Dataflows like 3.5 in BI7

I am activating Business content in BI7, I have activated several cubes for SD.  I am seeing the activated dataflows but the strange thing is that instead of they being like BI7 with transformation, they are like 3.5 dataflows with communication structures and transfer rules.
I want to check whether other BI7 implementions  has same scenario or there needs to do something special. Kindly let me know.
Please reply.

check the thread below.
Transformation object is not  there in busniess content
Please search the forum before you post - a simple search got back me this thread. If we can search, I dont see a reason why you cant. saves everybodys time.

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    Best Regards,

    In BI 7, we dont have an option to run init without data transfer. So first time when you run a delta DTP it will work as full load and set init pointer. This is expected.
    Case 1: If you have already loaded duplicate data into the data targets
    a. If request is already compressed perform reverse posting. if not compressed then perform selective deletion based on the request.
    b. Next deltas will work fine.
    Case 2: Still not loaded
    Follow the steps suggested by Luther Blake.

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    Hello T.Jans-Beken,
    How r u ?
    In the Show data flow screen, zoom it to your desired level and then select the option to save as JPEG file. It will save in that size. So you can see that.
    We have a horizontal dataflow from 19 DataSources to 19 ODS objects then to 3 ODS, then 3 InfoCubes and a MultiCube. We did like that.
    Hope this helps....
    Best Regards....
    Sankar Kumar
    +91 98403 47141

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    > I have read that document, and especially in terms of the
    > bundling/unbundling, it more or less just states to avoid it which for
    > my application may not be the easiest solution. Also, in it a phrase
    > reads "Each level of unbundling/indexing might result in a copy of
    > that data being generated". I'm trying to figure out when "might"
    > becomes "does" or "doesn't". Also, I have seen the consequences of
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    > within the scope of the diagram they are much easier to use then
    > sequence locals and shift registers). thanks.
    First, I'll comment on the local and value property. If the AE really
    said that pointers are a dirty word in LabVIEW, what they really meant
    was that LabVIEW works on dataflow and really doesn't expose the pointers.
    The upside of this is that it is much less likely that you will have
    uninitialized values, stale pointers, memory leaks, etc. You also have
    much clearer idea of what is happening to your data, and parallelism is
    much easier to see/use. The downside is that you have less control.
    Also, it is best not to think of the reference as a pointer/reference to
    data, but instead it is a reference to a UI object, the control or
    Locals and reference->value are convenient when you are used to writing
    lines of code, or expressions that move the data from one location to
    another. This code is typically using a sequence to make lines of code
    where each of them loads what it needs, modifies it, then stores the
    results. Again, this feels familiar, but it is not what works well in
    dataflow like LV. It works much better to largely get rid of the
    sequences and simply let the data dependency do the work.
    Doing this should automatically help your memory usage provided you keep
    the items in the performance chapter in the back of your mind. Also,
    remember that subVIs normally don't hurt memory usage provided their
    panel is not open, and they can even help with memory usage as storage
    buffers can be reused.
    For the unbundle issue, hopefully your have an array of rather small
    records, but in the event you have a record with large arrays, you do
    need to avoid repeatedly accessing the elements, indexing, etc. You may
    want to build a data access subVI that can do the indexing, searching,
    etc in a common location and avoid returning the big arrays. This also
    allows for the storage to be moved to a shift register and the whole
    thing becomes a functional global.
    You might want to spend a little time browsing through the examples for
    smart or functional globals as well as some of the analysis ones that
    process arrays to see how they deal with the sequencing and wiring.
    Greg McKaskle

  • Reporting issue (very urgent)

    Sr.No     Flt.NO     ORI- DES     Total Flts     TS OFF     FC     KC     TS Util      FC
    1     IT101     BOM-BLR        20     2,680     400     2,280     2,165     230
    2     IT103     BOM-BLR        20     3,216     480     2,736     2,322     245
    5     IT111     BOM-BLR        24     3,216     480     2,736     2,396     159
    Result           BOM-BLR        64     9,200     1,360     7,800     6,900     615
    6     IT102     BLR-BOM        20     2,680     400     2,280     2,222     140
    9     IT110     BLR-BOM        20      3,216     480     2,736     2,543     257
    10     IT112     BLR-BOM        24     3,216     480     2,736     2,257     168
    Result          BLR-BOM        64     9,200     1,360     7,800     7,100     530
    Overall Result    BOM-BLR-BOM       128     18,400     2,720     15,600          
    Hi all,
              I have the above issue like am working on BI7 reporting and i want a monthly report and the report should be like above.The user want to see the result of each segment in the next row.And after two result rows,  one over all result of the two.
    When I put a filter in the report then i can see the subresult of single segment but am not able to see the rest of the Segments.It is just showing the filtered segment with the subresult. I want to see all the segments with the subresult and overall result rows.
    Can it possible in the report if it is then Plz tell me how to do that.Its urgent
    Ensuring points

