Customization in Project Server 2013 on basis of dropdown value

Hi Friends,
I have a requirement like :-
If a user selects 'YES' then some cost fields like construction cost,raw material cost ,etc. etc. have to be shown on PDP page .
If a user selects 'NO' then all custom fields like construction cost,raw material cost ,etc. etc. have not to be shown on PDP page .
YES and NO will be available as part of custom field on PDP page.
Please let me know if its is possible through PDP page and custom fields customization or I will have to code for this validation.
Sachin Sisodiya
Associate,Dev Services
Email :[email protected]
Sachin Sisodiya Associate,Dev Services ASPL,Udaipur

The Project Fields web part exposes an interface that can be used for overloading / customizing the UI, and that'd be in my opinion the best way to get this done. Without trying to promote our product, we were able to implement a rich conditional and validation
behavior as part of UMT360 leveraging that method. No way to do it without code.

Similar Messages

  • Customization in Project Server 2013

    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement like :-
    If a user selects 'YES' then some cost fields like construction cost,raw material cost ,etc. etc. have to be shown on PDP page .
    If a user selects 'NO' then all custom fields like construction cost,raw material cost ,etc. etc. have not to be shown on PDP page .
    YES and NO will be available as part of custom field on PDP page.
    Please let me know if its is possible through PDP page and custom fields customization or I will have to code for this validation.
    Sachin Sisodiya
    Associate,Dev Services
    Email :[email protected]

    I think you need to put some Javacsript code in content editor webpart, that hide or disable few custom attributes based on user selection.
    This below post can be helpful for your case.
    Please mark as answer if this solution helps you.
    Thanks !!!
    Sachin Vashishth MCTS

  • Project Server 2013: customize JSGrid (Project Center, MyTasks, etc...) ?

    In Project Server 2010, it was possible to customize the JSGrid, thanks to the tutorial included in the SDK "Walkthrough:
    Customizing the PWA Ribbon and Accessing the JS Grid". It works really fine, and I used this possibility in many Project Server 2010 implementation for Customer.
    I would like to make it on Project Server 2013, but the same code doesn't work. I found some posts
    here, where people had the same issue, but no clear answer.  
    The Project Server 2013 SDK does not contain the same tuto upgraded for 2013, and I hope that this possibility still exists.
    If somebody has a very basic example to show how to execute some custom code on Focus Change event, or clic, or what ever event happening on this JSGrid, it would be very nice to share.
    My installation is On Premise, not in On Line.
    Thank you for your help !

    In fact for filtering, you have to use delegate.
    The "HandleFilter" function must be created by you. You have to bind this function to the correct delegate. 
    For filtering, the main delegates are:
    The post
    here explains the process for 2010. For Project Server 2013, the difference is that we don't have the same objects.
    Here you can find the way to declare the delegate in Project Server 2013, with the SetDelegate method:
    var pc; // Contains the Project Center extension object.
    var JsGridControlInstance;
    var JsGridSatellite;
    function ProjectCenterMain() {
    pc = new ProjectCenterExtension();
    function ProjectCenterExtension() {
    if (typeof projectCenterComponent === 'undefined')
    JsGridSatellite = projectCenterComponent.get_GridSatellite();
    JsGridControlInstance = projectCenterComponent.get_GridSatellite().GetJsGridControlInstance();
    JsGridSatellite.get_tableViewParameters().bAutoFilterableColumns = true;
    JsGridControlInstance.SetDelegate(SP.JsGrid.DelegateType.AutoFilter, HandleFilter);
    JsGridControlInstance.SetDelegate(SP.JsGrid.DelegateType.LaunchFilterDialog, FilterDialog);
    JsGridControlInstance.SetDelegate(SP.JsGrid.DelegateType.GetAutoFilterEntries, FilterMenu);
    function HandleFilter(newState) {
    alert("Filter !");
    function FilterDialog(param) {
    alert("FilterDialog !");
    function FilterMenu(param) {
    alert("FilterMenu !");
    My advice to search, is to put a break point on the ProjectCenterExtension function, and through debugger, tou can drill down in the main methods and properties. 
    Often you will see functions with get_XYZ(), and then be able to make the matching with the Project Server 2010 syntax.
    For the filtering implementation, I beleive that you can deal with your article based on 2010: it should work as soon as you will get the equivalent objects in 2013.
    Hope it helps !

