DataType creation using XSD

I'm trying to create a data type using a simple XSD given below but i'm getting errors. Please let me know what am I missing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="Contact">
   <xsd:element name="FirstName" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="LastName" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="City" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="State" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="Country" type="xsd:string"/>  
the error it shows is:
Schema to be handled does not contain a definition of type Contact.
Let me know what is wrong with this XSD.

Hi Angela,
The Data Type name and its namespace that you have created should match the name and namespace of the root element in the XSD file. In this case, in the Integration Repository, you HAVE to name the Data Type as 'Contact', with the namespace "".
The better way wiould be to change name and namespace in the the XSD file to match with that you are using in the IR.
Hope this helps,

Similar Messages

  • Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hell  guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is  stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    * Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    * Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    * Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    * Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

    Hi Shareen,
    I think in the following parts of the code,
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
    Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Posted: Mar 20, 2006 7:39 PM      Reply      E-mail this post 
    Hell guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = <b>i_ekpa[].</b>
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                    <b>    poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].</b>
    it should be only i_bpoi, i_bpoix, i_bpos, i_bposx but not  i_bpoi[], i_bpoix[], i_bpos[], i_bposx[].
    CHange the code as follows:
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa.
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix
                        poschedule       = i_bpos
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx.
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

  • Error with quantity field:Datasource Creation Using Function Module method

    Problem with DATASOURCE Creation using Function Module method :
    I have created a datasource ZSTANDARD_COST_PRICE using Function Module method . The datasource creation is successfull when I remove the quantity field from the Z table . If I dont remove the quantity field from my Z table it gives an error as "Units Field WAERS for field STPRS of datasource ZSTANDARD_COST_PRICE is hidden". I am not able to remove this error . Please someone guide.
    Let me know if my explanation is not clear enough.
    Thanks in advance,
    Z table definition is as below :
    MATNR MATNR CHAR 18 0 Material Number
    BWKEY BWKEY CHAR 4 0 Valuation area
    LFGJA LFGJA NUMC 4 0 Fiscal Year of Current Period
    STPRS STPRS CURR 11 2 Standard Price   " Here the currency field is WAERS and table T001
    PEINH PEINH DEC 5 0 Price Unit
    VJSTP VJSTP CURR 11 2 Standard price in previous year
    VJPEI VJPEI DEC 5 0 Price unit of previous year.
    Edited by: Neha Rathi on Jan 30, 2009 3:03 PM

    You should add it as one of the main fields as you have added other fields and not as the currency fields...that should be part of the data source and you should be able to see it in RSO2...
    Also if added as i said then it will come as new field in the data can either let it be there...or hide it..
    also if you want to populate it then you will have to write the code for this fields as well.

  • Custom List Form creation using Powershell - SharePoint 2013

    I have a custom List called 'IssuesList' with 4 fields - "IssueTitle","IssueID","IssueDesc","Status"
    While displaying display form I should show 3 fields expect Issue ID i.e. IssueID should be hidden.
    and on edit form only Status field should be editable. So using SharePoint designer I created respective Edit form and display forms and changed XSLT to control the display mode on the fields.
    I have everything scripted in powershell till now - creation of custom list, publishing pages, webparts etc. however I am looking for how to provision or associate these 2 list forms with IssuesList after I create the list in new site.
    I have restrictions on using wsp and site/list template due to business needs. So I need to know if there is any way I can upload these 2 files after I create custom list in powershell and associate them as defaultdisplay and defauteditforms?
    Please advise.

    Per my understanding, you might need to apply these custom forms to a list after list creation using PowerShell.
    With PowerShell with SharePoint Object Model, we can hide fields on list forms.
    The similar thread below with code snippet will provide more information about this:
    If there may be other requirements except for hiding fields, as you have limitation on using custom solution package(which should be preferable in such scenario),
    a workaround I can provide is that, after list creation, you can add Content Editor Web Part contains the CSS style or JavaScript to the form pages of a specific list, it will help you hide/disable the specific elements, this can be achieved programmatically.
    The code below can add a Content Editor Web Part to the DisplayForm of a list(though in C#):
    public static void AddCEWP()
    SPLimitedWebPartManager manager = null;
    SPFile file = null;
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp"))
    using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
    web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
    file = web.GetFile(web.Url + "/Lists/List018/DispForm.aspx");
    manager = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);
    ContentEditorWebPart webPart = new ContentEditorWebPart();
    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlElement xmlElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("HtmlContent");
    //xmlElement.InnerText = "<strong>Hello World!</strong>";
    //write the custom CSS style or JavaScript here
    string content = "<style>your custom style here...</style>";
    xmlElement.InnerText = content;
    webPart.Content = xmlElement;
    manager.AddWebPart(webPart, "Top", 0);
    catch (Exception ex)
    if (manager != null)
    web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
    About how to hide fields on Standard List Forms using jQuery:
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Restrict Item Category Item Creation using Reference Only

