Datefield showing up "under" other datefields

I have a form with several datefield type inputs.  When you open one, the calendar does pop up but it looks like its layered under the other ones.
Please view the screenshot below to understand better.

Internet Explorer is REALLY annoying is it not?!?
That is a problem in the browser.  I gives form controls an infinite Z index level so that any other content generated can never go over them.
This is well documented and discussed on the internert so I won't rehash what can easily be found with a search or two.
There are a few workarounds in some of those discussions, they work well, if it is annoying that we have to work so much harder then we should have to to deal with a browser short comming.
Message was edited by: Ian Skinner  P.S.  If some of my assumptions are wrong and do not apply to your situation, you will need to provide more details about what you are working with, because there are SO many possibilities.

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    <p>Dignissim in ut ullamcorper vulputate autem ullamcorper aliquip nulla delenit   blandit nulla odio dolor odio consequat. Luptatum duis in iriure eum zzril eum   odio suscipit veniam wisi praesent facilisi nulla vero molestie dignissim   consequat nulla duis eu minim ea. Feugait iriure feugiat ut enim lobortis   consequat delenit hendrerit volutpat, consectetuer nonummy nostrud sed ea velit   suscipit duis blandit. Vel illum accumsan et veniam facilisis molestie, ea vel   dolor duis qui, ipsum et nostrud accumsan feugait odio dolore magna feugiat nibh   accumsan velit illum. Duis laoreet iriure tation eros molestie dolor feugiat vel quis et autem   dolor et et veniam augue eu in nisl iusto suscipit vulputate, aliquam, laoreet.   Vulputate dignissim dolor adipiscing ad qui tation te at diam augue quis,   aliquip exerci wisi erat luptatum, luptatum adipiscing in nostrud zzril nisl   consequat et. Feugait te ullamcorper consequat lobortis eros facilisis augue   nisl diam. </p>
    <p>Dignissim in ut ullamcorper vulputate autem ullamcorper aliquip nulla delenit   blandit nulla odio dolor odio consequat. Luptatum duis in iriure eum zzril eum   odio suscipit veniam wisi praesent facilisi nulla vero molestie dignissim   consequat nulla duis eu minim ea. Feugait iriure feugiat ut enim lobortis   consequat delenit hendrerit volutpat, consectetuer nonummy nostrud sed ea velit   suscipit duis blandit. Vel illum accumsan et veniam facilisis molestie, ea vel   dolor duis qui, ipsum et nostrud accumsan feugait odio dolore magna feugiat nibh   accumsan velit illum. Duis laoreet iriure tation eros molestie dolor feugiat vel quis et autem   dolor et et veniam augue eu in nisl iusto suscipit vulputate, aliquam, laoreet.   Vulputate dignissim dolor adipiscing ad qui tation te at diam augue quis,   aliquip exerci wisi erat luptatum, luptatum adipiscing in nostrud zzril nisl   consequat et. Feugait te ullamcorper consequat lobortis eros facilisis augue   nisl diam. </p>
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        <p>Dignissim in ut ullamcorper vulputate autem ullamcorper aliquip nulla delenit   blandit nulla odio dolor odio consequat. Luptatum duis in iriure eum zzril eum   odio suscipit veniam wisi praesent facilisi nulla vero molestie dignissim   consequat nulla duis eu minim ea. Feugait iriure feugiat ut enim lobortis   consequat delenit hendrerit volutpat, consectetuer nonummy nostrud sed ea velit   suscipit duis blandit. Vel illum accumsan et veniam facilisis molestie, ea vel   dolor duis qui, ipsum et nostrud accumsan feugait odio dolore magna feugiat nibh   accumsan velit illum. Duis laoreet iriure tation eros molestie dolor feugiat vel quis et autem   dolor et et veniam augue eu in nisl iusto suscipit vulputate, aliquam, laoreet.   Vulputate dignissim dolor adipiscing ad qui tation te at diam augue quis,   aliquip exerci wisi erat luptatum, luptatum adipiscing in nostrud zzril nisl   consequat et. Feugait te ullamcorper consequat lobortis eros facilisis augue   nisl diam. </p>
        <p>Dignissim in ut ullamcorper vulputate autem ullamcorper aliquip nulla delenit   blandit nulla odio dolor odio consequat. Luptatum duis in iriure eum zzril eum   odio suscipit veniam wisi praesent facilisi nulla vero molestie dignissim   consequat nulla duis eu minim ea. Feugait iriure feugiat ut enim lobortis   consequat delenit hendrerit volutpat, consectetuer nonummy nostrud sed ea velit   suscipit duis blandit. Vel illum accumsan et veniam facilisis molestie, ea vel   dolor duis qui, ipsum et nostrud accumsan feugait odio dolore magna feugiat nibh   accumsan velit illum. Duis laoreet iriure tation eros molestie dolor feugiat vel quis et autem   dolor et et veniam augue eu in nisl iusto suscipit vulputate, aliquam, laoreet.   Vulputate dignissim dolor adipiscing ad qui tation te at diam augue quis,   aliquip exerci wisi erat luptatum, luptatum adipiscing in nostrud zzril nisl   consequat et. Feugait te ullamcorper consequat lobortis eros facilisis augue   nisl diam. </p>
        <p>Dignissim in ut ullamcorper vulputate autem ullamcorper aliquip nulla delenit   blandit nulla odio dolor odio consequat. Luptatum duis in iriure eum zzril eum   odio suscipit veniam wisi praesent facilisi nulla vero molestie dignissim   consequat nulla duis eu minim ea. Feugait iriure feugiat ut enim lobortis   consequat delenit hendrerit volutpat, consectetuer nonummy nostrud sed ea velit   suscipit duis blandit. Vel illum accumsan et veniam facilisis molestie, ea vel   dolor duis qui, ipsum et nostrud accumsan feugait odio dolore magna feugiat nibh   accumsan velit illum. </p>
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  • When saving documents from word 2013, the save as dialog shows the default path under "other web locations"