  • Project Server 2013 Ribbon Customization using a custom action

    Is it possible to customize the ribbon in the Project Center through a Solution? Is the only way to add a button to the Ribbon through an app?
    I am using Project Server 2013 on Prem and every time I deploy a custom action - button to the ribbon in the Project Center the button becomes greyed out/disabled and says "This control is currently disabled." I haven't been able to find any examples
    of how to do this in Project Server 2013 using a solution.
    Here is the custom action, I have tried with and without the EnableScript attribute but nothing seems to work:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
    <CustomAction Id="Ribbon.Library.Actions.AddAButton"
    ToolTipTitle="UniqueId Displayer"
    ToolTipDescription="Displays UniqueId for the list item."
    TemplateAlias="o2" />
    EnabledScript="javascript: function ReturnTrue() { return true; } ReturnTrue();"
    CommandAction="javascript:alert('Hello, world');" />

    You can add a new button using a SharePoint feature or via an app. If you haven't see the links below already, take a look. These are for 2010 but would be very similar for 2013:
    some of those example to get those buttons working / hiding then modify your code.
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS

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    hello forum members,
    we having issues opening a word document in a Project Server 2013 . we have Office 2010 on our computers installed. 
    when I click on a document link, i get a message "The webpage cannot be displayed".  the only way to open a document is to right click on link and select "Open". 
    Does Project Server 2013 require Office 2013 installed? If not, is there a way to open documents in Project Server 2013 without right clicking on links?

    Hi Tatiana,
    This is the know issue. I have experienced this issue with one of our client. The cause of issue as below -
    You have 2007 Microsoft Office installed on a computer.
    On the same computer, you also have a Microsoft Office 2013 application installed, such as Microsoft Lync 2013 or Microsoft Word 2013.
    To work around this issue, remove the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support program component from the Office 2013
    installation on the affected computer or computers. To do this, follow the “Install or remove individual Office program components” section of the following Microsoft Office website:
    Install or remove individual Office
    programs and components
    After you complete these steps, repair 2007 Office. For more information about how to repair the installation, click
    the following article number to go to the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    ( )
    How to install the individual 2007 Office features or to repair the installed 2007 Office programs
    Note When
    you follow these steps, set the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support
    component within Office Tools to Not Available.
    This solution doesn't apply to scenarios in which SharePoint Designer 2013 is installed on the affected computer.
    You can find further details here at Microsoft support site -
    Hope this helps you.
    Cheers, Badal

  • Unable to edit the Project details from PWA in Project server 2013

    I am Migrating the project from MS Project 2007 to MS Project 2013.In that i save the project as a file first in 2007 and then open that file in  MS Project 2013 And publish it.But in some Project when i am Trying to change the projects details from
    PWA in Project server 2013 and then trying to save then the projects are not saving and are generating the error as shown below
    •GeneralQueueException:◦GeneralQueueException (9131). Details: id='9131' name='GeneralQueueException' uid='f7bb5d93-20e9-e411-b302-005056ae159c' messageID='2' exception='System.TimeoutException: This request operation sent to net.pipe://localhost/pscalc_13c43af4a7d34a2c8145b776b325a865
    did not receive a reply within the configured timeout (00:05:00). The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service was unable to send a
    reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout (by casting the channel/proxy to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property) and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client. Server stack trace: at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DuplexChannelBinder.Request(Message
    message, TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage
    methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message) Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData&
    msgData, Int32 type) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Interfaces.ICalcService.OpenProjectRemappedProject(CalcServiceCallState callState, Guid realProjectGuid, Guid remappedProjectGuid, EngineSessionState& sessionState, EngineSessionType sessionType,
    PSError& psError) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.CalcServiceChannel.OpenProjectRemappedProject(CalcServiceCallState callState, Guid realProjectGuid, Guid remappedProjectGuid, EngineSessionState& sessionState, EngineSessionType sessionType,
    PSError& psError) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.CalcServiceProxy.<>c__DisplayClass2.<OpenProjectRemappedProject>b__1(ICalcServiceChannel calcServiceChannel, PSError& localPsError, EngineSessionState& localSessionState)
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.CalcServiceProxy.<>c__DisplayClass6e`1.<RunCalcServiceOperation>b__6c() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Base.IdentityUtilities.<>c__DisplayClass1`1.<RunWithAccessToAppTierServices>b__0()
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.<>c__DisplayClass5.<RunWithElevatedPrivileges>b__3() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SecurityContext.RunAsProcess(CodeToRunElevated secureCode) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(WaitCallback
    secureCode, Object param) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(CodeToRunElevated secureCode) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Base.IdentityUtilities.RunWithAccessToAppTierServices[T](Func`1 action) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.CalcServiceProxy.RunCalcServiceOperation[T](CalcServiceOperation3`1
    func, EngineSessionState& sessionState, String scopeName) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.CalcServiceProxy.OpenProjectRemappedProject(Guid realProjectGuid, Guid remappedProjectGuid, EngineSessionState& sessionState, EngineSessionType
    sessionType) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ProjectEngineUpdate.OpenProject() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ProjectEngineUpdate.HandleUpdate() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ProjectQueueDispatch.HandleProject2(MessageContext
    mContext, ProjectMain project, ServerEventManager sem, ProjectDataSet dataset, Guid projectUid, Guid sessionUid) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ProjectQueueDispatch.InternalDispatchMessage(IPlatformContext context, Message msg, Group messageGroup,
    JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext)'. 
    •Queue:◦GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - ProjectUpdate.ProjectUpdate2Message. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='f8bb5d93-20e9-e411-b302-005056ae159c' JobUID='a6fa36de-1fe9-e411-b302-005056ae159c' ComputerName='1af8030b-7714-4c8f-8738-903b73e87a82'
    GroupType='ProjectUpdate' MessageType='ProjectUpdate2Message' MessageId='2' Stage='' CorrelationUID='0a4aff9c-dd6b-7015-87a8-29d876e1540c'. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine 1af8030b-7714-4c8f-8738-903b73e87a82 for entries with JobUID a6fa36de-1fe9-e411-b302-005056ae159c. 
    What will i do .Please help.