    Hi All
    Here is the scenario, I want  "Restrict Item Category Item Creation using Reference Only"
    a.Retrieve document number VBELN from sales order header table VBAK for the current order. Check if the sales order is of type ‘ZAB’ referencing field AUART in table VBAK.
    note : Any changes to existing sales order "ZAB" will be performed in thesame sales order type(ZAB) in VA02 transaction.
    b.If step a is passed, check internal table structure for sales order item level as XVBAP-PSTYV for possible item category values of 'ZDEF' for the entered line item and document number (XVBAP-VBELN).
    c.If the cancel/change item category values are found on the line item, check internal table structure for document flow (XVBFA) if the cancel/change item category was created as reference:
    i.Check if entry exists in XVBFA for the preceding document number field VBELV with value equal to value in the subsequent document number field VBELN. This value must equal the current sales document number VBELN in table VBAK.
    ii.The above check must be done in conjunction with the following check:
                1.Check if entry exists in XVBFA for the preceding document type field VBTYP_V with value ‘C’ equals subsequent document type field VBTYP_N with value of ‘C’.
    d.Once the above checks are passed, collect the item number from internal table XVBAP (Field: POSNR) for the change/cancel item category line item added to the sales order.
    e.Check if the item number retrieved in the previous step exists in table VBAP (Field: POSNR) with an item category that is not part of the list of cancel/change item category defined in step b.
    f. Check if the item number collected in the previous step exists in the subsequent item number (Field : POSNN) in internal table XVBFA for the row that passed checks in steps b and c.
    g.If item number exists, check if this subsequent item number field equals the preceding item number field value (Field: POSNV) in table XVBFA.
    h.If step g fails, generate an error message stating that the user needs to the create the cancel/change item category line item with reference to the original line item and do not allow the user to proceed with the transaction.
    i.If step g succeeds, allow the user to proceed with the transaction.
    can any one send me the logic for this scenario.

    Hi Chinna,
      Please use BADI "BADI_SD_SALES_ITEM" to achieve your requirement..
      Let me know if you have further questions..

  • Material Creation Using BDCs.

    Hi all,
    I have developed a program for Material Creation using BDC.
    Material is Being created and that is working well and good.Here i have a Requirement to update the Newly creted material in Ztable.So when i use call transaction mathod,i have written code for updation under the line CALL TRANSACTION.where in iam getting newly creatde material from MARA table,and so it is working perfectly fine..
    But our requirement should be sessions method,so when i use sessions method and exeute the program..we face the problem of updation.
    the piece of code for updation is updating previously created material.
    Literally speaking only the sessions are created ,when the program is executed,material is not created when program is run.Material is only created when the sessions are processed using SM35,
    So how should i do here,where should be the updation code written and where will we get the newly created material in sessions method..
    Pls Help me in solving this problem

    hai priyanaka it might be due to configuration problem
    bcos manulay also ur gettign this , so just consult ur MM consultant for soem setting

  • Generation of XML using XSD

    I Have to generate XML file using XSD. I have the xsd available with me ,i have the values of elements also,now i need create a xml file using the XSD or DTD, with the values i got from the database.
    Kindly help.

    Create an XML file from XSD file

  • HU creation using HUPP3

    I have following doubt on Planned HU creation using HUPP3 (since i am using this transaction for the first time and not sure if the client has done any modifications)
    1. Is it standard to pack more than one sales order line items in one HU using HUPP3
    I have a scenario in which business is creating one HU for more than one line items of a sales order (shipping point for all the line items is same).
    The issue is in HU the VEKP_NTGEW & VEKP_BRGEW fields takes the weight of first line items of the HU only.
    Customer modified the program SAP standard program.Here they can select multiple line items in single HU but while displaying HU through HUMO t-code it showing only first line item details like net weight.But client want it should show total weight of HU.
    Can anybody tell me how to achieve above requirement.