    I guess ORI-DES is a characteristic. if yes then, Ori-des should come before Flt. NO. and in properties->display, result rows should be 'Always display' to get desire result

  • How to pushdown concate operations in BODS

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    Do you have any other idea to achieve the same with full push down? Appreciate your inputs.
    MS Ansari

    If you have the tables in the same database and there are no other BODS based functions in the dataflow like lookup, etc, you can achieve INSERT/SELECT in the optimized SQL statement. This is a full pushdown in the dataflow as it imply produces the result of the select statement and directly inserts into the target. For this to work you need the tables (source and target) in the same schema.
    Else you can use data_transfer transform. This will help to a certain extent with the performance. Choose transfer type as Table and make sure it is in the same schema as the source tables. The output from this transform can then be processed downstream in the wsame dataflow or loaded directly into the target table.
    kind regards

  • Programmatically creating Transformation Script Component

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    I have done it as below trying many ways to get the componentClassId including the AssemblyQualifiedname & the GUID as well.  No matter, what I do, when it hits the ProvideComponentProperties, it get Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048021
    IDTSComponentMetaData90 scriptPropType = dataFlow.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
    scriptPropType.Name = "Transform Property Type";
    scriptPropType.ComponentClassID = "DTSTransform.ScriptComponent";
    // have also tried scriptPropType.ComponentClassID =typeof(Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponent).AssemblyQualifiedName;
    scriptPropType.Description = "Transform Property Type";
    CManagedComponentWrapper instance2 = scriptPropType.Instantiate();
    Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

    I am working on the creating script component programmatically.
    The code has been created is shown in the following,
    Dim SourceCodeValue(3) As String
    Dim scriptPropType As PipeLineWrapper.IDTSComponentMetaData90 = _
    CType(CType(dataflowTask, TaskHost).InnerObject, PipeLineWrapper.MainPipe).ComponentMetaDataCollection.New()
    scriptPropType.Name = "Transform Property Type"
    scriptPropType.ComponentClassID = "{BF01D463-7089-41EE-8F05-0A6DC17CE633}"
    scriptPropType.Description = "Transform Property Type"
    Dim instance2 As PipeLineWrapper.CManagedComponentWrapper = scriptPropType.Instantiate()
    SourceCodeValue(0) = "dts://Scripts/" & "ScriptComponent_9ddf9eba6f5b488f9710b95e4d7e7c74" & _
    "/" & "ScriptComponent_9ddf9eba6f5b488f9710b95e4d7e7c74" & ".vsaproj"
    SourceCodeValue(1) = My.Resources.ScriptComponentProjFile
    SourceCodeValue(2) = "dts://Scripts/" & "ScriptComponent_9ddf9eba6f5b488f9710b95e4d7e7c74" & _
    SourceCodeValue(3) = My.Resources.ScriptComponentCode
    Dim anIDTSDesigntimeComponent90 As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSDesigntimeComponent90 = _
    CType(instance2, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSDesigntimeComponent90)
    anIDTSDesigntimeComponent90.SetComponentProperty("SourceCode", SourceCodeValue)
    anIDTSDesigntimeComponent90.SetComponentProperty("PreCompile", False)
    When debugger reach to “anIDTSDesigntimeComponent90.SetComponentProperty("SourceCode", scriptValue)”, NullReferenceException. “Use the “New” keyword to create an object instance” was shown.
    Could you please give me some help or suggestion?
    Thank you so much in the advance

  • Bex tool bars 3.X and & BI 7 both are appearing.

    Whle executing a query in my system Bex tool bars 3.x and BI7 Tool bars combinly available. i would like to use only BI7 tool bars only.
    can ane 3.x tool one help how do I dis able the 3.X tool bars.

    Hi Sharma,
       I was finally able to resolve this Issue
    Here is what I did,
    1) Installed the Following Front End Patches.
       a) For 3.x = bw350gui710_4-10004473.exe
       b) For 7.0 = bi710sp07p_701-10004472.exe
    2) We are using Office 2003 so had to Install the following Office Patch
    This Fixed our issues and Bex ( Both Versions ) are working fine.
    If you don't want to Install Front End SAP Patches then start with the Office Patch. On your Desktop follow the steps below.
    1) START -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs.
    2 ) Click on Show Patches Option on top of the window.
    3) Find Office and ensure that above mentioned Patch is present. ( Check Microsoft Site with KB907417 ) for more details
    Hope this helps


    I am working first time in the BI 7 n i dont know to the data flow in it. i am unable to perform a single load by creating my own obj even thru flat file. plzzzzzzzzz any body help me by providing the documents that involve in the BI7 like whether i need to perform Infopackage first r Transformation r DTP i am unable to differentiate which cums first n what happen to the load so plzzzz provide me step by step process in BI7
    Thanx in Advance
    Priya .k

    In BI7, transformations are used to create the dataflow between datasources and data targets. The flow in BI7 can in simple terms be desribed as:
    Datasource -> Execute Infopackage -> PSA -> Execute DTP - > Data Target.
    During extraction, the infopackage loads data from the source into the PSA specific to the datasource. You can have a look a the data in the PSA by accessing the infosource. Now execute the DTP to push the data from the PSA to the datasource. This is probably the step you are missing, in that the DTP is new to BI7.0. So the steps to create the objects would be:
    Create Data Targets
    Create Transformations
    Create Infopackage and
    Create DTP.

