DAQ PXI 6527 sous Teststand

Je travaille actuellement sur le développement d'un programme de test automatique sous Teststand v3.1. Pour cela, je dipose d'un châssis PXI 1045 ainsi que diverses cartes PXI programmables.
Si je poste ce message sur le forum, c'est parce que j'ai des difficultés à accéder aux fonctionnalités de la carte PXI 6527. En effet, c'est la seule carte pour laquelle je ne dispose pas d'IVI (type Dmm) ou de DLL.
Je n'arrive donc pas à communiquer avec la carte PXI 6527 sous Teststand.
Mon objectif est de programmer la carte de façon à ce que je puisse la commander en Tout ou Rien (sortie à 0 ou 5V).
Comment puis-je réaliser un tel programme sous Labwindows CVI v7.0? Disposez-vous d'exemples?
Comment utiliser le programme CVI sous Teststand?

Bonjour Eric59,
Pour ce qui est de l'utilisation d'un code développé avec CVI sous Teststand, je vous conseille de consulter le manuel suivant : http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/375070c.pdf
A partir du chapitre 11, ce document vous explique comment utiliser CVI avec Teststand.
Concernant la carte PXI-6527, quelques exemples existent que vous trouverez au lien suivant : http://sine.ni.com/psp/app/doc/p/id/psp-152/lang/fr
National Instruments France
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Journées Techniques LabVIEW
Du 15 octobre au 7 novembre : Strasbourg - Lyon - Lille - Toulouse - Mar...

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    Je vous en remercie d'avance, 

    Si vous souhaitez accéder aux fonctionnalités de votre 6527 depuis Teststand, deux possibilités s'offrent à vous :
    1. Construire un code (Un VI LabVIEW paar exemple), qui sera appelé durant une de vos séquences de test.
    2. Appeler un Assistant DAQ directement depuis Teststand, qui sera appelé dans une séquence de test.
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    Été de LabVIEW 2014
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    Merci d'avance pour votre aide

    Bonjour Gauthier,
    En effet il s'agit d'une question classique. il y a donc plusieures réponses.
    -Excel? Es ce qu'un csv suffirait? Si oui voici un lien ou tout est déjà fait: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5854
    -Il est possible de customiser la séquence: reportgen_txt par exemple, et de rajouter des steps pour créer un rapport Excel à savoir: Créer un fichier Excel à partir d'un template, Rajouter les datas contenues dans les variables locales de la séquence (report header/footer/body), puis d'enregistrer le fichier là ou bon vous semble.
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    test_3.vi ‏67 KB
    while_loop.vi ‏13 KB
    tset3.zip ‏4 KB

    You do not need to put the "Configuration Parameters Setting" inside a loop.
    These configuration are needed just one time.
    If you want to change these parameters for other acquistion, you can put these steps inside a case structure and when you need to change those configurations values you've just to call the "Configuration Case" and do it before the new acquisition starts.
    The acquisition need to be continuous, not the configuration.
    You can found code examples on this link below:
    Hope this helps,
    Barbara Pracek
    Engenharia de Aplicações
    National Instruments Brasil

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    Merci d'avance de votre aide

    En cherchant dans la doc, il semblerait que TestStand ne fournisse qu'un nombre limité de steps IVI, et ne soit pas directement impacté par 'installation de IVI Compliance Package.
    IVI Step Types for TestStand
    Ce qui expliquerait que vous ne trouvez pas la class SpecAn dans les steps proposés.
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    Bonne chance.
    Olivier L. | Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    Merci d'avance pour votre aide
    Pièces jointes :
    Sans titre.JPG ‏115 KB

    Pour moi, il faut obtenir un "instrumentHandle" (du même nom que le dernier paramètres) avant de faire votre initialisation.
    En général c'est ce genre de fonction ou on passe l'adresse GPIB de l'instrument.
    Dans votre cas vous pointez vers l'adresse 19200 en mémoire qui doit contenir une certaine valeur qui ne correpond pas à une adresse d'un matériel branché sur le bus GPIB.
    Essayez de voir si une fonction de connection est disponible (Connect(), GetHandle(), etc).
    Da Helmut

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    ***** charge-t-elle de gérer tous les relais de manière à ce que par exemple pour la voie 0,
    il suffit de piloter uniquement le relais k0, et alors ensuite, les autres seront
    automatiquement pilotés ?
    Je pensais également à NI-Switch, mais cela à l’air moins convivial au niveau des
    fonctions, et à priori pas nécessaire pour des simples MUX ?
    Pascal Taunay - Atelec.

    In English :
    I need to drive a board PXI-2530B under CVI with DAQmx.
    With the examples, I can access to the desired relay (from k0 to k128), but also to
    the internal relays (kbc01..., kcom1...kref...) !
    Does this mean that even if I choose the topology (“2530/3-Wire Quad 16x1 Mux”), I need
    to manage the mux function by myself, for example for the channel 0, with the driving of the
    k0, k16, kcom1... and openning all other relays ? Or the chosen topology manage by itself
    all the relays so that for example for the channel 0, I need to drive only the relay k0, and
    then all other relays will be automatically driven ?
    I thought also about NI-Switch, but it seems to be less easy regarding the CVI functions,
    and perhaps not necessary to manage simple muxs ?

