Data usage and 2gig plan- enough?

I missed out that they dropped the unlimited plan (I am still deciding on to buy and iPad or not).
Much of the time I think the WiFi will be find, but can certainly see where the 3G would enhance the usability of the unit.
How long before the 2Gig is used up?
I've heard the 250meg is almost not worth it, since it gets used up very rapidly.
Seems the 2Gig may be not that far from it?

How long till a certain amount is used up all depends on how you use your iPad. People on here have told me that I "Dont use the iPad the way its suposed to be used".
Because I don't download apps on 3G, have notifications turned on or stream audio or video while away from wi-fi. Mostly because I only utilize 3G while at the office where I am not searching for that new game on the app store, or listening to internet radio. (I either have the work machine or my iPhone for internet radio.)
I have the 250Mb plan and have Mb's left over every thirty days. I just use a browser that lets me turn off images (saves >65% of web page download Mb's) and reserve any high MB usage for wi-fi. I have found that I don't even think about saving Mb's now, I just don't use that much.
Again this is just how we use it, others that use it as they do their iPhone will definately have problems with 2Gb, much less 250Mb.
My 2 cents,

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  • Data usage and battery drain has skyrocketed with iOS 8.1.2 (maybe earlier)

    3 weeks ago my wife got a text message on her iPhone 5 from AT&T that she had used 90% of her data for the month.  30 seconds later, she got another one saying that she had used 100%.  Granted, her data plan is small, 200 MB.  But, for the last two years she has used as little as 17 MB in a month and her largest prior to this latest month was 49 mb.  This month she got to 380 mb before we were able to shut off her cell data.  Otherwise, a second chunk of 200 MB and another $15 would have been added to the month.
    We had noticed that her battery had been draining rather rapidly in standby mode with no background apps running when she didn't have access to WiFi.  We have now correlated the two results, High Cell data usage, Quick battery drain and very warm phone.  In case anyone is wondering about her iPhone 5 being one in the recall, it is.  I took it in and had it tested.  Apple says the battery is fine.  It does hold a charge well.  When all network communications are shut down on her phone and it is in standby mode, there is no noticeable loss of charge in 24 hours (our longest test).
    Since I have a grandfathered Unlimited Data Plan with AT&T, I have been doing some testing on my iPhone 5s.  Sure enough, I've seen similar results.  With nearly everything turned off except Cell Data, I've seen 483 MB used in 24 hours.  Of that total, 479 MB was used for Documents & Sync.  I even have everything turned off in my iCloud account, Location services are turned off, no push notifications etc...
    The best I can figure, this has been a problem since we installed 8.1.2 and yesterday I installed 8.1.3 resulting in no positive effect on this issue.
    At this rate of data usage and no access to WiFi, my wife would have to have a 15 Gb data plan to keep from exceeding her limit.  I don't think AT&T even offers one that big anymore.  I might have to switch to Sprint or T-Mobile if this doesn't get resolved.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance for your shared insights.

