Customize header.jsp : let an users to modify an attribute of himself

I discover Sun One since some weeks, and I will know if someone have already give the permission to the users to change an attribute of himself in the LDAP.
in my case, I must customize in the header.jsp (in JSPTabContainer by example) to allow the user to change the language:
what is the process :
- using specified TAG or API of sun one ?
- rewriting Completely the jsp ?
Thanks in advance...

The User INfo channel has the language selection option in it's edit page.

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    but (IWorkflowContext)httpSession.getAttribute("workflowContext") returrn null
    Jdev 10133 and soa suite 10131 on windows.
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    if (httpSession != null) {
    IWorkflowContext ctx = (IWorkflowContext)httpSession.getAttribute("workflowContext");
    if (ctx != null) {
    String bpmUser = ctx.getUser();
    out.println( bpmUser );
    out.println("authFailed dididididi");
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    Surely there is a way to set the customization from a designer for the whole comunity. My question is how to pull that off.
    Thanks for any information in advance.
    Kind Regards,
    Arnoud M. Barth

    You can set customizations at the system level by clicking on the edit defaults link of the portlet. This changes the default values of the portlet. In 309 or release 1 clicking on the edit page will show you the edit defaults link on the right hand corner of the portlet. In case of 902 or release 2 each portlet has a actions icon. Clicking on that will bring you a list of actions you can perform on a portlet. You will have "Edit Defaults" link here.

  • How to display total "items" and "amount " in header.jsp in CRM ISA B2B

    I am modifying “header.jsp” in standard CRM ISA B2B application.  Here we have summary of total number of items and total amount but it is coming in to button and for that below code is there in “header.jsp” and it display it as button text.
    if (!ui.homActivated) { %>
    !!" alt="" border="0" height="16" width="20">
    <td class="vertical-align-middle" name="miniBasket" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.minibasket.default"/>" >
            <form name="basketForm" action="javascript:show_basket();">
         <input class="green" name="miniBasket" type="button" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.minibasket.default"/>"/>   
    <% } else { %>
    <!-- HOM scenario - minibasket displays collective order -->
    <td  class="vertical-align-middle" align="right">
    !!" alt="" border="0" height="16" width="20">
    <td  class="vertical-align-middle" name="miniBasket" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.collorder.default"/>">
    <form name="basketForm" action="javascript:show_collective_order();">
        <input class="green" name="miniBasket" type="button" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.collorder.default"/>"/>   
    <% } %>
    Now I want to display total number of items and total amount separately in two different <td> element.
    How I can get total number of items and total amount in “header.jsp” I tried below code but did not get any success.
    Insert below line in “header.jsp” with respective page import statement for class or let me know which class I have to import.
         HeaderSalesDocument  hdr =
                (HeaderSalesDocument) request.getAttribute(MaintainBasketBaseAction.RK_HEADER);
        ItemList items =
                (ItemList) request.getAttribute(MaintainBasketBaseAction.RK_ITEMS);
    And then I use
    <td><%= hdr.getNetValue() %></td>
    <td><%= items.size() %></td>
    But it is not printing any thing and header page not display at all.
    Pl. tell me how to get total amount and number of items in header area. Which class or object I have to use here.
    I really appreciated any help from any one.
    Thanks and regards.
    Ashish Patel.

    Hi, I tried another logic. I took value from  Standard button, in which B2B application display total items and amount and I hide this field, to another text element.
    Now I Am breaking that value in words and stored them in array  and then trying to display that array with particular number which contains total item and amount through Java Script on Focus.
    But problem here is, It is not getting updated automatically I have to click on new text files to trigger Onfocus event. How I can achieve effect like as soon as Standard button changes it's value which is now hidden filed my new text box should update automatically.

  • Redirect to the jsp page after user authenticated successfully  …

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    If yes, how can I do that ? I’m more consider on “where should I add it”?
    3. Do I need to change my “UmLogonPage.jsp” to complete my requirement?
    4. Once after entering the Logon information, who will call my JASS – Custom Login Module for authentication? If authentication has failed who will return the control back to the “umLogonPage.jsp”?
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    6. Who will catch these exceptions for failure logins to redirect back to the “umLogonPage.jsp”.
    7. Finally I like to know where can I add my redirection logic once the user has been authenticated successfully?
    8. last but not least can any of the experts explain the whole login process (using JASS module)? How the control goes from one component to another?
    Any kind of help is appreciated.
    Points can be awarded for useful answers.