  • BI7 BC

    I am activating business content in BI7, but All Business content dataflow available looks like as that of BW 3.5 i could not found BI7 specific dataflow.
    so i want to know why In BI7, Business content are look are available as that of 3.5 and not in the form of transformation and DTP.
    Please correct me if i am wrong.

    I dont :(...did u search SDN ull find some discussions on migrations ...
    Migration -
    /thread/377643 [original link is broken]
    Migrate Transformations
    /message/3034624#3034624 [original link is broken]
    /thread/178564 [original link is broken]
    For Data Flow:
    /thread/439486 [original link is broken]
    /message/3619931#3619931 [original link is broken]
    Source : /message/3619931#3619931 [original link is broken]

  • 0FI-CA module, cube 0FC_C08 & 0FC_C09 dataflow? question abt filling tables

    Hello all,
    We are currently working on BI7.0 and ERP6.0. I am trying to understand the data flow for these two cubes 0FC_C08 and 0FC_C09.
    When I see the data flow in BW, I see there is an infosource 0FC_BP_ITEMS, which feeds to DSO 0FC_DS05 which feeds to DSO's 0FC_DS06 (Open Items) and 0FC_DS07 (Cleared Items) which feed to 0FC_C08 and (Open items) and 0FC_C09 (Cleared items).
    0FC_BP_ITEMS -> 0FC_DS05 -> 0FC_DS06 and 0FC_DS07 -> 0FC_C08 and 0FC_C09...
    Now what I am looking for is what do these two datasources feed to ?
    0FC_CI_01    FICA Cleared Items for Interval
    0FC_OP_01  FI-CA Open Items at Key Date
    Also I have another question like:
    1.      Run tcode FPBW that fills data to table DFKKOPBW, and then you will see data in RSA6 for datasource 0FC_OP_01.
    2.     Run tcode FPCIBW that fills data to table DFKKCIBW, and then you will see data in RSA6 for datasource 0FC_CI_01.
    My question is do we have to do this on periodic basis or do we have to do it every time before we run infopackage to load data in BW? What are the key dates or date interval we can use for those two tcodes?
    Please anyone who has worked on it can give some ideas
    Thanks all for your help in advance.
    Edited by: Kiran Mehendale on May 16, 2008 4:40 PM

    0FC_CI_01 FICA Cleared Items for Interval
    --This Data Source will feed InfoCube: 0PSCD_C01
    0FC_OP_01 FI-CA Open Items at Key Date
    --This Datasource will feed infoCube: InfoCube: 0PSCD_C02
    From this link you will be able to check out the data sources as well as any information on the infocubes.
    hope this helps.

  • BODS 3.1 : SAP R/3 data extraction -What is the difference in 2 dataflows?

    Can anyone advise as to what is the difference  in using the data extraction flow for extracting Data from SAP R/3 ?
    1)DF1 >> SAPR/3 (R3/Table -query transformation-dat file) >>query transformation >> target
    This ABAP flow generates a ABAP program and a dat file.
    We can also upload this program and run jobs as execute preloaded option on datastore.
    This works fine.
    2) We also can pull the SAP R/3 table directly.
    DF2>>SAPR/3 table (this has a red arrow like in OHD) >> Query transformation >> target
    THIS ALSO Works fine. And we are able to see the data directly into oracle.
    Which can also be scheduled on a job.
    BUT am unable to understand the purpose of using the different types of data extraction flows.
    When to use which type of flow for data extraction.
    Advantage / disadvantage - over the 2 data flows.
    What we are not understanding is that :
    if we can directly pull data from R/3 table directly thro a query transformation into the target table,
    why use the Flow of creating a R/3 data flow,
    and then do a query transformation again
    and then populate the target database?
    There might be some practical reasons for using these 2 different types of flows in doing the data extraction. Which I would like to understand.  Can anyone advise please.
    Many thanks
    Edited by: Indumathy Narayanan on Aug 22, 2011 3:25 PM