    Hi Jeremy,
    Thanks for the reply .I try the steps that is given in link above but its not working.Please suggest something.What
    should i do.

  • How to get timesheet information in a javascript (Project Server 2013)

    Hi all,
    In Project Server 2013, I'm trying to customize the Timesheet ribbon. This far, I've been able to add a new button and tie an event to it. All is working well. This is all done using elements.xml and a javascripts.
    Now the problem is that I want to get some informations about the timesheet (the Guid for example) and, for now, I've got no success. I know that there is an object called PS.TimeSheet, but when I try to use some PS.TimeSheet's methods I get an error.
    Note that i'm in the page http://servername/pwa/timesheet.aspx (there is not Guid in the address) and all the treatments should be done in the javascript (no call to another aspx page)
    Thanks !

    Finally, I've found the solution.
    My goal was to add a button in the timesheet ribbon to launch a special report showing some data about the timesheet. The report has the timesheet Guid as parameter.
    To customize the Sharepoint ribbon, you have to do it via an xml file and a javascript (a lot of explanation is available in the internet that explains how to do it). So I had to call a function in the javascript to launch the report (which is a SSRS report).
    When you are in a javascript you have access to many global variables. When the timesheet.aspx is displayed, there is a global variable called "timesheetComponent".
    Using this variable we can call the method :
    to get an implementation of the current timesheet. This implementation has an attibute that has a lot of nice stuff about the current user and the current time sheet. This attribute is 
    _headerInfo is a structure that includes tsUid which contains the timesheet Guid I was looking for.
    Finally, the function attached to the button goes like this :
    function _LaunchReport() {
    var tsUId;
    var rptPath;
    var tsImpl = timesheetComponent.m_consumedApi.get_Impl();
    if (CONST_REPORT_PATH == null || CONST_REPORT_PATH == "" ) {
    alert("Constant CONST_REPORT_PATH is not defined")
    else {
    tsUId = tsImpl._headerInfo.tsUid;
    rptPath = CONST_REPORT_PATH + 'TimesheetDetails&rs:Command=Render&rc:Parameters=false&TimesheetUID=' + tsUId;;
    catch (Err) {
    CONST_REPORT_PATH is the path to SSRS defined elsewhere
    I hope this will help some other poeple !

  • Publication of the big-sized Enterprise projects from Project Professional 2013 to Project Server 2013 takes about 60+ minutes.

