Da pdf a word

Come si trasforma un documento PDF in un documento Word ?

Si prega di utilizzare un traduttore, come quello di Google, come ho fatto qui.
If you only have the free Reader, you should go to the ExportPDF forum,

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    Forget the whole "tokens" business (I think that is a pretty useless "improvement" to constructing Spotlight searches). Hit command-F to bring up the search window, and set your first criteria, in the example I changed it from the default Kind to Created Date, to keep the number of results manageable. Now hold down the Option key and click on the "+" at the end of the criteria line, it will change to "..." and you get a new criteria line. From the dropdown menu choose "Any" if necessary (this will give you the Boolean OR), then enter what you want in the first sub-head. To get a second sub-head OR criteria click the "+" at the end of the Any line.
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    Please, will someone help?
    I would be so grateful.

    Gee, Pat, this is a  real big help.
    Nobody could possibly think anyone would ask for help without first trying to fix the issue oneself. Or maybe you do. I have opened the file and looked under security. I have changed it to owner-notebook (which is what the techs called me) and clicked accept but geepers it didn't work.
    Maybe someone else has an idea.
    Take Ownership of a File or Folder
    The above should be a link. At least I copied and pasted the link. I did what was stated in there. It isn't like brain surgery. But it is not working. I ended up being able to open some pdf files after transferring them from one partition category to another. I wish it was that easy as you seem to think.
    Thanks for the help. Have a great year.

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    Hey Fabrizio,
    You might need to sign up at "https://cloud.acrobat.com/exportpdf" using your Adobe ID credentials to convert your PDF file to Word.
    Do you get the 'download' prompt?
    Also, you can find the converted files by clicking at the 'Files' tab. 
    Please try the same using a different browser and check.
    Hope to hear from you.

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    Hi williamf,
    For starters, please try triple-clicking in the Word document where you want to edit the text (sometimes, that's what it takes to select text in Word). If that doesn't work, I'd be interested in hearing more about the PDF file that you converted and the method that you used to convert it. For example, how was the PDF created (and by what app)? Did you convert via Adobe Reader (what version) or via the ExportPDF website?
    If you can tell us more about the file, we should be able to get to the bottom of things.

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    To use the online service you must upload the file to the service's web site after sign in to your account.
    The ExportPDF and the PDF Pack Services provide for PDF to Word / Excel. 
    Each has its own dedicated user-2-user forum where you'll want to browse and ask questions.
    For ExportPDF:
    For PDF Pack:
    Be well...

  • Error when converting a PDF to word

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    Hi Preachers wife,
    What is the error message that you're receiving? Do you get the error regardless of which file you try to convert? Are you using the web interface, or converting from Adobe Reader? Are you on Mac OS or Windows (So many questions!)
    I look forward to hearing back from you with your responses, so we can figure out what's going on.

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    Hi Sara
    I followed your link and uploaded a file. Trying to convert this file and says the following as if it does not realize I have already paid for this conversion process:
    Adobe ExportPDF
    Easily convert PDF files to Word or Excel.
    Subscribe Now
    Subscribe and add the ability to export an unlimited number of PDF files via your browser or mobile device.
    Convert PDF to Word
    Export your PDF files to editable DOC, DOCX, or RTF files.
    Convert PDF to Excel
    Turn PDF files into editable XLSX files with table formatting preserved.
    Edit scanned text
    With optical character recognition (OCR), even scanned text becomes editable.
    Please help.

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    Hi Anna,
    If you are using Adobe online service, then you need to:
    Sign up at "https://cloud.acrobat.com/exportpdf" using your Adobe ID credentials.
    Select PDF files to export to Word.
    A pop up will come showing the download option.
    Click on that and download the converted file onto your system.
    You can also click on 'Files' tab to locate the converted files.
    On the other hand, if you are using Adobe Reader, all you need is to sign up and convert the file to word and later download it on your computer.
    Please try and let me know if you still face any problem.

  • How to save edit settings under preferrences to use when creating or printing a PDF from word 2003 Windows PC 8.1

    I have tried to save my PDF settings after editing them, but when I go to "Print" to PDF and check the settings I keep getting Standard default settings.
    There is no Adobe PDF listed as a file heading to change conversion settings on my Word screen.
    I have tried to create a PDF by open file through the Adobe application and also by trying to print through the Word application with document open and using Adobe PDF as the printer driver.I have changed or edited the settings but they do not appear as an option to select, just the standard default settings.
    I have been able to save my setting as a Adobe PDF job options, but can't access them or use them when it comes time to convert to PDF.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    I have apprached it 3 different ways:
    - by opening acrobat and going to preferrences, clining on  convert to PDf
    - Microsoft Word, then changes each section of the edit settings, ie
    general, fonts, images, etc make the cahneges then hit OK, at this point I
    get a save as option rather than a save. It saves my changes as a PDF, but I
    am not able to access it when I go to make the PDF.
    - I also have tried to print PDF from Word  and got to properties to make
    the changs with the same results as above.
    - Then I tried yur suggestion and went to the printer in the control panel
    and had the same results.
    I am using mircosoft word 2003 which has been compatable with my windows 8.1
    I think the problem may be I am using a "trial" version of Adobe Acrotbat DC
    2105 version. It must not belettingme save the setting changes.But this
    shouldnot be if they want me to really experience the full effects of the
    I appreciate your help, thanks

