAT FLOAT
    new JboTypeMap("INT","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("INT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("MONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("NTEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC() IDENTITY","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NVARCHAR","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    //new JboTypeMap("REAL REAL
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLDATETIME" ,"java.sql.Date","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLMONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SQL_VARIANT","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SYSNAME","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("TEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    //new JboTypeMap("TIMESTAMP BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("UNIQUEIDENTIFIER","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("VARCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);

    (FYI using JDeveloper, MS-SQL 2000 spk2 and MS-SQL's JDBC driver Version 2.2.0022)
    In the process of trying to get JDeveloper working fully with MS-SQL, I am at the point of developing a custom type map.
    Should this typemap include all mappings or only those different than the "Java" or "Oracle" type map? I was assuming all at first. Now I wonder how it's handling missing mappings.
    How does it find a matching typemap? I noticed that Entity's database column types looked like "int(10,0)" and "bit(1,0)", but in my typemap, like the examples, it's just "INT", "BIT" with no precision, scale. Is this a case of where it's assuming the driver will return a string for type and it's returning type(p,s)? Or is JDev building that string? Either way, would you need a different mapping for "bit(1,0)" than "bit"?
    As "bit(1,0)" it had problems with both the Java map and my custom map. Changing it to "bit" seem to get it to work. So what typemapping was it trying to use as "bit(1,0)"?
    [Bug?] I noticed that when I view the bc4j settings (project (rt-click) -> edit business components project), the value for type map is incorrect if I am using a custom type map. If I am using the Java type map it says "Java" in the greyed out select, but if I am using my custom map ("MS-SQL"), it says "Oracle". I checked the bc4j.xcfg for the one using my custom map and it does say the right class name for jbo.TypeMapEntries.
    On a related note, when testing the bc4j modules, we are instructed to use the edited local configuration, but how do view/edit the project default configuration?
    typemap in progress...
    public class MsSqlTypeMapEntries
    public MsSqlTypeMapEntries()
    /* ColumnType, JavaClassName, JdbcSqlType, JdbcSqlTypeID, DefaultDisplayLength, isNumericType */
    new JboTypeMap("BIGINT", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BIGINT IDENTITY", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BINARY BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("BIT","java.lang.Boolean","BIT",java.sql.Types.BIT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("CHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DATETIME" ,"java.sql.Timestamp","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DECIMAL","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("FLOAT FLOAT
    new JboTypeMap("INT","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("INT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("MONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("NTEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC() IDENTITY","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NVARCHAR","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    //new JboTypeMap("REAL REAL
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLDATETIME" ,"java.sql.Date","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLMONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SQL_VARIANT","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SYSNAME","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("TEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    //new JboTypeMap("TIMESTAMP BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("UNIQUEIDENTIFIER","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("VARCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);

  • Step-by-step custom Credential Mapping using weblogic 10.3 SSPI

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    2.MyCredentialMapperProviderImpl implements CredentialProviderV2
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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi John,
    I would like magic of course. However, in this case I want something special: my authentication provider uses special means and contents of headers, cookies and service from external identity management systems to determine the user's identity.
    I do not want the application to present the login dialog! I want to derive the identity and the fact that the user is logged in from whatever the authentication provider returns in terms of Subject.
    Ideally, the flow is something like:
    - user accesses an unprotected resource - resource is shown, no interaction with authentication provider
    - user presses a link or button that takes him/her to a protected resource
    - the authentication provider is contacted to work with the identity asserter to establish the identity of the current user and create a subject object for this user
    - the application can access the subject and principals
    - ADF Security recognizes the identity and the roles (based on the principals) and coordinates access based on this.
    the authentication method is client certificate. presumably this prompts WebLogic/OPS to use an identity asserter to work with custom headers and cookies ("... when you configure a web application to use CLIENT-CERT authentication. In this case, WebLogic can perform identity assertion based on values from request headers and cookies. If the header name or cookie name matches the active token type for the provider, the value is passed to the provider."). No login form should be presented to the user, as all information required to perform the authentication is already available.
    I am trying to understand what I must do to have the ADF application adopt the subject set by the authentication provider - if anything?!
    If you more ideas to share - I would love to hear them.
    best regards,

  • Can LSMW use customer specific mapping program?

