Date substrection at VC output

Dear Friends,
I want to do date substrection at VC.
current date MINUS date coming from bex query(its a standard keyfigure date in bex).
I tried NOW() - avilable date(text field), but we can use - for only numreic field.
want date substrection in no. of days.
Please suugest what to do.

Try this Expression.
Ahmed Salah

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    Hi Vasudevan,
    Check the following checklist and try.
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    Hope this resolves the issue.
    Best Regards,
    Hardik Sharma


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    Murali. N

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    Hi jing,
    i think there´s no chance to do online reading with tdm-files.
    There are two ways to solve your problem:
    1. Using the "channel simulation block" to read data out of DIAdem data cache.
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    By the way:
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    Hi Naveen,
                  AND RETURN.
    With the above statement you can export the list out put and
    by using the below function module in the your program,
        listobject = list_tab
        not_found  = 1
        OTHERS     = 2.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
          listobject = list_tab.

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    Hi Eric
    I would never dream of telling anyone not to argue with me :D I've been wrong before and will be again, no doubt!
    For the DIV problem, I was more concerned with < appearing in the output rather than the SQL statement itself - generally problems such as this happen when something on the page is incorrectly formed. When you get a chance, in FireFox, install the Web Developer add-on. When this is installed, on the right-hand end of its toolbar, you will see three buttons - the last two tell you about css and javascript errors. For HTML errors, if you have a text editor that has syntax highlighting, do a View Source on the loaded page, take a copy of the source and paste it in to a new document in the text editor. Save this with an HTML file extension. This should colour-highlight everything. It should become obvious what is wrong as you tend to end up with way too much in the same colour. Finally, on the loaded page, right-click on the DIV text and select Inspect Element - this switches you to a heirarchical view of the HTML on the page in the FireBug pane. Follow the tree up from the DIV and have a look at the structue - at some point, something will look wrong.

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    Hi Sandeep,
    I have the same issue. After looking at a lot of replies from various blogs, some suggest to use this format in your rtf.It did not work for me. You could try this and check if it works for you.
    <?format-date:datefied;’yyyy/MM/dd’?> where the format can be specific to your use.

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    You should try posting your query in XML Publisher forum, which is now BI Publisher.

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    Duplicate post.
    Is editing of XLAAARPT.XML allowed
    Please update the original thread instead of creating new one.
    If you are not getting any response to your original thread, please log a SR.

  • Data Storage of Analog Output

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     I am attaching my labview code with this post. My problem is that the code runs correctly with "write to lvm file" applette. Without this aplette the waveform shows a continuous graph. But when I add this applette to store the data, the waveform gets broken. It updates after every 100 - 200 sec. Eventhough I used X-scrollbar, I am not able to access the data onc3e it gets updated.
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    Data Acquisition from 6 ‏2426 KB

    Storing data as text takes a long time.  LVM, TDM, and ASCII are all text.  The overhead of creating the and storing the data is taking longer than the DAQ card is taking for each set of data.  As a result, you are getting data overruns on the DAQ card - look at the error out output of the DAQ Assistant while the problem is occurring.  Fortunately, there are two things you can do to make things better.  You should probably do both.
    Do not use a text format.  You can either use raw binary using the VIs from the File I/O palette or NI-Hierarchical Waveform Storage (NI-HWS).  NI-HWS is the easier of the two.  If you do not have NI-HWS, you can get it with almost any of the measurement device drivers (e.g. NI-SCOPE).  Make sure you open the file before you run the loop and close it after the loop exits.
    Do your file storage in a parallel loop to your data acquisition.  This is called a producer/consumer architecture.  You can find examples in the LabVIEW examples.  Use a queue to pass data from the acquisition loop to the storage loop.  This will allow your data acquistion to run at full speed, relatively independent of the file storage (they still use the same processor).
    Using these two methods will allow you to write data to disk at hardware limited speeds.
    Note that there are a few other things you could do to make your code simpler.
    Since your processing is the same for all channels, there is no need to break the data up into individual channels before processing.  The processing blocks can handle multiple input waveforms.
    There is no need to query for the current time six times outside the loop and six times inside (you can wire an output to multiple inputs).  This also will reduce the number of calculations you need to set the timestamps.
    You can convert your dynamic data into an array of waveforms subtract the starting timestamp from the original  in a FOR loop - no need to query for the current time inside the loop, the DAQ Assistant already gives you this information.  This will get rid of the incorrect dt value, duplication of Y values, and dubious timestamps.
    Good luck.  Let us know if you need more help.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

  • Date format in Bex Output should be changed while using with Text Variable

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    My requirement is......Date format should be come as 30.04.2012 (DD.MM.YYYY) instead of 20120430 (YYYYMMDD) in report description.
    Guys could you please help me out to achieve the desired output.

    Please check if you have selected Replace with Key in that text variable.
    Instead of that select External characteristic value key.
    This should help you in giving the desired output.

  • Functions needed in Data Template for XML output

    Hi ,
    Are there any oracle functions like abs() available
    in data_template to be used as follows
    group name="listItem" source="Q2">
    <element name="amount" value="abs(amount)"/>
    <element name="serialNumber" value="TXN_SERIAL_NO"/>
    I want the absolute value of the amount .
    Can I HIDE the xml Element like
    <element name="amount" value="amount"/> (i want to hide this tag in output?)
    Please do not suggest to do the same in the SQL query as I am using the SQL query to do something else and resolve another issue.

