Data in 0material and the 0material join infoset data is differ

Hi all,
I have two ODS's(Orders item and Billing item) and info object 0Material. and i have joined these two ODS's with 0Material by the field 0material. When i refresh a report developed in ODS it is giving correct values but when i refresh the report developed in infoset it is giving double the values.
Can anyone tell what might be the problem?.

Hi Ram,
How do i confirm that when i execute the report on Infoset, it is fetching the data from all the ODS objects and from the Info Object. but ehen i execute on ODS, it is only fetching from that particular ODS. Any flow of data in infoset that i can get from the infoset joins to confirm this duplicate records are populated in Report...

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    No, when resetting an iPhone it resets the actual data contained within the phone, nothing on your iCloud will be affected. It is a good idea to use seperate iClouda and iTunes accounts then you can each create your own backups regularly without your daughters backup overwriting yours or vice versa.

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    --- Yes this is the way to create target Tables  and join them in the universe.These target Tables gives you the flexibility  like in future your requirement is to add one more object based on some calculation which is not possible in the universe so that time you can create  one more column in the target table and do the calculation. at the same time if you are using source table you can not do anything.
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    Can anyone let me know what are all the possible joins that can be made in an infosets.
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    HI Haritha,
    The Join Types are,
    1) Equal
    2) Left outer Join
    3)Left inner Join
    4) Temporal Join
    Equal, you have only records of ODS 1 and ODS 2 that matches.
    Left Outer, you have all record of ODS 2 and only matched records of ODS1
    Left Inner, you have all record of ODS 1 and only matched records of ODS 2
    Check this link for more,
    Also check this thread,
    Difference of Left - Outer - Inner and Equal InfoSET Join
    Hope this helps ......

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    I'd ask in the
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    If you are running Exchange, you can check the transport logs for event ID Expand, and depending on how long you keep your logs, the "RelatedRecipientAddress" will be the group name, and the "Timestamp" will be the time used.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
    My Book:
    Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C406F75746C6F6F6B2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

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    This is the situation with Snow Leopard and existing iCloud accounts:
    You will be able to access email and calendars on the iCloud website at provided your browser is reasonably up-to-date.
    You will not be able to sync contacts or bookmarks from a pre-Lion Mac.
    You will be able to enter the server settings for email manually in the Mail application and access your email.
    You will not be able to sync your calendars directly.
    Some people have been able to set up calendar syncing by using the method detailed here - this is an unsupported hack and may not be reliable, and may stop working at some future point.
    Address Book won't sync: this page has a convoluted hack to make it sync which has been reported as working (and as not working by others). I've not tried it.
    There are a couple of alternative syncing services you might like to consider, though they're not particularly cheap:
    Soho Organizer can sync Calendars and Contacts with iCloud on Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion. A single user licence (multiple machines allowed) is $99.99.
    Fruux syncs Calendars, Tasks and Contacts beetween a wide variety of devices (not using the iCloud server) including Snow Leopard and above, Windows Outlook and Thunderbird, Linux Thunderbird, and iOS and Android devices - see their compatibility chart (click the blue 'i' for a caveat about Snow Leopard). It's free for one user, two shares, two devices; above that pricing starts at €4 per month.
    (I have no connection with these firms and have not tried Soho Organizer, though both have had good reports and I've found Fruux to work well.)

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    Call Apple.  Contact Apple for support and service
    This is a user to user forum, we don't work for Apple.

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    My son is born 01.01.2010
    My daughter is born 01.01.2012
    Photo taken by data
    Aage of son
    Aage of daughter
    1 year 6 month
    not born yet
    4 year 0 month
    2 year 0 month
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    How to do this in iPhoto ?
    Any alternatives to accomplish the same ?
    Kind regards

    It can't be done with iPhoto.  There are some DAM (digital asset management) applications that can write to other IPTC fields that iPhoto can't read. One such app is Media Pro 1.
    However you would have to calculate the age for each date and add it to one of the fields. There are online age calculators that can do that for you: Age Calculators
    If you go thru that much trouble then use iPhoto, make the calculations and add the age to the Description field.  Then you can use Smart Albums to search for 1year 6 month text.