    Hi All,
    Thanks for viewing the query. I have found out the issue
    The client had made some modifications to the program.
    In standard SAP through HUPP3 only one line item of a sales order can be packed into one HU

  • Auto PO  creation using purchase requisition

    I have tried the following steps for auto PO creation using purchase requisition.
    i. Maintain Auto PO in Material master Purchasing view
    ii. Select Automatic purchase order in Vendor master- Purchase data
    iii. Maintain info-record
    iv. Create PR through ME51
    v. enable source determination during creation of PR
    vi. Execute using ME59N
    But Auto PO is creating with the same document type (e.g NB) which is used while creating purchase requisition (e.g NB). Following steps have done in SPRO.
    1. SPRO - MM - Purchasing - purchase requisition - define  document type
    a. NB- PR document type LINK TO DI01- PO document type
    2. SPRO - MM - Purchasing - Purchase order - Define document type
    a. DI01- PO document type LINK TO NB- PR document type
    3. There is no linking from NB - NB & DI01 - DI01 but still it is creating auto PO with document type NB iif requisition has been created with document type NB.
    Please suggest on this . waiting for ur quick response.
    Edited by: Rakesh Gupta on Aug 20, 2009 11:00 AM

    Please check the below thread
    PR to PO  via  ME59 -Doc type issue

  • Simple WebService Creation using JDeveloper 11.1 Technology Preview 2

    I like the way JDeveloper simplifies the web service creation using the wizards and allows to test the web services from the IDE itself.
    I have the following issues when I tried the step-by-step tutorial ( to build a web service. I greatly appreciate if some one can help me with these issues. This tutorial basically provides how to create a simple hello world kind of web service using JDev. Some of the steps are failing in my case.
    Failure 1) Unable to find the WSDL document
    When I invoke the "Test Web Service" menu item HTTP Analyzer is unable to locate the dynamically generated WSDL. I did try with and with-out proxy settings both the cases it failed. However I can see the WSDL if I go to the given WSDL URL in my web browser. I suspect I am missing some thing in Jdeveloper configuration. So I had to manually save the WSDL from the browser to go to further steps.
    Failure 2) Failure in the Response message
    When I invoke the request message I am getting the following error in the response:
    "The selected message is not a SOAP message". However, if I use the browser to test the web service, it is working fine.
    I greatly appreciate if you can provide me some insight into why JDeveloper is failing in these cases.

    It started working after I restarted the JDeveloper with no proxy settings. Seems to be after changing proxy settings JDev need to be restarted to take the preference changes to be effective in this case.
    Another interesting aspect that I noticed was, when HTTP analyzer is running it dynamically sets the proxy in the preferences settings as localhost with the HTTP analyzer port.
    But anyway now I am able to run and test this webservice within the JDev itself.

  • WLST Domain Creation using JRF template throws SQLRecoverableException

    I am working on domain creation using templates and included the JRF template to use OPSS functionality.
    I have run the RCU utility to create the required components that will have necessary tables to host OPSS data and also tested that it works with CC_STB user that i will use to connect from WLS.
    I am able to ping the database server having RCU components from the VM where i want to create and configure the domain but when i configure the LocalSvcTblDataSource with the same ip address and try to setup the OPSS datasources, it gives me "Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified Error Code: 17002"
    Below is my WLST python script:
    # Open a domain template.
    # Update the domain to enable the WebLogic Server domain with JRF and EM.
    # Configure the Administration Server and SSL port.
    # To enable access by both local and remote processes, you should not set the
    # listen address for the server instance (that is, it should be left blank or not set).
    # In this case, the server instance will determine the address of the machine and
    # listen on it.
    set('ListenPort', 7001)
    set('Enabled', 'True')
    set('ListenPort', 7002)
    # Define the user password for weblogic.
    # Please set password here before using this script, e.g. cmo.setPassword('value')
    # Create and configure a JDBC Data Source, and sets the JDBC user.
    # Get RCU Configuration using RCU service table (STB) schema credentials
    set('PasswordEncrypted', 'password')
    set('UseXADataSourceInterface', 'false')
    # Write the domain and close the domain template.
    setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true')
    # Exit WLST.
    And the complete exception trace.
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
    Error: writeDomain() failed. Do dumpStack() to see details.
    wls:/offline/base_domain>dumpStack(); Domain Creation Failed!
    Domain Location: /u01/data/user_projects/domains/cc_domain
    Reason: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
    Exception: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
      at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.__call__(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.core.PyInstance.invoke(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.pycode._pyx5.writeDomain$15(/tmp/
      at org.python.pycode._pyx5.call_function(/tmp/
      at Source)
      at Source)
      at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.pycode._pyx93.f$0(<console>:1)
      at org.python.pycode._pyx93.call_function(<console>)
      at Source)
      at Source)
      at org.python.core.Py.runCode(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.core.Py.exec(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.util.InteractiveInterpreter.runcode(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.util.InteractiveInterpreter.runsource(Unknown Source)
      at org.python.util.InteractiveInterpreter.runsource(Unknown Source)
      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
      at weblogic.WLST.main(
    Caused by: Domain Creation Failed!
    Domain Location: /u01/data/user_projects/domains/cc_domain
    Reason: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
    Exception: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
      ... 29 more
    Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
    Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
      ... 2 more
    Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
      ... 5 more
    Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerSetupImpl.deploy(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.getDatabaseSession(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.createEntityManagerImpl(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryImpl.createEntityManagerImpl(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryImpl.createEntityManager(
      ... 9 more
    Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
    Error Code: 17002
      at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DefaultConnector.connect(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatasourceLogin.connectToDatasource(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl.loginAndDetectDatasource(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryProvider.login(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerSetupImpl.deploy(
      ... 16 more
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Unknown host specified
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
      at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
      at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
      at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DefaultConnector.connect(
      ... 20 more
    Caused by: Unknown host specified
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.connect(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
      ... 27 more
    Any help/pointers/hints will be helpful