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    Dear Sara
    Thank you very much for sending the converted file.  Yes, I am able to edit it - that will be very useful to me and I appreciate your help.
    Referring to your previous message when you said you'd converted via Acrobat and not Acrobat.com, I'm converting via Acrobat.com because that's the only option that is shown (how do I convert via Acrobat? - perhaps that would be more successful).  I'm using the Export PDF website, and the OCR is enabled to "Recognize text in English UK".  However, I've just tried converting a different LPA pdf form, this time for Health & Welfare https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/245571/LPA114_He alth_welfare_LPA.pdf and again I have the same problem as before.  I've altered it from "Read only" and thought I'd then be able to enter text, but "Drawing Tools" is shown in the pane and I'm unable to enter anything onto the form - everything appears to be in images.  Also, the lettering on the heading of' page 1 has become jumbled, with the word "Public" overlaying the word "Guardian."  Any suggestions as to what it is I'm doing wrong would be welcome - I don't like to be beaten!

  • Question re Create PDF from Word doc

    I am trying to create a pdf from a Word document (Word 2007, Acrobat 8 Professional), and am having lots of trouble with images,fonts and document overhead. With the fonts, i generate the PDF by saying Create Pdf from the plugin in Word. I specify in the Preferences that fonts are not to be embedded. I then open the PDF and access PDF Optimiser -> Audit Space Usage, and it says that fonts take up like 20% of the document, however there are only like 10 lines of text in Arial (9pt), and 6 titles also in Arial (Bold). I dont understand why Font is taking up so much space considering that i have elected not to embed fonts (if i go to the Fonts section in the Optimiser, it shows both embedded and unembedded panes blank).
    With the images, i have 2 jpegs in the footer, that are compressed (JPEG -> Low). The other thing i am struggling with is the headers and footers, if i generate the PDF from the Word doc with Headers/Footers, then images take up over 15% of the document. Not sure if there is a way to add headers and footers within minimum impact of filesize? I have tried checking everything in the 3 categories of Dicard Objects, Discard User data and Clean Up. but the Document Overhead remains at 35%.
    What else can i do to get these filesizes reduced?I have been researching this for days and have not come across anything that has helped.I have tried to PDF print, i have changed the font to like Courier, ensured no thumbnails or bookmarks, ensured JPEGs are not embedded in the doc, tried Save As, Save As under a different filename - basically anthing you can find on the net i have found and tried, but still cant fix this!!!! please, if anyone knows acrobate 8 better than me / or knows what the problem is, please advise????
    Thanks very much.

    The colors and size in a graphic needs to be done in a graphics editor. What type of editor would depend on the use of vector graphics versus bitmap. Sometimes vector graphics are larger than bitmaps if you are using a lot of lines that would display better as just a splotch of color. Such are the variations between vector and bitmap graphics, but important if you are looking for size reduction. For a bitmap, I would do the sizing and color depth with IrfanView, but you should be able to do that with PhotoShop if you have it. Vector graphics can be adjusted in Illustrator. The size of vector graphics is not an issue since they are scalable, but the size of a bitmap is important since your are looking at individual pixels and that depends on size. The point is that if you can adjust the color depth and size for the desired pixel resolution, the bitmap is optimized for the conversion to PDF from WORD.
    As I mentioned, the smallest file size job options should minimize font storage in the PDF. Checking with the PDF Optimizer does not always give you all of the fonts. I am not sure why. It is better to check the font tab in the document properties to see what has been embedded. There is a preflight macro to embed fonts, you might check to see if there is one to delete fonts (I have not checked on that). Sometimes you can play with the reprint of a PDF, but that is not an option that is generally recommended, particularly if you have any tagging or such. Of course, tagging can really bloat a PDF, but is needed for a variety of reasons such as format for saving back to WORD (not a great workflow), accessability, and related issues. In another topic, there is some discussion of the purposes of tagging and bookmarks. However, the tags and bookmarks take space if that is really an issue for you. The latter are avoided if you use the print to the Adobe PDF printer and do not use PDF Maker in the PDF creation process. Again, there is a trade-off here in terms of size and functionality, particularly accessibility compliance.
    Not sure I am helping as I run on, but sort what might be useful for you.

  • I've bought Adobe PDF Export  but how do I convert a pdf to word?

    I have just bought the Adobe Export PDF package for £19.99 but I can't actually find where to login to the software to convert a PDF to word?
    Any help appreciated.

    Hi Rob,
    Please login at https://cloud.acrobat.com/exportpdf to use Export PDF feature.
    You can also download latest free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC using this link Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Install for all versions & sign in using the same login details to use Export PDF feature.
    Let me know if you experience any issue, we will be happy to help you.

  • How do I convert a pdf to word

    I just bought the package that allows converstions from PDF to Word, how do i do this?

    Hi VPI1,
    If you purchase the Export PDF subscription, then please go through this link.
    Please let us know if you have purchased the full program.

  • How do i convert a pdf to word doc so i can make changes?

    how do i convert pdf to word doc using the trial download?

    A "picture".
    Be well...

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