Data tips in column charts - numbers need trimming

I want to keep the standard data tip format in my column
charts, but the numbers often look weird - even though the raw
numbers add up neatly to eg 3 decimal places, the data tip shows
15! As an example when the total of a column is 49.346, the data
tip shows "Total: 49.346000000000004". How can I stop this? I can't
find an example of how to do my own data tip function that
replicates the standard so I can round the numbers down.

Sorry about resurecting an old post, but I'm having the same issue. My original numbers have unknow number of decimals, and when storing them in my ArrayCollection, I was originally using Math.round(myNumber*100)/100 to keep only 2 decimals. To my surprise, chart datatips show some numbers with 10 decimals (38.4899999999 for example).
I switched to using Number(nfToVal.format(myNumber)), since I already use the same NumberFormatter to display those numbers in a datagrid.
For info, nfToVal is:
var nfToVal:NumberFormatter = new NumberFormatter();
nfToVal.decimalSeparatorTo = ".";
Problem still there! Numbers display correctly as strings after being formatted, but get decimals again when converted back to numbers ...
Any hints ????

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    How do I get numbers to automatically add the next date down a column in numbers?

    Hi Dd,
    If you want the next date automaitcally  filled in when you add a row to the bottom of the table, you can use a formula.
    Here's an example, done in Numbers 2.3 (Numbers '09). The method is basically the same in Numbers 3.
    Formulas in row 3:
    B3: =B2+1
    C3: =C2+7
    D3: =D2+14
    These have been filled down to the last row of the table.
    The same table is shown below after three rows have been added by dragging the Row control handle (below the tab for row 7) down. No changes other than adding thse three rows were made by the user.
    Note that rows 1 and 2 are header rows, and that row 2 contains the starting date for the seraies of date in each column. In the formula, the number at the end tells Numbers how many days to add to the previous date to get the next date.
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    Hi AJ,
    Cells formatted as pop-up are designed for this purpose, to choose from a list of repeating values. Even less typing.  I like them better myself.  No typos.
    In the new Numbers hitting the spacebar doesn't activate a list so you have to go to the trackpad or mouse to make a pick from the list. It's very fast for me, but that depends on your setup and habits.

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    Create an toolTipShow event handler and use a NumberFormatter to set the precision of the numbers (sample code from LiveDocs):
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- formatters\MainNumberFormatter.mxml -->
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
                // Define variable to hold the number.       
                private var bigNumber:Number = 6000000000.65;
        <!-- Declare and define parameters for the NumberFormatter.-->
        <mx:NumberFormatter id="PrepForDisplay"
        <!-- Trigger the formatter while populating a string with data.-->
        <mx:TextInput text="{PrepForDisplay.format(bigNumber)}"/> 

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    I have a requirement to add two X axis in the SSRS column chart.Can someone please help how to add two X axis. I tried the secondary axis for horizontal axis but current x axis is shifting to other side, second X axis is not coming.

    Hi Jon,
    According to your description, you want to add secondary X axis for one series in a column chart, right?
    The secondary axis is useful when comparing two value sets with two distinct data ranges that share a common category. In Reporting Services, it’s not supported to create two X axis for one series. We can create secondary X axis when there are two series
    in a column chart. As we tested in our local environment, we can add secondary X axis for specific series. Please refer to the screenshots below:
    So I would like to know what’s your exact needs about creating two X axis for one series. If possible please share some detail information about your data and expected looking of the chart.
    Reference: Plot Data on a Secondary Axis (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

  • Get a quarter out of data for a column chart

    Who can help me with this challenge?
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    One project can have multiple output data. They are separated by an ;
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    Project              outputdata
    Project 1           1-4-2014
    Project 2           03-2014;Q4-2014;Q2-2015
    Project 3           25-09-2014;Q1-2015
    The data I want to get for the column chart is:
    Project              outputdata                    columnchart
    Project 1           1-4-2014                       Q2-2014
    Project 2           03-2014                        Q1-2014
    Project 2           Q4-2014                       Q4-2014
    Project 2           Q2-2015                       2015 and later
    Project 3           25-09-2014                   Q3-2014
    Project 3           Q1-2015                       2015 and later
    I hope that someone can help me in the right direction.
    Thanks in advance,

    Adding to what Frank has already suggested, try something on these lines:
    Something like this?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with x2 as(
      2     select 'proj1' proj, '1-4-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      3     select 'proj2' proj, '03-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      4     select 'proj2' proj, 'Q4-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      5     select 'proj2' proj, 'Q2-2015' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      6     select 'proj3' proj, '25-09-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      7     select 'proj3' proj, 'Q1-2015' op, NULL chart from dual
      8  )
      9  select
    10     proj,
    11     op,
    12     case
    13     when regexp_like(op,'((\d{1}|\d{2})-(\d{1}|\d{2})-(\d{4}))')
    14     then
    15             'Q'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'Q')||'-'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyy')
    16     when regexp_like(op, 'Q\d{1}-\d{4}')
    17     then
    18             CASE
    19             when SUBSTR(op,-4,4) > 2014
    20             then
    21                     SUBSTR(op,-4,4)||' and later'
    22             else
    23                     op
    24             end
    25     when regexp_like(op, '\d{2}-\d{4}')
    26     then
    27             'Q'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'mm-yyyy'),'Q')||'-'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'mm-yyyy'),'yyyy')
    28     end
    29* from x2
    SQL> /
    PROJ       OP                   CASEWHENREGEXP
    proj1      1-4-2014             Q2-2014
    proj2      03-2014              Q1-2014
    proj2      Q4-2014              Q4-2014
    proj2      Q2-2015              2015 and later
    proj3      25-09-2014           Q3-2014
    proj3      Q1-2015              2015 and later
    6 rows selected.