    Dear Sirs,
    I need your support over the following MS EPM 2013 issue:
    Publication of the big-sized Enterprise projects from Project Professional 2013 to Project Server 2013 takes about 30+ minutes. We
    need to reduce this total publication time down to acceptable working values 10+- minutes.
    Environment information:
    Single App Server (Virtual): 16 Gb RAM, x64 4xCPU, HDD > 50 GB free disk space, OS Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition x64 Service
    Pack 1, MS SharePoint Server 2013 and MS Project Server 2013 with CU December 2013 (KB 2850024) applied.
    Single RDBMS MS SQL Server (Virtual): 8 Gb RAM, x64 4xCPU, HDD > 200 GB free space, OS Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition x64 Service
    Pack 1, MS SQL Server 2012 x64 SP 1 Enterprise Edition.
    We have 1Gbit LAN between APP, DB server and 1Gbit LAN between APP and Proj Prof Client.
    Yes, we are on the way of migrating to the Prod environment
    with 3-tiered architecture (with SP1 slipstream and CU December 2014 applied), but this issue also
    presents there.
    Project’s file information:
    Tasks in the file: [~4900], resources in the file [~396] enterprise task’s custom fields used in the file [~23].
    Project save procedure for this new project would last about 7 minutes. Project publication would last about 47 minutes. We noticed that
    tasks synchronization process took about 1 second for each ~2,5 tasks, to add them to the sharepoint tasks list. So for all 5148 tasks it took about 5148/3/60 =  34 minutes. Other 13 min was used for reporting database publication and other tasks relevant
    for new sharepoint site creation.
    Case 1: Issue description:
    During the Enterprise project’s file save and publication we have the following sharepoint 2013 log messages:
    07.31.2014 12:43:17.22 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x0358) 0x3D5C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope
    (Persisting list changes). performing time =376.068676326181 22dca99c-4696-70f1-e9e2-06851d0bcffd
    07.31.2014 12:43:17.69 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x0358) 0x3D5C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope
    (Persisting list changes). performing time =361.652807828928 22dca99c-4696-70f1-e9e2-06851d0bcffd
    It shows that sharepoint spend at least ~350 milliseconds (or 0,35 sec*4900 tasks = 1715 sec, or 28,5 min) for each task update during
    project publication. And we also have another log file that shows that about 0,7 sec (or 0,7 sec*4900 tasks = 3430 sec, or 57 min) sharepoint spend for save each task in project file to project server. So total save and publication time more then 60+ minutes
    for that project file. The same result we have even if user didn’t do any changes at the project file.
    We use only enterprise projects (dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView.projectvisibilitymode = «False»), and do not use sharepoint tasks lists,
    but the synchronization between MSP Plan and SharePoint tasks list works at any case.
    Case 2: Issue description:
    - For the second test we created a new project with new sharepoint project’s site on basis of our «issue» project, with total amount
    of tasks in it of 5148 (yes, we increased the tasks list default limit at the sharepoint site up to 6000 items in it – standard limits for sharepoint view list – 5000 items).
    - Project save procedure for this new project would last about 7 minutes. Project publication would last about 47 minutes. We noticed
    that tasks synchronization process took about 1 second for each ~2,5 tasks, to add them to the sharepoint tasks list. So for all 5148 tasks it took about 5148/3/60 =  34 minutes. Other 13 min was used for reporting database publication and other tasks
    relevant for new sharepoint site creation.
    -Then we deleted the
    tasks list for that new test project from the sharepoint site and republish the project plan one more time. This time project save procedure took about 7 minutes, project publication about 2 minutes and 3 minutes for other relevant queue jobs. So total time
    is 12 minutes.
    As a conclusion: yes, we have determined
    the exact problem - during synchronization process (from Project Server to SharePoint) it perform copying all tasks and related data from Project to SharePoint in spite of fact that you changed only ONE task or ALL of them. At any case, synchronization will
    copy ALL of them from Project Server to SharePOint task’s list.
    Our workaround is to disable the task’s synchronization for such big-sized project plans:
    – to delete the SharePoint «tasks» list at the SharePoint site tied with project plan.
    - or deattach the SharePoint site from the project plan.
    Thank you for reading this topic, please if you also forced with such issue provide us any known workaround or maybe any official response
    \ feedback from MS about it.
    Thank you in advance,
    Best Regards, Andrey

