Data Customization Transport

How do I transport the Data customization created through the String Editor in Source to Target system?
Or best practice is to create the Data customizations directly on PRD?
Rgrds, Vitoriano

Hello Luis,
Do you have problems just with the scorecard DB export or also with the table export? There is the possibility to export a single table, but you need to change the XML file in order to import it to the TARGET system. And you should make sure that the TARGET system already has the same scorecard DBs as the SOURCE system. This is obviously a workaround, but you can give it a look in case your problem with the scorecard DB export takes to long to get solved.
Best regards,
Ricardo Vieira

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    Hi Raghu,
    you might want to have a look at SAP Note 883859.
    It shows you what are the prerequisites to be able to transport the some special properties like the ones you have mentioned with ICE.
    As you can see there, it is not possible to transport them through an offline transport.
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    Here the link to the SAP Help information for online ICE transport:
    Hope this helps,

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    You cannot achieve this without batch control.
    If you receive one item on the 1st of the month and 1 item on the 10th of the month nand then issue 1 utem on the 15th of the month, how will the system know which item has been issued.
    By using bathces you can specify the batch number at receipt and attach an expiry or production date, then when you issue the stock you can specify which batch has been issued. the system therefore has a record of the stock and when it will expire.
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    the error log:
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    Yes, finally i did it manually.  but as u said it should work i can try to transport it to other env. please advise.
    Message was edited by:
            Keral Smith

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    U can go throught this sap help

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    No the changes in the transport bar are project dependent (this is not an overall preference setting) so you have to customize your template and take it from there.

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    Hello Thomas,
    Thanks for the inputs. Basically, here is what my requirement is.
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    Thanks & Regards

    which include you are trying to put breakpoint.
    are you getting the message breakpoint set or not?
    are you executing the transaction in same session/window in which breakpoint is set?

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    DGMGRL> show configuration
    Configuration - DRSolution
      Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
      orcl - Primary database
        STBY - Physical standby database
    Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
    Configuration Status:
    SUCCESS   (status updated 53 seconds ago)
    SQL> show parameters log_archive_Dest_2
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    log_archive_dest_2                   string      service="stby", ASYNC NOAFFIRM
                                                      delay=0 optional compression=
                                                     disable max_failure=0 max_conn
                                                     ections=1 reopen=300 db_unique
                                                     _name="STBY" net_timeout=30, v
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    >How can I revert to the classic max performance configuration, where only send the archive when it is full.
    That is ARCH shipping.  The default in 11.2 and above LGWR shipping.  So LGWR ships the redo immediately.  The only thing with ASYNC is that it doesn't wait for the Standby to acknowledge before it returns a COMMIT to the user.  In a  low-load environment,  if the standby can apply the redo fast enough, ASYNC is virtually the same as SYNC.  That is MaximumPerformance becomes the same as MaximumAvailability.  Only when the redo load is higher than the available bandwidth or the speed at which the Standby can apply it , will you see a lag in the Standby.  (To force an explicit lag, there is a separate DELAY parameter).
    ARCH shipping is deprecated.

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    Source RSDS 0TCT_DS02 T15CLNT100 does not exist
    No rule exists
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    Thanks and regards

    Hi Pradeep,
    The datasource & transformations are dependent on the source system. Can you please confirm if this target BW system is connected with the source R/3 system where active datasource exist.
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      SID Table /BI0/SMATERIAL contains data: Characteristic 0MATERIAL cannot be activated                                                |
      Text Table /BI0/TMATERIAL contains data: Characteristic 0MATERIAL cannot be activated     
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    Thanks for the reply.
    I dont have an intention  to delete the data from  infoobject.
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    Master Data Table /BI0/PMATERIAL contains data: Characteristic 0MATERIAL cannot be activated                                        |
    SID Table /BI0/SMATERIAL contains data: Characteristic 0MATERIAL cannot be activated
         | Text Table /BI0/TMATERIAL contains data: Characteristic 0MATERIAL cannot be activated                                              
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    Please reply back.