    Hi Jeff.
    Greetings. And many thanks for your response.
    Generally we pull the entire SAP R/3 table thro query transformation into oracle.
    For which we use R/3 data flow and the ABAP program, which we upload on the R/3 system
    so as to be able to use the option of Execute preloaded - and run the jobs.
    Since we do not have any control on our R/3 servers nor we have anyone on ABAP programming,
    we do not do anything at the SAP R/3 level
    I was doing this trial and error testing on our Worflows for our new requirement
    WF 1 : which has some 15 R/3 TABLES.
    For each table we have created a separate Dataflow.
    And finally in between in some dataflows, wherein, the SAP tables which had lot of rows, i decided to pull it directly,
    by-passing the ABAP flow.
    And still the entire work flow and data extraction happens ok.
    In fact i tried creating a new sample data flow and tested.
    Using direct download and - and also execute preloaded.
    I did not see any major difference in time taken for data extraction;
    Because anyhow we pull the entire Table, then choose whatever we want to bring into oracle thro a view for our BO reporting or aggregate and then bring data as a table for Universe consumption.
    Actually, I was looking at other options to avoid this ABAP generation - and the R/3 data flow because we are having problems on our dev and qa environments - giving delimiter errors.  Whereas in production it works fine. Production environment is a old set up of BODS 3.1. QA and Dev are relatively new enviornments of BODS. Which is having this delimiter error.
    I did not understand how to resolve it as per this post :
    And trying to resolve this problem, I ended up with the option of trying to pull directly the R/3 table. Without using ABAP workflow.  Just by trial and error of each and every drag and drop option. Because we had to urgently do a POC and deliver the data for the entire e recruiting module of SAP. 
    I dont know whether i could do this direct pulling of data - for the new job which i have created,
    which has 2 workflows with 15 Dataflows in each worflow.
    And and push this job into production.
    And also whether i could by-pass this ABAP flow and do a direct pulling of R/3 data, in all the Dataflows in the future for ANY of our SAP R/3 data extraction requirement.  And this technical understanding is not clear to us as regards the difference between the 2 flows.  And being new to this whole of ETL - I just wanted to know the pros and cons of this particular data extraction. 
    As advised I shall check the schedules for a week, and then we shall move it probably into production.
    Thanks again.
    Kind Regards
    Edited by: Indumathy Narayanan on Aug 22, 2011 7:02 PM

  • Issues installing 0IC_C03 dataflow in BW 7.0

    Hi experts,
    We are trying to install the dataflow for stocks infocube (0IC_C03) in BW (release 700 level 0015) from Business Content (release 703 level 0008) and we get the following error message when installing the transformation from Infosource 2LIS_03_BF_TR to the cube:
    Start Routine: Syntax error in routine
    We have checked the code in the start routine and we get the following error message:
    E:In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "ROUTINE_9998", the actual parameter
    "SOURCE_PACKAGE" is incompatible with the formal parameter
    Has anybody faced with this issue before?
    Any help will be really appreciated.