    Thanks a lot for your valuable reply.
    yes what you said was correct, storing information in R/3 System and getting the details from FM using Connector framework.
    You said i have to modify "header.jsp", can you please tell which .par file should i get to modify?
    one more question to you ... i have provide custom logon error messages to the user ... i did all the modification in logon.par and deployed in EP 6 .. working fine .. i can able to see "User ID Missing" , "Password Missing" etc ..
    when i place same peace of code in EP 7 it always displaying "User Authentication failed". can u guess what whould be the problem?

  • Open JSP page by user name

    Hi Experts,
    I have a login servlet and an user welcome screen welcome.jsp. When user login and after user validation i want to open welcome.jsp like instead of How can i do it please suggest me.
    Edited by: live_to_java on Jun 18, 2010 5:29 AM

    That's not strange cause You set welcome mapping to "/*" so it also catches your index.jsp. I've modified my code and used filter, here it goes:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4"
         xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    package org.opal.test.filters;
    import javax.servlet.Filter;
    import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
    import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
    import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    public class AccessFilter implements Filter {
         public void init(FilterConfig fc) throws ServletException {
         public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
              HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
              HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
              HttpSession session = request.getSession();
              String user = (String) session.getAttribute("user");
              if (request.getRequestURI().contains("login")) {
                   chain.doFilter(request, response);
              if (user == null) {
                   RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/index");
                   rd.forward(request, response);
              } else {
                   chain.doFilter(request, response);
         public void destroy() {
    package org.opal.test.servlets;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -215349891382765184L;
         protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
              processRequest(req, resp);
         protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
              processRequest(req, resp);
         private void processRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
              HttpSession session = req.getSession();
              session.setAttribute("user", req.getParameter("login"));
              resp.sendRedirect(req.getContextPath() + "/" + req.getParameter("login"));
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Insert title here</title>
         <form action="login" method="post">
              <input type="text" value="Opal" name="login">
              <input type="submit" value="ok">
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Insert title here</title>

  • Allowing user to modify/edit a JTable

    i'm new to java and i'm creating a JTable that allows a user to modify the data and the data will be stored in the database that i have created here is my code:
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    public class SelectContacts extends JFrame implements TableModelListener {
    private boolean DEBUG = true;
    DataBase db = new DataBase();
    Connection connection = db.getConnection();
    public SelectContacts() {
    DataBase db = new DataBase();
    Connection connection = db.getConnection();
    ArrayList contactsList =new ArrayList();
    String[] columnNames = {"Name",
    String query;
    Statement statement;
    ResultSet rs;
    String personName="";
    String address="";
    String gender="";
    String email="";
    String contact="";
    String age="";
    Contacts s1;
    int i=0;
    query = "SELECT * FROM Contacts";
    statement = connection.createStatement();
    rs = statement.executeQuery(query);
    while ({
         personName = rs.getString("Name");
    address = rs.getString("Address");
    gender = rs.getString("Gender");
    email = rs.getString("Email");
    contact = rs.getString("Contact");
    age = rs.getString("Age");
    s1= new Contacts(personName,address,gender,email,contact,age);
    catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
    Object[][] data = new Object[6];
    int count=0;
    while (count<i){
         s1 = (Contacts) contactsList.get(count);
         System.out.println("Name:" + s1.getName());
         System.out.println("Address:" + s1.getAddress());
         System.out.println("Gender:" + s1.getGender());
         System.out.println("Email:" + s1.getEmail());
         System.out.println("Contact No.:" + s1.getContact());
         System.out.println("Age:" + s1.getAge());
         data[count][0] = s1.getName();
         data[count][1] = s1.getAddress();
         data[count][2] = s1.getGender();
         data[count][3] = s1.getEmail();
                   data[count][4] = s1.getContact();
                   data[count][5] = s1.getAge();
    final JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames);
    table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 70));
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
    int row = e.getFirstRow();
    int column = e.getColumn();
    TableModel model = (TableModel)e.getSource();
    String columnName = model.getColumnName(column);
    Object data = model.getValueAt(row, column);
    Statement statement;
    ResultSet rs;
         String insertString= "Insert into Contacts (Name, Address, Gender, Email, Contact, Age ) "+
              " VALUES ( '"+ data +"')";
              // Do something with the data...
    statement = connection.createStatement();
    catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
         System.out.println("You sucessfully modified! :)");          
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    SelectContacts frame = new SelectContacts();
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    //Whenever window gets the focus, let the
    //TextFieldDemo set the initial focus.
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
    // demo.setFocus();
    i recieved error when i tried to edit 1 of the data "java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Number of query values and destination fields are not the same. i think the problem lies in the highlighted part. pls guide me thanks

