Dasboard and answers shows no result.

Hi all,
I have succesfully ran the oracle fiancieels ETl in dac. I also have data in my warehouse. I configured also the obiee repository. I had set up the type of my warehouse database. Also have set the username, pass and tns name for both connection pools.
I have set up all three OLap variable
olap_user = dwh
Olap_dsn = orcl
OLAPTBO = dwh (this is same as schema name??? )
When i login in obiee. I can see alle dashboards. but they all give the message: No result!! When i want to create a new answer. I don't get data either...
What could be wrong??? Do i have to set more variables???
Hope someone gave give me some help... tnx in advanced!!1

Hi tnx for helping,
When I do view data in the repository, i can see data. Tried it for several tables. So the connection to the warehouse must be correct.
I checked the variable TIME_OFFSET like you asked. The default initializor has a value: '0'
Is this correct? What else can i check?
tnx in advanced

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                  RequestDispatcher disp;
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    could you please reveal more about your call routing? Is there any IVR involved? Queuing?
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    CallsRouted: for this many calls the script execution terminated in the specified interval (but also this does not necessarily mean the call was answered or handled - all we know is that the script execution stopped).
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    Message was edited by: GBayl

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    Hi Hweiling,
    In my opinion V_V1 used to create confirmed backorder (line item where confirm quantity in first schedule line is 0 and there is no second schedule line) .
    V_V2 is used when you want to alocate your stock based of priority or some criteria.
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    If you run V_V1, it's only update the stock for second item (if stock is enough).
    If you think why it's not update the order that you want  when you run V_V2, please check the criteria and the stock.
    Guys please correct me if I am wrong.

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    In Detail
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    Select ... from ....where headerId = :1 AND lineId = :2
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    headerId lineid
    H1 ............... L1
    H1 ............... L2
    H2 ............... L1
    H2 ............... L2
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    How can I do it.

    Hi Mani,
    Thanks a lot for the patience and detailed solution.I will try it out and tell you the status.
    Meanwhile, I have 2 questions on this solution(just curious)
    I will give you the snapshot of the table
    Table - ModelInfo
    Model......Tube..... Float....Size......Col5.....Col6.......Col7.......
    M1............T1.......... F1. .....1..........C15......C16.....C17.....
    M1............T2......... .F2.......1..........C35......C36.....C37.....
    M2............T1.......... F1. .....1..........
    Question 1:
    if you notice this data,
    The Columns 5 to 7 are dependent on Combination of Model,Tube,Float and Size.
    Hence will this query work properly(without mixing up data from other Pk combination) and will it be efficient?(I Know this is a stupid qst, still double checking..As your solution assumes that each row is unique for Model only..which is not true)
    Select ...From....Where
    Model in(M1,M2,..Mn) AND Tube in(T1,T2..Tn) AND Float in(F1,F2,....Fn) and Size in(1,2...n).
    In short, will C15,C16 and C17 appear only with M1,T1,F1,1..I believe it will.
    Question 2:
    As I told,
    Third party program will return Array of Objects.
    Each object will have a variable called Flow along with
    Model,Tube,Float and Size.
    Flow is not stored in the database(can not be stored due to functional reasons).I want to show this Flow also along with other columns fetched from the DB for all 100+ rows.
    How can I do it?
    I will give u the scenario(with just 2 rows)...please check(Flow is not stored in DB)
    Third Party object : ObjModel
    Model......Tube..... Float....Size......Flow
    M1............T1.......... F1. .....1..........100
    M1............T2.......... F1.......1..........300
    My concern is,
    After the VO executes and shows other 6 columns, it should show Flow appropriately.(associated with each object in the array)
    I understand that I need to have a Transient attribute in VO called[b] Flow.But I don't know how to perform the two tasks simultaneously..
    Task1:Your solution on showing table columns
    Task2:Showing Transient data for each object returned from program.

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    I have the following problem - variance scaling in my query and web template are showing different results.
    My variance in column is set as follows:
    Formula: NODIM(A % B)
    Scaling Factor: 1
    I have a structure in row that uses Scaling Factor of 1,000.
    Let say the value of Column A is 120 and Column B is 100.
    When I execute the query, it will show 0.02
    However, when I execute the web template it will show the correct scaling i.e. 20.
    May I know what can I do to correct above scaling error?
    Thank you!

    You can not remove the scalling factor, but once you check the checkbox below the dropdown menu, the scalling factor will go away.
    I checked at my end and when I set the scalling fact as 1, I was getting 9.9% while I was expecting 9900%. When I removed the scalling factor I started getting 9900%.
    I would let you know if I came across anything else.
    What about the unit of Column A and B. Are they same or different?
    - Danny
    Edited by: Danny Matt on Jun 22, 2009 1:54 PM

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    My appstore says cannot connect to iTunes and it shows blank page i tried all advices but there is no result shall give my iPad to the apple store to make it   

    I think you should probably also read the iPad User Guide. You didn't say what version of iOS your iPad is running, so here's the links to both the iOS 6 and iOS 7 (PDF) versions:
    iPad User Guide for iOS 6
    iPad User Guide for iOS 7

  • How to use TextField to add two numbers and show the result.

    hi everybody
    i would like to use JTextField to get addtion of two Numbers,
    for example i am trying to type any integer numbers in JTextField like 7
    and press JButton, called( +) to add anthor number like 7 and press JButton called(=) to get addtion fo
    7 + 7 = 14, at same JTextField.
    so there will be two buttons, one for (+),other for (=).
    i have implement ActionListener in (+) button ,to get Text from JTextField (with getText() method),
    now how do i use same getText() method to get the next number that i will add it with previous number in
    (+) button and get the result whenever i press (=).
    1-type integer number like (4) in TextField.
    2-press addition button(+) to get text by using getText() method and clear TextField.
    3-type anthor integer number like(6).
    4-press (=) button to get the number (6) by using getText() method, calculate 4 + 6 and show the result at same TextField (10).
    i hope it is so clear
    thank u in advance for any advice and suggestion.

    Use your first button to
    String x = JTField.getText();
    int y = Integer.parseInt(x);
    this will get your first value on your + button. Make sure you initialise the int beforehand incase nothing is put in (ie error prevention) then clear the JTField prob using setText(""). Repeat the process for the = button using different variables and add them normally and output the result.
    If your putting more than 1 arithmetic button on the GUI then you'll need to distinguish between them!!!

  • Having problems trying to get my security question and answer sent to my email and it is not showing  up

    having problems trying to get my security question and answer sent to my email and it is not showing  up

    Do you mean that the reset link won't show on your account or that the email doesn't arrive on your rescue email address ?
    The reset link will only show if you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) on your account.
    If you don't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer your questions), or you aren't receiving the email to it (you've checked the spam folder on the account and tried clicking the reset link again) then you will need to contact Support in your country to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5699
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps half-way down this page to add a rescue email address for potential future use : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5312

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