    Hey this is Brian, bjmcmurry, under a different user ID.  If I logged in as bmcmurry, original post, I was just getting a server error and couldn't get to this discussion nor post a comment anywhere.
    Anyway, let me be as brief as I can.  After an extensive analysis of replicating the problem on another phone to eliminate it being a hardware specific issue and that the test phone has an unlimited data plan, I was able to stop the excessive data usage and consequential battery drain.  I believe I have a reasonable explanation of the problem, an iOS logic bug.
    I had everything under my control clamped down on the test phone to minimize data usage.  Also, I was forcing all data usage to use the cell towers.  I determined that I was burning at least 11 to 13 Mb per hour doing nothing important.  I literally had everything turned off except 'Settings' was allowed to use Cell data providing a avenue to log into the Apple ID. 
    The two phones had 2 things in common, they were using the same Apple ID and the same version of the OS.  One was a iPhone 5 and the other was a 5s.
    Here is a synopsis of my experience via my written evaluation of the Apple support system (Apple Rep name's have been removed):
    After a couple of hours on the phone with an Apple Care Senior support Analyst, it was suggested that I go to the Apple Store to 1) get my battery replace in the iPhone 5 since it qualified for the replacement program and 2) see if the Genius could provide me with any insight in the data usage issue and battery drain.
    I'm certainly glad I had multiple reasons to visit the closest Apple store, a 45 min drive.  I got the battery replaced, thanks for that. 
    Regarding the important issue to me that brought me to the Genius Bar, excessive Cell data usage, I thought the Genius did a wonderful job listening and documenting the problem we were experiencing.  Unfortunately, educating us on the use of the product or replacing our phone was not going to solve the problem.  He eventually figured it out, this was not a user error or broken hardware.  We surmised that the reason I was sent to him was to verify and document that there was a problem.  I clearly had a problem.  After writing copious notes on the issue, The Genius smartly referred me back the the AppleCare Senior Advisor.  So, back to AppleCare Senior Analyst I went. She, knowing this was not a simple problem to solve i.e. beyond her level of expertise, got an Apple Software engineer involved.
    My primary frustration is that this should have been escalated to software engineering right away.  My trip to see the Genius was, I believe, a waste of time for both me and Apple regarding this issue.  Diagnosis of this type of problem is well beyond the Genius’ knowledge and job.  The Genius did a very good job doing what he could within the scope of his job.  He just couldn’t solve this problem and had no one within Apple to which he had access for help.
    However, that initial consult with the engineer was a bit feeble.  Not only could I not talk to him/her directly, his/her focus was still working with the ‘Black Box' approach.  Having Analyst ask me to do stuff like restore the Phone was more like trying to find a 'work around' than 'identifying the real problem.'  Maybe restoring the phone was going to fix some corrupted data on the phone sidesteping the real problem, the handling of this condition.  The engineer did listen to the fact that I had restored the test phone, the 5s, and only added the use of my Apple ID.  Duh, been there!!!
    Having been an previous owner of a software development company that I started in 1980 and retired in 2001, I can tell you that using the 'Black Box' method of debugging is extremely inefficient.  Instead, having access to an ‘Activity Manager’ type app to identify in real time what process was blowing up the data flow would have saved me a lost afternoon at the Apple store and hours on the phone with tech support.
    Ironically, I may have stumbled onto a "work around" solution short of turning off Cell Data that stopped the excessive Cell Data usage and consequential battery drain.  Just prior to leaving the Apple Store, I used one of their Macs to log in my Apple ID on the website to ‘Manage my Apple ID’, I was forced to upgrade the security level of my password.  Afterward, my cell data usage seemed to drop dramatically.
    I told the AppleCare Senior Analyst that I may have stumbled onto a workaround and I suggested that I give it a couple of days of monitoring.  We'd talk then and I would have results to report.  She agreed. 
    Sure enough, my Document & Sync usage was back to normal, about 1/2 Mb per day.  Am I happy that the excessive Cell Data usage has stopped?  You bet!  But, there was no intuitive reason that an end user would know to log in on the ID website to unknowingly solve this problem.  As I use to say to my employees, that is not the ‘Macintosh Way.’  And, rebooting the the 'Microsoft Way.'
    When I reported my findings to the Analyst, we both concluded that data usage was back to normal.  She did report to me that the engineer did provide a laundry list of suggested activities to help solve the problem.  Remarkably, they were everything that I had already done and were pretty much what the Analyst and the Genius tried to do.  All reasonable tasks.  But clearly, the engineer hadn't even ready the notes on the case before responding.  And, none of the things suggested would have uncovered the real problem, likely a logic bug in iOS.
    My advice now is to have the software engineering team rule out that there was an unresolvable state that a background process was fiercely trying to handle.  The iOS does not seem to know how to intervene and prompt the user with a requirement to upgrade their password.  If this does end up being the case, I would call it a logic bug, a perpetual exception that is not being handled properly.
    Anyway, I hope this helps you.

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    AntonBecker wrote:
    Alternatively, I can avoid the overage fees by agreeing to change my plan -- increase my monthly allowance -- but I have to pay the difference for all of the months that have already gone by all the way back to the beginning of my contract.  In other words, I have to pay for additional GBs for months that are in the past and for which I have no possible way to actually use that data allowance. This is NOT TRUE. You can have the change backdated to the BEGINNING of your CURRENT billing cycle but it WILL NOT go further back than that.
    I must say, that as a business model for raking in un-earned revenue, it's pretty impressive.  As a customer, though, I'm not terribly impressed.
    Does anyone else feel that these practices are just a wee bit unfair, to put it mildly?
    I would think that the following would be fair business practices:
    (1) If I don't use some GB data allowance, for which I've already paid, then that allowance should roll into the next month OR; Verizon doesn't have roll over minutes and they most likely will not have roll over data.
    (2) I should get a refund for data allowance that I don't use. Should you ALSO get a refund for unused minutes while you are at it? I don't watch all of the channels for which my cable company charges me. I would prefer a refund for THOSE before I get a refund for minutes/data from Verizon. I would make a considerably larger refund with that.
    (3) Alternatively, since Verizon believes it is OK to charge extremely inflated overage fees, then I feel it's only fair that they refund to me, at that inflated rate, for GBs that I don't use in any given month.
    How do the rest of you feel? I feel you should most likely look for a provider which better fits your view on how they should price their service. Good luck.
    Sincerely frustrated,

