Customizable Screen Saver

I am a psychotherapist and lecturer on the impact of childhood sexual abuse on men. I am preparing a presentation and would like to create a screen saver or slide show that I can have running behind me as I present part of the program that shows (one at a time) 62 different words or phrases. These phrases represent effects of the abuse on men as reported by the abused men themselves (i.e., flashbacks, nightmares, sexual acting out). I've seen Word of the Day screen savers that display content over which the user has no control but don't know how I can make this work with my own content. If I can't do this with a screen saver, I could probably do it as a slide show but it would need to be something that I can bounce between my PowerPoint presentation and whatever I'm using for the slide show.
Not terribly tech savvy here, although I'm fairly well versed in Word, PowerPoint, Chrome.
Any ideas or recommendations? Thanks in advance for the feedback.

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    Open System Preferences and go to View menu (on the menu bar). You should see Desktop & Screen Saver listed.
    If you see it, go to View menu > Customize, and mark "Desktop & Screen Saver".
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    Kluv32 wrote:
    Then, I checked the new sharing preferences and closed out Aperture.  I opened up the System Preferences for Screen Saver, and after waiting about 1-2 minutes, Aperture popped up in there as an option.
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    @implementation saverView
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    self = [super initWithFrame:frame isPreview:isPreview];
    if (self) {
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    [displayer drawInRect:[self bounds]];
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    In System Preferences/Screen Saver, you need to go down the list past all the Events and you will see a listing titled "Photos" just above the item titled "Last 12 Months". Select it and you will see the entire iPhoto Library there.
    Message was edited by: Anastassios T
    Message was edited by: Anastassios T

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    Dave I'm glad to say that it works perfectly but I'm embarrassed to say that my 12 year old nephew hooked it up in about 10 minutes.
    If you have the Kanex Mini DisplayPort cable it will work, what confused me was changing the display settings in System Preferences,
    and dragging the mac screen from the mac onto the tv. Sorry I cant be more helpful but you have the right cable now you need a 12 year old nephew.
    Good luck Derek

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    Since I am not using the mail app and have not set it up, the setup account window is the one to come up.
    I have checked the Login Items under Accounts in System Preferences and it's not there. I have also right clicked the icon in the dock and checked if it was set to start up automatically - it isn't.
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    The next logical step was to check Activity Monitor to try and see what started a process. You see I am originally a Windows user and have recently converted my OS religion. Back in Windows when something like this happened I had many tools that could tell me what started the application and even it's command line. But with the Mac all i have is the activity monitor and I'm still not familiar. I have clicked the process and then inspect, the parent process indicated launchd, pressing that lead me to another inspector window still without much info.
    How can I solve this, it is becoming rather annoying?
    Also does anyone know a better process monitor for mac? or how to use top on the terminal to get the information I need?
    Please help a confused new mac user!

    So I've tried both of the tips you gave my guys, but non of them works
    But I've found out something. When I switch to different space (in spaces), than drop some file and then try to switch back to my mail space, there are 2 possibilities how to do it. First - I just move mouse to the space to where I want to switch, wait for a second and it switch automatically or I can move mouse to the space where I want to switch and than press spacebar to make it faster.
    The strange thing with opening app from dock happens just when I press the spacebar.
    And question for your other answer - yes, it happens just with apps in my dock.
    It is so uncomfortable...
    EDIT: few days ago I've run OnyX (which was probably mistake) and this happens probably since than. I used it because Snow Leopard got little bit slower so I wanted to clean it... It might be because of that.
    Message was edited by: jakudo

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