Decimal Point data for Stacked Column Chart

I use a basic version of a Column chart for one of my projects. I use a stacked column chart with 2 data series namely "Expenses" & "Profit".
I use decimal point numbers (with only two or three places after the decimal point) for both series.
When I mouse over the bars of the output for tool tip, I view more numbers after the decimal point for some data.
How to fix the decimal point to only 2 places & what is the reason for this behaviour?
Attached is the sample output (output.gif) showing the above condition for the mentioned data.

Create an toolTipShow event handler and use a NumberFormatter to set the precision of the numbers (sample code from LiveDocs):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- formatters\MainNumberFormatter.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
            // Define variable to hold the number.       
            private var bigNumber:Number = 6000000000.65;
    <!-- Declare and define parameters for the NumberFormatter.-->
    <mx:NumberFormatter id="PrepForDisplay"
    <!-- Trigger the formatter while populating a string with data.-->
    <mx:TextInput text="{PrepForDisplay.format(bigNumber)}"/> 

Similar Messages

  • Get a quarter out of data for a column chart

    Who can help me with this challenge?
    I want to create a column chart with four quarters in the current year and one column with the rest later in time.
    One project can have multiple output data. They are separated by an ;
    The notation of the outputdata can be a date (d-m-yyyy), a month (mm-yyyy) or a quarter (Q1-yyyy).
    This is by example the available data.
    Project              outputdata
    Project 1           1-4-2014
    Project 2           03-2014;Q4-2014;Q2-2015
    Project 3           25-09-2014;Q1-2015
    The data I want to get for the column chart is:
    Project              outputdata                    columnchart
    Project 1           1-4-2014                       Q2-2014
    Project 2           03-2014                        Q1-2014
    Project 2           Q4-2014                       Q4-2014
    Project 2           Q2-2015                       2015 and later
    Project 3           25-09-2014                   Q3-2014
    Project 3           Q1-2015                       2015 and later
    I hope that someone can help me in the right direction.
    Thanks in advance,

    Adding to what Frank has already suggested, try something on these lines:
    Something like this?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with x2 as(
      2     select 'proj1' proj, '1-4-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      3     select 'proj2' proj, '03-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      4     select 'proj2' proj, 'Q4-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      5     select 'proj2' proj, 'Q2-2015' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      6     select 'proj3' proj, '25-09-2014' op, NULL chart from dual UNION ALL
      7     select 'proj3' proj, 'Q1-2015' op, NULL chart from dual
      8  )
      9  select
    10     proj,
    11     op,
    12     case
    13     when regexp_like(op,'((\d{1}|\d{2})-(\d{1}|\d{2})-(\d{4}))')
    14     then
    15             'Q'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'Q')||'-'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyy')
    16     when regexp_like(op, 'Q\d{1}-\d{4}')
    17     then
    18             CASE
    19             when SUBSTR(op,-4,4) > 2014
    20             then
    21                     SUBSTR(op,-4,4)||' and later'
    22             else
    23                     op
    24             end
    25     when regexp_like(op, '\d{2}-\d{4}')
    26     then
    27             'Q'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'mm-yyyy'),'Q')||'-'||TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(op,'mm-yyyy'),'yyyy')
    28     end
    29* from x2
    SQL> /
    PROJ       OP                   CASEWHENREGEXP
    proj1      1-4-2014             Q2-2014
    proj2      03-2014              Q1-2014
    proj2      Q4-2014              Q4-2014
    proj2      Q2-2015              2015 and later
    proj3      25-09-2014           Q3-2014
    proj3      Q1-2015              2015 and later
    6 rows selected.

  • Stacked Column Chart drill down

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    I need to do a drill down on the ones which has value. In order to do a drill down everytime, I don't want my drill down to be tied to a specific serie...
    How can I do that?

