Customize F4 help(Deletion of  a row) - Selection Variable

I have a requirement where i need to provide the F4 help on version object(Only posted values for Navigation). I have made this setting in BEX Version characteristics.
Now form those F4 help entries i should not show one entry in F4 help.
For Eg. i have 001 , 002 003 version data loaded to Cube.
F4 help should display  only 002 003.001 should never appear in F4.
Can this be done?
Thanks and Regards,
Suma H

This is possible and follow the below steps:
1) In the Development environment, go to Info provider change options
2) Select the Info object where do you want to apply the 'F4' restrictions --> choose the option 'Provider Specific Properties'
3) Choose the option for field "Query Exec.Filte" as 'D' (only values in Info provider)
Hope this information helps.
Bala Koppuravuri

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  • [SOLVED :)] Need help with adf table row selection

    In my application I am displaying results in a table. The DisplayRow property of table is set to Selected
    There are Next and Back buttons which help user to view details associated to the next/previous rows.
    I am using ADF 11g
    When user clicks Next or Previous button, then the selection of the row should also gets updated
    To achieve this i wrote below piece of code:
    RowKeySet rks =  tblS.getSelectedRowKeys();+
    rks =  tblS.getSelectedRowKeys();+
    When i run application and click Next/Previous Button, all functionalities do take place properly, but a null pointer exception is also thrown._+
    If i remove DisplayRow property of table from Selected to Default, every thing works good and no Exception is thrown_+       
    But as records in my table are going to be around 50-60 everytime, i need to set DisplayRow property of table to Selected.
    Is there any way to achieve this? Solve this problem?
    Some more details:_
    I am using a POJO class to create DataController. This DataController is having a view Object which is used to create results table.
    I have defined Primary key for my POJO Data Controller.
    Here is code of xml file:*
    +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>+
    +<JavaBean xmlns="" version=""+
    id="ProductListBean" Package=""
    +<Attribute Name="Product" Type="java.lang.String" PrimaryKey="true"/>+
    +<Attribute Name="Stock" Type="java.lang.String"/>+
    +<Attribute Name="Rate" Type="java.lang.String"/>+
    +<Attribute Name="Accuracy" Type="java.lang.String"/>+
    +<Attribute Name="Details" Type="java.lang.String"/>+
    +<ConstructorMethod IsCollection="true"+
    Error Log:*
    SEVERE: Server Exception during PPR, #1
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.RowDataManager.getRowIndex(
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlHierBinding$FacesModel.getRowIndex(
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    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXTable.__encodeBegin(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection.encodeBegin(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(
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    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
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    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(
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    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
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    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeAllChildren(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.__encodeRecursive(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeAll(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
    at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.doRenderView(
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    at javax.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper.renderView(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
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    at Method)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
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    at oracle.dms.wls.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Please Help I have been struggling with this issue for long.
    Thanks and Regards
    Manav Ratra
    Edited by: user11255144 on Feb 8, 2010 5:33 AM

    Hi Arun,
    Thanks for replying.
    Actually in my application there is one result table and a section that is displaying complete details of the product selectd in result table.
    The next/previous buttons are not binded with result table.
    What I am doing is, I am puuliing data from VO and displaying it on form, whenever any of these buttons is clicked.
    As soon as these buttons are clicked data is coming up, but selection state of table is not getting updated.
    So to update selection state i wrote piece of code described in my previous post.
    Everything works fine if displayRow property of table is not set to selected.
    If i set display row property of table to selected, then i get a null pointer exception with message log defined in previous post.
    Although NPE is thrown, yet all data is properly fetched and table selection is also updated. But am not able to get how this NPE is coming and hpw to fix it .
    (I need to keep displayRow = selected, for all other cases NPE is not thrown)
    Please help..
    Thanks and Regards
    Manav Ratra

  • HELP: delete cell contents on select

    Hi All
    I would like to delete a cell's contents as soon as the user selects it. Otherwise it takes to long to delete the default values before you can enter the new ones.
    Does anybody know how I can accomplish this?
    Hope to hear from you soon.