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    If your phone is locked to a particular carrier, you must contact them to request they unlock it. Once they've taken care of that and you've followed the instructions to complete the unlock process, you will be able to use the phone elsewhere.

  • Problem with outer joins and the class indicator/discriminator

    I am having a problem defining a query in toplink (
    In the workbench, I have created a parent and 2 child descriptors. The parent is "AbstractValue", the children are "DefaultValue", classified by the discriminator 'DEF', and "OverrideValue", classified by 'OVR', both located in the same table.
    Another descriptor (containing a one-on-one mapping to both a "DefaultValue", and a "OverrideValue") needs to be queried for its 'value'.
    The way the query should act is: If an override value (row) exists, this one applies for that object. If an override doesn't exist, return the default value.
    The query then comes down to (as I have it now):
    The problem is that toplink adds the distinction for the different kind of "values" in the where clause WITHOUT checking for null values e.g. it performs an outer join, but then still checks for the discriminator value thus
    ....t1.ovr_id = AND t2.discriminator = 'OVR' AND ...
    instead of
    ... LEFT JOIN values t2 ON (t1.ovr_id = AND t2.discriminator = 'OVR') ...
    This leads to the behaviour that the query returns ONLY the objects that have override and default values.
    An overview of the queries (simplified)
    Toplink, at the moment, returns only results if both override and default values exists:
    FROM values t2,
    parameter t1,
    values t0
    WHERE nvl(t2.value, t0.value) = 15 AND
    t1.ovr_id = AND t2.discriminator = 'OVR' AND
    t1.def_id = AND t0.discriminator = 'DEF'
    Situation Wanted:
    FROM parameter t1
    LEFT JOIN values t2 ON (t1.ovr_id = AND t2.discriminator = 'OVR')
    JOIN values t0 ON (t1.def_id = AND t0.discriminator = 'DEF')
    WHERE nvl(t2.value, t0.value) = 15
    Anyone know if there is some statement I am missing to allow an actual outer join on descriptors containing class indicators/discriminators? A possible rewrite?
    Thanks in advance,

    This is a bug in TopLink's outer join support for Oracle. Currently the outer join is put in the where clause, instead of the from clause, as we do on other platforms. You might be able to fix it by changing your OraclePlatform to return false for shouldPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause().
    Please log this bug on EclipseLink, or through Oracle technial support.
    There is a workaround using,
    James :

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    The original iPad can't be updated past 5.1.1.

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    Tony G

    Have you looked these documents??
    Re: BW v. R/3 data reconciliation
    Hope this helps

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    First of all...I have a headache!
    Found LOTS of Google hits when trying to data pump a .xlsx File into a SQL Server Table. And the whole discussion of the Microsoft ACE 64-Bit Driver or the Microsoft Jet 32-Bit Driver.
    Specifically receiving this error...
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft Office Access Database Engine"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "External table is not in the expected format.".
    Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task to Load Alere Coaching Enrolled, Excel Source [56]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"
    failed with error code 0xC0202009.
    Strangely enough, if I simply data pump ONE .xlsx File into a SQL Server Table utilizing my SSIS Package, it seems to work fine. If instead I am trying to be pro-active and allowing for multiple .xlsx Files by using a Foreach Loop Container and a variable
    @[User::FileName], it's erroring out...but not really because it is indeed storing the rows onto the SQL Server Table. I did check all my Delay
    Why does this have to be sooooooo difficult???
    Can anyone help me out here in trying to set-up a SSIS Package in a rather constrictive environment to pump a .xlsx File into a SQL Server Table? What in God's name am I doing wrong? Or is all this a misnomer? But if it's working how do I disable the error
    so that is stops erroring out?

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    According to your description, when you import data of .xlsx file to SQL Server database, you got the error message.
    The error can be caused by the following reasons:
    The excel file is locked by other processes. Please kindly resave this file and name it to other file name to see if the issue will be fixed.
    The ACE(Access Database Engine) is not up to date as Vaibhav mentioned. Please download the latest ACE and install it from the link:
    The version of OFFICE and server bitness is not the same. To solve the problem, please refer to the following document:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

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