    Hi Wen:
    Let me do a quick demo to you so you can learn how drill down for stacked column chart works
    1. Create a new stacked column chart.
    2. Choose data binding "By Range" and "Data In Columns" binds to range "A1~C2", which has range data as following:
    a, 1, 2
    b, 3, 4
    3. After finishing step 2, there will be two series created (Series 1, and Series 2)
    4. Open drill down tab and check "Enable Drill Down".
    5. Choose "Insert Type" as "Row".
    6. Click "Series 1".
    7. Bind "Source Data" to range "D1~E2" which contains value as following:
    (these are the drill down value you want to insert)
    8. Bind "Destination" to "D3~D4" (empty cells)
    9. Create another component "Grid" under "Other" folder.
    10. Bind grid data to "D3~D4" to present the drill down data.
    11. Preview the xlf file, can click values in series 1, you will see the drill down result. (Grid will be refreshed with new drill down data)
    Hope the demo above can help you in your practice, also you can refer to help documents for more information. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Stacked Column chart dual category

    Hi Guys,
    I have an Excel spreadsheet table that has columns as shown below.
    Dept. Name
    Project Type
    Project Count
    Now, I would like to represent the above table in a stacked column chart, where the X-Axis has Dept Name, Y-Axis has Project Count and the Stacked Column Chart has the Project Type.
    Could anyone please help me achieve this in Dashboards 4.1 ?

    You need to form a Cross-Table like below to use this data in Stacked Column chart.
    Dept. Name

  • Stacked Column Chart Data Labels Not Appearing

    I am using SetSytle in Actionscript to make the data labels in a stacked column chart appear inside but it's not working.
    A portion of the code I am using to create the chart is below:
                    //initialize column set for stacked columns
                    var colSet:ColumnSet = new ColumnSet();
                     for each(var node:XML in _chartDP){
                         var k:int = 0;
                         //skip zero datapoints
                         if (parseInt(node.toString()) != 0) {
                             //if measure node does not exist, add as series
                             k = uniqueYCat(node.attribute("BillTo"));
                             if (k == -1){                                                        
                                    // Create the new column series and set its properties.
                                    var localSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
                                    localSeries.dataProvider = dataArray;
                                    localSeries.yField = node.attribute("BillTo");
                                    localSeries.xField = "ConfidenceStatus";
                                    localSeries.displayName = node.attribute("BillTo");
                                    localSeries.setStyle("showDataEffect", ChangeEffect);
                                    // Back up the current series on the chart.
                                    var currentSeries:Array = chart.series;
                                    // Add the new series to the current Array of series.
                                    //Add Array of series to columnset
                                       //assign columnset to chart
                                    chart.series = [colSet];
    After some more research, I put a breakpoint inside in the following function:
        mx_internal function getSeriesLabelPos(series:Series):void
            if(series is ColumnSeries)
                var columnSeries:ColumnSeries = ColumnSeries(series);
                var position:String = columnSeries.labelPos;
                if(position == "inside" || position == "outside" || position == "none")
                    _needLabels = true;
            else if(series is ColumnSet)
                var setSeries:Array /* of Series */ = ColumnSet(series).series;
                for (var i:int = 0; i < setSeries.length; i++)
    the following line: var position:String = columnSeries.labelPos;
    returns postion as null. It looks like the setStyle is not passing the correct value to this function.
    Any ideas as to what is going on?

    chart appearance is controlled by xml files located in
    {cfroot}\charting\styles. the file for bar charts is
    you will want to:
    1) copy thisfile to your site's root or some other folder
    (i.e. same
    folder that the page displaying your chart is in)
    2) edit the file and change isHideOverlapped attribute of
    property for xAxis to "false"
    3) point the STYLE attribute of your cfchart tag to this new
    Azadi Saryev

  • Need to show a data in weeks for stacked column

      I need to show the data broken down in weeks if you choose the start date and end date.   I have to show in a stacked column chart. I am trying to show the values if you choose for example last month i need to show it by weeks for example 
    week    user name   total approved first approved    last aprovedDate  totalitemsAdded
    week 1   XYZ                 3                10/01/2012       10/05/2012         5
    week2   XYZ                  5                 etc                      etc            
    week 3 
    Below is the code and the result  i am getting now . 
    Current Results
    UserName TotalApproved
    FirstApprovedDate LastApprovedDate
    XYZ            9
               2011-11-19 16:56:49.960
         2011-11-19 18:18:20.783
    SET @StartDate = '10/1/2012 '
    SET @EndDate = '10/31/2012'
    ;with Items as(
                  UserName = Profile.Description,
                  TotalItems = COUNT(TransactionID),
                  FirstAddedDate = MIN(UTCDate),
                  LastAddedDate = MAX(UTCDate)
           FROM Transactiondatabase.dbo.transaction
                    JOIN Biography.dbo.Profile ON transaction.ProfileId = Profile.ProfileID
                  Data like '%ItemAdded%'
                    AND UTCDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(dd,1,@EndDate)
           GROUP BY
    Approved as
                  UserName = Profile.Description,
                  TotalApproved = COUNT(TransactionID),
                  FirstApprovedDate = MIN(UTCDate),--Demo
                  LastApprovedDate = MAX(UTCDate)                 
           FROM Transactiondatabase..transaction
                    JOIN Biography.dbo.Profile ON transaction.ProfileId = Profile.ProfileID
                  Data like '%Approved%'
                    AND UTCDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(dd,1,@EndDate)
           GROUP BY
    Select Distinct Approved.*, TotalItemssAdded = sum(distinct Items.TotalItems)
    from Items, Approved  
    Group by Approved.UserName, Approved.FirstApprovedDate, Approved.LastApprovedDate, Approved.TotalApproved
    using ssrs 2005 