    it used to be in the gold ole days of sharepoint 2010 and office 2010 that when I created a document in sharepoint and saved it I would get a dialog, like this (see below)  I have also attached a screen shot of the 2013 save dialog (when you save
    a document for the first time).
    I find it strange that the user actually has to select their "Current Folder" and also that it shows in the dialog as "other web locations"  Why can't it be like in the 2010 days where it automically selects the correct location
    and the user just hits save.  And why does the sharepoint location show up as an "other web location".  Is there anything that can be done (through office registry settings or another way) to make this less confusing for our users???
    now when I do this in office 2013 I get a dialog like this:

    Hi kdube,
    I test in SharePoint 2013 again, When I created a new document library and created a first document and clicked save as, I got a same dialog with you that "Current Folder" was under  "other web locations". 
    But when I created a second document and from then on, when I clicked save as, I got a same dialog with myself that "Current Folder" was under "SharePoint".  
    As I have said, Actually, web locations contain Microsoft SkyDrive and SharePoint libraries. Even the default path under "other web locations", it will not affect the Save As function. 
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • My downloaded text sounds do not show up under the sounds tab in settings after installing 8.1.1. can someone help me please?

    i downloaded a couple text tones and since installing 8.1.1, they will not show up under the sounds tab. in fact, they do not show up in my recent purchases on itunes, but when i go to buy them again, it says that i have already bought this tone. I just want to use the tones i paid for as the tones on my phone. not asking much.... thanks for the help. i hope someone can help me get the tones working. thank you.

    This was happening to me too but only for some of my songs. I have a mac so I dunno about PCs, but for most of my ringtones I had to create an ACC version in itunes to make them short enough then turn that into a m4r and those all worked fine. But if the song was already short enough and I didn't create an ACC version and just turned the original into a m4r, then it wouldn't appear in my itunes.
    so if you're on a mac:
    1. go to get info, options, pick when you want the song to start and end.
         Has to be pretty short to work, 30 second or less is good
         if it's already short enough that's fine
    2. right click and click 'create ACC version'
         a copy with the length you put in will appear, drag that into a folder or whatever and just type in m4r where m4a would be
         still make an ACC version even if it's the right length
    Hopefully this helps someone else.

  • IPod Touch no longer showing up under My Computer

    My iPod Touch is no longer showing in the device list under My Computer and as such can't access it to get my photos off it.
    It works in iTunes just fine, syncs fine, etc.
    If I go to Devices and Printers, it used to be listed under the Devices category as iPod, but now shows under the Unspecified category as Apple Mobile Device USB Driver, so basically a generic device.
    I have no devices with exclamation points or any other trouble signs under Device Manager.

    Well, I am not entirely sure what exactly happened but after trying numerous times to reinstall the drivers and getting all sorts of error messages, I finally got Windows 7 to cooperate. The iPod Touch now shows up and is being detected as a digital camera under Devices, and under Computer it is showing up under Portable Devices. If I double-click on it I can view my pictures, transfer them, delete them, etc.

  • Songs don't show up under artist

    I recently got my first ipod (newbie to ipod, but not to digital music). All my songs in my itunes library have the correct artist name and song name. But after i synced my ipod, most of the songs from my library do not appear under the artist name. How do I fix this? Is there an easy way.
    The songs are on my ipod, but they are not showing up under the artist heading with the other songs by this artist. It seems fine in the itunes library though. Please someone help!

    The songs that are not showing up need to have an album name.
    All songs should have an album, artist and song name.