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    I know it can be done in excel, but any idea if it can be done in Numbers?

    Not something that Numbers will do without a little coercion and subterfuge).
    Modification to the Table:
    Column C added to contain the 'shifted' values for Y.  =B+2
    Column C selected as values to be charted. Category labels are picked up from Column A (a Header column).
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  • Help - How do I Add a Trendline to a Stacked Column Chart??

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    If I understand correctly, you want to add a line chart to display the Goal values in the stacked column chart. You can try to add the secondary field to the Values area and change the chart type to "Line". Both data field in the Values area
    shares the Category group and series group. Please refer to the following screen shot:
    If I have any misunderstanding, please post your report dataset with sample data for further analysis.
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Column Charting using remote service

    Hi Friends,
    as I am a noob to Flex, I'd like to get some help regarding some Charting I am trying to produce.  I have a remote service which calls a java/sql app which provides data. Once the data is returned (in the form of arrays), I need to display the data in a Column Chart. I am able to get the data and display the chart, however I have no control over the chart.
    How can I define the series so I can correctly label the data on the charts? Also need the series defined so I can customize the colour etc of the chart.  Below is a snippet of the Action Script code which I have whipped up to get the data and display it:
                public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                    arr = event.result as Array;
                    var colArr:Array=new Array();
                    var j:Array = new Array();
                    for (var i:int=0;i<arr.length;i++)
                        j[i]= new ColumnSeries();                                   
                         j[i].dataProvider = arr;
                         j[i].displayName = i as String;                         
                           j[i].yField = String(i);
                           if (i!=0) colArr.push(j[i]);
                        // Original line
                        columnChart.series = colArr;             
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    This window signifies that your PDF is trying to connect with the comments repository.
    So it is bound to pop up , almost everytime you open the PDF.
    However if you accidently make a typo while entering comments, this window will keep re appearing, even if you enter the right credential in successive attempts.
    The only workaround is to kill the collabSync service.
    however try the latest version of Acrobat / reader i.e. 11.0.6, i believe the problem is fixed there.

  • Stacked Column chart dual category

    Hi Guys,
    I have an Excel spreadsheet table that has columns as shown below.
    Dept. Name
    Project Type
    Project Count
    Now, I would like to represent the above table in a stacked column chart, where the X-Axis has Dept Name, Y-Axis has Project Count and the Stacked Column Chart has the Project Type.
    Could anyone please help me achieve this in Dashboards 4.1 ?

    You need to form a Cross-Table like below to use this data in Stacked Column chart.
    Dept. Name

  • SSRS Column Chart Design Returning values in a format different from SSRS -SSAS Query Designer

    Hi All,
    I have an SSAS cube Measure Group with Multiple Measures that I am attempting to return on one SSRS report and reflect the 
    values using a ssrs column chart.
    My Measure Group (Patients).
    Time (Year) :filtered to 2012 & 2013
    In my SSRS query designer I have filtered the above Measures with Time Dimesion year 2012 & 2013
    and the data is returned as :
    Year |PatientsOnMeds|PatientOnRelapse|TotalNumberOfPatientsRegisterd|NewlyRegisteredPatients|
    2012 | 700          | 526            |  25                          | 456
    2013 | 245          | 245            |  15                          | 70
    Now the problem is when I return this data on the column Chart it's in messed up mesh
    On the chart Data:
    -Values :Measures
    -Series Group: Dimension
    The report values are returned in multiple columns for each value segmented by year i.e year 2012,Year 2013.
    I want a single column for each Measure (value) for each single year and The chart axis to reflect the measures(values) 
    instead of grouping values according to series group.
    instead the legend returns:
    -Year A -PatientsOnMeds
    -Year A -PatientOnRelapse
    -Year B -PatientsOnMeds
    -Year B -PatientOnRelapse
    I would like the legend to reflect on -Year A,Year B in color code that will be highlighted in the column values.
    Please point me in the right course if you can.Your insights are highly appreciated.Thank you in advance.

    Hi Charlie, 
    Thank you for your kind response. 
    In actual I want the legend to show:
    And the bottom axis to show:
    Indicating in color code for Year 2012 and Year 2013.
    This the challenge that I am struggling with.I hope you understand my scenario.
    It aint easy.