    Hi Micheal,
    Thanks a Lot for your response.
    We have checked the OS requirements :
    System Itanium 11i (11.31) B.11.31.0803.318a Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v3, March 2008+
    We have the higher version installed for this quality pack.
    QPKBASE B.11.31.1109.367a Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v3, September 2011
    2) Required Packages : HPDesktopDev (version B.11.31.01)
    This package is also installed.
    X11MotifDevKit B.11.31.01 HP-UX Desktop Developer's Toolkit - X11, Motif, and Imake
    3) Required Operating System Patches
    We have the supersets for these patches installed. The installation logs also confirm these patches at the OS level.
    Check Name:Patches
    Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the patches recommended for installing the product are available on the system.
    Checking for PHKL_36248; found PHKL_36248. Passed
    Checking for PHKL_36249; found PHKL_36249. Passed
    Checking for PHSS_37202; found PHSS_37202. Passed
    Checking for PHSS_37501; found PHSS_37501. Passed
    Checking for PHCO_38050; found PHCO_38050. Passed
    Checking for PHSS_38139; found PHSS_38139. Passed
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Sumit Kapila

  • Reena Prabhakar - Sales order creation Using BAPI

    Hi Reena,
    This is Dinesh,i also face problem in Sales order creation using BAPI if you can send me the code it would be great help to me.

    Anyhow, here is the code that I am using currently which works perfectly well. Not sure if it will be of any help to you, since the values to the BAPI come from the Webdynpro application. I have values stored in my "Test data directory" which I use for testing from the backend.
    FUNCTION ztest.
    Call the BAPI to create Sales Order
          order_header_in     = l_order_header
          salesdocument       = l_salesdocument
          return              = it_return
          order_items_in      = it_order_items
          order_partners      = it_order_partners
          order_schedules_in  = it_order_schdl
          order_conditions_in = it_order_conditions
          order_text          = it_order_text.
      READ TABLE it_return WITH KEY type = 'E'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *-- error occured
    *-- no error

  • Need sales order creation using bapi in oops

    need code for sales order creation using bapi in oops

    hi rocky,
              could you pls give a bit explanation on what you are expecting.

  • Mass sales order creation using BAPI

    Dear All,
    Can anyone help in  mass sales order creation using Bapi BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2.
    For example if i want to create 3 sales order with three item per order . i am populating
    HEADER = 3 Records
    Item   = 9 records
    schedule = 9 records
    partner  = 1 record.
    Then after populating the records I am calling Bapi BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2
    to create order. It should have created three order but unfortunately it creates
    only one sales order. I debugged and found that records are correct both in header,
    item, scheudle and partners.
    Could you please guide me what I am missing for creation of mass orders.
    I appreciate your time and many thanks in advance.

    Hi Chandra,
    Do like this.
    Loop at Header table into wa_header.
    *-- Move BAPI Header data
    Loop at item table into wa_item where condition.
    *--  in this move all Item and Schedule line item  to the BAPI.
      At end of item .
    Use the below function modules.

  • In Reply to : How to validate org.jdom.Document object using xsd: dvohra09

    Hi All
    I am creating org.jdom.Document object using constructor Document() and adding children using setRootElement(), setChildren() and addContent() methods. The children are objects of org.jdom.Element. If i want to validate the org.jdom.Document using xsd what i have to do. Thanks in anticipation.

    I tried the below code and it is always giving the
    Parsing fatal error : The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.
    But it is possible to validate the same Document object as right document after writing it onto xml file using XMLOutputter and parsing it using DOMParser
    Thanks in anticipation
    org.jdom.Document document;
    String documentString=document.toString();
    StringReader stringReader=new
    SAXBuilder saxBuilder =new
    ation",  true);
    lidation/schema",  true);
    lidation/schema-full-checking", true);
    //Set a error handler with
    setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler);

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