  • I put songs onto my IPhone 4, and they show up under the "On This Phone" section in itunes, but when I go to play the songs on my phone, they aren't there. How can I fix this?

    I put songs onto my IPhone 4, and they show up under the "On This Phone" section in itunes, but when I go to play the songs on my phone, they aren't there. How can I fix this?

    When you look at your iPhone, are you looking in the Music app or in the iTunes app?  Be sure you are looking in the Music app, and look in the Songs category.  If your songs are not here, you may want to try syncing your information again through iTunes.  To do this, uncheck "Sync Music" and then click apply or sync in the bottom right corner of iTunes, and then recheck "Sync Music" and then click apply or sync again. 
    I hope this helps!

  • TS4062 I can't sync music on my computer to my ipod touch; the ipod shows up under Devices in itunes but does not show buttons (Summary etc.) when I click on it. Suggestions?

    I can't sync music already on my computer to my ipod touch; the ipod shows up under Devices in itunes but does not show buttons (Summary etc.) when I click on it. I've read through all the Help tutorials but none of them say what to do if the sync options don't pop up when you highlight the device.  I've already spent way too much time trying to figure this out and it's driving me crazy!  Thanks for any help you can offer.

    This is correct.  It will not show in finder.  It is not an external storage device.
    The music sync is one way - computer to ipod.  The only exception is itunes purchases.  Open itunes connect ipod, do not sync, click File>Transfer Purchases

  • My Ipod Touch Gen 5 will not show up in Itunes but it shows up under "My Computer" help!

    I have a new Ipod touch gen 5. It shows up under my computer but not under devices in the side bar like it should with Itunes 11. I'm running the latest firmware for my new Itouch and the latest Itunes. I hope I don't have to uninstall my itunes as I have ALOT of music on it. I dont wanna lose it all. I'm running windows 8 and followed the tutorial to a "T" to try to fix the problem but nothing worked. I did everything except the last step. Even checking my Computer for Updates (Itunes will not run if updates to my PC are needed). Help Please!

    Here is the Diagnostic Report. I don't understand it very well.
    Microsoft Windows 8 x64 Home Premium Edition (Build 9200)
    Hewlett-Packard HP 2000 Notebook PC
    QuickTime 7.7.3
    FairPlay 2.3.31
    Apple Application Support 2.3.3
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    VoiceOver Kit 1.4.2 (222093/222742)
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 008BBCB0094EF9B0
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2013-04-04 22:41:18.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name:          {2CAAFB10-5680-46C7-8613-2EDADF28585D}
    Description:          Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {5CE73756-BD5A-4D93-9DF9-A9316C4A6ED7}
    Description:          Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {4CDB268D-46F1-4C51-AAC1-A9F6B76B50F2}
    Description:          Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Thu Apr 04 21:42:42 2013
    Lease Expires:          Fri Apr 05 21:42:42 2013
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {406A6EC4-A42A-4564-810E-0501F8EED96A}
    Description:          Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          No
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires:          Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection:          LAN Connection
    Connected:          Yes
    Online:                    Yes
    Using Modem:          No
    Using LAN:          Yes
    Using Proxy:          No
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is NOT enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to browsing iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to purchasing from iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to iPhone activation server was successful.
    Connection attempt to firmware update server was successful.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    Last successful iTunes Store access was 2013-04-04 22:24:30.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    No drivers in LowerFilters.
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    E: hp DVD A  DS8A8SH, Rev KH62
    Drive is empty.
    The last failed audio CD burn had error code 4280(0x000010b8). It happened on drive E: hp DVD A  DS8A8SH on CDR media at speed 10X.
    **** Device Connectivity Tests ****
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    No Universal Serial Bus Controller found.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    Most Recent Devices Not Currently Connected:
    iPod shuffle (4th Generation) running firmware version 1.0.1
    Serial Number:          CC4H77LFDFDP
    **** Device Sync Tests ****
    No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found.

  • I downloaded a WMA audiobook from library using Overdrive. It shows up on my Itunes listing of Audiobooks on my Ipod, but on the actual Ipod it only shows up on Playlists. How do I get it to show up under Audiobooks?

    I downloaded a WMA audiobook from library using Overdrive. It shows up on my Itunes listing of Audiobooks on my Ipod, but on the actual Ipod it only shows up on Playlists.  It is marked as an audiobook in Options | Media Kind.  It is also marked to Remeber Position, but it does not do that. How do I get it to show up under Audiobooks and remember the position?  I have a 4th Gen Ipod running Ios5

    Check out the instructions for a work around on this post:
    This worked for me.  I would like to see Apple fix this issue, as it isn't very fun to have to do this for every downloaded book.