    If you set the column cell renderers this way the cells will be put in edit mode when the user entres the cell and the cell will be selected.
    For each column in the table
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComumnsInTable;i++ ) {
      column=PassportTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(i); // Get column
      column.setCellRenderer(new DefaultTableCellRenderer() { // Set cell renderer for column
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
          Component renderer = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
            if (hasFocus && isSelected && isCellEditable(0, i)) { // put cell in edit mode
            table.editCellAt(row, column);
            TableCellEditor tableCellEditor = table.getCellEditor(row, column);
            Component c = tableCellEditor.getTableCellEditorComponent(table, table.getValueAt(row, column), isSelected, row, column);
          return renderer;

  • Please HELP: save workbook with initial selection variables

    Hey folks,
    I'm very frustrated.
    I'd like to save a workbook without results and without any historical values in popup selection screen, but I'm not able to do.
    Does anyone knows an answer?
    I tried a lot, but haven't got any idea anymore.
    I'm using the new SAP-BI 7.0 FrontEnd BEx-Analyzer.
    Hope you can help as soon as possible.
    Thanks in advance.

    hey ottoman,
    I didn't get the last tip.
    Edit the variable I'm using and goto default tab?
    The possible variables are shown if I refresh and they were shown in a popup, where I can select the parameters. But if I clear the the results and want to run, an error occured, because it's an obligatory variable.
    As an alternative I tried to cancel. After it my workbook is cleared, but my formats are blown away
    That's why I haven't got any solution to save the workbook with an initial selection popup.
    Hope you have another idea?

  • Multiple row selection & Send Email Code ? Need littel Help

    Dear All,
    I managed to insert a code which will enable me to select multiple rows (Artikel from the great Yann Duran),
    i also have a code which enables me to send a mail for each selected row (only one row).
    But now since I was able to select more rows, I need to to customize my "Send mail" code to send mail to all selected rows. I guess I will need a loop here but I am not sure.
    My code for multiy row selection :
    private const string _CONTROL = "vw_CustLedgerEntry" // This is my Data Grid;
    private DataGrid _ItemsList = null;
    private int _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    partial void Part_2_CustomerItemDetail_InitializeDataWorkspace(List<IDataService> saveChangesTo)
    // Write your code here.
    this.FindControl(_CONTROL).ControlAvailable += Orders_ControlAvailable;
    private void Orders_ControlAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)
    _ItemsList = e.Control as DataGrid;
    //if the cast failed, just leave, there's nothing more we can do here
    if (_ItemsList == null)
    //set the property on the grid that allows multiple selection
    _ItemsList.SelectionMode = DataGridSelectionMode.Extended;
    _ItemsList.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(_ItemsList_SelectionChanged);
    private void _ItemsList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    switch (_ItemsList == null)
    case true:
    _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    case false:
    _SelectedRowsCount = _ItemsList.SelectedItems.Count;
    This is my code for sending a mail for one selected row:
    partial void EMail_Execute() // EMAIL BUTTON FOR OPEN ENTRIES
    if (vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem.Report_Type == null)
    // throw new ArgumentNullException();
    this.ShowMessageBox("EMail Can't be sent,PDF generation is not possible for this Entry");
    this.Application.ShowPart_2_CustomerItemDetail(this.vw_CustomerItem.Costomer_No_, this.vw_CustomerItem.Company);
    else// if (vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem.Send_Mail== true)
    vw_CustLedgerEntryItem1 entryItem = this.vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem;
    InvSendbyMailRequestBody reqBody = new InvSendbyMailRequestBody(
    , entryItem.Report_Type
    , "DynNavHRS"
    , this.Application.User.Name.Replace(@"HRS\", "") + "" // HRS001
    , "Document"
    , false
    , false
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.ISO_Code // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Email body text sprache
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.Salesperson_E_mail // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Send E-mail
    , entryItem.Customer_No_.ToString()
    , false
    , "XYZ"
    , false);
    InvSendbyMailRequest req = new InvSendbyMailRequest(reqBody);
    HRSReportServiceSoapClient wsHRS = new HRSReportServiceSoapClient();
    // wsHRS.InvSendbyMailCompleted += new EventHandler<InvSendbyMailCompletedEventArgs>(wsHRS_InvGetPDFCompleted);
    this.ShowMessageBox("Your email was successfully sent");
    // while (vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem.Send_Mail == true);
    Thaks a lot for your help.