    Hi Sunny04,
    If I understand correctly, you want to display the data by weeks in a stacked column chart. If in this case, we can add a calculated field named week to display the week name, and then group it. For more details, please see the following steps:
    Right-click the dataset to add a calculated field with the values below:
    Name: Week
    Calculated field: =DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,Fields!FirstApprovedDate.Value,0,0)
    Add Week field to category group area in a stacked column chart.
    Right-click Week field to open the Properties dialog box, modify the expression of Label to like this:
    Add TotalApproved or TotalItemsAdded field to data area in the chart.
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Add Total to Stacked Column Chart on the top and another important thing is the data are from SharePoint site

    the same with the following description from another question:
    "How can I display a total on top of each column on a stacked column chart (using
    reporting services 2008)? If I use Data Labels I can display the
    values for each part of the stack on a stacked column, but I want to be display the total.
    For Example: If I have stacked column on chart with a value of 10 for the 1st stack, 20 for the 2nd stack,
    and 20 again for the 3rd stack - I want to display 50 (the SUM total) as the data label on top of the entire column..."
    and a solution for this would create a new column named SUM(category group), this can be done with data source from SQL server, but my data is from SharePoint site list. its query seems can't be changed which means I can't add a SUM column.
    what should I do with this? Can anyone give me a hand?
    thank you very much.

    Hi sophiexu,
    If we want to display a total for each column on the top of a stacked chart, we can use a matrix control to display the column total value to work around this issue.
    The following thread about how to simulate chart legend is for your reference:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Stacked column chart from XML data source

    I have an XML file, which lists elements with three
    attributes: date, inactive-interval, user-count.
    I need to build a stacked column chart with a single column
    for each distinct date, one stack for each distinct
    inactive-interval for that date, and the height of the stack equal
    to the user-count.
    I can define ColumnSeries with yField="user-count"
    xField="date", but I don't know how to partition the column into
    stacks by inactive-interval values.
    Here is a sample data set:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <snapshot date="01/01/2007" inactive-interval="0"
    <snapshot date="01/01/2007" inactive-interval="7"
    <snapshot date="01/01/2007" inactive-interval="30"
    <snapshot date="01/02/2007" inactive-interval="0"
    <snapshot date="01/02/2007" inactive-interval="7"
    <snapshot date="01/02/2007" inactive-interval="30"

    Your CategoryAxis id="ha_ccm" uses categoryField="period", and this is the label for the your series (i.e. "Quarter 4/2010"). You cannot have multiple categoryFields for the CategoryAxis; it can only use one data field for the labels. You can use data tips and/or label functions to show the individual series' values on the columns.
    Your labelField in the ColumnSeries are set to a ColumnSet name instead of a field name in your dataprovider.
    Font must be embedded if you set ColumnChart.showLabelVertically="true".

  • Dsiplay data values and data lables in a stacked column chart

    Hi All
    Is there a way to display data values and data labels in a stacked column chart. Mouse over or display of labels in legends wont help. It has to be in the chart .

    Hi Anshul,
    You can display either data value or data label in a stacked column chart by checking the Data Label Displaying Mode option under Format Chart->Data Values.
    You can also do the same by checking the same option under Format chart->Area Display->Data Values.
    I dont think you would be able to display both in a column chart whereas you would be able to do it in a pie chart.
    Hope this helps.
    Sri Harsha

  • Drill Down between 2 stacked column chart with multiple rows.