    Regarding my topic, I also said that every time when sync works it updates All items from project’s plan at Project Server to corresponded task’s list at SharePOint server. Inspire of the fact that you changed only One task or group /
    all of them at your project’s plan.
    And it seems to me and my colleagues that it’s probably (maybe) a “bug” at the product. Here is what we have if looked a little bit closer to the code:
    Share Point determines what task to sync from Project’s plan to sharepoint list. To do that sharepoint needs to know was that task changed or not, based on the following fileds (check SQL stored procedure “[MSP_READ_TASKS_FOR_SYNCRONIZATION]”):
    We noticed that at any case synchronization performs for all tasks, EXCEPT the ROOT one. Then we looked at the comparison of TASK_PARENT_UID field. So sharepoint compares TASK_PARENT_UID with ParentID (this is internal name for lookup
    field “Tasks” at the Sharepoint, and it stores their values at the format "ID;#Title").
    And comparison performs like following:
    SharePoint looks for Task at the Tasks’s list corresponded to Project’s plan with ID represented at the TASK_PARENT_UID field. Then it takes SharePoint ListItem ID (“int” type) and store it to the “num” parameter;
    num = this.GetCachedListItemByUniqueId(listItem.ParentList, nullable.Value).ID;
       2.Then it compares “num” with task’s “ParentID” at SharePOint as follow with operator “!=”:
    ((SPItem) listItem)["ParentID"] != (System.ValueType) num
       3. If comparison was success (true) – then it tell us that values (at the Project’s plan for tasks) was changed, then it need to be synchronized. Corresponded Method setup “true” flag, and then returns it.
    The “bug” is that this expression at the Step 2 will always return “true”, because in fact it compares “string” (see above – that this is lookup field at SharePoint side)
    with “number”. For example if the parant task ID is “55”, then we get:
    "55;#Task 1" != 55
    And by the rules of .Net the “string” will never equal “number”
    Furthermore this is approved by the SharePoint logs:
    In that case we always get the note “Setting ParentID to” at the logs (we see it if turns on Verbose for “Project Server” -> “Sharepoint Integration” category).
    So at any case of publishing project’s plan we always get that note at the logs for tasks that have Parent task, and we have Parent for all of them EXCEPT the ROOT one, exact logs represented further:
    10/15/2014 02:37:32.26    Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x07D8)    0x06E8    Project Server    Sharepoint Integration    ado0d   
    Verbose    Setting ParentID to 1    bf2fc29c-7727-b00d-fa4a-34f22ea9ec1d 10/15/2014 02:37:32.62    Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x07D8)    0x06E8   
    Project Server    Sharepoint Integration    ado0d    Verbose   
    Setting ParentID to 1    bf2fc29c-7727-b00d-fa4a-34f22ea9ec1d 10/15/2014 02:37:32.63    Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x07D8)    0x06E8    Project Server   
    Sharepoint Integration    ado0d    Verbose   
    Setting ParentID to 1    bf2fc29c-7727-b00d-fa4a-34f22ea9ec1d 10/15/2014 02:37:32.67    Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x07D8)    0x06E8    Project Server   
    Sharepoint Integration    ado0d    Verbose   
    Setting ParentID to 1    bf2fc29c-7727-b00d-fa4a-34f22ea9ec1d 10/15/2014 02:37:32.69    Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x07D8)    0x06E8    Project Server   
    Sharepoint Integration    ado0d    Verbose   
    Setting ParentID to 5    bf2fc29c-7727-b00d-fa4a-34f22ea9ec1d
    The following is the complete Method’s code from the corresponded reflector:
    private bool UpdateParentID(DataSet taskDS, DataRow row, SPListItem listItem, Dictionary<Guid, SPListItem> redoEntries)
    bool flag = false;
    int index = taskDS.Tables[0].DefaultView.Find((object) DataRowExtensions.Field<Guid>(row, "TASK_PARENT_UID"));
    if (index >= 0)
    Guid? nullable = DataRowExtensions.Field<Guid?>(taskDS.Tables[0].DefaultView[index].Row, "WSS_LISTITEM_UID");
    int num = -1;
    if (listItem.Fields.ContainsField("ParentID"))
    if (nullable.HasValue)
    // STEP 1
    num = this.GetCachedListItemByUniqueId(listItem.ParentList, nullable.Value).ID;
    catch (ArgumentException ex)
    if (redoEntries != null)
    if (!redoEntries.ContainsKey(DataRowExtensions.Field<Guid>(row, "TASK_UID")))
    redoEntries.Add(DataRowExtensions.Field<Guid>(row, "TASK_UID"), listItem);
    //STEP 2
    if (num != -1 && ((SPItem) listItem)["ParentID"] != (System.ValueType) num)
    ((SPItem) listItem)["ParentID"] = (object) num;
    ULS.SendTraceTag(845443U, (ULSCatBase) ULSCat.msoulscat_PS_ProjectSharepointIntegration, ULSTraceLevel.Verbose, "Setting ParentID to {0}", new object[1]
    ((SPItem) listItem)["ParentID"]
    //STEP 3
    flag = true;
    else if (((SPItem) listItem)["ParentID"] != null)
    ((SPItem) listItem)["ParentID"] = (object) null;
    ULS.SendTraceTag(2495056U, (ULSCatBase) ULSCat.msoulscat_PS_ProjectSharepointIntegration, ULSTraceLevel.Verbose, "Resetting ParentID to null");
    flag = true;
    return flag;
    Any thoughts about it would be much appreciated!