  • Change category axis of column chart using Combobox in flex

    I am trying to change the data of a column chart using a
    combo box. I am using XML for data.
    What I am planing to do is.. the combo box will get "Month"
    say January, feb etc and same will reflect on the X axis and the
    data related to only the selected month should be shown. Say if
    January is selected, the x axis should show "January" and the chart
    should show only data related to January.
    <Sample month="January" revenue="120" costs="45"
    overhead="102" oneTime="23" />
    <Sample month="February" revenue="108" costs="42"
    overhead="87" oneTime="47" />
    <Sample month="March" revenue="150" costs="82"
    overhead="32" oneTime="21" />
    <Sample month="April" revenue="170" costs="44"
    overhead="68" />
    <Sample month="May" revenue="250" costs="57"
    overhead="77" oneTime="17" />
    <Sample month="June" revenue="200" costs="33"
    overhead="51" oneTime="30" />
    <Sample month="July" revenue="145" costs="80"
    overhead="62" oneTime="18"/>
    <Sample month="August" revenue="166" costs="87"
    overhead="48" />
    <Sample month="September" revenue="103" costs="56"
    overhead="42" />
    <Sample month="October" revenue="140" costs="91"
    overhead="45" oneTime="60" />
    <Sample month="November" revenue="100" costs="42"
    overhead="33" oneTime="67" />
    <Sample month="December" revenue="182" costs="56"
    overhead="25" oneTime="48" />
    <Sample month="May" revenue="120" costs="57"
    overhead="30" />
    My MXML Code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="horizontal" initialize="srv.send()">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    var arrBook:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
    function ResHandler(event:ResultEvent)
    arrBook = event.result.YearlyData.Sample;
    cb.dataProvider = arrBook;
    ColumnChart1.dataProvider = arrBook;
    function changeChart()
    cb.selectedItem = CA.categoryField
    <mx:HTTPService id="srv" url="dataSheet.xml"
    result="ResHandler(event)" />
    <mx:ComboBox id="cb" labelField="month"
    <mx:ColumnChart id="ColumnChart1" width="688">
    <mx:CategoryAxis id="CA" categoryField="month" />
    <mx:ColumnSeries displayName="revenue 1"
    <mx:ColumnSeries displayName="costs 1"
    <mx:ColumnSeries displayName="overhead 1"
    <mx:ColumnSeries displayName="onetime 1"
    <mx:Legend dataProvider="{ColumnChart1}"/>

    Hi Chris,
    That is a Category graph (2-D Line).
    A Scatter Plot will allow you to change the Scale and Steps on the X axis.
    Click on the Chart (Graph) and Format Panel > Axis
    To get a Connection Line or a Trendline on the Scatter Plot, Format Panel > Series
    For a Scatter Plot, put your X and Y data in Header Columns (or Header Rows).
    P.S. I see that SG has found the solution . Ian.

  • Large Negative Number in Column Chart

    When using a large negative number (eight digits or more) from hierarchical data in a column chart, the browser FREEZES. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions on how to fix? See the sample code below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
            //hierarchical data.
            private var input:Array = [
                { xfield:"World", value:-50000000, children:[
                { xfield:"Asia", value:15, children:[ { xfield:"Bhutan", value:1 }, { xfield:"Singapore", value:5 }, { xfield:"Thailand", value:17 }, { xfield:"India", value:10 }, { xfield:"Japan", value:15 }, { xfield:"Nepal", value:5 }]},
                { xfield:"America", value:30, children:[ { xfield:"Mexico", value:5 }, { xfield:"Brazil", value:8 }, { xfield:"Chille", value:6 }, { xfield:"US", value:25 }, { xfield:"Canada", value:22 } ]},
                { xfield:"Europe", value:20, children:[ { xfield:"Switzerland", value:8 }, { xfield:"UK", value:15 }, { xfield:"Germany", value:15 }, { xfield:"France", value:5 }] },
                { xfield:"Australia", value:23 }
    <mx:ColumnChart id="chart" dataProvider="{input}" height="200" width="254" x="25" y="10">
            <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="xfield" />       
            <mx:ColumnSeries yField="value" />

    I am facing exactly similar issue in my project. can anyone help?

  • Can't add numbers greater than 100 in the Data Editor for a column chart

    I'm trying to create a column chart in Keynote '09 but every time I add a data point with a value greater than 100 in the Data Editor it turns the number into a date. I have the Y Axis set to "Number" and it works fine for numbers less than 100 but I want to show a graph that goes from 0 - 1000. Is this happening to anyone else?
    Chart Settings:
    Y Axis Options:
    - Max = 1000
    - Steps = 5
    - Format = Number
    X Axis Options
    - Show Axis
    - Show Categories
    - No Tick Marks
    thanks in advance for the help

    Welcome to the discussions, AlexEberts.
    No, it's not happening for me. This is what I'm doing
    1) Insert -> Chart -> Column
    2) In the Data editor, for 2007, I enter 110.
    The chart automatically expands to 110 (because, by default, it's set to autosize the Y-axis)
    Does this work for you? If it does, then we can look at why it doesn't work when you add parameters.

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    can any body let me know how to do that?
    thanks guys.

    Check this thread.
    Log for J2EE Web Services?
    Harini S

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