    I tried the following but I donot know if its correct and Iam facing a problem with the "Foreach" function.
    private const string _CONTROL = "vw_CustLedgerEntry" // This is my Data Grid;
    private DataGrid _ItemsList = null;
    private int _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    partial void Part_2_CustomerItemDetail_InitializeDataWorkspace(List<IDataService> saveChangesTo)
    // Write your code here.
    this.FindControl(_CONTROL).ControlAvailable += Orders_ControlAvailable;
    private void Orders_ControlAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)
    _ItemsList = e.Control as DataGrid;
    //if the cast failed, just leave, there's nothing more we can do here
    if (_ItemsList == null)
    //set the property on the grid that allows multiple selection
    _ItemsList.SelectionMode = DataGridSelectionMode.Extended;
    _ItemsList.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(_ItemsList_SelectionChanged);
    private void _ItemsList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    switch (_ItemsList == null)
    case true:
    _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    case false:
    _SelectedRowsCount = _ItemsList.SelectedItems.Count;
    partial void Send_Multiple_Mail_CanExecute(ref bool result)
    //only enable rows have actually been selected
    result = (_SelectedRowsCount > 0);
    partial void Send_Multiple_Mail_Execute()
    if (_ItemsList == null) { return; }
    //StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder();
    //loop through the selected rows
    //we're casting each selected row as a DemoItem
    //so we get access to all the properties of the entity that the row represents
    foreach (_ItemsList.SelectedItems)
    vw_CustLedgerEntryItem1 entryItem = this.vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem;
    InvSendbyMailRequestBody reqBody = new InvSendbyMailRequestBody(
    , entryItem.Report_Type
    , "DynNavXYZ"
    , this.Application.User.Name.Replace(@"HRS\", "") + "" // HRS001
    , "Document"
    , false
    , false
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.ISO_Code // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Email body text sprache
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.Salesperson_E_mail // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Send E-mail
    , entryItem.Customer_No_.ToString()
    , false
    , "XYZ"
    , false);
    InvSendbyMailRequest req = new InvSendbyMailRequest(reqBody);
    XYZReportServiceSoapClient wsHRS = new HRSReportServiceSoapClient();
    // wsHRS.InvSendbyMailCompleted += new EventHandler<InvSendbyMailCompletedEventArgs>(wsHRS_InvGetPDFCompleted);
    this.ShowMessageBox("Your email was successfully sent");

  • Urgent - Deletion of duplicate rows in a table - Help me

    Hi friends,
    Here is my purchase_order_line table desc,
    SQL> desc purchase_order_line;
    Name Null? Type
    purchase_order_line_id is a primary key.
    If you ignore the primary key column temporarily,
    for the rest of 2 to 11 columns, i have a duplicate data in this table.
    I want to clear out all duplicates.
    Suppose if I have 3 similar rows(exclude primarykey), then delete first two rows and leave the last one.
    OR delete last two rows and leave the first one.
    What is the best solution for this ?
    thanks for help.

    here is some example that might be of help.
    SQL> select case_number, case_status_desc status, case_ownr owner,
      2         case_yr year, doc_id
      3  from wrt_case
      4  order by doc_id;
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22072734
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22072734
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22081673
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22081673
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22143005
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22143005
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22243094
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22243094
    8 rows selected.
    SQL> Select case_number, case_status_desc status, case_ownr owner,
      2                 case_yr year, doc_id, rowid,
      3                 row_number() over (partition by doc_id order by doc_id) as rn
      4    From wrt_case;
    CASE_NUMBER          STATUS     OWNER YEAR      DOC_ID ROWID                      RN
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22072734 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAA          1
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22072734 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAC          2
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22081673 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAB          1
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22081673 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAD          2
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22143005 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAE          1
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22143005 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAF          2
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22243094 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAG          1
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22243094 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAH          2
    8 rows selected.
    SQL> Delete From wrt_case
      2   Where rowid in (Select t.rid
      3                     From (Select case_number, case_status_desc status, case_ownr owner,
      4                                  case_yr year, doc_id, rowid as rid,
      5                                  row_number() over (partition by doc_id order by doc_id) as rn
      6                             From wrt_case) t
      7                   Where t.rn > 1);
    4 rows deleted.
    SQL> select case_number, case_status_desc status, case_ownr owner,
      2         case_yr year, doc_id, rowid
      3  from wrt_case
      4  order by doc_id;
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22072734 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAA
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22081673 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAB
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22143005 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAE
    2006-786             ACTIVE     E     2006    22243094 AAD8bTAAJAAAJ4nAAG