  • 2.7 year experiance in labview, DAQ, PXI, PCI seeking job

    chennai based
    2.7 year experiance in labview, DAQ, PXI, PCI seeking job
    sen 3.doc ‏81 KB

    Thanks for your help,
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    Pitch Analysis1.vi ‏321 KB

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    here's a link to the 6527 user manual

    If you only want to test if the DIO lines are working, you do not even need a VI.
    just use the MAX, set DO and read DI.
    if you still want a VI, make one VI with the help of NI Examples and then post the same for specific guidance.

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    I am not aware of a tool similar to NI SPY for I/O cards.
    However you can introduce a break point at the point of interest in a test sequence(step).TestStand will stop execution at that point.
    You can then manually verify the I/O status using a DMM .
    Hope this helps.

  • IVI Configuration with PXI-4110 in TestStand

    Hello All,
    PXI-1033 connected through MXI to a PC running Windows 7. LabVIEW 2014. TestStand 2014 (32-bit). PXI-4110 Power Supply and PXI-4070 DMM.
    In MAX I can open both soft panels and control both units and they work great.  In LabVIEW I can control both cards as well. 
    In MAX I have set up a driver and logical name for my DMM. This unit works great within TestStand using an IVI DMM step.
    I then proceeded to setup the 4110 in MAX with an IVI driver and logical name. Here are my settings:
    Name: ni4410_PS
    Hardware: Added hardware asset and select the PS. This one is checked, no other assets are checked.
    Software Module: NI-DCPower, 4110 is listed as a device that is supported.
    Virtual Names: This is where I am confused, Under physical name there are four options that come up (0, 1, 2, and 3). This power supply only has 3 outputs so I am unsure why four come up. I have made 4 virtual names, one for each of the options. I named them ch0, ch1, ch2, and ch3 respectively.
    When I put an IVI Power Supply step in TestStand everything seems to be working. I open the configuration window and set my values for each channel. If I try to validate the setup by unchecking simulate and click on init I do not get an error.  As soon as I clic on 'Configure' or 'Show Soft Front Panel' I get the following error:
    "The IVI Configure operation failed for lgical name 'NI PS 1'. Details: Extention capability not supported by instrument driver. (Base) (-30717)"
    Any information would be appreciated.  I tried playing with it for a couple hours yesterday and had a couple co workers try to help.  We are all under the assumption that this should be working.  
    Thank You!!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi jesserzamora,
    Have you seen this link: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/331F2717DBCD1F858625758200745773?OpenDocument
    It discusses a similar failure with the IVI Power Supply step in TestStand. 
    Julia P.

  • DAQ-PXI 6259

    I am using Labview 7.1 and NI PXI 6259 DAQ card.
    I want to configure 'n' no.of digital channels at a time but each channel has to stop the task at different time.Is it possible to do this??
    Suppose consider i need to configure some 8 digital channels in that i need to write 4 channels continuously and 5th channel for 5 seconds,6th for 3 Seconds,7th for 2 seconds,8th for 10 seconds.I will come to know abt the no.of channels and whether it is for continuous or for finite time only at run time.Is there any method to configure the virtual channels by grouping all 8 channels but stop each channel at different time??
    Plz help me in this

    Hello Meenatchi,
    It appears what you are trying to do is to use synchronized digital output so that one sample is output on all of your lines at the same time, for different lengths of time.  If this is the case, then what Britoa suggests is probably the best way to go about it.  You can programatically "decide" what you want to output and then build a digital waveform to reflect the behaivior you want to see. For example, if you wanted to output at 1kHz and you wanted channel 1 to output continuously while channel 2 only output for 1 second, then you would programatically construct a waveform where channel 2 was set low after 1000 samples.  The example that I would start with would be the Cont Write Dig Port-Ext Clk-Non Regeneration.vi
    As far as having different tasks running, the only way you can do that is if you use software timing (1 sample On Demand) for the different lines.  You can then create a different task for each line and stop them independently as shown here:
    Your lines will not be synchronized, but you could then use a case structure to decide whether to write to each line or not.
    I hope this gives you a place to start, post back if you have any issues programming this.
    Message Edited by Neal M on 12-26-2007 01:42 PM
    Neal M.Applications Engineering       National Instruments        www.ni.com/support
    2DigLines.JPG ‏97 KB

  • Difference de comporteme​nt entre debug et release sous Teststand

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    Chose etrange, si j'execute directement lasequence sous testand en release sa fonctionne? Ou est alors le souci?
    Merci d'avance por votre aide
    Florence D.

    Running the script by python2 solves it for me:
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    Best regards,

  • What is the best way to Query for a PXI Chassis in TestStand

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    I have some benches that have a PXI Chassis and others without. 
    I would like to Query for the Chassis and if it isn't there I will use another method of testing.
    Is there a way to query for the chassis and if there is how?
    Message Edited by glennjammin on 10-09-2009 09:23 AM
    Test Engineer
    L-3 Communications
    Go to Solution.

    You could use the VISA Find Resource function. If you get back PXI[bus]::device[::function][::INSTR] or PXI[interface]::[bus-]device[.function][::INSTR] then you have a PXI chassis
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