    Can anyone please help me.
    1) i have to create stacked column chart with Region and cout of calls for previous 3 quarters.
    2) the 2nd stacked column should display the priority with the count of calls for the respective selection of region on the 1st chart..
    to achieve this,
    i'm using 2 stacked column charts and 1 lebel baseb menu.
    from this i can able to get the drill down from label based menu to 2nd stacked column chart but i couldn't able to done the same from 1st stacked coumn chart.
    Becoz my data is multiple row for each quarter.
    please suggest me to achieve the drill down between 2 stacked column charts.
    assume that my data like below.:
    coulmns for 1st stacked column chart : Region, Q2,Q3 &Q4
    Region                Q2                Q3               Q4
    Other              3658              3497               497
    NA - North
    America                3               3               1101
    APJK     1     4     597
    UK               324
    EMEA North     1     1     288
    CORPORATE     1     5     215
    LA -
    Latin America1     2     208
    EMEA     1          199
    EMEA South     1     1     169
    Coulmns for 2nd coumn chart:  Region, Priority, Q2,Q3,Q4 ()which is derived from 1st table.
    Region     Priority     Q2     Q3     Q4
    Other     D: End of Next Day     1568     1613     239
    Other     C: End of Day     983     893     119
    Other     A: 2 Hour     631     610     70
    Other     B: 4 Hour     396     318     56
    NA -
    North AmericaD: End of Next Day     2     2     514
    APJK     D: End of Next Day          3     297
    NA -
    North AmericaC: End of Day               284
    NA -
    North AmericaA: 2 Hour     1          170
    UK     D: End of Next Day               157
    APJK     C: End of Day     1     1     152
    Other     E: 3 - 5 Business Days     68     58     13
    EMEA North     D: End of Next Day          1     136
    CORPORATE     D: End of Next Day          4     107
    NA - North America     B: 4 Hour          1     104
    LA - Latin America     D: End of Next Day     1     1     86
    EMEA     D: End of Next Day               86
    UK     C: End of Day               85
    APJK     A: 2 Hour               79
    EMEA South     D: End of Next Day               72
    EMEA North     A: 2 Hour               69
    EMEA North     C: End of Day               56
    APJK     B: 4 Hour               55
    EMEA     C: End of Day     1          53
    LA - Latin America     C: End of Day               54
    UK     A: 2 Hour               49
    EMEA South     C: End of Day     1          44
    CORPORATE     A: 2 Hour          1     43
    CORPORATE     C: End of Day               44
    LA - Latin America     A: 2 Hour          1     42
    EMEA South     A: 2 Hour          1     32
    EMEA     B: 4 Hour               30
    UK     B: 4 Hour               30
    EMEA     A: 2 Hour               27
    EMEA North     B: 4 Hour     1          26
    NA -
    North AmericaE: 3 - 5 Business Days               25
    LA - Latin America     B: 4 Hour               23
    EMEA South     B: 4 Hour               20
    CORPORATE     B: 4 Hour               17
    APJK     E: 3 - 5 Business Days               13
    Other     F: 6 - 10 Business Days     6     4     
    Other     G: 11 - 20 Business Days     6     1

    Hi Srinivas,
    I'm using label based menu "filterd rows" only but i couldn't bind the drill down with the 1st stacked column chart.
    for mor details:
    1) i'm having 2 stacked coumn charts & 1 lebel based menu but eventhough i couldn't able to achieve.
    if i select the lebel based values then the 2nd stacked column charts is giving detailed valus but if i keep my mouse on the 1st stacked column chart the there is no changes on the 2nd chart..
    somewhere i'm mising the binding data between 1st stacked coumn chart & lebel based menu on drill down part.
    Becoz i'm having multiple rows. so can you please try your and send me the xlf file using your concept.

  • Help Creating Dynamic Stacked Column Chart with Multiple Criteria

    Hi all. Im new here and hoping you can help.  I have a dashboard Im trying to rebuild from scratch (our computer had a meltdown and we lost all our files). I did not build the dashboard initially so Im trying to recreate it from the flash file we were able to recover. I have come across a chart that I just cannot figure out how to do.  I can figure out how to write an array in the Excel sheet that pulls the data into a table the way I need it to be but found out after I wrote that that Xcelcius doesn't support arrays so all my data disappears when I go into preview mode (which is especially frustrating since I can see the chart working fine in design mode).  Anyway this is what the data table looks like
    Month         Year            Company      Positive #          Negative #         Neutral #          Positive %       Negative %      Neutral %
    October      2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    The original chart was built so that you would choose the month from a combo box and then the company names would show up along the X axis with their % amounts shown in the stacked column.  I know how to make a combo box work and I know how to make a stacked column chart work with static data.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it to work so that when you choose the month from the combo box it filters the data.  I've tried filtered rows but I'm just missing some information that makes it work and I can't figure out what that information is.  It has to be able to get the month/year combo from the combo box and then go to the table, filter it by month and year and then create a multi-row table of data with just the company and the percent values.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Which connection you are using?
    IF quite difficult if you are working under static data.