  • How to save on data usage and connect to wireless at home

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    menu/settings/wi-fi, view networks, select/encryption/code

  • Location services, Celular data, Usage and Stand by & fast battery drain on iOS 4.3.5

    Hi all,
    I've been experiencing some trouble with fast battery drain since I have updated to iOS 4.3.5, never experienced it before. I've spent some time reading out through the web, including the Apple Discussion forums, and never found anything conclusive that could lead me to a solution. With some hints from many places and some particular obstination for fixing the problem, I've managed to find a solution. I was willing to share this here just to see if anyone else had the same problem and try to figure out wheter this is a bug or just an ignorant user like me
    This is the configuration and symptoms I had for my iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.3.5 (didn' happen until 4.3.4):
    Location services enabled, with several apps been allowed to use it;
    Celular data (and 3G) turned off;
    Usage and Stand by times reported always equal since last charge (really weird, although other have already reported this);
    Cell phone overheated;
    Battery drain really fast, dropping from 100% to 50% in about four to five hours with almost no use at all.
    The following steps solved my problem:
    Close all applications to make sure nothing is running in the background;
    Reset statistics in order to observe correctly the celular data traffic;
    Make sure you have access to the internet over Wifi;
    Turn on Celular data and 3G for a short time (2 minutes should be enough). Observe celular data exchange stats: for me it was 3Kb download and 2Kb uploaded, although no application was running in the background (and there was also no need for celular data, since I was connected over Wifi);
    Turn off Celular data and 3G.
    Turn off (completelly!) Location services;
    No more overheating, usage and stand by being reported equal nor battery fast drain noticed: everything was back to normal.
    I have come to the following conclusions: it seems that Location services causes problems with Celular data turned off. I'm not sure whether Location services should work at all with Celular data turned off, but I also believe it doesn't give it the right to drain my battery so fast . I'd like to here from others just to see if anyone has experienced a similar thing and if the solution above helped fixed it. It would be interest if we could confirm this is indeed a bug in iOS 4.3.5.
    Best regards,

    Some further testing and observation lead me to new conclusions. I looks like the problem is not actually related to Location services, but to some buggy application trying to access data when it's not available at all. Even closing all apps, the problem doesn't go away untill Celular data is enabled (and then disabled again).
    I still believe this shouldn't be the regular behaviour.

  • View Individual Device Data Usage on Shared Plan

    Hello, I was recently given a smart phone on my employer's plan (I previously had a regular phone, so did not incur data usage charges). I can view the overall plan's data usage on my phone, using the Verizon app, but I can't see where to view my individual device's data use. I created a Verizon account here on the web, and using the online tools here I can see my individual use, but I would like to do so on my phone.
    I can use my phone's settings to see what it says my data use is (which just about matches what Verizon says) but I would rather have the Verizon totals shown on my phone, just to be sure what the actual data being billed is.

        I know keeping tabs on your data usage is important Felderburg. If you are a user on a company account, you may not have the full access to My Verizon Mobile. You would typically be able to see the individual line usage by clicking the "shared data" option under the usage estimate total. I'm pleased you have been able to gain this information online via your computer. As an additional option on the phone if you don't have full access, you can dial #DATA.
    VZW Support
    Follow Us on Twitter@VZWSupport

  • Data Usage and Overage Charges

    Greetings Verizon Community:
    I'm wondering how the rest of you feel about the quality of Verizon's billing charges policies as they relate to your data usage.
    At the moment, I have a monthly plan that allows me a certain number of GBs per month.
    If I don't use them all, I lose them -- even though I still have to pay for them (so, essentially, they are mine and Verizon is stealing service from me, for which I've already paid).
    If I have the audacity to use more than I guessed that I would need, Verizon charges me "overage" fees at an extremely inflated rate.
    Alternatively, I can avoid the overage fees by agreeing to change my plan -- increase my monthly allowance -- but I have to pay the difference for all of the months that have already gone by all the way back to the beginning of my contract.  In other words, I have to pay for additional GBs for months that are in the past and for which I have no possible way to actually use that data allowance.
    I must say, that as a business model for raking in un-earned revenue, it's pretty impressive.  As a customer, though, I'm not terribly impressed.
    Does anyone else feel that these practices are just a wee bit unfair, to put it mildly?
    I would think that the following would be fair business practices:
    (1) If I don't use some GB data allowance, for which I've already paid, then that allowance should roll into the next month OR;
    (2) I should get a refund for data allowance that I don't use.
    (3) Alternatively, since Verizon believes it is OK to charge extremely inflated overage fees, then I feel it's only fair that they refund to me, at that inflated rate, for GBs that I don't use in any given month.
    How do the rest of you feel?
    Sincerely frustrated,