  • Help - delete similar rows from a table

    I have a table that was already populated with data. It was originally a list of street addresses and offices that corresponded to them. Now, I have removed the street number because the postcode is specific enough for my purposes, and do not need the street number. This has resulted in many rows that are identical, aside from an id_number: i.e.
    1, Street Name, Town, Postcode, Other Info
    2, Street Name, Town, Postcode, Other Info
    3, Street Name, Town, Postcode, Other Info
    4, Street Name 1, Town 1, Postcode 1, Other Info 1
    5, Street Name 1, Town 1, Postcode 1, Other Info 1
    I want to remove all but one of the essentially identical rows, and keep, for arguments sake, the one with the lowest id or rowid, so I would end up with:
    1, Street Name, Town, Postcode, Other Info
    4, Street name 1, Town 1, Postcode 1, Other Info 1
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Standard dedupe query - replace "SELECT * FROM" with "DELETE":
    CREATE TABLE william_test
    ( id            INT
    , street_name   VARCHAR2(20)
    , town          VARCHAR2(20)
    , postcode      VARCHAR2(10)
    , info          VARCHAR2(20) );
    INTO william_test VALUES (1, 'Street Name', 'Town', 'Postcode', 'Other Info')
    INTO william_test VALUES (2, 'Street Name', 'Town', 'Postcode', 'Other Info')
    INTO william_test VALUES (3, 'Street Name', 'Town', 'Postcode', 'Other Info')
    INTO william_test VALUES (4, 'Street Name 1', 'Town 1', 'Postcode 1', 'Other Info 1')
    INTO william_test VALUES (5, 'Street Name 1', 'Town 1', 'Postcode 1', 'Other Info 1')
    SELECT * FROM dual;
    SELECT * FROM william_test
           ( SELECT LEAD(ROWID) OVER (PARTITION BY street_name, town, postcode, info ORDER BY id)
             FROM   william_test );
            ID STREET_NAME          TOWN                 POSTCODE   INFO
             2 Street Name          Town                 Postcode   Other Info
             3 Street Name          Town                 Postcode   Other Info
             5 Street Name 1        Town 1               Postcode 1 Other Info 1
    3 rows selected.

  • How To delete flex datagrid rows using multiple selected checkbox in flex

          I need to delete the rows in the datagrid, using the checkbox slection...
          for each row in the datagrid, there is a checkbox..
          by slecting multiple checkbox i need to delete those rows by calling a method...
          currently i am using this method for delete, but it deletes oly the finally selected checkbox
          this is my code
    function removeTaskRecord():void
    //Check if the checkbox for the task is selected
    //Remove the task record from the Data Grid data provider
    tagreportonload.lastResult.Generatedschedule.Generateddate.removeItemAt(generate dReportsgrid.selectedIndex);
    can u help need it immediatly pl
    Thanks in Advance

    Don't do this by operating on lastresult. Store the data in a collection like ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection, and remove an item from that. If you need to retain availability to the original data, create a copy of the collection.
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
    Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified
    Flex / AIR Development, Training, and Support Services

  • Help needed in row selection in Tabular form across pages

    I have a tabular form report similar to I want to select some rows from first page and then use the pagination to get to the next page, select some more rows and hit the submit button for processing. The rows selected in the last page alone are picked up for processing, and the ones selected in the earlier pages are lost. I see the same behaviour in Denes' example as well. I picked a row in the first page and a row in the next page, and then click "Pick Records", i see only the record i picked on the second page.
    I did play around with "partial page refresh" setting for the tabular form region, but that does not help.
    Is there a way to select across pages in a tabular form?
    Edited by: rams1234 on Jan 22, 2009 10:19 AM