  • In the new Numbers, How can I get a 2D stacked column chart to display only 1 column?

    In the new Numbers, How can I get a 2D stacked column chart to display only 1 column?

    This is one of those things that I find really strange about Numbers 3. The control for what you want to do is not where anyone would expect to find it.
    Select the Chart
    Click on Edit Data References
    Look at the bottom left corner of the Numbers window. It should say "Plot Columns as Series" or "Plot Rows as Series"
    Click on it and change it to the other

  • Stacked Column Chart with Lines

    User stacked Column chart to display data for defects for 4 departments.
    1 or 2 lines to show baseline for defects(constant).
    Is there anyway that I can do that just like we can create one in Excel?
    (stack a Stacked column chart with a line chart is not a solution.)
    Any advises?

    Hi Wen,
    I realise that you are not going to get this to work with a standard component on its own. I think it might be possible to acheive it with overlaying barcharts and combination charts.
    My assumption is that you are looking for something that has a stack with 3 separate items in it. Two target lines crossing over the stacked chart.
    I will have a look at this to see if I can come up with something. Let me know if this is not your requirement.
    No, I don't work for SAP. I think those that do have the SAP logo beside them.

  • Help - How do I Add a Trendline to a Stacked Column Chart??

    I have a stacked column chart (NOT a 100% stacked column chart) and need to add a line to show the year goal.  I can do this in Excel, but for some reason can't figure out how to do this in SSRS.  I read various tutorials, blogs and MSDN pages
    but nothing works.  The weird thing is that they all say that I should right-click on the chart and there should be a DATA tab...on the chart properties.  THERE IS NO DATA TAB, i'm here to tell you. I'm using SQL 2012 so not sure if that might make
    a difference.
    So how do I do this?
    Again, this can be done in Excel, don't understand why this isn't easier to do in SSRS.
    BTW, completely separate rant here, but it takes me 20 minutes every single time I want to log into MSDN forums.  It never seems to remember my password and I have to reset it, then jump through a bunch of security nonsense.  Anyone else have this

    If I understand correctly, you want to add a line chart to display the Goal values in the stacked column chart. You can try to add the secondary field to the Values area and change the chart type to "Line". Both data field in the Values area
    shares the Category group and series group. Please refer to the following screen shot:
    If I have any misunderstanding, please post your report dataset with sample data for further analysis.
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Stacked Column Chart with Line

    I need to Create a Stacked Column Chart representing 1 set of measures with a Line representing a target.
    I want to create a chart where the Sales Amount in different Sectors is represented as a stacked column and the targets are represenetd as a line.
    Currently BO supports Bar charts with line.
    Does anyone know if such a feature will be supported in the new release of BO XI. Also is it possible to raise a request for this feature to be included in the new release

    We are also a 30 persons department (Marketing) using in the same BO charts (since 2001) quarters made of :
    - first single column ( 2014 billing in a query1)
    - second stacked column (2015 billing +2015  firm orders backlog, 2015 frame orders backlog in a query2)
    - third single column (2016 backlog in a query3)
    and a superposed budget line
    the first and the third column are offset respectively to the left and right of the second column by blank and dummy single columns of data called ghost1 and ghost2. 2016 is still empty here but the principle is clear.
    This principle is used liberally in 200 + different reports. Also with transparent columns and other complicated, but graphically intuitive reports.
    How can we continue to use this very natural representation of our several hundred million $ business. I have not found the mixed single column, stack column and line option in BO XI 3.1 . Please re-develop one asap if necessary. SAP should please please report asap on the recovery timeline of this lost feature. The switch from Visual Basic development to Java development should not lead to regression of any feature.
    Jean-Marc Imbert
    Marketing manager

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    Hi, Last week I was experiencing "dropped frame" error messages on FCE2. As suggested by Ian R., I printed my project onto video and my "dropped frame" problem immediately went away. But then it came back. Now, along with the "dropped frame" messages

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    can you upload movie to dvd?

  • Albums=Albums by Year?

    Alright, iTunes has managed to officially confuse me. I checked that I wanted the "Albums" listed as a way to sort my music and somehow iTunes now translates that as "Albums by Year", which is completely different. Is this a new iTunes quirk or can i