    Pls add the following code in the start Routine.
    **************Added as per note 1052648****************************************
         InfoObject: 0RMA_XCC RMA Cross-Company Code Stock Transfer.
            RMA_XCC           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_XCC,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_LNK RMA Stock Transfer Reference Item.
            RMA_LNK           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_LNK,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_RFLG RMA Relevance Flag.
            RMA_RFLG           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_RFLG,
         InfoObject: 0RTHFEES Stock Transfer Fees.
            RTHFEES           TYPE /BI0/OIRTHFEES,
    *******End Added as per note*****1052648*************************************
    After adding the above code no syntactical error in start routine activate the Transformation.
    The Problem is Solved.
    In my system Start routine code:
    PROGRAM trans_routine.
          CLASS routine DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_transform DEFINITION.
    *-    Instance for getting request runtime attributs;
        Available information: Refer to methods of
        interface 'if_rsbk_request_admintab_view'
                TYPE REF TO if_rsbk_request_admintab_view READ-ONLY.
        TYPE-POOLS: rsd, rstr.
      Rule specific types
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1,
         InfoObject: 0STORNO Reversal indicator.
            STORNO           TYPE /BI0/OISTORNO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_PROMO Promotion.
            RT_PROMO           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_PROMO,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_CLASS Valuation class.
            VAL_CLASS           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_CLASS,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_DATE Document Date.
            DOC_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Stock type.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Stock Categories.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0PSTNG_DATE Posting date in the document.
            PSTNG_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIPSTNG_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0COMP_CODE Company code.
            COMP_CODE           TYPE /BI0/OICOMP_CODE,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Application component.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Movement Type (Inventory Management).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Relevance to Stock.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Purchase Value in Local Currency.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSVLC BW: Sales Value in Local Currency.
            CPSVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSTLC BW: Sales Value in Local Currency.
            CPSTLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSTLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Amount in base unit of measure.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_TYPE Valuation type.
            VAL_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW: Transaction Key.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0BATCH Batch number.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
         InfoObject: 0MATMREA Reason for Goods Movement.
            MATMREA           TYPE /BI0/OIMATMREA,
         InfoObject: 0BUS_AREA Business area.
            BUS_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OIBUS_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0COSTCENTER Cost Center.
            COSTCENTER           TYPE /BI0/OICOSTCENTER,
         InfoObject: 0SOLD_TO Sold-to party.
            SOLD_TO           TYPE /BI0/OISOLD_TO,
         InfoObject: 0WHSE_NUM Warehouse number / warehouse complex.
            WHSE_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIWHSE_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0STOR_LOC Storage location.
            STOR_LOC           TYPE /BI0/OISTOR_LOC,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_BIN Storage bin.
            STRGE_BIN           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_BIN,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_TYPE Storage type.
            STRGE_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Vendor.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
         InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_NUM BW: Document Number.
            DOC_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Base Unit of Measure.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_YEAR BW: Document Year.
            DOC_YEAR           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_YEAR,
         InfoObject: 0PROFIT_CTR Profit Center.
            PROFIT_CTR           TYPE /BI0/OIPROFIT_CTR,
         InfoObject: 0DCINDIC Debit/credit indicator.
            DCINDIC           TYPE /BI0/OIDCINDIC,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Local currency.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
         InfoObject: 0PLANT Plant.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
         InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant.
            FISCVARNT           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCVARNT,
         InfoObject: 0CPNOITEMS BW: Number of Activities.
            CPNOITEMS           TYPE /BI0/OICPNOITEMS,
         InfoObject: 0CO_AREA Controlling area.
            CO_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OICO_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_ITEM BW: Document Line Number.
            DOC_ITEM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_ITEM,
         InfoObject: 0VALUE_LC Amount in local currency.
            VALUE_LC           TYPE /BI0/OIVALUE_LC,
         InfoObject: 0COORDER Order number.
            COORDER           TYPE /BI0/OICOORDER,
         InfoObject: 0QUANT_B Quantity in base units of measure.
            QUANT_B           TYPE /BI0/OIQUANT_B,
         InfoObject: 0MOVE_PLANT Receiving Plant/Issuing Plant.
            MOVE_PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVE_PLANT,
         InfoObject: 0RECORDMODE BW Delta Process: Update Mode.
            RECORDMODE           TYPE RODMUPDMOD,
         InfoObject: 0BWCOUNTER Additional Key Field Revaluation Document
            BWCOUNTER           TYPE /BI0/OIBWCOUNTER,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Indicator: Valuation of Special Stock.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Source System for R/3 Entity.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVINV Movement Type is Physical Inventory.
            RT_MOVINV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVINV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVADJ Movement Type is Stock Adjustment.
            RT_MOVADJ           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVADJ,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STMAT Structured Article.
            RSL_STMAT           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STMAT,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVRET Movement Type is Return.
            RT_MOVRET           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVRET,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STAUTO Automatically Completed Component.
            RSL_STAUTO           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STAUTO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVTRAN Movement Type is Stock Transfer.
            RT_MOVTRAN           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVTRAN,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MATPOST Transfer Posting from Article to Article.
            RT_MATPOST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MATPOST,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTSV Share of Business Volume for Set Sales Val
    *ue in Local Crcy.
            RT_SASTSV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTSV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTST Share of Business Volume for Set with Tax
    *in Local Currency.
            RT_SASTST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTST,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_XCC RMA Cross-Company Code Stock Transfer.
            RMA_XCC           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_XCC,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_LNK RMA Stock Transfer Reference Item.
            RMA_LNK           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_LNK,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_RFLG RMA Relevance Flag.
            RMA_RFLG           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_RFLG,
         InfoObject: 0RTHFEES Stock Transfer Fees.
            RTHFEES           TYPE /BI0/OIRTHFEES,
         Field: RECORD.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,
          END   OF tys_SC_1.
    tyt_SC_1        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tys_SC_1
                            WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.
    $$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line  -
    ... "insert your code here