    Okay. I could make this work, but this seems to be a roundabout way for me. In my case I dont have any database related query to get the values, hence the Application level process may not be needed.
    When I select the checkbox, i get the value. I am hoping that I should be able to send the value to a javascript function and update the filed value in the function itself. Please see the function below..
    function setFileID(pThis) {
    var chkvals=pThis.value;
    var fldValue = new $x('f_FILELIST').value ;
    if (fldValue != 0)
    { $x('f_FILELIST').value= fldValue+'-'+chkvals;}
    { $x('f_FILELIST').value = chkvals ;}
    This function works fine in making up the list. The issue is, when an already selected row is unselected, the value of the checkbox gets added one more time :) If I detect the checkbox status and subtract the corresponding value, this will be perfect..
    Thanks for the link anyway. I am marking this question answered.
    Edited by: rams1234 on Jan 22, 2009 1:18 PM

  • Selectively delete uncommitted VO rows

    JDev version:
    We have create/edit pages which are called from a home page. As per business requirement, all changes are committed on home page only. So on Create/Edit, data is only saved in EO-VO.
    Now we have following scenario:
    1) From Home page navigate to Create page.
    2) In Create page, enter master-detail data. Click ‘Save’ to navigate back to Edit Account page.
    3) Click edit to navigate to Edit page.
    4) In Edit page, add a detail record. Click ‘Cancel’ button.
    Now since we cannot do ROLLBACK on cancel button, we are iterating through the detail VO to find/remove uncommitted rows (with STATUS_NEW).
    However it is deleting all uncommitted rows including earlier rows (entered in Create page)
    Expected functionality is to delete uncommitted detail rows entered in Edit page only. Earlier uncommitted rows should not deleted.
    Is there any way to achieve this?
    Kindly advise.

    the cancel button should access the current row on the ADF iterator binding and then refresh the row with undo changes

  • Solved: Delete Using Automatic Row Processing

    See Scott's reply below for the answer.
    Hi there,
    I have an application built in APEX 3.0.1 that I would like to be able to use a button to delete a single row from an underlying database table (owned by the parsing schema).
    My APEX page has a 3 HTML regions on it:
    1. Only a Select List and Go button for User selection (of Debit Note)
    2. Ten display Items (Text Field, Disabled saves state) displaying further information about User selection
    3. Conditional Delete button (region with custom image) - only displays when P73_DEBITNOTEID is NOT NULL
    I'd like this button to be used to Delete the Selected Item and thought I'd be able to use a Data Manipulation Page Process - Automatic Row Processing (DML) page process to do this.
    However, when I go through the wizard the Select item containing primary key column value field has no values in the search list.
    My first question is why was there no values in the list?
    So I manually entered the Item I required (P73_DEBITNOTEID) but when I run the page and click the button I get a PL/SQL missing expression error.
    What is the best practice method to do DML actions on the underlying database tables. The tables are all owned by the parsing schema.
    Your help in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind Regards,

    The DML processes (and the creation wizards for them) are for use with items having source type Database Column. If your page items don't use this source type, then neither the Automated Row Fetch nor the Automatic Row Processesing (DML) process types will work.

  • JDev 11g-Multiple Row Selection Table-Ctrl+A error

    Hello All,
    Jdeveloper : Studio Edition Version, Build JDEVADF_11.
    ADF Business Components :
    Java(TM) Platform : 1.6.0_11
    Oracle IDE:
    SOA Composite Editor:
    Versioning Support:
    I am trying to remove the selected rows from the table with RowSelection property set to Multiple. I am able to select the rows using by holding key board Ctrl key and click on the rows. The following code in backing bean successfully deletes the rows selected using this step.
    public void removeGeoSpecs(ActionEvent actionEvent)
    RowKeySet rowKeySet = getGmemTbl().getSelectedRowKeys();
    CollectionModel collectionModel =
    (CollectionModel) getGmemTbl().getValue();
    for (Object facesTreeRowKey: rowKeySet)
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding rowData =
    (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding) collectionModel.getRowData();
    But when i select all the rows in the table using Ctrl+A, all the rows got selected. I hit the Remove button, then after deleting the first row, getting the following error.
    javax.servlet.ServletException: ADFv: Could not find row: USA 548 with key: oracle.jbo.Key[] inside parent: GeoSpecTVOIterator with key: null.
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ADFv: Could not find row: USA 548 with key: oracle.jbo.Key[] inside parent: GeoSpecTVOIterator with key: null.
    Here USA 548 is my first row's data. Please let me know if you want complete error stack.
    During design time, While drag and drop the table i have not selected Row Selection check box as it sets property for single row selection. Table is inside the <af:panelCollection> . Here is the table source.
    <af:table value="#{bindings.GeoSpecTVO.collectionModel}" var="row"
    emptyText="#{bindings.GeoSpecTVO.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    rowBandingInterval="0" id="GmemTbl"
    partialTriggers=":::AddRowsBtn :::AddRangeBtn ::RemoveBtn :::SaveBtn"
    Here GeoSpecTVO is a transient view object which is not having query and not attached with EO.
    I tried to fix this issue by myself and also searched for similar issues in the FORUM and google. But no luck... I very much appreciate all your inputs/pointers. Kindly let me know if you need additional information.