    Can LSMW use customer specific mapping program?
    I have created a LSMW project to migrate various objects (Material, pricing conditions, conditions) for our new division. I want to add another object – Purchasing Info records. We already have a customer specific mapping program that prepares the data for SXDB to complete the migration. After creating the new object in LSMW, I looked in step 1 (Maintain object attributes) but couldn’t see anywhere convenient to put the program name.
    I know that LSMW provides a mapping facility of it’s own, but can I avoid reinventing the wheel and instead own specific program?

    I am afraid, that is not possible. It is possible to create your own BDC recording but not the way you want to do. LSMW needs to know your source and target structures and then you do the mapping from source to target within LSMW. It stores this mapping information in several tables and unless LSMW has those entries, it will not be able to generate the mapping(conversion) program. Also, LSMW creates a 'read' file and later a 'converted' file. Your mapping program may not be doing that, which means LSMW cannot execute it in later steps to actually create the Purchase Info Records.
    You will have to create your own BI or DI program or a business object and a BAPI, or an IDOC type and message type and then publish it to standard SAP, then may be it will be possible. But that will be lot of work, instead use the standard one availble to you.
    If you want to use your existing code then, when you get to the mapping part of it, just cut and paste the logic specific to each field in the appropriate place, or don't do any individual field mapping, but just paste all the mapping logic in the ENDOF_RECORD_ section.

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    When I tell the custom style mapping option to format a Word style (from an rtf document) with the InDesign style, the text still maintains the word formatting or it shows a style override in the InDesign style. I have a large document that needs to import the styles correctly and I've followed the tutorials exactly however the placed text is still hanging onto the word RTF styles. I want the rtf text to convert to my InDesign styles completely without overrides.

    I actually need the cell styles. That's what sets my font, spacing, and GREP styles.
    I did find the solution today. In the table style or table setup, I needed to set the "Stroke Drawing Order" to "Column Strokes in Front". Even though it was previously set to "Best Joins" and I had no strokes for rows or for the table borders, it just wasn't giving priority to my dotted columns.
    Thanks for your response though!

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    _Is there a way to make custom keyboard mapping a default?
    What I mean is, for example, I want to disable <command> S for saving (so I don't accidentally hit it).

    Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts Make the changes you want to the shortcuts and save with a new name. In the dropdown at the top choose your new set and close. Quit and restart to seal the deal.

  • Placing Word docs with custom style mapping

    I am trying to place Word 2007 docs in InDesign CS3 using custom style mapping.
    When I place the Word doc, InDesign creates a whole new set of styles with the correctly mapped new names but with the Word style definition. It records no name conflicts with the my already existing styles of the same names. Each of the new styles has the disc icon next to it, showing it was imported.
    If I delete each of the styles I can replace it with my original InDesign style, but isn't the point of style mapping to eliminate that step?

    This issue is now solved in the 6.0.4 update. See the release notes for item #2335625.
    An important update to the InCopy and InDesign products has been released today!
    To install the update, choose Help > Updates from any Adobe CS4 application, or navigate to the Adobe Updater and launch it:
    Mac: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities/Updater6/Adobe
    Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Updater6\Adobe_Updater.exe
    You can also download the updates from at the following locations:
    InCopy Mac:
    InCopy Win:
    InDesign Mac:
    InDesign Win:
    Release notes are here:

  • Load or import custom style mapping in link options – is that possible somehow?