    i think the problem lies in the highlighted part. pls guide me thanks What highlighted part? When you post code use the [code ]...[code ] tags. Read the "Formatting Help" link when you post a question for more information.
    I find it easier to use a PreparedStatement as it delimits a the parameters in your SQL statement for you. Here's a simple example, read the API for more information:
            private static void addData(Connection connection)
                throws Exception
                String sql =
                    "INSERT INTO Page " +
                         "(Name," +
                         "Title) " +
                     "VALUES " +
                PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                stmt.setString( 1, "Name1" );
                stmt.setString( 2, "Title1" );
                stmt.setString( 1, "Name2" );
                stmt.setString( 2, "Title2" );

  • Let end user to set up the query

    Hi all!
    Is there a way to let end user to set up a query/report with forms?
    = users can use a form (whit predefined values) to determine which column(s) shows in the result and can add filters before submit.
    Because a cube is stored in relational tables i think it's not an olap question.
    But here is why i asked this:
    I make an application that query an olap cube. I can make reports with apex from the cube view and from dimension views. But i want to let users to select from the available dimensons and measures and set filters on selected dimensions (on first page) using a form. When user submit the form the second page shows the result.
    Edited by: qenchi on 2009.08.09. 7:27

    This is what I've done in that application example.
    1 - I have two pages. Page 1 is the select columns and filters page and Page 2 is the report
    2 - On page 1, I have created a PL/SQL page process, called P1_CREATE_COLLECTION, that runs "Before Header". This is unconditional and has a Source Process of:
    END IF;
    END;ALL_TAB_COLUMNS contains records for all columns in all tables. In this example, I'm retrieving a list of all of the columns in the EMP3 table (which is just a copy of EMP plus a few extra fields). I'm also getting the data type for the column, setting the "Show" value to Y and starting with an empty filter string for each column. The actual data is retrieved into a collection called FILTERING. In this way, I can store all of the user's selections for use on Page 2. The IF test just ensures that I don't overwrite the collection if it already exists - that is so that I can keep any settings that the user made when they were last on Page 1.
    This collection gives allows me to store the following:
    SEQ_ID - the collection's sequence ID
    C001 - The COLUMN_NAME
    C002 - The DATA_TYPE
    C003 - The Y/N flag for SHOW_IN_REPORT
    C004 - The filter to be applied to the column
    3 - I created a "SQL Query (updateable report)" report. To do this you need to create a report using the SQL Wizard - any SQL statement will do - then you can change the report type from "SQL Query" to "SQL Query (updateable report)". I haven't found another way to do this.
    The report's SQL was changed to:
    C002 DATA_TYPE,
    ORDER BY SEQ_IDThis is a "manual tabular form" and is based on the collection created by my process.
    4 - I then created a button on the page called P1_CREATE_REPORT. This is just a normal submit button - the branch for this is to Page 2. On the branch, I ticked the option to "reset pagination for this page"
    5 - Finally, on Page 1, I created a PL/SQL process, triggered by my button, and in the "On Submit - After Computations and Validations" process point. The Process code for this is:
    APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE(p_collection_name=&gt;'FILTERING', p_seq=&gt;APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(x), p_attr_number=&gt;3, p_attr_value=&gt;APEX_APPLICATION.G_F03(x));
    APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE(p_collection_name=&gt;'FILTERING', p_seq=&gt;APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(x), p_attr_number=&gt;4, p_attr_value=&gt;APEX_APPLICATION.G_F04(x));
    END;This loops through the tabular form after it is submitted and updates the collection with the Y/N Show values and the filters
    Now onto Page 2
    1 - I created a SQL Query report using *SELECT 1 FROM DUAL".  When created, I changed the report type to "SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query)" and change the Region Source to the following code:
    vSQL VARCHAR2(8000);
    vQ CHAR(1);
    vSEP1 VARCHAR2(2);
    vSEP2 VARCHAR2(6);
    vQ := CHR(39);
    vSEP1 := '';
    vSEP2 := 'WHERE ';
    vSQL := 'SELECT ';
      IF x.C003 = 'Y' THEN
       vSQL := vSQL || vSEP1 || x.C001;
       vSEP1 := ', ';
      END IF;
    vSQL := vSQL || ' FROM EMP3 ';
      IF LENGTH(x.C004) &gt; 0 THEN
       IF x.C002 = 'VARCHAR2' THEN
        vSQL := vSQL || vSEP2 || x.C001 || '=' || vQ || x.C004 || vQ;
       ELSIF x.C002 = 'DATE' THEN
        vSQL := vSQL || vSEP2 || x.C001 || '=TO_DATE(' || vQ || x.C004 || vQ || ',' || vQ || 'DD/MM/YYYY' || vQ || ')';
        vSQL := vSQL || vSEP2 || x.C001 || '=' || x.C004;
       END IF;
       vSEP2 := 'AND ';
      END IF;
    END;This loops through the FILTERING collection twice. The first time to build up a SQL SELECT statement containing all of the columns in EMP3 that the user wants to show
    The second loop then builds up a WHERE clause for the statement based on any filters the user wants to apply. I have used the DATA_TYPE values stored in the C004 field to identify the format of the value in the WHERE clause - either VARCHAR2, which puts the string in quotes, DATE, which casts the string as a date using DD/MM/YYYY format and then any other value (which should be NUMBER), which just outputs the value entered.
    Note that I've used vQ to hold the quote character (CHR(39)) as I find this easier than trying to work out how many single, double or triple quotes I need to get quotes within the string.
    All of this just builds up a string (vSQL) which is returned to Apex at the end of the code so that it can build the report.
    Note that I have also ticked the option under the Region Source setting to show "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)". This needs to be done as the columns are changeable.
    2 - I created a button called P2_BACK_BUTTON which branches back to Page 1
    Obviously, this is a very basic example. You could, for instance, go one step further and allow the user to pick the table (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM ALL_TABLES) or view (SELECT VIEW_NAME FROM ALL_VIEWS). As the final report is being constructed as a string, it doesn't matter how the table/view name is derived. You could also add popups for calendars and calculators, where appropriate, on Page 1.