    Hi Annadurai
    I tried the same work around but still i am facing the issue, could you please help me.
    public void deleteRec(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    RowKeySet rowKeySet = (RowKeySet)this.embossTB.getSelectedRowKeys();
    CollectionModel cm = (CollectionModel)this.embossTB.getValue();
    Row specRow = null;
    ArrayList rowList = new ArrayList();
    int listLength = 0;
    ArrayList<Number> printReqLST=new ArrayList<Number>();
    ViewObject vo1=null;
    boolean flag=false;
    for (Object facesTreeRowKey : rowKeySet) {
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding rowData = (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding)cm.getRowData();
    specRow = rowData.getRow();
    for (int index = 0; index < listLength; index++){
    specRow = (Row)rowList.get(index);
    Number printReqID = (Number)specRow.getAttribute("PrintRequestId");
    String PrintState = specRow.getAttribute("PrintState").toString();
    if (PrintState.equalsIgnoreCase("PRINTED")) {
    System.out.println("cann't delete");
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    FacesMessage message =
    new FacesMessage("Cann't Delete the selected row:" + printReqID);
    fctx.addMessage(null, message);
    } else {
    System.out.println("before commit");

  • How  to delete(remove) one row(record) from a dynamic table

    I have adynamically created table.
    I want to delete 1 record(Row) from that Dynamic table.
    Say if my dynamic table contains 5 records(rows);after deletion of 1 record(1 complete row)from that dynamic table,the number of records(rows) should be 4 .
    Please suggest me how to proceed.
    Please provide me some sample code.Its not working
    I tried with these code:-Its not working-->
    IPrivateExportexView.IEt_WriteoffNode node=wdContext.nodeEt_Writeoff();
    IPrivateExportexView.IEt_WriteoffElement nodeEle= node.createEt_WriteoffElement(new Zfrm_Writeoff_P());
    Please suggest

    *int n=wdContext.nodeTable().getLeadSelection();*
    Further more , an example is given below for better understanding , do modifications according to your need.
    node :
           value node - Table (cardinality - 0..n , selection 0..1)
                              no    ( value attribute - string  )
                              name (value attribute - string )
       // create node elements 
         for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
        IPrivateClearnodeElements.ITableNode node = wdContext.nodeTable();
        IPrivateClearnodeElements.ITableElement ele = node.createTableElement();
        ele.setName("name :"(i1));
    // Apply template Table -- select -- table node  or
    // create a table UI element and set the property Datasource - Table ( of the context)  
                             Insert Colum , in that column, next insert celleditor , of type text view  , bind the property text -- to "name " of Table node of the context
               Insert Colum , in that column, next insert celleditor , of type text view  , bind the property text -- to "no " of Table node of the context
    // create a action "removeElement"
    // create a button "Remove Element "  --> Event action -- removeElement
    // under the action write down the code :
    public void onActionremoveElement( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionremoveElement(ServerEvent)
        // before removing display elements
        wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Before  deletion :");
         for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeTable().size();i++)
             wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess(wdContext.nodeTable().getTableElementAt(i).getNo()) ;
         wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess(wdContext.nodeTable().getTableElementAt(i).getName()) ;
        int n=wdContext.nodeTable().getLeadSelection();
       // After deletion
        wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("After deletion :");
             for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeTable().size();i++)
                   wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess(wdContext.nodeTable().getTableElementAt(i).getNo()) ;
                   wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess(wdContext.nodeTable().getTableElementAt(i).getName()) ;
    If helpful , give points .
    Let me know if any problem u face .