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm working with Instructions for Use and Technical Manual documents in InDesign. I'm constantly fine-tuning our templates, and now I have to refresh them again, because of a brand refresh. I'm using the Custom Style Mapping in the Link Options panel a lot, because it helps us to copy the text from older documents to the new ones with the right formatting, with less effort. The only thing I miss is the “Load/Import Custom Style Mapping” option from this panel.
    Do you know if there’s any options to export/import/load these mappings somehow from one document to another? Is it possible to write a script for that? I find this part of InDesign quite unattached, it seems to me (based on my search) that no other people are using it. I feel lonely, help me here!
    (I have created many new mappings in an older document, and I’d like to be able to use them in the new templates as well, but I can only do that if I map the styles again. And it’s quite time consuming. Maybe I'm just using too many paragraph styles, I have no idea – this could be another question: what is too much when it comes to styles...)
    Thanks a lot,

    Sync is not intended to be used as a backup service like you are talking about, but it will work as long as you save the Recovery Key, as Jefferson mentioned (you also need your Sync Username ''[email address you used]'' and your account Password).
    Mozilla has just started working a new "cloud service" that is code named '''PiCL''' for "Profile in CLoud", which I am expecting will be a lot easier to use and might allow the user to access their bookmarks and other data from the internet without adding a "borrowed" PC to your Sync account.

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    On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Joana Franco <[email protected]>

  • Converting custom Google map to PDF

    Is it possible to take a customized Google map (showing points of interest we've created) and turn it into a pdf that would be zoomable, and in which each of those points would be clickable (or via mouseover) to show information about those points? If the answer is yes, is their functionality that would allow this to be viewed on a mobile device?  Thanks! If there isn't an Adobe solution that would accomplish this, do you know of some other solution?  Here's an example of the type of map I want to be able to convert to PDF and have each icon identifiable in some manner:

    I have a feeling Google would make this as difficult as they can.
    If I'd been asked to do this, I'd be worrying very much about Google's licensing of map data and whether making an "offline copy" was breaking the license. How is your copyright law?
    Google do offer a maps API which can be used to deliver maps on mobile devices. That might be the safer option.

  • Customer Exit to get last day of month from Year/month

    Hi Experts,
    I need to create a customer exit to get the last day of month from Cal Year month input variable.
    User input period: 12.2008
    I need from the customer exit: 31.12.2008
    User input period: 02.2009
    I need from the customer exit: 28.02.2009
    Can someone help me with the ABAP code to achieve this with a customer exit?
    Help will be appreciated.

    Please use the following code,
    Second one is the suitable solution for you, I can understand that, if it leafe year then you have the problem so use the secon one.
    First one is using Period i.e. 010.2008 (December 2008).
    Secodn one is based on Date/Month.
    Note: Insted of SY-DATUm, you give your variable name
    *******To get the Last day of the Fy Period entered by User in ZFYP***
        WHEN 'ZLDAY_FI'.
          LOOP AT i_t_var_range INTO loc_var_range WHERE vnam = 'ZFYP'.
            zbdatj = loc_var_range-low+0(4).
            zbuper = loc_var_range-low+4(3).
                i_gjahr = zbdatj
                i_periv = 'V3'
                i_poper = zbuper
                e_date  = zzdate.
            CLEAR: l_s_range.
            l_s_range-low = zzdate.
            l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
            l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
            APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    Note: in the below code I given SY-DATUM, so you change to your Month Variable like using  
    LOOP AT i_t_var_range INTO loc_var_range WHERE vnam = 'XXXX'.
    ** Last Day of Current Calendar month
          zzdate = sy-datum.
              iv_date = zzdate
              ev_days = znum.
          CLEAR: l_s_range.
          l_s_range-low+6(2) = znum.
          l_s_range-low+0(4) = sy-datum+0(4).
          l_s_range-low+4(2) = sy-datum+4(2).
          l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
          l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
          APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    Edited by: Surendra Reddy on Jan 27, 2009 2:47 PM
    Edited by: Surendra Reddy on Jan 28, 2009 6:12 AM

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