    AntonBecker wrote:
    Alternatively, I can avoid the overage fees by agreeing to change my plan -- increase my monthly allowance -- but I have to pay the difference for all of the months that have already gone by all the way back to the beginning of my contract.  In other words, I have to pay for additional GBs for months that are in the past and for which I have no possible way to actually use that data allowance. This is NOT TRUE. You can have the change backdated to the BEGINNING of your CURRENT billing cycle but it WILL NOT go further back than that.
    I must say, that as a business model for raking in un-earned revenue, it's pretty impressive.  As a customer, though, I'm not terribly impressed.
    Does anyone else feel that these practices are just a wee bit unfair, to put it mildly?
    I would think that the following would be fair business practices:
    (1) If I don't use some GB data allowance, for which I've already paid, then that allowance should roll into the next month OR; Verizon doesn't have roll over minutes and they most likely will not have roll over data.
    (2) I should get a refund for data allowance that I don't use. Should you ALSO get a refund for unused minutes while you are at it? I don't watch all of the channels for which my cable company charges me. I would prefer a refund for THOSE before I get a refund for minutes/data from Verizon. I would make a considerably larger refund with that.
    (3) Alternatively, since Verizon believes it is OK to charge extremely inflated overage fees, then I feel it's only fair that they refund to me, at that inflated rate, for GBs that I don't use in any given month.
    How do the rest of you feel? I feel you should most likely look for a provider which better fits your view on how they should price their service. Good luck.
    Sincerely frustrated,

  • Difference between website data usage and notifications

    I check my data usage on the Verizon wireless website frequently.  Yesterday it showed 5.7 GB used with 4.3 approx remaining and one day left before rolling over. Yet the day before I received a notification I had used 75% of my plan, and this morning another one indicating 90% usage, yet the website showed something entirely different.  So why the difference?

    I check my data usage on the Verizon wireless website frequently.  Yesterday it showed 5.7 GB used with 4.3 approx remaining and one day left before rolling over. Yet the day before I received a notification I had used 75% of my plan, and this morning another one indicating 90% usage, yet the website showed something entirely different.  So why the difference?

  • IPhone 5 - Excessive data usage and data "bleed"

    We recently upgraded my daughter's phone from a Samsung to an iPhone 5, originally running iOS 6, now running iOS 7.  The Samsung (Android) phone used less than .5 MB per month, whereas the iPhone 5 will consume that much data in one day.  About 80% of the phone's usage is on WiFi, and is only actively used on the cellular network less than an hour a day.  However, the phone and the Verizon data usage log show data being consumed even when connected continously to wifi. 
    With help from a Verizon representative, we turned off location services, closed all background apps and stopped automatic updates and refreshes, shut off icloud, email, and anything else that could possibly be running in the background or consuming data.  The changes didn't do anything to slow the usage, and the Verizon reps suggested that my daughter was secretly using her phone in the middle of the night to play games and watch movies. At Verizon's recommendation, we signed up for parental controls, and set them to prevent the phone from being used during the school day, and at night.  However, the phone and Verizon continue to show data use in tiny increments 24 hours per day.  These post in the Verizon data usage logs about every 10 minutes, and are typically 10-20KB. 
    Using the parental controls, I set a hard data stop each week so that we could meter her data out over a month's time and prevent overages.  It is supposed to stop all data usage on the phone once she reaches a preset limit.  She would usually hit the 1GB limit in a day or two, but the phone and Verizon's data usage log show that the phone continues to bleed data 24 hours per day even after the limit is reached and she is unable to use her phone.  Verizon can offer no explanation.
    In addition to the data bleed, the actual data usage for virtually any activity that required data is substantially higher than what I would see for the same use on my iPhone 4s.  For example, a couple of youtube videos played on her iPhone 5 resulted in 0.8GB being used in just a few minutes, vs about 50MB on my 4s for the same videos.  Verizon seems to suggest that this is due to the higher resolution and speed, but it seems excessive.
    Here's a Youtube video I found that seems to show our exact issue.  We've done similar tests on our phone, with the same results.
    Although it is frequently suggested that the "fix" for this problem is to turn off cellular, that hardly addresses the problem.  It would also mean we have purchased a very expensive iPod.
    Is there anyone who can help us address this issue?  Verizon has been no help, and does not acknowledge this as an ongoing problem, despite the fact that there are countless articles, blogs, and videos online about the very same issue.  We have tried a number of the "fix" recommendations we've found online, but thus far have had no success.