    $$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line   -
              request                  type rsrequest
              datapackid               type rsdatapid
              monitor                  type rstr_ty_t_monitors
              SOURCE_PACKAGE              type tyt_SC_1
              i_th_fields_outbound         TYPE rstran_t_field_inv
              i_r_selset_outbound          TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set
              i_is_main_selection          TYPE rs_bool
              i_r_selset_outbound_complete TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set
              i_r_universe_inbound         TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_universe
              c_th_fields_inbound          TYPE rstran_t_field_inv
              c_r_selset_inbound           TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set
              c_exact                      TYPE rs_bool.
    ENDCLASS.                    "routine DEFINITION
    $$ begin of 2nd part global - insert your code only below this line  *
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1_full,
         InfoObject: 0STORNO Stornokennzeichen.
            STORNO           TYPE /BI0/OISTORNO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_PROMO Aktion.
            RT_PROMO           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_PROMO,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_CLASS Bewertungsklasse.
            VAL_CLASS           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_CLASS,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_DATE Belegdatum.
            DOC_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0PSTNG_DATE Buchungsdatum im Beleg.
            PSTNG_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIPSTNG_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0COMP_CODE Buchungskreis.
            COMP_CODE           TYPE /BI0/OICOMP_CODE,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Bewegungsart (Bestandsführung).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSVLC BW: Verkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPSVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSTLC BW: VerkWmS Hauswährung.
            CPSTLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSTLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_TYPE Bewertungsart.
            VAL_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0BATCH Chargennummer.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
         InfoObject: 0MATMREA Grund für die Warenbewegung.
            MATMREA           TYPE /BI0/OIMATMREA,
         InfoObject: 0BUS_AREA Geschäftsbereich.
            BUS_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OIBUS_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0COSTCENTER Kostenstelle.
            COSTCENTER           TYPE /BI0/OICOSTCENTER,
         InfoObject: 0SOLD_TO Auftraggeber.
            SOLD_TO           TYPE /BI0/OISOLD_TO,
         InfoObject: 0WHSE_NUM Lagernummer/Lagerkomplex.
            WHSE_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIWHSE_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0STOR_LOC Lagerort.
            STOR_LOC           TYPE /BI0/OISTOR_LOC,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_BIN Lagerplatz.
            STRGE_BIN           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_BIN,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_TYPE Lagertyp.
            STRGE_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
         InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_NUM BW: Belegnummer.
            DOC_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_YEAR BW: Belegjahr.
            DOC_YEAR           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_YEAR,
         InfoObject: 0PROFIT_CTR Profit Center.
            PROFIT_CTR           TYPE /BI0/OIPROFIT_CTR,
         InfoObject: 0DCINDIC Soll-/Haben-Kennzeichen.
            DCINDIC           TYPE /BI0/OIDCINDIC,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
         InfoObject: 0PLANT Werk.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
         InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Geschäftsjahresvariante.
            FISCVARNT           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCVARNT,
         InfoObject: 0CPNOITEMS BW: Anzahl Vorgänge.
            CPNOITEMS           TYPE /BI0/OICPNOITEMS,
         InfoObject: 0CO_AREA Kostenrechnungskreis.
            CO_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OICO_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_ITEM BW: Belegpositionsnummer.
            DOC_ITEM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_ITEM,
         InfoObject: 0VALUE_LC Betrag in Hauswährung.
            VALUE_LC           TYPE /BI0/OIVALUE_LC,
         InfoObject: 0COORDER Auftragsnummer.
            COORDER           TYPE /BI0/OICOORDER,
         InfoObject: 0QUANT_B Menge in Basismengeneinheiten.
            QUANT_B           TYPE /BI0/OIQUANT_B,
         InfoObject: 0MOVE_PLANT Empfangendes/Abgebendes Werk.
            MOVE_PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVE_PLANT,
         InfoObject: 0RECORDMODE BW Deltaverfahren: Update Modus.
            RECORDMODE           TYPE RODMUPDMOD,
    *******************Commented based on oss note1052648*****************************
         InfoObject: 0RT_RMAPIDA RMA Inventurdatum.
           RT_RMAPIDA           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_RMAPIDA,
    End Commented based on oss note1052648************************
         InfoObject: 0BWCOUNTER Zusätzliches Schlüsselfeld Umbewertungsbel
            BWCOUNTER           TYPE /BI0/OIBWCOUNTER,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVINV Bewegungsart ist Inventur.
            RT_MOVINV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVINV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVADJ Bewegungsart ist Bestandskorrektur.
            RT_MOVADJ           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVADJ,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STMAT Strukturierter Artikel.
            RSL_STMAT           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STMAT,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVRET Bewegungsart ist Retoure.
            RT_MOVRET           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVRET,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STAUTO Automatisch ergänzte Komponente.
            RSL_STAUTO           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STAUTO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVTRAN Bewegungsart ist Umlagerung.
            RT_MOVTRAN           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVTRAN,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MATPOST Umbuchung Artikel an Artikel.
            RT_MATPOST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MATPOST,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTSV Umsatzanteil am Set Verkaufswert in Hauswä
            RT_SASTSV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTSV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTST Umsatzanteil am Set Verkaufswert mit Steue
    *r in Hauswährung.
            RT_SASTST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTST,
    **********************Added as per note1052648*****************************************
         InfoObject: 0RMA_XCC RMA Cross-Company Code Stock Transfer.
            RMA_XCC           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_XCC,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_LNK RMA Stock Transfer Reference Item.
            RMA_LNK           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_LNK,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_RFLG RMA Relevance Flag.
            RMA_RFLG           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_RFLG,
         InfoObject: 0RTHFEES Stock Transfer Fees.
            RTHFEES           TYPE /BI0/OIRTHFEES,
    **********************End Added as per note1052648**************************************
         Field: RECORD.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,
            END   OF tys_SC_1_full.
    tyt_SC_1_full        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tys_SC_1_full
                            WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.
          BEGIN OF tys_TG_1_full,
         InfoObject: 0CHNGID Änderungslauf ID.
            CHNGID           TYPE /BI0/OICHNGID,
         InfoObject: 0RECORDTP Satztyp.
            RECORDTP           TYPE /BI0/OIRECORDTP,
         InfoObject: 0REQUID Request ID.
            REQUID           TYPE /BI0/OIREQUID,
         InfoObject: 0CALDAY Kalendertag.
            CALDAY           TYPE /BI0/OICALDAY,
         InfoObject: 0CALMONTH Kalenderjahr / Monat.
            CALMONTH           TYPE /BI0/OICALMONTH,
         InfoObject: 0CALWEEK Kalenderjahr / Woche.
            CALWEEK           TYPE /BI0/OICALWEEK,
         InfoObject: 0CALYEAR Kalenderjahr.
            CALYEAR           TYPE /BI0/OICALYEAR,
         InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
         InfoObject: 0PLANT Werk.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
         InfoObject: 0STOR_LOC Lagerort.