  • Podcasts do not show up under right menu

    I downloaded a bunch of Podcasts for the first time. On iTunes they all show up under the "podcasts" menu.
    However, when I sync them to the iPod, the Podcast menu is empty, and the podcasts are actually just scattered in with music. How do I fix this?

    You have to select the "Sync All Podcast" setting. This is founded in you iTunes software, Open up your i tunes software and Click on your "Device". When the page opens you will see the headings at the top of the page. Click on Podcast and then slect the "Sync all podcast" feature. This will solve your problem.

  • De-cluttering tip: Is there a way to prevent a track from showing up under "Artist" while still being able to view the artist info when I play the song by Album?

    I asked this question here:
    It was suggested I re-post in this forum, seeing as the problem may be specific to the Touch.
    So, I have lots of "compilation" albums that include songs by various artists (for example, Pitchfork's top 500 singles of the decade). I usually select my music by "Artist," and now my ipod is super cluttered, because now I have hundreds and hundreds of artists listed, many of which I only have one or two songs by from this compilation.
    One solution: simply delete the artist information for these large compilations, and then the songs from the compilations will no longer show up under "Artists." Problem is, I would like to know who the artists are when I play the compilation (I simply don't want to have the artists listed under "Artists")
    Another solution: I could manually delete the artist info, but paste that info on to the song name. For example, a track that once looked like:
    Artist: Nirvana
    Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit
    Album: Best of the '90s
    After my editing, would look like:
    Artist: [blank]
    Title: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
    Album: Best of the '90s
    This would solve my problem...but it would literally take hours to do for each and every individual song. Not practical.
    Does any one have any other suggestions? It seems like there would be a way to just check a box for what info you want to be listed (ie, I could un-check "Artist," and then the song would no longer be listed by Artist, even though the Artist information would still be retained for reference). Does this option exist?
    In the prior thread, someone suggested I mark it as a "compilation" in iTunes. But that did not prevent the individual artists from being listed under "Artists." Someone suggested that I may need to turn "Compilation" to "On" on my iPod. But that does not seem to be an option on the Touch.

    So, I have lots of "compilation" albums that include songs by various artists (for example, Pitchfork's top 500 singles of the decade). I usually select my music by "Artist," and now my ipod is super cluttered, because now I have hundreds and hundreds of artists listed, many of which I only have one or two songs by from this compilation.
    Why not set the iPod to show Compilations?
    In Settings select Main menu (or Music menu) and check Compilations. (You can do so for both if you desire.)
    Now all of the Artists that only appear in compilation albums won't appear in Artists.
    To get to the Artists that only appear in compilation albums open Compilations in your Main Menu or Music Menu (or either).

  • I am trying to download previously purchased music from iTunes, it show "purchased" in iTunes Store but does not show up under previous purchase tab

    There are several albums that I've previously purchased that somehow were deleted from my computer &amp; iPad.  When I go to download available purchases on PC it say that all available punches have been downloaded.  When I check iTunes Store it show as "purchased".  When I try to check &amp; download from iCloud via either iPad or PC these items do not show up under items purchased. 
    I can't even re-purchase the item, which I've tried since it shows as purchased in iTunes Store.  This is very troublesome because there is no way for me to access these previous purchases.  I have been using iTunes &amp; various Apple products with the iTunes Store for several years &amp; there is a lot of money invested in these previous purchases, that there is no way for me to access.  As mentioned, I'd even be willing to re-purchase some of these items (though this should be unnecessary).  But, the iTunes Store won't let me, because the items show up as purchased in store, but not on any of my devices!!!

    Hey innerev2003,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    If, while searching through your past purchases, items are unavailable to download and show a "Purchased" button, they are still on your computer. It may be best to search your iTunes library by clicking Music, then use the search bar at the top right.
    If you are completely sure the items are no longer in your library, try signing out of the iTunes Store, and then back in.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Manage your iTunes Store account
    Matt M.

  • In iTunes  a bunch of songs show up under the wrong artist no matter what I do

    My iTunes library has an odd glitch - there's a bunch of songs that show up under the group "a-ha" despite having nothing to do with a-ha. They don't seem to have anything else in common, either. None of them has an album artist listed and they are all stored the same way on my hard drive (in a folder for the artist and sub-folder for the album). Everything shows up correctly on my iPod, but nothing I can do puts them under the correct artist in iTunes on my desktop. So for example, iTunes doesn't show The Big Bopper as an artist but if I go into Artist: a-ha I find "Hello Baby" as an album and Chantilly Lace is in it. But when I click on info for that track it shows The Big Bopper as the artist, no mention of a-ha in any field I can find. Does anyone have a clue what this is about? I've tried adding the mis-filed artists' folders to the library again but noithing changes.

    Possibly something unwanted in the Sort Artist or Sort Album Artist fields. See Grouping tracks into albums for details.

Maybe you are looking for