Cutting Audio Accurately - into or before the first sample.....

I record 8 tracks of audio into logic from my drum machine. When i cut those 8 tracks together i find the first sound (eg - the kick) and cut just before the sample starts. Sometimes the cut is way before the sound starts and i have to decide whether to cut there or into the sound, as logic doesnt let cut anywhere else.
Has anyone got any advice on this?
1 more question - can you lock regions to be selected together. eg when i click on 1 of these 8 tracks, the other 7 are automatically selected?
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks, Ben

Hi Ben,
If I'm understanding you correctly, it sounds like you have the "Snap" parameter found in the upper right hand corner of the arrange page, set to "bars", or maybe "beats".
Set it to "snap", and you are free to scrub and scroll as close to the waveform as desired. I believe holding the apple key down give you even further resolution...
If you are taking about cutting in the sample window, however, make sure "search zero crossings" is disabled, from the sample editors edit menu.
As for "locking regions together", you want to utilize the "Group" function. By assigning all 8 tracks to the same group, and then making sure that "Arrange (Select)" is enabled from the group settings, selecting and making cuts on 1 track, will select and make the cuts on all 8 tracks simultaneously.
Page 277 of the Logic Pro Help PDF has more info on Groups...

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    Sorry. although I understand where you are coming from, I really don't have anything to add to my previous post. If no card reader, copy from camera to hard disk if you can. If you cant, then buy a card reader.. I mean, maybe you or somebody will come up with something else before it comes down to that, but if not..
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    The ^ location works for all paragraphs.
    But a note to the OP, there is a sample script called FindChangeByList that removes leading and trailing spaces as well as extra spaces after punctuation, all in one go. But if you want to continue to use a GREP find/change to remove leading space, I'd modify Joel's suggestion to ^\s+ to get those cases where the user typed multiple spaces as well.
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    How to completely remove Office 2008 for Mac
    All I can suggest is uninstalling and starting over with a fresh installation.
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    19:28:30.65 Info:    :  4412: daDbConnect failed
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