            STOR_LOC           TYPE /BI0/OISTOR_LOC,
         InfoObject: 0BATCH Chargennummer.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0GN_VENDOR Lieferant.
            GN_VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_VENDOR,
         InfoObject: 0RECVS_VAL Zugangswert Bewerteter Bestand.
            RECVS_VAL           TYPE /BI0/OIRECVS_VAL,
         InfoObject: 0ISSVS_VAL Abgangswert Bewerteter Bestand.
            ISSVS_VAL           TYPE /BI0/OIISSVS_VAL,
         InfoObject: 0ISSBLOSTCK Abgangsmenge Gesperrter Bestand.
            ISSBLOSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSBLOSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSCNSSTCK Abgangsmenge Konsignationsbestand.
            ISSCNSSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSCNSSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSQMSTCK Abgangsmenge Qualitätsbestand.
            ISSQMSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSQMSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSTRANSST Abgangsmenge Transitbestand.
            ISSTRANSST           TYPE /BI0/OIISSTRANSST,
         InfoObject: 0RECBLOSTCK Zugangsmenge Gesperrter Bestand.
            RECBLOSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECBLOSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECCNSSTCK Zugangsmenge Konsignationsbestand.
            RECCNSSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECCNSSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECQMSTCK Zugangsmenge Qualitätsbestand.
            RECQMSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECQMSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECTRANSST Zugangsmenge Transitbestand.
            RECTRANSST           TYPE /BI0/OIRECTRANSST,
         InfoObject: 0ISSSCRP Abgangsmenge Ausschuss.
            ISSSCRP           TYPE /BI0/OIISSSCRP,
         InfoObject: 0ISSVALSCRP Abgangswert Ausschuss.
            ISSVALSCRP           TYPE /BI0/OIISSVALSCRP,
         InfoObject: 0RECTOTSTCK Zugangsmenge Gesamt Bestand.
            RECTOTSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECTOTSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSTOTSTCK Abgangsmenge Gesamtbestand.
            ISSTOTSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSTOTSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSVALSTCK Abgangsmenge Bewerteter Bestand.
            ISSVALSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSVALSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECVALSTCK Zugangsmenge Bewerteter Bestand.
            RECVALSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECVALSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0VENCONCON Verbrauchswerte Lieferantenkonsignationsbe
            VENCONCON           TYPE /BI0/OIVENCONCON,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
         Field: RECORD Nummer des Datensatzes.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,
          END   OF tys_TG_1_full.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_9,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_9.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_10,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_10.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_11,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_11.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_12,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_12.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_13,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_13.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_15,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_15.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_19,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_19.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_20,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_20.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_21,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_21.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_22,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_22.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_25,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_25.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_31,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_31.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_37,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_37.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_38,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_38.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_39,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_39.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_40,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_40.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_41,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_41.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_42,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_42.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_43,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Bewegungsart (Bestandsführung).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_43.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_51,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Bewegungsart (Bestandsführung).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_51.
    Additional types for start routine interface
        data_package_structure type tys_SC_1_full.
    Additional declaration for update rule interface
        MONITOR       type standard table of rsmonitor  WITH HEADER LINE,
        MONITOR_RECNO type standard table of rsmonitors WITH HEADER LINE,
    global definitions from update rules
    INCLUDE rsbctgn_top.
    INCLUDE rsbctgn_update_rules.
    FORM routine_9998
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    see OSS note 571669
        IF DATA_PACKAGE-stockcat EQ 'V' OR
           DATA_PACKAGE-stocktype EQ 'V'.
    if abort is not equal zero, the update process will be canceled
      ABORT = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_9998
    FORM routine_0012
        COMM_STRUCTURE type tys_SC_1__RULE_9
        RESULT         TYPE tys_TG_1_full-ISSCNSSTCK
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    only goods issue is considered
      IF ( COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '100'   "Other Issues
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '101'   "Returns / Vendor
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '104'   "Material Transfer
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '105'   "Stock Adjustment InvD
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '106'   "Stock Adjustment Other
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '110' ) "Issue from Stock Transfer
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-bwapplnm EQ 'MM'
    only movements which are relevant for stock control
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-stockrelev EQ '1'
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu <> 0.
    only consignment stock is considered
        CASE COMM_STRUCTURE-stockcat.
          WHEN 'K'.
            RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
            RETURNCODE = 0.
          WHEN space.
            IF COMM_STRUCTURE-stocktype CA 'KLM'.
              RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
              RETURNCODE = 0.
              RETURNCODE = 4.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            RETURNCODE = 4.
    if the returncode is not equal zero, the result will not be updated
        RETURNCODE = 4.
    if abort is not equal zero, the update process will be canceled
      ABORT = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_0012
    FORM routine_0014
        COMM_STRUCTURE type tys_SC_1__RULE_10
        RESULT         TYPE tys_TG_1_full-RECCNSSTCK
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    only goods receipt is considered
      IF ( COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '000'   "Other Receipts
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '001'   "Goods Receipt / Vendor
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '004'   "Material Transfer
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '005'   "Stock Adjustment InvD
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '006'   "Stock Adjustment Other
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '010' ) "Receipt from Stock Transfer
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-bwapplnm EQ 'MM'
    only movements which are relevant for stock control
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-stockrelev EQ '1'
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu <> 0.
    only consignment stock is considered
        CASE COMM_STRUCTURE-stockcat.
          WHEN 'K'.
            RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
            RETURNCODE = 0.
          WHEN space.
            IF COMM_STRUCTURE-stocktype CA 'KLM'.
              RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
              RETURNCODE = 0.
              RETURNCODE = 4.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            RETURNCODE = 4.
    if the returncode is not equal zero, the result will not be updated
        RETURNCODE = 4.