  • Project Server 2013: I am using Project Server Permission Mode and need help with permission assignments?

    Project Server 2013: I am using Project Server Permission Mode and need help with permission assignments?
    How can I change Permissions for the individual users to see specific projects or all projects in project center and to see specific quick launch items?
    For Example: if i have 4 users, A, B, C and D. what i want is:
    User A can see everything and act as a project manager or Admin.
    User B can view all projects in project centre but can change the schedule or resource assignment etc.
    User C can only act as approver of projects and can view all projects in project centre.
    User D can only view specific projects for which permissions are given.
    can i have some expert help in sorting and understanding permission modes... as i was playing with project server mode permissions and can't figure out how to apply the above scenario to set of my user.
    Thanks in Advance
    Ajay Kumar

    Hi Ajay,
    Please refer to this link for detailed explanations about PS2013 security model.
    Actually, it will take a couple of days to explain in detail the security model that is a fundamental and tricky aspect of every PS implementation. But basically, you NEVER set permissions for a single user. You have groups in which your insert users. Groups
    define "what users can do". Then you associate groups to a corresponding category. Categories define "what user can see". Thus the association of a group with a category will set "what the user can do on the objects he can see". Then, for more advanced security
    level, you can use the RBS that will consist in "branches" in which you'll insert users. Based on those branches, you'll customize categories to fine-tune what user can see (for projects and resources) depending on the RBS branch and level.
    I'd advice you to start "playing" in a test environment with the default categories/groups that might probably cover your need.
    Concerning your 4 users:
    user A : add him to the "administrator" group. Be careful that you're mentionning either project manager or administrator, which are 2 groups/categories with totally different permissions level.
    user B : basically can see everything and change everything? it could be in the project manager group, assuming that there are no project visibility restrictions on the category via the RBS.
    user C : waht do you mean by "approver"? Workflow approvals? Then it will be the portfolio manager group. Task update or timesheet approval? Then it is another long topic: please refer in the documentation to the "status manager" and "timesheet manager"
    concepts. There are not related to the security model. In a few words, the status manager is the owner of the project plan, is defined for each task and approves tasks updates. The timesheet manager is an attribute defined for each resource in its parameters
    and approves resource timesheet.
    user D : you have to define which permission level must be given to this user. Basically it could be a team member that will see only projects he's in the project team. Note that team member cannot interact with the project plan in another way than submitting
    timesheets and/or tasks updates which must be approved.
    Once more, those are large and complex subjects that require a deep dive into your business model and tons of tests in a test environment.
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

  • Creating custom Category for Risk & Issue in Project Server 2013

    Dear All,
    How to Change Risk & Issue Category default as per business requirement when selecting them through drop down or radio button?
    I can do only Project wise from project site & then setting changes. But i want to customize it for all projects which are getting published in Project Server 2013. So doing manually every time project wise not making sense & consuming time also.
    Kindly help..

    I have created custom template but not getting as demonstrated in  blog
    post from Prasanna  specially
    end part where Risk, Issue n all content can be seen. In My case only simple 3-4 items can be seen apart from risk, issue etc.
    After that i saved this custom template to my
    one of EPT in Project Server 2013. But unable to customize my Risk & Issue Category options for all projects. However, i have gone through that post & unable to understand as described in 2010 & i am using 2013 version.
    Kindly let me know after saving custom Template
    to EPT how to move further to customize these risk & issue categories globally.!!