  • Can u find (number of rows) + (SELECT * FROM emp) in 1 query?

    We have a requirement like this: We need to pass a SQL statement as a SYS_REFCURSOR OUT variable from a SP. Problem is, if the SQL returned 0 rows we have to send 1 row with all NULLS to the SYS_REFCURSOR.
    Is there any way to find out the number of rows returned from a SQL without having to put a SELECT COUNT(*) again using the "same" SQL?

    That only works if the cursor actually returns rows. Consider:
    SQL> create table t as
      2  select rownum id, to_char(to_date(rownum, 'J'), 'Jsp') descr
      3  from user_objects
      4  where rownum <= 5;
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t select * from t;
    5 rows created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> create function f (p_id in number) return sys_refcursor as
      2     l_cur sys_refcursor;
      3  begin
      4     open l_cur for
      5        select id, descr, count(*) over() cnt
      6        from t
      7        where id = p_id;
      8     return l_cur;
      9  end;
    10  /
    Function created.
    SQL> var cur refcursor
    SQL> exec :cur := f(1);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print cur
            ID DESCR             CNT
             1 One                 2
             1 One                 2
    SQL> exec :cur := f(42);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print cur
    no rows selectedSince the OP's requirement (or ""solution" coming from someone who misunderstood the concept of cursors") is that "if the SQL returned 0 rows we have to send 1 row with all NULLS to the SYS_REFCURSOR" the analytic count doesn't help.
    The only reliable (for certain definitions of reliable) way would be to consume the first row of the cursor to see if it did in fact return any rows.
    However, if the cursor was initally empty, we then need to generate a new cursor with all NULLS to satisfy the request. Not a big deal, as the new cursor would reflect the state of the database at the time of the initial query, even if a qualifying row was inserted and committed between the first query and the second, but it doesn't work the other way around.
    If I consume the first row and find a record, then I need to re-do the query to get all of the rows. but what happens if another process changes/deletes the qualifying row in between and commits? The second query will have no rows and you will return an empty cursor to the caller.
    Also, counting the rows (which the analytic count will need to do) could have a significant impact on performance since all the qualifying rows need to be read before the first row can be returned.

  • Adding/delete/copy a row in table in web dynpro

    Hi Expers,
    We  have  arequirement where on screen of view there is a "ADD" button,"DELETE" button and a ":COPY" button. once the user click on "ADD" button , a new row must add in the existing table,once the user select a  row from table and click on "DELETE" button , that row must delete .once the user click "COPY" button a new row must added with the data of the selected row.
    Can you plz help me how to do this.

    Hi Mahesh,
    -> To add a new row to the table, you need to create and bind  a new element to the node.
    DATA: lo_nd_test TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_el_test TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
    ls_test TYPE wd_this->element_test.
      lo_nd_test= wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_test ).
      lo_el_test= lo_nd_test->create_element( ).
      lo_nd_test->bind_element( new_item = lo_el_test set_initial_elements = abap_false ).
      lo_nd_test->set_lead_selection( lo_el_test ).   " to select the new row added
    -> To delete the exisiting row, get the selected row element and call remove_element method.
    lo_el_test= lo_nd_test->get_lead_selection( ).
    lo_nd_test->remove_element( lo_el_test ).
    -> To copy the existing row, get the values of the selected row using get_static_attributes( ) method and set the values to the new row added.
      lo_nd_test= wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_test ).
      lo_el_test= lo_nd_test->get_lead_selection( ).
      check lo_el_test is not initial.
      lo_el_test->get_Static_attributes( importing static_attributes = ls_test ).
      clear  lo_el_test.
      lo_el_test= lo_nd_test->create_element( ).
      lo_nd_test->bind_element( new_item = lo_el_test set_initial_elements = abap_false ).
      lo_el_test->set_Static_attributes(EXPORTING static_attributes = ls_test ).

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