  • Using the Execute Preloaded Option for ABAP Dataflows in SAP BODS

    Hello All,
    This is regarding the use of Advanced Option in SAP Application Type (ECC) Datastore settings in SAP BODS 4.2, where there are two options to select from for ABAP Execution Option property: (1)Generate and Execute and (2) Execute Preloaded. Since our ECC client is often locked by BASIS team even on DEV environment, we would like to make use of the second option 'Execute Preloaded' so that we could extract the data from ECC tables without having to ask the BASIS team to unlock the ECC client every time before extraction.
    The problem is that we are getting an error upon generating and uploading the ABAP program to ECC client. I have searched the blogs and so far I have only found that there are certain ABAP programs or function modules that come with SAP BODS which need to be installed by BASIS team on ECC side to allow the ABAP dataflows to be generated and uploaded to ECC server. I would appreciate it if anyone could provide a list of which function modules BASIS needs to install on ECC or a blog that provides details around using this option.
    So far, from the SAP BODS designer, we are performing below steps but getting an error upon generating and uploading the ABAP dataflow program:
    1. Create a test ABAP Dataflow using SAP ECC datastore. Provide the ABAP program options.
    2. Right click, select Generate ABAP Program.
    3. Once the ABAP Program Generation Dialog box appears, check the box "Upload Generated Program".
    4. Upon clicking OK, we are getting the following error:
    The ABAP program <ZRTEST01> for ABAP data flow <RT_TEST_R3> (datastore <R3_DS>) was not uploaded: < RFC CallReceive error <Function /BODS/RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN: RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE- Exception condition "NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI" trigger[SAP NWRFC 720][SAP Partner ### ][clientname][servername][accountname][4103]>. >.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The BASIS team reviewed steps provided in the BODS document and attempted to install the Function Modules but now none of the BODS jobs would work. All BODS jobs are being terminted with the Syntax Error error when extracting data from ECC using ABAP dataflows:
    17740 16404 R3C-150412 06/17/2014 9:38:46 AM |Data flow RT_DF_TEST_PC207
    17740 16404 R3C-150412 06/17/2014 9:38:46 AM RFC CallReceive error <Function /BODS/RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN: RFC_ABAP_RUNTIME_FAILURE-(Exception_Key: SYNTAX_ERROR)- Syntax
    17740 16404 R3C-150412 06/17/2014 9:38:46 AM error in program /BODS/SAPLBODS                          .[SAP NWRFC 720][SAP Partner 740 ][DEV1][Server][account][4103]>.
    22052 20572 R3C-150412 06/17/2014 9:38:46 AM |Data flow RT_DF_TEST_PC207
    22052 20572 R3C-150412 06/17/2014 9:38:46 AM RFC CallReceive error <Function /BODS/RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN: RFC_ABAP_RUNTIME_FAILURE-(Exception_Key: SYNTAX_ERROR)- Syntax
    22052 20572 R3C-150412 06/17/2014 9:38:46 AM error in program /BODS/SAPLBODS                          .[SAP NWRFC 720][SAP Partner 740 ][DEV1][Server][account][4103]>.

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