  • Project Server 2013 - Adding Enterprise Resouce additonal Assignemt attributes with AD sync programatically

    I Have a project server 2013 environment (Sandbox right now but on its way to a production system.) and we have AD sync set up for our enterprise resource pool.
    We have 2 situations:
    1. AD only brings certain information over (Name, email etc) and leaves other information out: Which calendar to use, base cost rate, Resource departments, Time sheet approver (their manager)
    2. IN AD we store the employee number and would like to map it to the External ID field. (And several other things need to happen - outlook out of office sync, resource can be leveled etc)
    I have not seen a way "add" this  information programmatically. Everything I see says open the resource in Project pro and update.  when you have 10,000 resources manual updates and changes are not really practical. Ideally we would
    be able to have some logic that looks at a table and as resources are added/updated the various fields are filled in as part of the "ad Sync job"
    Question: Is this possible an has anyone done it? If so how?

    Hi Bob,
    Yes, you are right.  Any extention will have to be custom code.  PS operates the same in regards to what can be accessed via AD sync over the various versions.  That part has not changed, how MS processes what it reads has changed over the
    However, another point for you, be very careful if you are really planning to add 10K users to your ERP via AD.  This will be a very taxing endeavor for your systems.
    I'm not aware of any technical limits, but you will run into practical limits with more than about 5K users in your ERP.  You had better have a very large SQL server and lots of RAM in your SharePoint web and Project App servers.  You had better
    have more than 1 Project App server, etc...  You will want to consider the impact to users when various parts of the system are loaded up with 10K resources.  Design your Farm and PWA configuration accordingly or expect to wait a lot!
    Don't expect to do this during business hours or you will kill all your users processing.  AD sync jobs go in the project server Q and can take hours to process in large numbers like that, at least initially.  Don't make any security changes of
    any kind during business hours as these will trigger a "re-sync".  Etc...
    Please read everything here:  Active Directory Resource Pool Synchronization (Project Server 2013)
    Other postings (Hey Stowe!) have referenced this as a starter:  I know this says 2007, but perhaps you can use this as a basis for understanding what's possible or how to approach.  As I mentioned, the underlying mechanics on this point are the same.
    Clearly you will want to use the PSI - which will give you access to almost everything you need.  You may need to hook into the Event handlers after the AD sync runs or just run a batch process of your own.
    Specifically, Outlook out of office can be accomplished by sync'ing with Exchange Server 2013.  See the TechNet on that topic (near the other articles).
    Resource can be leveled sounds like your custom job along with the EMP ID mapping.
    Hope this helps,
    Thanks, Eric S. Pcubed

  • Project Server 2013 - Project Plan crashes frequently

    We are using EPM , and everytime we update the project plan using enterprise project, the plan crashes and it does not allow me to publish the plan on the Project server.
    Please suggest solution for the above
    We are using Project Server 2013

    Vidhya --
    First of all, is your Project Server 2013 system updated with the latest Cumulative Updates and/or with Service Pack 1 (just released yesterday)?  If not, I would strongly suggest that you update your system and your copies of Microsoft Project 2013
    with Service Pack 1 at the earliest date possible.
    Second, regarding this project in particular, I would strongly suspect that this project is corrupted.  To resolve the corruption, you will need to use the Save for Sharing feature in Microsoft Project 2013.  To do this, right-click anywhere on
    a ribbon tab in Microsoft Project 2013, such as the Tasks tab, and then select the Customize Quick Access Toolbar item on the shortcut menu.  In upper left corner of the Project Options dialog, click the Choose Commands From pick list and select
    the All Commands item.  In the list of commands on the left side, select the Save For Sharing item and click the Add button to add it to the list on the right. Click the OK button when finished.
    To use the Save for Sharing feature, do the following:
    Open the enterprise project in question.
    Click the Save for Sharing button in the Quick Access Toolbar.
    In the Save dialog, save the MPP file to a location where you can find it easily, such as your computer Desktop, for example.
    Close the MPP file.
    Reopen the MPP file.
    Click File > Save As and then save the project.
    When the Save operation is done, try publishing the project.
    Please let us know if this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