    You can do this abs in Template.
    use xdoxslt:abs or abs from xsl.
    if you want the data in the xml to habe absolute value , then write pl/sql package to this .
    <element name="amount" value="yourpcakage.yourabs(amount)"/>
    or do it in sql query, which you dont want to.

  • Date Extension on Crystal Output Filename in Scheduler

    Post Author: mek
    CA Forum: General
    We use Crystal Reports 10. When we schedule reports through the CMC scheduler we add the date to the output filename by selecting the DateTime option from the variable properties list ( ex. ExpoSalesSummaryReport_%DateTime%.xls generates a file named ExpoSalesSummaryReport_2007-04-25-10-46-33.xls).  The date format that is automatically concatenated onto the filename by Crystal is not what we need. We do not want the time in the date extension and we want the date format simplified, without dashes.
    Our team needs to have additional values available in the variable properties list of the report scheduler that would allow us to select a specific date format to be concatenated to the filename when we schedule reports. For example, we would like to have the following selections in the picklist (new options that we want to add and use are bolded), ex:
    Is it possible to create new parameters for the scheduler picklist that can add a date extension to the filename in the format we want? I would think that there must be some way to customize the file extension mask behind the scenes in Crystal 10.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi Raafje,
    Like I've already discussed in my Blog ,Using Date Expressions on Filenames of Burst Query has its own limitations. This date expression that you have tried for sysdate-1 (%d-1%m%y) will not hold good to the requirement. Anyways you can resolve the issue using other work arounds.
    Method I (Using CAST and DATE Functions)
    Sample Code
    Method II (Using Server Variables)
    1. Create a Dynamic Repository Variable like Previous_Date(Non-System Session variables can also be used)
    2. Create a Initialization blocks
    In Data Source Section - Edit Data Source and place the below query
    FROM Dual (you can use any date format as required)
    3. In Variable Target Section
    Edit Target -
    Give the Name as Previous_Date (as you created in Step1) and Enable the Radio Button as Dynamic
    Place date in Default Value like '9/22/2010'
    4. Now use this Repository Variable in the filename parameter of the burst query as VALUEOF("Previous_Date") for Repository Variable
    and VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.Previous_Date) in case you have created a session variable for the query
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: Goushalya on Sep 29, 2011 7:09 AM

  • Problem in displaying data in the smartform output.

    Dear Freinds,
                    I have a requirement as per my requirement i have to display the employee dependents details in the smartform output.
    I have taken a table in smartform and collected all teh employee dependents details . Each dependents his own  details around 8 fields. so iam displaying in the smartform it is working till now no problem ........iam getting data as below
    Dependentrelation | dependentname|passportno|expirydate|visano|visadate|visa expire date| ResidenceNo|Residence issuedate|
    spouse                 | Raja                   |123456       |10/09/2009|122233|10/01/2009|10/01/2010 | 1001             |10/01/2009
    These are the one of the dependentds details iam having till now , like this i have another dependts details. Now the problem i have
    to add some fields to this list ( to this internal table) ...........if iam adding one more feild data is getting truncated as i dont have any more fields to add to right in the horizontal can i solve this issue and how can i add further fields to this list
    like date of birth of the dependents and gender
    please could any one tell how i can solve this issue.

    If this is a Tablethen only thing you can do is re-size the grid and font size to adjust your data. Like, displaying HEADINGS & DATAs in 2 rows instead of 1, etc.
    Nothing else can be done. Otherwise you have to trim down the data to adjust in one page.

  • How do you Select data from two tables with similar data amd merge the output together.

    I have two Tables containing Sales Data. I want to read the Table a sort by date and accumulate dollars by order date. Then I want to read the second table and accumulate these dollar amounts by date and then merge the records together so that I gave 1 row
    with amounts for type A and amounts for type b.
    Here are the tables I am looking at.
    Select Cast(J.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.Job As J
    union all
    Select Cast(SH.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day'     then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = ''          then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Detail As SD
    Inner Join [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Header As SH
        on SD.Sales_Order = SH.Sales_Order
    Group by J.Order_Date
    Order by J.Order_Date Desc
    Looking for output like
    Order Date   Job Comm   Job AUto   Job Fixed    SO Comm  SO AUto  SO Fixed
    Mar-11-2014    100.00     250.00       50.00     200.00   300.00    400.00
    Mar-10-2014    500.00     340.00        0.00     110.00   400.00    500.00
    Mar-09-2014    600.00     333.00       56.00     210.00   500.00    300.00
    Thanks for your help

    Seeing the output it looks like what you need is this
    select COALESCE(p.[Order Date],q.[Order Date]) AS [Order Date],
    COALESCE([Job Comm],0) AS [Job Comm],
    COALESCE([Job AUto],0) AS [Job AUto],COALESCE([Job Fixed],0) AS [Job Fixed],COALESCE([SO Comm],0) AS [SO Comm],COALESCE([SO AUto],0) AS [SO AUto],COALESCE([SO Fixed],0) AS [SO Fixed]
    Select Cast(J.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.Job As J
    full join
    Select Cast(SH.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Detail As SD
    Inner Join [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Header As SH
    on SD.Sales_Order = SH.Sales_Order
    Group by J.Order_Date
    on p.[Order Date] = q.[Order Date]
    Order by COALESCE(p.[Order Date],q.[Order Date]) Desc
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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