    There's something wrong. Have you tried the 4 Rs basic troubleshooting steps?
    1. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider.
    2. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Note: You will not lose any data
    Restore from backup
    Restore as new
    This article is about battery life, there are a few tips about data usage as well.
    Data settings & usage
    If all failed, make an appointment with the Apple genius at your local Apple Store and have them evaluate.

  • Data usage and tracking

    i just recently got a nokia n73,
    and just wondering if there is anyway to track the amount of data usage that i am using per month so i dont get an outrageous bill in the mail for going over

    Use the app "log" in your menu ders a data counter der

  • Date usage and data roaming

    on my palm pixi plus theres am option to turn data usage on or off and enable or disable data roaming, i understand i need data usage on or it will not connect to the internet, however what does data roaming do? still works fine when its disabled so im wondering whats the difference?
    many thanks
    Post relates to: Pre Plus p100una (AT&T)

    Roaming on other carrier's data networks.

  • Data Corruption and Recovery Planning

    I have two questions with regards to data file integrity and recovery as my office tries to plan out our FCS use. These are both hypothetical scenarios and also something people may already have experience with.
    1) Has anyone experienced data corruption within FCS and the assets stored on the server? Is anyone using checksum to manage and review file integrity and what is the best process to do so? If someone has faced issues with corruption in files, what are your responses to correct the issue?
    -(we are using a drobo and backing up the catalog, but is this enough protection for the data 5+ years down the line? What are your suggestions for additional protection of files, specifically against file corruption issues, as even the server drives where the files are uploaded to on the drobo can eventually face file corruption?)
    2) Has anyone used FCS to catalogue assets and decided that they wish to use another program and if so, what was/is your method of exporting the files and metadata to the other program? Was it successful? How time consuming was the process and did you have to redevelop the metadata fields in the other program, or was the mapping process simple? Is an intermediary program useful to transfer files, and what program would that be?
    - Thank you in advance

    1- None of my dozens of FCSvr clients have ever had data corruption, it's a non-issue for FCSvr.  It is an issue for hard drives and digital files in general, and is not a FCSvr issue.
    2- Full asset and catalog backups on a daily basis are nessisary if you're using this for a business.  There are several solutions that work with FCSvr.
    3- If you want to move assets to another database, you can export them from the FCSvr client app.  Or just copy the files from the Device they're stored on directly.  FCSvr saves metadata in the catalog database, so only what is stored nativly in each asset's file format will be readable by a diffrent file server solution.  None of my clients have left FCSvr, all are happy with it.

  • How to use the same variable value for data entry and the planning sequence

    the scenario is the following:
    Using the WAD template a user enters cost center plan data. The cost center is selected by the chosen value for the variable "V1".
    Afterwards he shall push a button which starts a planning sequence (including saving the data and further functions). This planning sequence uses a filter that also contains the variable "V1".
    What or where has it to be defined that the planning sequence uses automatically the same value for the variable "V1" as selected for the data entry?

    You have to define in the planning function. The planning sequence is only a sequence and it read the planning functions underneath it.
    Ravi Thothadri

  • Data usage AND Browser Back Button?

    1.  How accurate is the data tracker?  I call DATA from my phone and get the usage via text, and check the Verizon site and they are both the same, HOW accurate are they?  In other words, am I getting a surprise at the end of the month?
    I have used 1.2mb out of 75mb.
    2.  Is there a back button for the browser besides the touch one?  Like a physical button or button sequence?
    Thanks all!

    The data information on My Verizon and #DATA refreshes within 45 minutes of the data transaction. In some cases, it may be delayed over 24 hours due to system delays. 
    Thank you, LatachaM_VZW

  • I just changed phones and plans and was told the I would NOT see this data usage note again.   Please explain so a 75 year old man can understand.  Thanks  tom C

    I just changed phones and data plans and was told that I would NOT a data usage alert again.  I just got one.  What's up with that?

    Do you have Wifi at home? Do you do a lot of social media, internet surfing, video etc?  Go to settings/data usage/ and scroll up to see what is consuming your data.   You can restrict any of these apps from data usage by selecting one, then scrolling up and checking "restrict background data" for each app you wish to limit. Ones restricted will still function on wifi if available. Data can be restored to any app by unchecking a checked box.  That's a start.
    I keep my S5's data turned off unless I have a particula need when not near wifi. This month I'm near mid way through my billing period and have consumed around 29MB.  Not as much fun for sure but much easier on the wallet.  Caution, public wifi is likely not a secure connection.
    You also can set alert and limit levels for data use by your phone on the Data Usage screen of your phone.

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