  • User cannot modify business rule

    hello everybody,
    our user has to launch (and modify) a business rule. he is able to modify them and to go to calculation manager. Unfortunately, when he tries to open the rule he gets this message:
    "rule opened in read-only mode. it is under modification by admin".
    I've modified the rule three days ago with the admin user, and i've tried to access it with his user id, but i don't get the same message.
    can you kindly suggest any solution?
    thank you very much,
    Edited by: user648334 on Oct 1, 2012 6:10 AM

    i've understood the problem: if an user let opened calculation manager and then another one tries to modify it: one get the error 'cannot modify it'.
    the solution is to close calculation manager, so that another connected user can modify the business rule.
    thanks for the attention.
    Edited by: user648334 on Oct 1, 2012 7:00 AM

  • How to do a logout from header.jsp question

    I want to display "log out" inside my header.jsp. I'm not sure of the best way to do the logout. Should I use a Button or a link or something else? Also, how would I call the backend to logout the user? using WLP 10.3.2

    how to fire exitplug of a windwow from the view ?
    Use Exit Plug in Windows:
    Do the following steps :
    -> Make an Outbound Plug to the Window.
    ->Make the type of Outbound plug to Exit Type.
    ->Add CLOSE_WINDOW of type wdy_boolean as a parameter to the outbound plug of Window.
    ->Do remember to add Component Name in the Properties Tab of View ( othervs Calling Outbound plug of window from view wont be possible ).
    ->Fire the outbound plug with close_window as X in the onAction of Exit Button .
    Refer SAP online help on using Exit plug to close a window:
    method ONACTIONGO_EXIT .
    data: L_REF_MAIN_WINDOW type ref to IG_MAIN_WINDOW .
    here Main_window is the window which needs to be closed.
    I hope it is clear.