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    Hello Guys,
    I am doing CTS+ configuration for PI System SLD Vesrion 7.4 to transport J2ee as well as SLD specific data through transports. My CTS server is Solman System.
    I have created a CTS user in Solman System and in PI NWA I have defined destination to point to Solman System. But i am running into several errors.
    Could anyone please help me what user authorization are required for CTS user in Solman to transfer Non-Abap Data and SLD specific data through transports.
    Its very urgent.

    Hi Bharatram,
    Apply the below roles to the user
    and refer the below blog
    CTS+ Configuration for Process Orchestration (PI/PO) and AEX 7.31 (JAVA Only Stack)

  • Transport Table with Data from Development to Quality

    Transporting Table with Values from Development to Quality System.
    I have a Z* - table, appended one field at the end.
    I need to transport data along with the table structure from Development System to Quality System.
    In Development System, I have assigned the Transport request in Client 100(We can't add data to the table in this client).
    What needs to be done to migrate the new table structure with Values.
    Thanks in Advance
    NOTE: the requirement is to transport table and table entries through a transport request.
    There should not be any manual update for the table in the target System (Quality System).

    Check the delivery class assigned to the table. Please see the documentation
    Delivery class
        The delivery class controls the transport of table data when installing
        or upgrading, in a client copy and when transporting between customer
        systems. The delivery class is also used in the extended table
        There are the following delivery classes:
        o   A: Application table (master and transaction data).
        o   C: Customer table, data is maintained by the customer only.
        o   L: Table for storing temporary data.
        o   G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records, but may not
            overwrite or delete existing data records. The customer namespace
            must be defined in table TRESC. (Use Report RDDKOR54 here).
        o   E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries. The
    customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. (Use Report
    RDDKOR54 here.)
    S: System table, data changes have the same status as program
    W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose
    data is transported with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR PROG,
    R3TR TABL, etc.).
    or during client copy
    the data of client-specific tables is copied.
    Classes C, G, E, S: The data records of the table are copied to the
    target client.
    Classes W, L: The data records of the table are not copied to the
    target client.
    Class A: Data records are only copied to the target client if
    explicitly requested (parameter option). Normally it does not make
    sense to transport such data, but is supported to permit you to copy
    an entire client environment.
    or during installation, upgrade and language import
    behavior differs here for client-specific and cross-client tables.
    nt-specific tables
    Classes A and C: Data is only imported into client 000. Existing
    data records are overwritten.
    Classes E, S and W: Data is imported into all clients. Existing data
    records are overwritten.
    Class G: Existing data records are overwritten in client 000. In all
    other clients, new data records are inserted, but existing data
    records are not overwritten.
    Class L: No data is imported.
    Cross-client tables
    o   Classes A, L and C: No data is imported.
    o   Classes E, S, and W: Data is imported. Exisitng data records with
         the same key are overwritten.
    o   Classe G: Data records that do not exist are inserted, but existing
         data records are not overwritten.
    ehavior during transport between customer systems
    Data records of tables of delivery class L are not imported into the
    target system. Data records of tables of delivery classes A, C, E, G, S
    and W are imported into the target system (this is done for the target
    client specified in the transport for client-specific tables).
    se of the delivery class in the extended table maintenance
    The delivery class is also analyzed in the extended table maintenance
    (SM30). The maintenance interface generated for a table makes the
    following checks:
    o   You cannot transport the entered data with the transport link of the
        generated maintenance interface for tables of delivery classes W and
    o   When you enter data, there is a check if this data violates the
        namespace defined for the table in table TRESC. If the data violates
        the namespace, the input is rejected.

  • Transportation Master Data in ECC (TRA)

    Hello guys,
    Please, I would like to clarify some doubts about Master Data in Transportation (ECC-TRA):
    1. I need extra fields in material master (verp) like a vehicle identification number (used by the government over here  in Brazil), called "RENAVAM". As well vehicle color, vehicle type, vehicle condition, vehicle plate number, and owner contact. How can I make them available?
    2. Yet in MM01, can I maintain both the truck and its container with their features for the same material number (truck model, engine power, number of tire axls, dimensions, capacity)?
    2. The driver is usually maintaned in XK01like the Service Agent?
    Thank you,
    Renato Pereira.

    Hi Renato,
    It is better that you post this to the ERP(MM or SD), this is not related to TM(transportation management), there you can get more response than here.
    Best Regards,

Maybe you are looking for