  • Error while creating a Timesheet - Project Server 2013

    Hi everyone,
    One of user of PWA encounters an issue when he tries to create a timesheet. This error only occurs with a timesheet of
    a specific period, he can create all the other timesheet.
    So, when he creates the timesheet, this error occurs : "The timesheet creation failed, because of problems with Project Web App or with data validations"
    After reloaded the list of the timesheets, a link to go to the specific timesheet
    is available but if we click on it, we have this error :
    "View Failue - The view failed to load"
    I think , this error occurs
    because the timesheet is not realy existing even if we have a link to it.
    In the log (full log at the end), I've got this error :
    Exception occured in method 'TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet' System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values.
    I've found this link with the same kind of problem : but I've checked and published all the
    user project but still have the error.
    Have you got any idea where are these columns ? How can I found them without checked every project of PWA ?
    Full logs, for information :
    [bucketHash:E3B9DED0] Exception occured in method 'TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet' System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values. at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddUniqueConstraint(UniqueConstraint constraint) at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign) at System.Data.DataTable.set_PrimaryKey(DataColumn[] value) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.Generated.TimesheetDalBase.ReadCustomFieldsForAssignments(ISet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportCustomFields(HashSet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportActualsAndCustomFields(IEnumerable`1 assignmentUids, ISet`1 userImported) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimesheetLoaderForGrid.Load() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet(TimesheetDataSet dsDelta, PreloadType preloadType) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.TimeSheetImpl.<>c__DisplayClass45.<CreateTimesheet>b__44() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.WcfMethodInvocation.InvokeBusinessObjectMethod(String businessObjectName, String methodName, IEnumerable`1 actions) StackTrace: at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Native.dll: (sig=6ea170d1-988e-4153-9f1d-0305c0ea0309|2|, offset=3C1E) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Native.dll: (offset=1255D)
    Watson bucket parameters: Microsoft Project Server 2013, ULSException14, 070f6ea0 "project server", 0f0011db "15.0.4571.0", ea364808 "", 0400766f "4.0.30319.0", 52310bef "thu sep 12 02:33:51 2013", 00000e02 "00000e02", 00000020 "00000020", 44395864 "argumentexception", 00101621 "aeby7"
    Error is: GeneralUnhandledException. Details: General Unhandled Exception in _TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet_ Attributes: System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values. at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddUniqueConstraint(UniqueConstraint constraint) at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign) at System.Data.DataTable.set_PrimaryKey(DataColumn[] value) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.Generated.TimesheetDalBase.ReadCustomFieldsForAssignments(ISet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportCustomFields(HashSet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportActualsAndCustomFields(IEnumerable`1 assignmentUids, ISet`1 userImported) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimesheetLoaderForGrid.Load() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet(TimesheetDataSet dsDelta, PreloadType preloadType) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.TimeSheetImpl.<>c__DisplayClass45.<CreateTimesheet>b__44() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.WcfMethodInvocation.InvokeBusinessObjectMethod(String businessObjectName, String methodName, IEnumerable`1 actions) . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point: Project User: i:0#.w|wavenet\cev Correlation Id: 9709e41b-9a18-e411-941e-00155d029b05 PWA Site URL: http://intranet.wavenet.lan/PWA SA Name: Project Server Application PSError: GeneralUnhandledException (42), LogLeve...

    Hi Patmol,
    Have you tried to go to the previous or next timesheet and then navigate with the "previous period" or "next period" to the timesheet in question.
    Also have you tried to open it using a delegation session?
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

  • Issue while installing Ms Project Server 2013 on MS Server 2012 R2 with Sharepoint Server 2013

    Hello MS Support Team,
    I installed SQL server 2012 & Sharepoint server 2013 and after that the MS project Server 2013 is not installing on the same server -- pls hv a look the enclosed screenshot. sent at [email protected] and guide me to resolve it on priority.
    A windows poped up - Installation Error - This Project requires MS Sharepont Enterprise edition... (Which is not available on the MSDN Server)..only standard edition available.
    Please reply asap @ [email protected] - Call @ 0120471384
    Kind Regards,
    Vinay Bhardwaj
    Network System Administrator - GREC (IN)
    Rockwell Automation | A-66, Sector 64 | Noida | India
    IP : 71384 | E : [email protected] | W :

    Hi Siriosus,
    Indeed you do need Sharepoint Server 2013
    Enterprise for Project Server 2013.
    See article below where it is mentionned:
    Project Server 2013 requires the Enterprise edition of SharePoint Server 2013. Prior versions of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation 2013 are not supported.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

  • Project Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2

    Can we install Project Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2? Is it supported? I searched a bit but couldn't find any concrete information if it is supported or not.

    From the article:
    Today, aligned with the SharePoint Conference, we’re announcing availability
    of a slipstreamed SharePoint Server 2013 with SP1. SharePoint administrators
    will be able to use this updated installer to deploy on Windows Server 2012 R2.
    which I got linked from the following

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