  • Calling Fuego presentation from Header.jsp

    I have modified my Header.jsp and I have a button on it called Search. On click of the search button i want a screenflow presentation being called. How can I go about it?
    Thanks in advance,
    Krupa Shah

    The solution to this is bit tricky one, but it can be done. I have not tried myself, but I have some idea which might be useful to you. I will also give it a try in the coming days.
    Here how I think this can be done:
    In the header .jsp , put the following line. I assume your are using your own header.jsp and not the one which is there inside the studio/webapps/portal/jsp directory.
    <%@ page
    import="fuego.portal.URLForAction, fuego.portal.servlet.ExecutionDispatcher, fuego.portal.wapi.ExternalContext, fuego.portal.wapi.InvocationContext, fuego.portal.wapi.PortalExternalContext, fuego.portal.wapi.WebExecutionManager %>
    final ExternalContext externalContext = new PortalExternalContext(request,response);
    final WebExecutionManager manager = (WebExecutionManager) ExecutionDispatcher.getInteractiveExecutionManager();
    InvocationContext invocation = manager.findInvocationContext(externalContext);
    final String docKey = "xobject.ProcessName.AcivityName"
    // In the above lines:
    //Replace ProcessName.AcivityName with your processname //and the activity name which you want to display.
    InstanceInfo requestedInstance = (InstanceInfo)request.getAttribute(ApplicationConstants.REQUESTED_INSTANCE);
    InstanceStamp requestedInstanceStamp = requestedInstance.getStamp(requestedInstance.getId(), requestedActivity.getName());
    <form method="post" action="<%= URLForAction.runItem(request)%>" name="itemProcessForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="instanceStampId" value="<%=requestedInstanceStamp.getId()%>">
    <input type="hidden" name="itemId">
    <input value="<%=docKey%>" type="HIDDEN" name="docKey"/>
    Now on the click of the button which you added, submit the above form. Hopefully it will display the presentation which you want. It is highly likely that you wont be able to get it first up, but this is the way to achieve what you want.
    PS: I may have missed out on some files to import in the page directive.
    Right Chord

  • Granting access to users to modify published organizational forms outlook 2007 -exchange 2010 ?

    How do i grant Access to users to modify published organizational forms outlook 2007 and 2010, we use exchange server 2010 in our environment. Please advise.
    Aditya Mediratta

    Hi  Aditya
    Thank you for your question.
    Organizational Forms  belongs to public folder. You can use Add-PublicFolderClientPermission modify user permission.
    You can refer to the following link:
    you can refer to the following link to create organizational form;
    the public folder permission,you can refer to the following link:
    If any questions, please let me know.
    Best Regard,
    Jim Xu

  • Customize OIM jsp forms using xlWebApp.war: Best Practice?

    Based on searching the forum, it appears that inflating the war files, making changes and putting them back again is the way to customize the jsp forms in OIM. Is this a best practice though? What happens when I want to upgrade? Do I lose all my customizations or is there another way to do this?
    Edited by: user4486549 on Jun 5, 2009 5:11 AM

    That is the only way to do it.In case of upgrade every time you will have to merge the changes in new war file and redeploy it. Just take care of one thing that do not modify existing jsp or classes.Create your own jsps and classes.

  • How to let SAP user use SSO to access Application in DMZ?

    Hi All,
    Our J2EE application is running on a system in DMZ which can not be connected with LDAP. So I am wondering if it's possible to let SAP user use SSO to access our application.
    After talking with my colleague I think the only way is to import SSO public key to our WebAS and create user in UME and then assign user to the corresponding public key, but anybody know where to download SSP verification file or is it allowed to download and import into another system at all?

    Take a look at this example, it uses property nodes to select tha
    active plot and then changes the color of that plot.
    If you want to make the number of plots dynamic you could use a for
    loop and an array of color boxes.
    I hope this helps.
    Juan Carlos
    Attachments: ‏38 KB

  • How to let the user define the colors for each plots in the graph (I use LabVIEW 7)?

    How to let the user define the colors for each plots in the graph (I
    use LabVIEW 7)?

    Take a look at this example, it uses property nodes to select tha
    active plot and then changes the color of that plot.
    If you want to make the number of plots dynamic you could use a for
    loop and an array of color boxes.
    I hope this helps.
    Juan Carlos
    Attachments: ‏38 KB

Maybe you are looking for